The Auction Ch. 2

She knew she could take no more. She would die here, hanging by her ankles with a room full of men watching, lusting for her death. She closed her eyes and waited for the whipping to come. After a minute or two during which she was left alone, hands took firm hold of her shoulders and supported her as she felt herself being lowered.

Her thumbs were released from the loops and her ankles from their straps and she was allowed to sprayl across a table. Perhaps it was the change of position, but she became dizzy and suddenly voided down the side of the table. The naked woman lay on her back with her legs spread wide, uncaring now of how many eyes were ogling her sore vagina. The audience, however were more interested in buying drinks at the bar, and she was largely ignored.

She was not to be allowed peace for long. Harry came by carrying a beer in one hand. “What’s this mess doing still here?” he called theatrically, pointing to the void, which had run down the table leg and onto the floor. Simon, bring the ladies’ panties and blouse, will you?”

A moment later Jill was being jabbed in the ribs. “Get up you lazy cunt!” It was Simon. He almost dragged her to her feet. “Get that mess cleaned up!” he snarled, pushing her panties into her hand. Painfully she began to mop up with the flimsy garment. When that was soon sodden, Simon gave her the blouse to use as well.

While she was cleaning up puke with her own clothes, Harry had begun addressing the audience, “Gentlemen, if you are all ready we will begin the bidding to be the wilder of the cat! Now, you have all seen her in action, a very dirty girl indeed. The winner will be allowed to administrator ten strokes of the leather cat. Now who will start at say, £20?”

The bidding began and soon had reached £100. Mark, still in his seat wondered if he should bid in order to prevent his wife being beating, but didn’t think Harry would allow him to. In any case, maybe Jill deserved it; surely she hadn’t needed to suck that mans dick so forcedly? No, better just sit it out.

Jill’s mind was in a sort of fog as she cleaned. She knew there was some sort of auction going on but she didn’t know what it was for. She didn’t know why she was kneeing on the floor naked, cleaning up mess; perhaps she was at work, tidying up?

She couldn’t remember anything properly, she would ask Mark when she got home; he would know.

Harry came to her and pulled her to her feet. “Come on cunt, it’s time.”

“I’ve nearly finished mopping up, Harry. Won’t be a minute.”

“What?” said Harry, puzzled by her matter of fact tone.

“I said I’m nearly finished. Do you need something else mopping up?” she looked at him with an innocent expression.

“No, you silly cow, you’ve finished with that! It’s time for your whipping, do you understand that?” Harry was getting a bit perplexed by her attitude. Did she really not know what was going on?

”Sorry, Harry. I just seem to bea bit muzzy at the moment. Where do you want me?” It was obvious that Jill had been traumatised by her recent treatment. Harry had seen it happen before with a woman’s first time on the stage. The problem was that men didn’t really want to watch a totally submissive woman being abused; they preferred her to resist at least a bit. And they were waiting to watch her be flogged. Oh well, we’d better get on with it.


The fat man who had stuck the pepper pot up her had returned, completely naked. He gestured to Jill to approach him. She obeyed without hesitation, wobbling slightly on her high heels towards him.

The winner of the auction came through the tables accompanied by a cheer from the audience. Jill looked his way with curiosity and gave him a smile. From his seat Mark watched, wondering what she was playing at.

The fat man turned his back to the audience and positioned himself with his fat belly resting against the table on which Jill had lain. Harry guided the woman so that she pressed her front against his back. Then her arms were placed around his neck. It looked so intimate that Mark found himself getting angle again.

The man gripped her wrists and pulled her up his back until her feet left the ground. He leaned slightly forward so that the table gave him some support.

Harry announced down his microphone, ” Okay, she’s all yours. Here’s the cat, so lay on!”

The winner, a sweaty office type in a grey suit took the leather handle and hefted it experimentally. Positioning himself just over an arms length from the woman’s back, with his feet well spaced, he drew the cat back behind him. The crowd were silent, waiting. The whip made a whoosh as he swung it across her back, just below the supposed blades. Jill’s reaction was electrifying. She screamed like a banshee! The almost catatonic body jerked so violently that the man holding her struggled to keep his grip on her wrists. The whip was applied again immediately with hardly a pause. The screaming rose even higher and she convulsed again.


To Jill it was as if she had suddenly been roused from a deep sleep! The skin of her back was burning and, owwwhh! What was happening? Her arms and wrists were being pulled apart! She suddenly saw that she was being held against the fat mans back! Ugh! His shoulders and back were all covered in short black hair, and he tank of sweat! Agghhh! The lash again. Oh, she was being whipped! Why did these awful people have to hurt her like this? Did they want to kill her? She had to take some of the weight off her arms.


From his seat Mark watched fearfully. How far were they going with this? His wife couldn’t take much more of this. Her body was being abused beyond all his expectations. He hadn’t wanted this. Just to watch her get fucked while he fucked someone else, that was what he thought it would be.

Underthe spotlights Jill lifted both her thighs and wrapped her legs around the fat mans hips.


Jill was now able to take some of the weight off her arms. She gripped him like she was riding a horse. She didn’t care about the jeers of the audience who took great delight at the sight of her wrapping herself around him as if she couldn’t get close enough.


Unbelievably, she had taken eight strokes of the cat. The whipsman wanted to apply the last two to her front. She was lowered to her feet and turned around. The fat man held her wrists behind her and the cat streaked out across her belly. She didn’t scream, just made a loud gasp, as if she had been drenched in icy water. Another, last loud whoosh and the leather strips slapped over her ribs, leaving a red line across the lower curve of her breasts. The whipping was over. The exhausted woman was again allowed to sprayl across the table.

Harry madeAnother appearance to announce that the auction and whipping were now at an end. The evening would continue, with more exotic dancers and a dirty comedian. The winner of the auction would now be permitted if he wished to take Jill to one of the bedrooms and use her for the rest of the night.

Jill was led away by the winner, along with two of his friends. Harry came over to Mark.

” A good show, son. Come to my office, we need a little chat.” Mark got up and followed him through the cabaret roomful of smiling men who nudged each other as he passed.

In the small office Harry told him to sit. He poured them both a drink.

“You didn’t need to do those things to my wife. She was ready to give you a public show. You didn’t have to hurt her!” Mark blurted out bitterly. “My marriage is ruined now!” he wailed.

“No, it’s not ruined at all,” answered Harry. “From now on, you will call all the shots. That bitch will never speak back to you again. You call the shots. And, you are now a member of a very special club. Don’t worry about those grinning fools out there; they’re all here because they put their wives and girlfriends through similar ordeals. You will be grinning at some other guy soon, as his bitch gets the treatment.”

Mark began to cheer up. “So I’m in, yes?”

“Of course you’re in! Did you think I was going to renege on my word? I Know it’s been a bit rough for you and Jill. But this way she knows the score, and she will always be very amenable, believe me she won ever dare any request. We will require to use her now and again in the future, but you can come to our shows as often as you like. Now, off you go and enjoy the rest of the evening. You can keep the room for the night if you want and take her home tomorrow. Or we’ll send her back when the lads have finished.”

Mark swallowed his drink and, taking the shiny membership card provided by Harry, he returned to the cabaret room.

On the stage, a beautiful black girl was taking off her clothes. But most of the men were watching a large closed circuit TV screen on which Jill was appearing. Three men were simultaneously using her mouth, cunt and anus. Jill was wondering when she would be allowed to finish her mopping.

The End.


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