Crystal, Lizzy, and Skye relaxed by the pool, each lost in their own thoughts of what happened the past couple of days. While Lizzy and Skye thought about what they liked about their encounter with Crystal, Crystal’s thoughts were much different.
Mulling over the sexual experiences of the weekend, she realized she could never go back to the previous life with Charles. In the past months, he seemed to have changed, pulled away and become more distant. Their lovemaking was usually quick and lacked the excitement of earlier years. She remembered how, in the early days of marriage, they would make love and she was capable of multiple orgasms. But they had grown apart and now there was only one avenue for her and that was to ask Charles for a dividend.
A dividend seemed so huge of an undertaking. Where would she live? Would Charles leave or kick her out of the house? She thought of going to court with the argument that Charles put her into this prediction. Did she really wantto put their dirty laundry out for public scrutiny? Random thoughts flowed through her mind like rocks skipping across the water, each skip a fleeting thought and then nothing as the rock lost its velocity and sank under water. That’s how she was feeling now that it was getting closer to facing Charles, scared and afraid of an unsure future. She was roused from her deep thoughts when Nick’s shadow blocked out the sun on her naked body.
Handing her the kimono, he smiled at her nakedness. He was going to miss her. “Here is your kimono and you can keep it as a souvenir when you go home.”
Crystal put her hand over her eyes, gazing up at Nick. “That’s very kind of you since you destroyed my favorite dress.” A vivid memory popped in her head of Nick cutting her dress off her body on Friday night.
“I have already ordered a new dress and some sexy underwear to replace the damaged clothes.”
“That’s not going to make my trip home any better,” she said with a bit of angerin her voice. “What am I to wear this afternoon to meet this mysterious Mistress Savannah?”
“I’ve laid out your outfit in the bedroom. In fact, the outfit was given to me by Mistress Savannah.” Glancing at his watch, he added, “I suggest you get ready.” He didn’t wait for her to ask any questions but turned on his heels, walking into the house.
Lizzy and Skye gathered their things and along with Crystal retired to the bedroom to get her ready for Mistress Savannah. The two women had seen the mistress in action and had a feeling Crystal was in for a rough time. When Crystal saw the outfit lying on the bed, she let out an exasperated gasp. Another skimpy sexy outfit for her to wear to god only knows where.
A grey see-through fishnet minidress lay on the bed. Alongside the dress, a grey G-string and matching grey siletto heels. She looked for a bra but found none. Holding up the sintily made minidress, Crystal offered in a dry malicious tone, “There isn’t much to ths outfit. I bet that bitch will have a fun time with me in this skimpy outfit.”
Lizzy and Skye didn’t say much, letting Crystal fret and fune over her prediction. They helped her get ready and tried to encourage her to look at this as another great experience. But they could see the fear of the unknown gripping her.
Crystal listened to the two women who she now considered friends. When they weren’t treating her a submissive, they showed a lot of empathy for her situation. She appreciated their words of support but couldn’t stop the knot growing in her stomach. What was this Mistress woman like? Why did she have to meet her? What was so special about her? Questions, with no answers, bounced around in her head as Lizzy and Skye helped her get ready.
The two women helped her with her makeup, Dress, and the final touches of putting her hair into a ponytail. Standing in front of the mirror, Lizzy and Skye smiled at her reflection, both wondering how she would do with meeting Mistress Savannah. They knew she as a dominatrix who loved to dominate her submissive. Both women had seen the Mistress treating women and men as nothing more than a person to be used for her personal pleasure.
“Time to go,” whispered Lizzy, laying a soft kiss on her cheek.
“We’re going to miss you Crystal,” Skye added, landing a soft kiss on the other cheek.
The women found Nick at the bottom of the stairs with a huge smile on his face. There was no mistaken his eyes roaming up and down Crystal and making it perfectly clear to the three women, he liked what he saw.
Crystal felt a shudder slice through her when she saw he was holding a black scarf and rope in his hand. Her head cocked forward and in an uneasy voice, asked, “What’s that for Nick?”
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. Let’s just say you don’t need to know where we’re taking you. Mistress Savannah wants it this way. And if you’re a good slut for the mistress, she might let you come back for a visit.”
