The Awakening of Crystal Ch. 09

Crystal waited nervously in the lobby for the mysterious window cleaner. Would he show up for his money? Did she have the courage to go through with her wicked idea? And what would he say when she told him she wanted him to meet her at a motel to fuck her brains out? Butterflies flew around in her stomach and for a moment she thought of leaving the envelope with the main receptionist in the lobby. She was still arguing with herself when the man walked through the front entrance, looking even more ruggedly handsome than on the other side of the 20th floor pane of glass. His deeply tanned face and arms were evidence he spent a lot of hours outdoors. As he approached the receptionist, her palms began to sweat and she felt her knees shaking at the thought of speaking to this man. She felt like a school girl with a crush on a man she saw but never met and at that moment, all she wanted to do was run. But then his eyes caught hers and it was too late to escape.

“God, he looks so fucking handsome,” she mused quietly while watching him approach her. She noticed the smile on his face when he recognized her and then she blurted out like a young school girl. “I ahh…… I was going to leave this at the desk for you.” She saw his eyes shift up and down her sexy secretary outfit as if devouring her. Another thought of how good he looked ran amuck in her head. Standing motionless she found herself unable to say a word another word.

Connor Appleton smiled at the absolutely stunning redhead standing in front of him. Just a short time back he was watching her try to get at his cock through the double pane thermal window and now she was standing directly in front of him. It was a great show and one he never expected. He had seen his share of women exposing themselves and teasing him as he went about his job of cleaning windows. But never in his life had he seen the display like he saw this afternoon. “Thank you,” he said holding out his hand for the white envelope.

Crystal forced a hesitant smile while her insides churned with nervousness. He looked better in person than he did on the other side of the glazed glass. The cat had her tongue as she quietly handed him the envelope and allowing her eyes to travel south where the cock she was denied was nestled in his white coverall. Gulping she whispered “You’re welcome,” and then glanced over his shoulder to see if someone was watching them.

Her moment of hesitation was not lost on Connor, feeling she wanted to say something else. He hadn’t expected to see the sexy redhead, only pick up the envelope from the main receptionist desk. But here she was and it was an awkward moment before he said, “I enjoyed watching you.” The vision of her mouth so close to his cock filled his brain. “Did you know the man in the office?”

Crystal’s eyes opened a little wider at the question. Does he think I’m a hooker? Gathering the courage to speak, she answered him. “It’s not what you think. He’s my husband and I have a feeling he know when you would be cleaning the windows.” Shuffling her feet, she felt her face flush with embarrassment. “You…… you enjoyed watching us?”

A bright smile lit up his face. “Yes I did.” Holding out his hand, he added, “My name is Connor….. Connor Appleton.”

Extending her hand, she felt it being swallowed by his large hand, amazed at the roughness of his palm. “Nice to meet you Connor. My name is Crystal Powers.”

The thought of his rough hands roaming over her body excited her and she felt a surge of lust between her tights. Visions of holding his naked cock in her hands danced in her head. She wanted to know what this man’s cock would feel like in her pussy but then suddenly, she found herself afraid to say anything of the sort. Her plan to ask him to meet her at a local motel continued to dance in her head but she was finding it hard to come out and say it. Nervously she looked at her watch, suddenly wanting to escape. “I ahhh I have to get home.”

“Kids uhh.”

“No, we don’t have kids yet.” Nervousness was closing in on her and she began to wring her hands. Suddenly, she was really unsure of herself and only wanted to get away from this rugged man. She really wanted to tell him she wanted to find a place where she could have his cock all to herself. But the fear of rejection loomed in her head.

Connor sensed her uneasiness and with a soft smile, let her off the hook. “It was nice to meet you Ms. Powers. Maybe we will meet again soon.”

The way he emhasized soon, made her heart leap. Was it possible they would meet? But how? When? Questions flooded her brain and all she could say was, “Yes, maybe Connor.” She felt like an utter fool as she quickly turned away, scolding herself for being such a pansy. Why couldn’t she be more forceful? Why couldn’t she tell him she wanted to suck his cock and then have him fuck her so hard until she was screaming?

