The Bet (Mommy/Daughter Futa) Pt. 07

A/N: Still got a lot more crazy planned. That said, I can’t wait until it’s revenge time 😉

Cassie’s POV:

I was awoken by mom untying my bonds.

She freed my hands. “Wakie wakie, babygirl. How’d you sleep?”

I mumbled a reply as she moved to my feet, grocgy enough that I was totally out of it. Even then I didn’t fail to notice that she was wearing tight blue jeans and no top, those soft pillows of hers hanging free.

“Ok! Time for the next fun tie!” Her voice was peppy as all get out. Guess she had a fun night….

I only groaned in response.

“I figured a nice box tie would be good. I practiced last night on Ashley and she seemed to enjoy herself.”

The grogginess immediately lifted upon hearing that. “Mom, gross, no details please.”

“Anyway,” she said as she freed my feet. She walked back to my now unbound arms with nylon rope in her hands. Freedom was short lived. “I can’t wait for Ashley to see this tie on you. It’s gonna lookso delicious.”

She grabbed my arms and pulled them behind my back. She positioned my arms such that each hand was gripping a forearm, about midway down the forearms. I felt rope encircling the middle of my now boxed arms.

“You’re getting way too into this,” I muttered.

“Ya know, I was thinking about that last night,” she said as she tightened the first knot. “I didn’t realize how fun this bondage stuff could be until you tied me up. It was thrilling.” I felt another rope slip between my back and my arms, this one tying my left wrist to my forearm.

“It’s nice when you’re not being forced to do disgusting things by your crazy mom,” I retorted.

“Oh hush now, I know you like it.” She tied off the second knot.

“I do not!” I replied, horrified by the idea.

“I don’t believe you, but don’t worry, I’ll get you to admit it soon enough.” She started on tying my right wrist to my other forearm.

“Nuh-uh.” I shook my head, hair flying everywhere. “I don’t like this at all.”

“Ok fine then. At the very least you can admit you were never able to tie yourself up this good.”

Dammit. She got me. “Ugh. Alright, you do tie a mean knot. And I’ll admit I have gotten to try a lot of fun positions.”

She finished the knot and hoped onto the bed in front of me. Her hair was flowing freely down her back, soft curls cascading downwards. Sharp emerald green eyes pierced my own. Her plump lips reached to be sucked on, and her jugs deserved the careful attention of a tongue-

Wait, what was I thinking! Those thoughts were not ones a daughter should be having about her mother!

What was happening to me?

We suddenly both looked down at my cock, which was hard as a diamond, sticking straight up between my crossed legs.

“Oh my god!” I quickly rolled onto my stomach.

I heard mom crack up, laughing heartily. even in my embarrassment, I could still recognize just how cute her laugh was, a true MILFs laugh. She slapped me on the ass and I involuntarily jumped, thoughts of her laugh scattering.

“So, was that the ropes or my tits?”

I responded too quickly, far too quickly. “The ropes!”

I turned my head to see her raising an eyebrow at me.

“Alright, whatever you say.” She held my gaze for a second longer before bending down to grab some more rope. “I’ve already seen it so no need to hide it anymore. I’ve gotta finish your chest and back anyway.”

I didn’t want to get back up but, with a strong grip on one of my arms, she pulled me right back up. I blushed furiously and turned my face away from her. She set to work on the chest harness, wrapping rope that crisscrossed between my breasts and went over my shoulders, not getting connected to anything just yet. She used a rope that went above and below my boobs and were tied behind my back, crossing over my biceps.

The ropes that were tied between my breasts were then connected to those new ones. It ended up making myboobs look fantastic and I marveled at it.

“Nice, huh?” She asked.

I nodded in agreement, forgetting the boss. It felt nice and snug, much better than the tight elbow tie from yesterday.

“Ok stand up for me, babygirl.”

I did as she asked, feeling a little wobbly without the use of my arms for balance. She immediately went to adjust the diamond. She pulled it up on me a little more.

“Aren’t you gonna take this off?” I asked as she fidgeted with it.

“Of course not!” She said, with far too much pep in her voice. “Don’t you wanna show Ashley how cute you are? She’s downstairs right now.”

“What? No, of course not. Mom, I cannot, absolutely cannot, show my best friend that I’m wearing diamonds.” I stood firmly, hoping to show that I would not be moved on the matter.

Her perky attitude was unfazed. “We gotta. You’re like a little snack.” She reached around me and gave me another slap on the butt. “That ass looks so scrumptious!”

