Devin’s trip across town to her friend Sophie’s house was a bit more of a challenge than usual that Saturday morning. A freak early spring snowstorm was making streets a bit slippery. Still, this was a special day, and she was determined that the weather would not deter their plans. For years, the two of them had bet on their gym’s annual instructors’ competition. The bet was always paid off at the post-competition party at Sophie’s house, and this year for the first time in five years, Sophie had won. Therefore, she would be at her friends’ mercy for the rest of the day. She knew some but not all of the details of what was going to happen to her.
In a way she was thankful the snow was making her concentrate on her driving as she couldn’t think about what was ahead. She trusted Sophie and all the others so was not at all nervous — Only curious. The two of them occasionally tied each other up and even had a set of punishments for conduct deemed detrimental to their friendship.For this they had acquired a good supply of equipment. Though she would never admit it to anyone, not even herself, she was glad to be on the paying end of the bet for a change. Deep inside she was very submissive by nature and really didn’t enjoy being on top. She also loved the attention that the loser got.
When Devin arrived, she quickly shed her foul-weather clothes down to her tank top and short Shorts. As always when at home, Sophie was barefoot and wearing shorts and a t-shirt, so for the time being they were on equal terms. The ladies quickly finished getting the food and soft drinks ready for their friends and turned their attention to the bet. “Ok,” Devin said, “You really outperformed me last week. In fact, I really embarrassed myself, so give me your best shot. You earned that, and I deserve it!”
“Honey, I’ve been thinking about this all day. When we made the bet, neither of us expected four inches of snow today. If you want to back out on the outside part youcan. No one but us will know, and we can still give the other instructors the fun that they are used to.”
Devin gently put an arm around her friend’s shoulder. “How many times in the last 20 years have you asked me to let you out of part of a bet you lost?”
“Then there is no way I’m going to do it. Thanks for the offer, though. That’ll get you a ‘get out of a punishment free.’ Now, the others will be here soon, so we need to get started. Here’s my bag of clothes. What’s my outfit for round one?”
“Not so fast, my friend. You know the rules here. Strip!…Good! Now, put on your white string bikini. Put some pantyhose on under it…Go to my room and bring our toy bag. You know where it is.”
“I sure do!…I’m ready. Tie me up tight!”
“OK. Blindfold and gag yourself. Use whatever you want….Hands behind your back, feet shoulder width apart..Now spin until I tell you to stop….Stop!”
Though she never lost her balance, Devin now had no ideaa which way she was facing. To add to her confusion, Sophie took numerous turns as they made their way to her home gym. There she positioned her friend under the rings. Taking a long rope, she tied it around Devin’s wait and ran it between her legs. “On your tiptoes,” she instructed. She then ran the rope up to the rings and tied it off leaving no slack at all. As a final predicament, she tied a rope around the handcuffs and ran it to the rings pulling Devin’s arms out behind her in a strappado position. If Devin wanted to relieve the pressure on her toes and arms, she would have to shift all her weight onto the rope between her legs. “You OK?” she asked.
Devin nodded, “yes.”
“Do you think you’ll be OK for say 30 minutes until everyone else gets here?” Same response. “Just in case, I’m going to give you an air horn. If it gets too painful, just set it off. I’ll check back often even if I don’t hear it. If you’ve dropped it, I’ll take the gag out immediately. Just be honestand tell me how you’re doing. Got it?” Another nod. Sophie started to leave the room, but Devin was obviously trying to tell her something. After a couple of attempts to understand her through the gag, she finally made out what she thought she was saying. “Are you asking for nipple clamps?” A nod. “You’re in a mighty uncomfortable position now. Are you sure?” Emphatic nod. “OK.” Since the bikini top barely covered her ample boobs, it took little effort to slide it down and comply with her wish. “Thank you,” Devin said as best she could.
Just then, the doorbell rang, and Sophie answered it to welcome twins Julie and Chrissy. Both quickly made themselves comfortable by shedding their coats and boots. They were identified so normally wore different outfits to make telling them apart easier but Today had chosen to wear matching gym lootards and feetless hose. “Where’s your shadow?” Julie asked with a smile.
“She’s a little tied up in the gym at the moment. Grab a snack if you want, then you can relax until the rest get here. We’ll all go join her at the same time.”
“Sounds like maybe you two have taken your bet to a little higher level,” Chrissy commented.
