I. A Quiet meal…
The email had been short and to the point. He had told her which restaurant to meet him at and when, what he wanted her to wear, even what perfume to use, and ended it with a terse statement about displeasing him. No term of endearment, nothing friendly about it at all, but that didn’t stop her stomach churning at the thought of their being out to dinner in public together, the first time.
It had taken some time to find the place he had specified, she hadn’t been up west for so long, but she had arrived with a couple of minutes to spare, and was now standing next to his table with her eyes lowered waiting for him to speak.
“On the chair in front of you there is a small gift for you. I want you to go in the powder room now and see what you can do with them. But don’t take too long I have already ordered for the two of us.” His voice now short and to the point too. She picked the gift wrapped box from the table and disappeared behind the ladies room door, and only then did his face show his pleasure at having her with him.
She closed the door behind her and leaned against it for a short moment, gathering her wits about her, and then put the box on the vanity counter. Opening the it she found nestling in tissue paper a little set of flat pink named nipple clamps, a pink jelly butt plug and a soft pink lace garter. And there was a note penned by him on pink paper, asking her to anxious back to him once she had adorned herself. She flushed as she opened the top buttons on her dress and clamped her own nipples, inflicting such excite pain on herself, and lifting her foot slide the garter up until it was but a couple of inches from her sex. The plug was a more of a challenge, he knew she was no coordination but she managed with a little bit of iningenuity to get the thing settled comfortable inside her. Looking at herself in the mirror, her skin flushed bright pink to match the gifts, she buttoned herself up, smoothedthe fabric of the summer dress over her form, gave her butt a little wiggle, and rejoined him at the table.
“Come and stand by me, let me look at you.” His eyes swept her from head to toe, he raised his hand to touch her breasts and saw her wince, ran his hand down her thigh over the garter, and as he beckoned her to kiss him, patted her behind making her jolt forward as his hand made contact with the plug. He smiled a broad smile then, satisfied she had done as he asked.
“Sit opposite me, little one, and tell me how you feel.” And watching as she sat down carefully, he waited for her to speak.
“Oh, master you have made me so happy, honouring me with your gifts, and so lovely in pink. I am so pleased you remembered how special this day is to me.” She smiled so sweetly at him, he knew he was as much hers as she was his, Since the day he had met her, only a year ago, his life had been taken over by his little sub, and he couldn’t imagine a time without her. And he lethis guard down just a touch.
“I could never forget little one. I remember how lovely you were then, and I know how beautiful you are now. Ah, lunch, I hope you approve of my choice.” The waiter arrived with their meal, and they spent the time quietly eating, and every so often she would glance at him, studying his manner for clues as to what he might have in store for her on this special day. Remembranes of past times spent with him floating through her mind, and with the dull aching of her breasts and the wonderful ache of her anal muscles mingling with the aching fire in her belly, she felt she might burst with the anticipation of things to come.
II. The Clarence…
They sat quietly as the cab ferried them downtown through the rain, and he remembered that their first rendezvous had been a rainy one. It brought a gentle smile to his lips, and he turned to look at her, recalling how she had looked so small and vulnerable then, and how she appeared now, small still but self assured.
“We will be there in a minute. I thought it would be fitting to revisit the Clarence.”
She lifted her eyes to his and smiled, thanks written across her face, but no word spoken. The emotion of the day and her aching body driving words from her mind. The Clarence, the start to her journey into submission, all her hopes, fans and fears made real. From the lobby to the lift, and Along the corridor to the same room as before, not a word had passed between them.
He swept the card in the lock and opened the door for her to enter ahead of him, and she walked into almost complete darkness, only the fearest hint of daylight filtering through the curtains.
“Go and stand in the middle of the room and face the window. Do not speak, do not move.” Head bowed, she did as he said. The rustle of draws and the intrusion of daylight and then he was standing in front of her, a finger lifting her chin, his eyes scanning her face as if searching for somehing.
“You know that I love you, don’t you little one? Now I want to hear you say that you trust me, because until you say so your anniversary treatment cannot begin.”