Connor almost called her back but instead watched the gorgeous redhead walk away, slowly shaking his head and smiling at the way her cute but chefs sweepened separately. Smiling he wondered if someday he would sample her wares. Turning his attention to the envelope, he hoped the man didn’t stiff him.

Pulling out crisp one-hundred-dollar bills, he rubbed them, remembering how the woman crawled to the window with absolute lust in her eyes. Was her old man loaded? Opening the envelope to put the bills back into the envelope, he noticed a piece of paper and intrigued, pulled it out.

The note was very simple, ‘Call me. I have a proposition for you.’ What the hell did the man on the 20th floor want to talk to him about? Walking to his work van, he wondered what was going on with the couple. What is this proposition he wants to talk about? What could he want that would involve him? Different visions of the show he witnessed filled his senses as he started the van. Driving through rush hour traffic, he couldn’t put thecouple out of his head but he was hesitant to make the call. Not sure if he wanted to get involved with the couple, he decided to wait before contacting the man.


Charles was still thinking about the office sex on the drive home. His call to Sylvia to talk about Crystal’s experience went to voice mail. A few minutes later, he smiled seeing Sylvia’s name pop up on the car’s display. Her voice was tinged with excitement and after a few pleasuresants, he told her his side of the what happened in the office. And to top it off, he mentioned that he gave the man his number and if he called, would broach the subject of getting together and allowing him to have sex with his wife.

Sylvia listened intently to Charles’ story and then telling him about her conversation with Crystal and how she really enjoyed the afternoon. When Sylvia told him about Crystal’s encounter in the lobby, she heard a soft gasp from Charles. “His name is Connor Appleton and Crystal alMost asked him to go to a movie but she chickened out and went home.”

Charles was surprised at his wife’s forwardness and intrigued that she would even consider meeting him to give him the envelope. This was something he hadn’t planned on hearing about his wife.

There was a moment of silence as Charles dwelled on what his wife had done and then he was roused from his thoughts when Sylvia asked, “Did you talk to Crystal about a safe word?”

Charles’ mouth dropped open. It was the one thing Sylvia told him he needed to do before he got really rough with her. He felt ashamed for a moment, knowing Sylvia impressed on him to have a safe word in case things got out of hand. On Sunday he was really nervous, thinking he would ask her when they were alone. He forget about it when he asked her to visit his office and didn’t expect things to get too rough. But he knew Sylvia was right.

“Uhhh…… no… I ahhhh…… didn’t talk to her about it.”

She admonished him.”You need to get it took care of tonight. I’m sure you weren’t planning on anything wild but now that you are on your own, you need have a safe word…… just in case……”

Charles felt as if he had been summarized. “I’ll talk to her during dinner.”

“Don’t forget. It’s very important for you and her to have some boundaries and limitations.”

“I promise,” he said. “Is there anything else.”

“No just have fun with your new found relationship.”

Charles was still mulling over the events of the day and his conversation with Sylvia when he arrived home. He knew the name of the window washinger but he was not going to confront her as soon as he got home. Would she told him? Parking in the large three car garage, he was about to enter the garage house door when he saw the note. “Please use the front door.” It was an odd request and Charles shook his head wondering why Crystal would put a note like that on the house garage door. “Maybe she cleaned the floor,” he mused as he walked up the front steps to the ornate oak door.


The events of Sunday with Sylvia and today in Charles’ office with the window washinger gave her some measure of confidence. But not enough to be so forward to ask the handsome Connor Appleton to meet her in a movie. Hurriedly driving home, she was still in a state of utter excitement. The rush-hour traffic gave her plenty of time to think about what happened in Charles’ office. Though she was happy with fucking Charles in front of Connor, she conjured up sexy scenes with Connor wildly fucking her in a motorcycle room. Would Charles go along with her actually fucking Connor? Did she have the courage to ask? What would Charles say? Charles was her dominant and the more she thought of submitting to Charles, the more confident she became that he would gladly go along any of her kinky ideas.

Arriving home, an idea of ​​how to surprise Charles when he walked through the door, sprang up in her head. Quickly searching through her drawers for the new outfits she purchased, her hands Shook with excitement. Pulling out a new lavender lace bra with red hearts embroidered on it brought a wide smile to her face. “This should get his attention,” she said, striping off her secretary’s outfit.