“We have, and she’s loving every minute of it! Of course, I can’t say that I wouldn’t be if I had lost!”
Soon, Heather, Trish, Kate, and Tammy nearly completed the group. Like They others they wore various combinations of tube and belly shirts and shorts and were barefoot. “Where’s Amy?” Sophie asked Tammy.
“She’s in the car. We have a proposal to make to you and Devin, and we need to know your answer before she comes in. We didn’t know Devin wasn’t going to be with us when we first got here, so I’m not quite sure what to do at the moment.”
“Tell me Your proposal, and we’ll figure it out.”
“This is coming from all of us, not just Amy and me. We love watching you two carry out your crazy bets but would like to up the ante and get more of us involved. Our idea is that youTwo make your bet just like you always do. Whoever finishes last in the competition will face the same consequences as the loser between you two only stepped up a bit. Whoever wins the contest will be her partner. If one of you finishes first or last, the person behind and/or ahead of you will fill the other spot. If you agree, we’d like to make this retroactive to this year. Since Amy lost, she is waiting in the car. We have our gear with us that you can use as well. If you agree to us joining you, I’ll do whatever is necessary for her to be in a slightly worse position than Devin. If you don’t agree, she can join us as if nothing were discussed. So, shall we go ask Devin?”
“No need to for a couple of reasons. First, our bet is that for today, she is 100% under my control. Second, I know what her answer would be, and that is an enthusiastic, ‘yes!’”
“Well, that settles it. What do I need to do?”
“Until we go to the gym, you can’t really match Devin. Just have Amy wearing as little as possible, bound, gagged, and blindfolded. Devin insisted that I put some nipple clamps on her, so if you have any, add them. The rest we’ll have to do later.”
A few minutes later, Tammy returned with Amy in tow. In addition to the nipple clamps, Tammy had crammed a bit of snow inside the bottom of Amy’s bikini. After spinning her around as Devin had done to herself, the entire group made their way to the gym. When they arrived, the air horn was still firmly in Devin’s hands, and from all appearances, she was quite happy in her prediction. Amy was quickly secured to a second set of rings. Clamps were added to her nipples, and small weights were attached. Sophie then directed everyone’s attention to a neary table which held a variety of paddles, straps, and whips. “Each of you may choose one of these to use. Her butt is the only spot that you may hit. If you want to pull her bottom and hose down, you may. Give her two good hard swats…”
“Amy gets four allbare butt,” Tammy interjected.
“OK…You’ll give Devin hers then Amy. Who’s first?”
“I’ll go,” Julie said, “but I don’t have much experience.”
“That’s OK,” Sophie told her. “Use the quirt over her bottoms. It’ll be a good warm up for the strokes to come. If you need some points we’ll help you before you do Amy.”
Dispite her best efforts, Julie’s blows did not even draw a reaction from Devin. “That was awful!” she admitted.
Tammy gently put an arm around her shoulder. “You tried, honey! Can I get a volunteer to let me show her?”
“Sure,” Chrissy agreed. “Bare bottom or over my lootard?”
“Over it is fine. Bend over…Julie, I know you’ve played tennis. Just a good hard forehand!” SMACK!! Chrissy yelped and stumbled forward a couple of steps. “You OK?”
“I’m fine! You’d better give me one more just to be sure Julie has the idea then let her take a couple of practice swings before she does Amy. We wouldn’t want to disappoint her like we didDevin.”
“As you wish…Kate, grab her shoulders so she doesn’t fall.” SMACK! Chrissy yelped again. Tammy handed the instrument to Julie and helped her line up. This time her strokes were sharp and true and drew the desired reaction from her sister.
Julie then turned her attention to Amy. She untied the knots holding her bottom in place and slide it out from between her legs. Four rapid sharp blows instantly turned Amy’s ass pink.
“I’m next,” Chrissy said. “Do I get a couple of practice swings?”
“Sure,” her sister replied. “Since I spanked you it’s only fair that you spank me.”
Taking a stick similar to the quirt Julie had used, she took dead aim on Julie’s ass. The first stroke was a bit weak, but the second landed exactly as desired. “OK, Devin, since my sister’s swats didn’t get a reaction, I’m going to pull your bottoms down to make up for it.” Devin vigorously nodded her approval, and Chrissy delivered on her promise then followed up with Amy with equalresults.