Crystal let out a soft chuckle. How in the hell would this mysterious woman have any control over her? She looked at Nick’s constant survey of her body, knowing she didn’t have anything to fear with Nick. Evidently this broad held something over his head and he was ordered to deliver her to this bitch. A sudden fear tore through her when she thought of them dumping her in some dark alley for her no-good fucking husband to find. “What’s wrong big boy. Afraid I’m going to call the police?”
“I’m not worried about that,” he smiled, grabbing her throat with his long fingers. Glancing at Lizzy and Skye, he added in a wiseass tone to Crystal. “You know you loved it here and if my guess is correct you’re going to want to come back.”
Motioning to Lizzy and Skye, he said, “Time to get going. You two will accompany us and make sure our slut doesn’t pull down her blindfold.”
Releasing her throat, he slid around behind her and motioned to the two women. They moved quickly, binding Crystal’s hands in front of her while he placed the blindfold over her eyes.
Kissing her neck, he whispered, “If you make any unnecessary sounds, I do have a way to shut that dirty mouth of yours. Do you understand?”
Crystal took a deep breath. Again, as in every situation, she was helpless. A shiver shot down her spine when his lips tenderly kissed her neck. “Yes, I understand,” she murmured very softly. Then without warning, she was being led out the door to a waiting vehicle.
Once in the back seat, she felt Lizzy sit on her right and Skye sat on her left. The back seat was spacious, like a limousine, and then she heard Nick’s voice from in front of her, telling the driver they were ready. Another chilling sensing crept down her spine. Why didn’t he take her home? Who was this mystery woman? And something was odd, no one was talking. Crystal thought of speaking, asking questions, but then thought better of it. Why ask questions when she knew they would not be truly answered. They were taking her to meet some woman who seemed to have some power over Nick and she chuckled under her breath at the thought of Nick having to answer to a woman.
Nick ignored Crystal’s suppressed chuckle. He was thinking of Mistress Savannah as they traveled to the Black Rose Club, a BDSM establishment she owned. The prior owner ran into financial issues, eventually resulting in a bankruptcy hearing. When Mistress Savannah purchased the club, she poured a lot of money into a remodel, adding new bond equipment, private rooms, a superb sound system, and large video screens used to project some activities during special shows. The final touch was making the Black Rose a private club with reasonable fees that afforded people of different incomes the opportunity to openly express their lifestyle.
As the club came into view, he reminisced meeting her at the grand opening and introducing himself as a videographer. The memory of her smile and eyesbrows arching at the word videographer lingered in his brain. She had said nothing at the time, only nodding her head as one does when they listen to something important. Later she showed a real interest in what he did and their relationship blossomed. He videoed some of her personal bondage and discipline activities and afterwards she allowed him to use the premises on occasion for some of his own video shoots.
With her eyes covered, Crystal tried to figure out where she was but it was no use. When she lifted her arms, Lizzy and Skye were quick to grab them, pulling them down, back into her lap. She knew they were on the highway from the sound of traffic streaming by them. Were they heading downtown or out to the country? Try as she might to guess, she finally gave up, thinking about how she was going to tell Charles she wanted a dividend.
The limo pulled into the spatial empty parking lot. It was the middle of the afternoon and he was sure the parking lot would be full in just a few hours. He thought of how he didn’t know a lot about the strikingly sandy-haired woman with captivating deep blue eyes. She was very protective of her real identity, only finding out she arrived from the west coast. Being tight lipped about herself, he got only small glimpses into her private life with some rumors floating around that she was married to a rich man. The few times he tried to delve into her past, she always brushed him off, suggesting he would be cut off from using her club for his video adventures if he snooped any deeper. Hearing a small grunt from Crystal, Nick smiled at the blindfolded woman. The one thing he was sure of …… Mistress Savannah got what she wanted and today Crystal was going to be her toy.
She was in the middle of her imagination history when the limo stopped. And after a few moments, the rear car door opened and told to get out. Lizzy and Skye helped escort her from of the limo, each woman hooking an arm with hers in case she tried something stupid like lift the blindfold.
“Where are we? Are we at my house?” She knew she wasn’t but what the hell, it didn’t hurt to ask.
“You don’t need to know,” was the quick response from Nick.