Putting on the bra and latching the front clip, she felt her breasts squeeze together. Looking in the full-length mirror, she admired the way it fit, pushing her breasts together to form a deep cleavage. Charles loved her breasts and she smiled at her image knowing Charles would love the way the bra revealed a general amount of skin. Adjusting her breasts in the lacy material, she felt a shudder of lust shoot through her, thinking of Charles playing with them. Slipping on a matching lavender lace thong, she again stared at her image in the full-length mirror. Another tingling sensing in her pussy set off more visions of what she had planned for her husband. The longer she stared at herself, theMore she was sure Charles would love the outfit.

Turning from the mirror, she opened the closet and pulled down a nondescript box filled with her assorted sex toys. She was careful to order them when he was out of town and only brought them out when she was alone. She had felt guilty hiding them from Charles when their sex life was nonexistent but maybe now would be a good time to share them with him.

Like an excited kid at Christmas, she dumped the sex toys on the bed, smiling at the various sex objects. Was today the day to share these with Charles? She was still a bit unsure of her role and the time in his office today was a hint that they were on the same wavelength with respect to sex games. After the episode in his office, her libido was on fire and she wanted this experience to continue.

Gazing at the different size vibrators, she picked up a yellow vibrator with a clip stimulator. Turning it on, Crystal ran it over the lacy thong, feeling erotic sensings building. Back and forth she moved the vibrator over her excited pussy bringing back pleasant memories of using it when she watched the videos. “I can’t keep this up or I’ll exploit before he gets home.” Turning it off, she placed it back on the bed and then inspected the various sizes and shapes of her dildos. The thought of him using her toys to bring her orgasm sent a ripple of lust between her thighs.

Did Charles have toys? If he did, what did he have? Sensual thoughts of what kind of sex toys he might have floated in her mind. Did he have nipple clamps, anal butt plugs, floggers, riding crops and other toys? A shudder shot through her as she thought of him using various toys on her. Instinctively her fingers slide between her thighs, slowly rubbing the lacy material hiding her pussy. Stroking the hidden lips, she wondered where he might have stashed his toys in the house. Stopping her own self pleasure, she combined through his side of the walk-in closet and it provided nothingg. She pursued he probably didn’t keep them at home. Maybe they were in his office since he used some on her today.

Picking up a pair of pink furry handcuffs with a long chain between them along with a black blindfold incited memories of how she would wear them sometimes when she watched a video. The blindfold, especially brought back memories of her sight deprivation, allowing her to only hear the dirty talk and sounds of fucking, evoking images of how she wished she were the one being abused. Spying a purple ball gag brought a smile to her face. Fingering the objects, she giggled, “I bet this should be sufficient to give him the idea.”

A ting of fear and excitement settled in her stomach as she put the rest of the toys away. As a last-minute decision, she pulled a purple collar, with a leash. Placing it around her neck, she Felt another shudder of excitement. Spying a small riding crop, she added it to her collection for Charles. What would he think when he saw her kneeing in the foyer? Gathering the toys, she wore a smile as she walked to the foyer for a surprise meeting with her husband.

Kneeling, an excited tremor inside her caused her hands shake as she used a black scrunchie to create a long red ponytail. Hanging the ball gag around her neck, she chuckled at the thought of being sassy and Charles using it to shut her up. The mere thought of having to submit to her husband with his new Found dominance brought another shot of stimuli to her lower region followed by a hard shudder.

The soft cuffs fit nicely around her wrists, and then she placed the riding crop in front of her so he wouldn’t miss it. Next, she placed the blindfolded over her eyes, thinking of Nick and his kinky ways. What would her hubby think when he saw her blindfolded? Would he be excited or angry with her? Was she taking this submission to fast? As she prepared herself to submit to him, she thought of taking the blindfold off so she could see his reaction but decided against it. It would be exciting to hear what he had to say.

Settling into a submissive pose, her hands resting in her lap, she waited anxiously for Charles to walk through the front door. Her ears perked up and her breathing halted at every little sound, trying to discern if it was Charles coming home.