Kate selected a large paddle with holes in it and moved beside Devin. Since she knew first-hand how much this hurt, she started to pull her hose and bikini bottom back into place, but Devin Shook her head, “no.” Sensing that her friend wanted no quarter, Kate delivered the strokes with the force she had intended then did the same to Amy. Each of the others followed until both captives’ asses were glowing red Although Amy’s was more so than Devin’s.
When this was done, they were released from all their restraints except their handscuffs and their gags and blindfolds removed. Each was given a drink by her partner then the group made their way to the living room.
“Ladies, how was round one?” Sophie asked.
“AWESOME!!” Devin responded. “I wish I could get my boyfriend to give me a spanking like that!”
“Intense but terrific!” added Amy. “I wish mine would, too.”
“I think both of you deserve a reward for taking your spankings so well. You have up to 10 minutes to cool your butts in the snow before we move to the next round. Since we don’t want you to fall, the cuffs come off. NO ARGUING!!! When you’re finished, come back in dry off, strip, put the leg shackles on, blindfold and gag yourselfves, then cuff your hands behind you. Amy, for this part, you and Devin are going to have to be on equal terms. It just won’t work any other way.”
Both ladies took full advantage of the time to soothe their rears before coming in and doing as instructed. Sophie and Tammy took long chains and wrapped them around their partners’ waits. When they locked them into place, a long section was left. This was pulled between their legs and pushed behind the front section just below their bellybuttons. This made an effective lean by which they could be led to an area of the garage where thick mats had been placed on the floor and the chains removed.
“Round two will be a good test for you two. There are 10 bags of banana pudding hanging fromthe ceiling. Yes, Devin, I know you hate bananas, so that’s why I choose that. We can’t make all of the debt payment fun, can we? And yes, I expect you to get me back for it at some point! Inside of one of those 10 bags is a key that will free you from your restraints. One of you will be blindfolded, the other gagged, and you will have to work together to find it and free yourselves. Even if the blindfolded girl gets the opportunity to remove the blindfold, she may not. If it comes off on its own, you must get one of us to put it back on, and you will be punished. Devin, you get to make the choice. Nod your head if you want to be blindfolded, shake it if you want to be gagged.”
Devin shook her head, and her blindfold and Amy’s gag were removed. Immediately, they went to work trying to find the key. This was no easy task as the bags were suspended on bungee cords at slightly above waist level. With their hands secured behind them, all they could really do was yank the bags off the ir hooks which inevitably lead to the contents being spilled all over them and the floor. Also, luck was not on their side, and it turned out that the key was in the 10th bag they opened. With both the girls and the floor now very slippery, even two flexible gymnasts had great difficulty freeing themselves. By the time they did, they were pretty much covered in the pudding. When their blindfold and gag had been removed, Sophie told them, “You have two choices to get cleaned up before we go back in the house. You may either go out and roll around in the snow or I’ll hose you off while I’m cleaning the floor. Either way, it’s going to be cold. Choices?”
“Hose,” Devin replied.
“Likewise,” added Amy.
“OK. If either of you gets too loud, both of you get 10 with the quirt across your tits. If both of you get too loud it’s 20. Understood?”
Both nodded their agreement, with the hose on full force and the nozzle set for maximum pressure, Sophie opened up. At first, she was a bit careful with the angle she was hitting the pair at so that the water did not hit them directly. Soon, though, she was aiming directly at them and occasionally zeroing in on their most sensitive spots. As she expected, more and more sound began to escape from their mouths eventually reaching the point where she said, “That’s it! 20 apice when we get back inside.” When the girls and the floor were clean, she gave They towels then ordered them to put their restraints, including the wait chains/leashes, back on. They were blindfolded but not gagged. She and Amy then led them back to the gym.
Before Sophie could give them any direction, Heather commented, “You know, you set them up to be punished. The way you aimed the hose, they were absolutely going to get loud. That wasn’t fair.”
“You’re right, Heather, it wasn’t. I guess I should be punished instead of them.”
“No chance!” Devin commented. “It was a good test of our self-control, and we didn’t pass. She’s nottaking my punishment.”
“I agree completely,” Amy added.
“You two make a good argument,” Heather conceded. “Still, I think the way she handled the hose was at least a little unfair.”