Crystal felt herself being propelled by the two women, across a pavement, up a step and then through a doorway. The blast of cool air caused tiny goosebumps to form on her arms and the sounds penetrating her ears gave her the impression she was in some kind of establishment. But what kind, she didn’t know and didn’t want to make a guess.
Lizzy and Skye guided her deeper into the building, twisting and turning in different directions and more than once she bumped into a chair or table. A couple of times she stumbled and the two women grabbed her quickly, preventing her from falling. Her Only guess was that she was in some type of bar and she was being escorted through a maze of tables.
The women guided her to a woman wearing a black latex bustier, standing near the stage with her hands on her hips. The trio knew it was Mistress Savannah who watched them carefully and wore a sarcastic smile. In particular they saw her eyes light up as she watched Crystal approach her. Before they reached her, she held up her hand for them to stop. Pointing at Nick, she motioned for him to follow her. As she passed the three women, she whispered to Lizzy, “You know what to do.” To make sure she understand, she nodded at the stage and the chain hanging from a thick wooden beam.
Lizzy and Skye knew exactly what the mistress wanted and moved the bound redhead to the steps leading up to the stage platform. Stopping at the bottom of the steps, Lizzy’s voice seemed to echo in the empty club. “There’s four steps Crystal.”
Fishing around with her foot like one does in a totally dark room, she found the first step. With the help of the two women, she ascended the wooden steps and when her heels clicked on the tile floor, she figured shewas in some kind of club. But what kind of club? A fearful shiver encapsulated her entire body when Lizzy and Skye guided her a few more feet and then stopped. They stood on either side of her, silent, as if waiting for more instructions.
Nick and Mistress Savannah walked towards the entrance doors and then turned to watch the two women secure Crystal’s wrists above her head. Turning his attention to the sandy-haired mistress, he proudly crowded, “Delivered her right on time. Just like you asked.”
“Yes, you did. Just like a good little boy,” she retreated with a smile. “When the girls are done you are free to leave. Charles and I will take over from here.”
The name Charles zipped through his brain like a hot knife cutting through butter. Rather loudly he said, “What …… Did I hear you say Charles?”
Crystal kept silent, knowing it was useless to argue with Lizzy and Skye. After a brief interlude, they began attaching another rope between her wrists. As they worked, her ears perked up when she heard voices. Cocking her head from left to right, she hoped to pick up the conversation. Evidently the infamous Mistress Savannah was present. She picked up a woman’s voice and then two males. What the fuck is happening? Suddenly Crystal felt some sort of hook on the rope binding her wrists and then her arms were raised over her head. She gasped as her arms were pulled upward until she was strung up like a piece of meat. “What …… what the fuck is happening,” she called out.
“You best be quiet,” Skye whispered.
Mistress watched the women on stage and then turned back to Nick. “Yes, you did and you should know one other thing about me. Something that you’ve been trying to find out for a long time.” She took pleasure watching Nick’s face turn pale as the blood drained from his face. “Everything that happened this past weekend was my idea and I want you to know how proud I am of you, the girls, and the boys. Charles and I have been plottingThis weekend for a few months and today our guest of honor will find out just how dominant we are.”
“What I can’t believe it. I took Charles for a man who was hurt by his wife’s indiscretions.” He gulped and wanted to say more but she cut him off.
“You’d better believe it because here comes Charles.”
Nick turned towards the entrance doors, his mouth agope with surprise, watching Charles strut confidently towards him.
Charles had a huge smile on his face as he strode to Nick and Mistress Savannah. “Good to see you again Nick,” he said, extending his hand. When Nick shook his hand, Charles chuckled seeing the shock still registered on his face. Pulling a thick envelope from his back pocket, he handed it to Nick. “Here is the rest to the money I offered you.” Turning to the sandy-haired woman, he smiled. “Good to see you Mistress Savannah.”
Mistress Savannah chuckled and looked at Nick. “There is something else you should know. Crystal happens to be one of myclose friends but she is unaware that I’m a mistress and I’m going to be her mistress after today. She knows me as Sylvia and today she’s going to find out about the other side of me. The wild kindy side of me.” She saw the look of confusion in Nick’s eyes. “Oh come on Nick. You’ve been trying to find out more about me and now I’m telling you. But it’s between us and when I’m in my club you will refer to me as Mistress Savannah.”