Puzzled she looked him in the eyes. He looked intently back at her, waiting. She swallowed hard.
“Master I know you love me as I do you, and I will always trust you. But who…” And he pressed his lips to hers and kissed her hard, not letting her say more.
“That’s all I needed to hear. Now, look around you.” Scanning the room, her eyes were drawn to a huge four poster bed, beautifully drawn in a deep blush pink, but as she drank in the colour, little glints of light on metal spiked the clothes, and she gasped when she realized what it as….metal rings attached to the frame, hung with lengths of what? Rope? And as she stared at the platform more rings with even more rope, attached at varying heights up the posts of the bed, and as her mind raced her chest was gripped by a feeling so elemental and her form shook as wave upon wave of dread and desire pulsed through her.
The scale of her imminent torque was becoming only too apparent, her mind reeling with all the images of her impending bondage at the hands of a Master who had obviously planned for this so meticulously. And she felt him behind her then, his hands wrapped around her skimming the tips of her nipples, jagged pulses of heat, electricity, cursing through her, every nervous ending alive with sensing. A groan welled up inside her, but before she could give voice to it a hand covered her mouth.
“Not a sound now my pet, from now on I want complete silence. Do you understand?” Her head nodded in acceptance of his instruction and he took away the hand, lowering it to join the other, slowly unbuttoning her dress to the wait. As he eased the fabric from her shoulders and down her arms it caught the clamps, pulling down very slightly as the fabric dropped down her torso, and the intense pain that shot through her like a bolt of lightning caused her to cry out in excite age, forgetting the words he had just uttered. She darted a sideways glance, only to see him reaching into what she knew only too well was his travelling case of toys and torques, watching him draw from it a ball gag. Bringing the ball to her lips she parted them so as to take it between her teeth, feeling him take the straws and buckle them behind her head.
“Defying me so soon, little one? How can I concentrate if you can’t be quiet before we have even begun? Silence I asked for and silence I shall have. Do you understand me now? Or shall we end this here?” Tension she heard in his voice, something she hadn’t heard before, and frantically she nodded her head for yes, and shook it for no, not wanting it to end, not wanting to hurt him. A kiss at the nape of her neck, and one on each of her shoulderblades, and she relaxed, knowing he would continue.
Automatically she claped her hands behind her back, waiting for him to bind them together as was usual, but this time he broke her grasp and held her arms down straight, running his hands up to her shoulders and down her spine to her waist. Grasping the fabric of the dress he yanked it down over her hips, two of the buttons flying off with the force of the movement, the dress lying at her feet.
And there she stood, frozen to the spot, naked but for the clamps biting her nipples, the garter on her thigh, the silettoes he had chosen for her, and, just visible, the base of the plug still held inside her. He moved then in front of her, and kneeled, lifting first one foot and then the other to remove the dark pink shoes. As she looked down at him his hand brushed lightly up her leg to touch the garter, snapping it and patting it in place. She watched him then lift a hand to gently touch the shaft of her sex, feel the touch of a finger burning between the lips, saw him look up at her and rise, to run his finger, wet with her own juice, across hergagged lips. Her nostrils flared with the smell of her own musk, and the sight of him licking his finger clean left a groan stifled in her throat. Standing face to face with her, holding her face in his hands, his gaze seeming to search her very soul he began to speak softly to her.
“Little one, you have come so far in so short a time, and today is more than the anniversary of our meeting. You know I love you?” She nodded, but he saw a touch of appreciation in her eyes.
“You know you can trust me? I will never do anything to hurt you, for your happiness means more to me than I can say. But today I want to be certain that you love me, I need to know you will be with me always.” A tear rolled down her cheek, and he brushed it from her face.
“I do not want your answer now, but later I want to hear what is in your heart, because I have to know!” He kissed her then, on her forehead, and lightly on each eyelid, her nose, her chin, before scooping her up in his arms and laying her gently in the middle of the bed.
“Now, little one, it is time to play!”