The longer she knelt in the foyer, the more nervous tension overtook her. Deep hesitation filled her brain and then horrible thoughts of someone other than her husband walking into the house crashed around in her head. It was an unrealistic thought and was not going to happen but nonetheless, a streak of fear tore through her. Perspiration formed on her browser as she argued with herself. Thoughts of getting up and running to the bedroom before he arrived home ran rampant in her head. But then a sound outside caught her attention. Holding her breath, she waited, knowing it was too late to run and hide.

The sound of the door opening brought new fears. Would he admonish her? Did she do the right thing? Was she being too forward in their new relationship? The door closed but she heard no spoken words, only silence. Another fearful shiver tore through her. He wasn’t saying a word and then she heard the sound of footsteps approaching her.

Another moment of panic filled her. “Is that you Charles?”

No response, no other sound and her question was met with deafening silence.

Charles was stunned when he saw his wife kneeing in a submissive pose on the floor of the foyer. He expected to find her out by the pool having a drink or maybe fixing dinner. Never did he expect to see her kneeing in the foyer wearing sexy underwear, a blindfold, and a ball gag hanging around her neck. And then he spied the small riding crop lying in front of her. She definitely wanted to be Disciplined.

Not speaking, he only observed his submissive wife’s pose. She was in the proper position with her back straight and her hands lying in her lap. Smiling at thewrist cuffs, it was clear she liked the idea of ​​bondage. After a stunned moment to take in her position, he silently slipped off his suit coat and flung it onto a chair. Grinning, he just looked at her not saying a word. Now that she had a taste of bondage and discipline, she wanted more. This was their first solo at bondage and submission and he felt a little overwhelmed. How rough did she want it?

Fear overtook her when he didn’t answer. What if it wasn’t Charles. “Charles…. Is…. is that you.” Her voice trembled and carried a tinge of fear, her head tilting slightly to pick up any familiar sounds.

Charles leered at his wife and remained silent. Let her guess who it was. Surely, she knew it was him but he rather enjoyed letting her stew a little. He liked seeing his wife fidget while she knelt in a subservient position. If she thought he was going to admonish her for doing this, she was wrong. It was clear she wanted to be dominated more harshly than she received inHis office. Scenes of her submitting to Nick, the women, and men rambled through his brain like a teaser for a new show. Sunday, he and Sylvia sprung their surprise on her, but today, in his office, it was the first time he had complete control over her. Now, in the privacy of their home, it was evident she wanted to find out more about his kinky dominate side.

Walking around her, he smiled, watching her head Turn side to side, trying to figure out where he was. He admired the sexy lavender bra, relishing the sight of her breasts smoked invitingly together. A small throb erupted in his cock at the thought of fucking her beautiful tits. Standing behind her and looking over her shoulder at the riding crop, he wondered where she got her sex toys? What other toys did she have hidden?

Picking up the riding crop, he moved it slowly and Methodically over her lips, smiling when her tongue slipped out to cares it. Hearing a soft moan, he slide the leather tip over one cheese and then down to her throat, over the purple collar to the deep cleavage. Sliding it up and down the crevice, he heard a sight escape her lips. Pulling the tip out, he quickly slapped one hidden nipple and then the other, seeing her mouth open, releasing a gasp. She was his captive and he was free to do whatever he wanted to her.

She retired in the feel of the riding crop moving slowly over her lips and then down to her well-developed chest. Withstanding the silence, she loved how he maneuvered the tip between her mounds and then slapped her nipples. “Mmmmm yes master,” she uttered feeling a tiny shock of pain in her nipples.

She fantasized as to who might be holding the riding crop. Was it the window washer, Nick, or her husband? What would it feel like to have a group of men treating her like a whore? A shot of lust slashed through her, causing her body to spasm as illusions twirled in her head. She was sure it was Charles running the tip of the riding crop over her, but therewas a certain amount of fear and excitement overwhelming her senses at the prospect it could be someone else.

“Charles talk to me,” she implemented and then caught her breath when fingers grabbed her ponytail, yanking her head backward, and his warm breath filling her ear.


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