“Ok, one, that was gross, and two, I will never be able to look her in the eyes again if she sees me like this. I cannot go down there.”

“Are you disobeying me?” For a statement that sounded so threatening, her tone was surprisingly airy, light even, like she still had a bounce in her step. Her smile didn’t show any signs of disease either.

“You’re not taking me down there,” I said flatley.

“Alright, you chose the hard way!” With a skip, she grabbed my hair mercilessly and hummed a tune as she started forward. I yelped.

Her fist gripped the hair on the back of my head, and it forced me to turn and look to the wall on the left as she walked and I hobbled, trying to minimize how much she was pulling on it.

“Ow ow ow.”

Her tuned drowned out My cries of pain. We descended the steps slowly and, through squinted eyes that were rapidly filling with tears, I saw Ashley seated at the kitchen island, eating by herself. She turned and looked at us upon hearing the commotion.

“Tada!” Mom said with a flourish as she continued to drag me down the stairs. “Doesn’t she looks adorable?”

Ashley clapped her hands together and ‘ooo’ed in response, looking positively delighted. The blush from before came roaring back, absolutely worsened by the fact that I was being dragged by my hair, bent over halfway.

We reached the bottom step and mom finally let go of my hair (which hurt like a bitch). I straightened myself up and looked away, cringing, while Ashley sauntered over.

I wanted to move away but I was afraid my mom would refrain my hair so I stayed put. Ashley stopped right in front of me. I kept my eyes abused, chefs absolutely scarlet.

“She does look cute in those diamonds. They make her ass stand out.” Her voice was brimming with lust. Then her tone changed, becoming more uncertain, perhaps even a little anxious. “Can I kiss her?”

My mom was already walking into the kitchen and didn’t even turn around to respond. “Sure,just don’t get too frisky because I still have lots of plans for her today and I need her well prepared.”

They were treating me like I was a slave, beholden to my mother, owned by my mother. I couldn’t believe it but before it all could really sink in, Ashley’s lips were suddenly on mine. She shoved me into the wall, my bound hands protecting me from just banging my back into it.

Ashley’s hands found my cock, which was peeking out of the diamonds, a half chub, as her tongue invaded my mouth, searching with a hungered frenzy. I tried to pull away, but Ashley was able to hold my head in place with her other hand as she simply stroked my cock.

It was too lewd, too horrible. No one should have to touch my ugly, nasty cock yet here she was, caresing it with those soft, delicate hands of hers.

Her lips continued to mash against mine, smearing saliva and leaving me with a weak taste of sun-kissed strawberries. Those lips of hers, those rosy and sensitive lips, had been wrapped around my cock no less than 12 hours ago. My cock throbbed and I tried to pull away again but the bonds held my arms against my back and her hand stayed my head.

Her hand stroked my cock and it ended up costing it in my own precum. Even though getting my own precum on me was horribly gross, I couldn’t deny that her hand being covered in it did make me feel amazing.

“Alright Girls, the eggs are ready,” I heard mom says.

Ashley gave me one final, long and very wet kiss before pulling herself off me. Her hand, though, didn’t leave my cock. Instead, with a sultry grin, she led me over to the table by my dick. That’s when I noticed there was a feeding chair at the island, one that was clearly modeled after the ones for infants but was large enough to fit an adult.

“Oh no,” I breathed, still tasting Ashley in my mouth. “Please no. I can’t sit there.”

My mom surprised. She was at the stove, currently sliding eggs onto three plates. “You don’t have a choice so sit in the chair. I’m not ruining my breakfast fighting with you over where you get to sit.”

“Mom!” I complained. Ashley didn’t stop pulling my dick until we stopped in front of the chair. I saw more clearly now that it was outfitted with straws of all sorts. A bond feeding chair. It was made of wood and had a tray that was currently raised up. The back of the chair was high enough that it would reach right underneath my head. There was an expanded section coupled with its own stick that could be used to tie someone’s head down, I presumed. I groaned inwardly.

I turned to Ashley. “Ashley, please don’t do this. This is too humiliating.”

“Aww, come on, it’ll look so cute. Plus I’ll get to feed you and everything! It’ll be like you’re my baby sister.” She gently pushed me into the chair and, without the use of my hands, I tumbled into it.

She scampered to my behind and quickly pulled me in deeper. Then, before I could put up much of a fight, she pulled the first belt around me, clicked it into place and cinched it tight. It wound right across the bottom of my belly, cutting into the skin.