“I agree,” said Sophie. “The fair thing would be for me to be punished in the same way they will be. I’ll go first. Heather, since you called me out on this, you get to do the honors.” She reached into the gear bag and took out two ropes, a ball gag, a blindfold and a pair of handscuffs. After walking over to the lower of the uneven bars, she tied her ankles leaving a couple of inches between them. Next she took a longer rope, tied one end to the one on her ankles and the other to the handscuffs, laid the rig behind her on the floor. “When I put my hands behind my head, I need someone to tie my elbows in front and put the cuffs on my wrists. Don’t worry, I’ve stretched out, so you won’t hurt me. Heather, give me your best shots.” Sophie then gagged and blindfolded herself and put her hands behind her head.
Grabbing a short rope, Trish tied off her elbows while Heather carefully arched her over the bar and cuffed her wrists. When they were done, she was effectively suspended from the bar by her armits in almost a circle. The position was perfect to allow Heather perfect access to her tits, and she delivered the strokes as indicated. When she finished, she and Kate freed Sophie, and Sophie pulled her shorts and sports bra back on. Now, freed from her restraints, Devin was instructed to prepare herself as Sophie had while clover clamps were added to Amy’s nipples for her extra. This time, Tammy delivered the strokes. When she was done, Amy followed her onto the bar, her clamps were removed, and she would definitely accept her fate.
Through all of this, the twins had been silent but intensely interested observers. Before Sophie could announce what was next, Julie said, “We have a favor to ask. Can we have our tits whipped? Only we’d like to do it together.”
“Sure,” Sophie replied with a smile. “The only problem is that it would be a little hard to reach the person on the left.”
“Amy’s left-handed, so if she could be allowed to do it, that would solve that.”
“Fine with me,” Tammy agreed. “Amy, I’m going to give you the choice, though. You came into this only planning to be on the receiving end.”
“If I can put clamps on my nipples and pussy lips so that I’m still being punished for my lousy performance, I’ll be happy to.”
“Fair enough!”
While Amy’s request was being honored, the twins stripped and went to the bar. Trish handed them ropes and cuffs to prepare themselves. “Blindfolds and gags, too,” Chrissy asked.
“Blindfolds OK, gags no,” Tammy replied. “I can tell you two are Just experimenting, so you need to be able to communicate with us. You will do that with three words. Green means that you want it harder, yellow means that you want to take a break, and red means you want to stop and be released. Understand?”
Both acknowledged that they did, and Amy and Tammy helped them finish tying themselves. “Since you aren’t gagged, you’re going to count the strokes aloud and say, ‘Thank you,’ after each. If you forget, your sister gets an extra,” Tammy told them. THWACK! THWACK! “One, thank you. Green,” said both twins. This was repeated after the next two, strokes, then only the required words after the final seven. “Ladies, I am impressed!!” Tammy told them as Amy set them free. “This can’t be your first time being whipped like this.”
“My dear friend, it is indeed,” Julie assured her, “but it will definitely not be the last! It hurt like crazy but in the way that it hurts after a hard day of training. I will gladly experience that again and hope to be able to take three or four times that many strokes.”
“Same here, Chrissy added. “Thanks so much!! Sophie, we’re about the same size, so could I borrow one of your bikinis? I might want to jump in again if you don’t mind, and itwould be more convenient to get vulnerable in that than from my lootard.”
“Sure. Julie, you, too, I presume.”
“I’ll get them for you. Right now, I think we are all due for a break, so the kitchen and dining room are open. Devin and Amy, you may put your bikinis back on. No hose this time. Amy, you may take the clamps off. Like I said, this is break time for everyone.”
“I’ll keep one set on, and we’ll let fate decide which one. I’ll flip a coin. Heads the nipple clamps stay on, tails the pussy clamps. That part of me stays uncovered as well…Tails!”
For the next hour, the ladies socialized as they would have at any of their get-togethers. When all were rested and refreshed, they headed back to the gym for the next round of the bet payment. By now, Amy’s pussy was throbbing from the clamps, so they had to go. Having endured this punishment previously from Tammy, she knew what to expect when they came off. “How do you want these to come off?” Tammyasked.
“Tie my hands to the high bar and my ankles to the supporters. Spread my legs as far as you can. Blindfold and gag me, and I mean gag me well. You know how loud I’m going to scream, and I want it muffled as much as possible. When you have me in position, tease me for a bit then give them a good, hard yank!”
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