Nick squeezed the large thick envelope, still at a loss for words. Turning to the stage, he almost laughed at the thought of Crystal finding out about the ruse played on her by her husband and her friend. “Your real name is solid with me.”
“Good. Just so we understand each other. We have a good thing going here and I don’t want anything to mess up our business relationship.”
Nick nodded and the trio fell silent watching Lizzy and Skye walking off the stage. He was still mystified upon finding out he was nothing but a pawn in their game. He should have known but Charles did a great acting job convincing him he wanted to have his wife dominated.
Crystal could hear the sound of voices but they were so far away she couldn’t make out anything they said. The two women who bound her to some kind of overhead chain didn’t answer her, only the footballfalls of Lizzy and Skye walking away from her. Fear took over. Turning her back and forth Rapidly from left to right, she felt fearful for her life.
“What the fuck is going on here,” she screamed loudly to nothing but silence. Twisting her torso, she realized she could spin around just like the contraction Nick used on Friday night. Panting hard and perspiration forming on her skin, she yelled again. “Is there somebody out there?” Nothing but silence greeted her.
Charles watched His wife dangling on the stage. He felt a nervous knot in his stomach. Months of planning this day with Sylvia was finally here. “I see she still has a lot of spunk in her,” Charles muttered nervoususly watching Lizzy and Skye walk towards them.
“She’ll get into it once you start making her feel the pain. She loves pain and pleasure,” Nick said smiling at Crystal, twisting and calling out for someone to untie her.
Charles looked at his wife, realizing he had to step up and take control once she knew what was going on. Extending his hand to Nick, he stated, “Thanks Nick for everything You did this weekend.” A vision of some of her rough treatment at the hands of Nick bounced in his head. “I think you were the right man to help awaken her desires and open up the shell she was in.” They shook hands and Charles added, “From the reports and videos, you really helped us and possibly our marriage.”
Turning to Sylvia, Charles smiled. “And you …… you brought me out of my shell. I can’t thank you enough for all the help and guidance you gave me the last few months. I feel like I’ve been awakened too.”
Sylvia and Nick looked at each other with knowing smiles. Shetouched Charles’ arm. “You’re welcome. And I really enjoyed being part of the sex after you dominated my girls. But to tell you the truth, I did it as much for me as I did for you. You know how I feel about Crystal.”
Nick chuckled. “I bet you did.”
Charles did know how Sylvia felt. She instructed him with some female who were known to be submissive. She Often joined in the disciplining and the sex. Sometimes she called out Crystal’s name when he was having sex with Sylvia during his training sessions. Now he was put on the spot to be a dominant to his wife. Would Crystal be upset when she found out he had sex with her friend? He mulled over the thought as Nick’s female companies strode up the aisle.
The women were introduced to Charles and they Both smiled, giving him a sexually charged once over. Both women shared the same thoughts. Crystal had screamed and cried, telling them she was going to divide him. What was his role in this game? They wanted to know and when Nick offered his arms to the two women, they smiled and knew he would tell them all about it. If he didn’t, they had a way of getting information from him. Each woman hooked their arm around his strong arm, knowing it was better to leave. Evidently Charles and Mistress Savannah were about to have their fun with Crystal.
Charles felt nervous tension growing stronger in the pit of his stomach. He wasn’t sure how Crystal was going to react to seeing him with Sylvia let alone playing the dominate role. The last few months were filled with tension as he played out Sylvia’s plan, not ignoring his wife but not lingering in their lovemaking. Walking behind Sylvia to the stage, he ogled her perfect ass cheats swing suggestively in front of him, thinking how they during some previous sessions. The knot in his stomach grow tighter. In a few minutes his wife was going to be in for a huge surprise.
Seeing her friend twisting and turning, Sylvia wondered how she would react whenShe realized she was a dominatrix and owned this establishment. They were becoming best friends, playing golf and cards at the country club and occasionally getting together for lunch. Though they never had outings with their husbands, she smiled thinking how that was about to change. Her own husband was a submissive and there were times she had him dangling on the chain just like her friend. She had a huge smile on her face as she climbed the steps.
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