“Ashley, don’t lock me in here.” I tried to give her my best puppy dog ​​eyes but it was useless. She was too excited about strapping me in to care.

A strap went over my thighs and then each leg was strapped to the right and left legs of the chair. Ashley’s work was quick and efficient, never taking more than a few seconds to buckle the straws and tighten them.

One went right under my breasts which gave Ashley a reason to grab and fondle them. I struggled against her but the newly added bindings combined with my old ones left me essentially unable to move.

Tingles raced down my body as her fingers dug into my soft tits. “Stop it!” I cried out. But she didn’t. Instead, a single hand went to cover my mouth.

“Mmmph! Mmph!” I cried as she continued to grope my right boob. Her hand pulled at my nipple and I screamed again. It was a sharp biting pain and I tried to reduce the amount she was pulling on it but I had nowhere to go. She let the nipple go and started to grope again, hand clenched around it, moving it in large circles. I clenched and unclenched my fists, helpless to do anything.

Her other hand gripped my mouth tightly and I quickly found I was only able to make the barest of “mmph”‘s. Even with the fierce hold, I noticed how soft they were and how they smelled like lavender.

“Ooo, someone likes being gropeed,” she said with a different smile.

I looked down and saw that my erection was continuing to rage on, sticking out my diaper like a beacon. I moaned into her hand.

Yesterday she had been so cautious, so nervous about touching me. Now she was like an animal, a completely different person. I Couldn’t believe it. Has she always been like this? I tried to think back but the constant molesting of my breast and the tweaking of my nipple (which elicited small screams each time)keep me from doing so.

“Alright, alright, that’s enough now.” Mom was already seated at the table and our plates of food were present as well, eggs with some toast and a jam on the side. Ashley released me and I sucked in a lungful of air, free from lavender-scented captivity.

Embarrassment continued to reign and it showed on my face.

Ashley took the chair right next to me, even scooting a little closer. She gingerly pulled the tray down and placed my plate on it. Given how tightly strapped and tied up I was, I knew what was coming next.

She picked up a fork, speared some scrambled eggs onto it, and brought it to my mouth. “Open wide,” she said with an innocent smile.

She shoveled the food into my mouth and I simply had to let her. It was degrading, Sitting her in a baby feeder, wearing diamonds and being fed by someone my age, my best friend.

I cautiously pulled the food off the fork and started to chew. Ashley speared some more eggs. I hadn’t eatenSince the day prior so I had to admit it tasted good. She continued to feed me and we developed a rhythm. I tried not to focus on the fact that she was treating me like I was a baby.

That is, until she decided to change it up. She set down the fork and then picked up a piece of egg with her thumb and index finger. I know what was coming.

She brought it to my mouth.

“No, Ashley, that’s OK. I’m not-“

She shutted it into my mouth, making sure to really get her fingers on my tongue. I was able to pull away from her despite my extremely limited mobility. I chewed quickly and swallowed it fast.

“What the heck? You can feed me with a fork just fi-“

She interrupted me by sticking her fingers in again. Her fingers mixed with the slightly salty eggs left a rather Weird taste in my mouth and I tried to move my head side to side to get her fingers out but she wouldn’t let me.

“Cassie, sweetie, be a dear and clean her fingers.” I wasn’t even sure my mom was looking but I was currently preoccupied with Ashley’s fingers in my mouth so I couldn’t tell for sure.

I looked into Ashley’s eyes. They gleamed with unbridled lust. There was no way in hell I was going to be getting out of this. I swallowed my pride and grazed my tongue against her index finger.

“More,” she whispered.

I did more. My tongue danced across them, humiliated and defeated. I had to juggle the eggs already in my mouth so they wouldn’t sully her hands. I licked and licked.

Eventually she relented and pulled them out. I was able to chew the eggs and swallow, suddenly having lost my appetite.

I heard mom get up and I turned to look at her.

To my horror, I could see her raging hardon through the outline of her jeans.

“Ya Know, I had plans once again for you but things change. I just want a nice big cock in my mouth right now. What do you say we do a little sharing, Ashley.”

She nodded eagerly. They pushed my chair so they had more room. Ashley placed my plate back on the table and my mom lifted the tray.

“Guys, no. I don’t consent to this.” Ashley kneeed on the ground as I spoke. I tried to wiggle out of my chair, arms utterly useless in their box tie. “Mom, stop. I’m ordering you to stop.” Desperation filled my voice. I did not want anyone touching my penis, especially since I was in such a vulnerable state.

“If you’re gonna keep talking, then I’m gonna have to silence you.” Mom pulled out a red ballgag from her back pocket. Like a crack of lightning, she shoved it into my mouth and buckled it before I could say anything else.

“There we go!” She said with a smile. “Problem solved, right Ashley?”

“She looks extra tasty now,” Ashley agreed as mom sank onto her knees. Mom pulled my diaper down a little bit to get more of dick out. It throbbed under her touch, engorged and firey red.

Then they both descended on it. Each took a side, my mom on the right and Ashley on the left. Theirtongues raced up and down my shake. They quickly fell into a rhythm, heads bobbing in unison. Mom’s emerald green eyes and Ashley’s deep blue ones twinkled up at me as I “mmphed” for them to stop.

Their lips nibbled on my crown, full and plump on my mom’s side and sexy red on Ashley’s. Their lips met on my cockhead and they started to make out over it, lips mashing against each other as they hungrily devoured both my cockhead and each other. Their tongues flicked over my cockhead and would occasionally grazed against the other.

I moaned at the intensity of the pleasure emanating from my cock. Their kissing grow in excitement and they simultaneously departed from my cock to continue making out with each other. Ashley’s hands went to my mom’s heavy tits, squishing and griping them madly. Mom’s own hands went to her cock and mine, stroking both. Full, long strokes with those soft delicate hands of hers keep me on edge but they were careful enough to not move me towards an orgasm, instead merely teasing me.

Slurping and smoothing sounds filled the room as my mom invaded Ashley’s mouth with her tongue.

The sight before me was so lewd. I tried to tell them to stop. “Pmmphm smmph!”

They ignored me and I struggled in my feeder chair usefully, barely able to make it budget. The ropes and straps were too tight.

Mom’s attention stroking didn’t let up despite my relatively restricted grabpling with the bonds. My and cock thrummed with delight despite my still-growing horror at the sight before me.

Mom suddenly grabbed Ashley by the hair, which elicited a small yelp, and then pushed her down on my dick, my mind instantly battered by the sensings of a warm, wet mouth surrounding my cockhead and shake. I was right at the entrance to her throat. My mom pushed her down a little more to get her to gargle my dick and gargle she did.

Her throat made lewd sounds as I repeatedly hit it and Ashley’s brown hair spilled over my thighs. I pracTically screamed from sensitive gratification. Mom’s hand was still struggling my cock in time with Ashley’s forced bobs.

I groaned again and drool ended up escaping my mouth. I had been trying to keep it in but the gag produced so much and I wasn’t able to swallow it. It ended up dribbling down my chest and onto the base of my cock.

“Now let mommy try.” She pulled Ashley off, still by the hair, and her own mouth descended onto my dick. My balls tightened as she did so.

She bobbed her head and slid her mouth up and down my shaft. Instead of kissing noises filling the room, it was noises from my mom giving me a blowjob, slurps and suckles and wet sounds. It was so naughty, so horrid.

Whimpers escaped my gagged mouth. I closed my eyes as she continued to poison me down There but it only made the sensings more intense, more vivid. Pressure started to build in my balls.

I opened my eyes again to see mom reaching over to my diaper and then pulling it down so my ball could slip out. Ashley’s face was roughly shoved into them and suddenly I was feeling two intense sensings: my mommy’s lips wrapped around my rockhard cock and Ashley’s gentle lavishing licks and suckles on my balls.

I had to stop this madness especially now that I could feel my need to orgasm rising.

“Mmn nmmn phn phphnp!” I yelled, trying to say “You need to stop!”

My mom popped her mouth of my dick and she gave me a delicious smile. “Aww, babygirl, just enjoy your mommy blowing your cock. There’s nothing you can do anyway. Not with these tight bonds.” She reached up and gave my nipple a squeeze, a show of dominance, and it elicited a squeal in pain from me. Then her hot wet mouth returned to nursesing me, head bobbing even faster.

I struggled in vain, trying to unbind my arms to push them both off but failing that. They were locked behind me and I was locked to the chair.

Mom really worked my dick and Ashley fitted my balls into her mouth, her warm tongue lavishing them with attention.

I bit down on the gag hard and felt more drool spill forth. Everything just felt so good. Mom’s slurps got progressively louder until I hit the back of her throat. It was so suddenly and so intense that I jerked in my bondage chair and “mmphed” against the rubber ball.

Then she broke past and suddenly I was in her esophagus. Her tight throat muscles Instantly started to massage my cock. Mom pushed deeper and before I knew it, her nose was pressed firmly against crotch, which was still wet from the drool.


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