III. Afternoon Torment…
In the middle of the great bed she felt the cooling draft from the window, her skin flushed with goosebumps, her nipples growing with the touch of it, the clamps biting all the harder. Exquisite agony, the fire from them burning deep in her breasts, burning its way along every nerve despite her cool skin. And she waited, not wanting to look for him, but hearing him moving around the room, making his preparations, setting out all the toys, all the wonderful things he would torment her body with, knowing he had already thought of ways to torment her mind and soul with.
This was the first way, of course. He knew she would not look, but would be listening for the sounds he made to try and fathom what was to happen to her, and he was content for now that she should hear, for it would not be that way for long. He looked at her lying, vulnerable and small,awaiting her Master’s touches, and his cock grow, aching for her even before he had begun. He couldn’t resist her, and moved to where she lay, reached out and began to run his hands down her from her chin, between her breasts, over her hipach, each hand smoothing it’s way down her legs to her feet, all the while he could feel her eyes watching him. While his hands retraced their journey he tried to collect himself, bring his mind back to the task in hand, to pleasure and torque his little willing sub, snapping back to reality at the touch of her hand on his. He needed that one small movement from her, to help him focus. He saw a look of confusion on her face, and knew she meant well.
“Did I say you could touch me little one? No? I think not. Ah well you know what that means don’t you. Can’t have your hands wandering where they Please, can we?” He took first the hand that had touched him, and he bound a few tight loops around her wrist before tying it off to a ring a third of the way up one of the bedposts, and then moved around the bed to repeat the binding on the other wrist, both her arms taut and held tight above her head, her breasts pulled high on her chest.
Lowering his head to lick each nipple with the tip of his tongue, his touch on her tortured flesh had her writing against her bonds, arms shaking but controlled, legs kicking out wildly from the torment. He caught her left leg as it flow in his direction, and wound more rope around her ankle before securing it to another ring high on the bedpost, fending off a vicious kick from her only free limb as he tried to bind the ankle, but succeeding at last, before moving from post to post tightening the rope lengths, pulling her limbs higher up, leaving her back barely touching the mattress, and beautifully spread before him.
He made his captive a little more comfortable with large cushions wedged under her shoulders, and stood at the foot of the bed to survey his handiwork. Oh God she lookedso beautiful then, and knowing what was in store for her, released his burgeoning cock and stripped off to cool himself after his exercises, happy in the knowledge that the sight of him hard and dripping precum would drive her to distraction, how she loved to be taken like this, now desperate and full of lust.
“Look at the effect you have on me, my little slut, making your master as desperate for you as you are for him. You Already have the key to my soul, and I am slave to your submission. To have you fly higher than ever before is my greatest wish but I will not have you hurt or distressed. In a moment you will lose all sound and sight, as well as your speech, but I will place a bell in the fingers of your left hand, and I want you to promise to use it if you want to stop for any reason. Know this, you have Pleased me beyond measure and from now on all that I do is for you, and to know you are safe I want your promise to use the signal, it will be your only way of stopping megoing too far.” She nodded her ascent, tears sing her eyes at his words, and felt him tie the bell to her fingers, grateful but with no notion of needing it.
“Try the bell please, it will be the last sound you hear for a while.” And with the sound of it echoing in her head he plugged her ears and taped the plugs secure, before a last lingering look into her deep green pools he deprived her of sight with a leather blindfold buckled alongside the gag. Before she had a chance of oriented her mind from the deprivation of her senses he brushed his hands across her breasts, and licked the flesh around the clamps, her nipples engorging and aching with excite age, and moved down, pushed two fingers into her hot tight cunt, and then slide the plug out of her tight little arse and, replacing it with a larger one, watched her buck and shudder at the intrusion. He knew all too well her password for all things anal, how she loved to feel his cock there most of all, and her biggest torment would be his denial of her pleasure until he had used all of her other passages against her.
IV. Soaring…
Reaching for a long feather, and starting at her sensitive feet, he traced little circular patterns from the soles of her feet and along the insides of each leg, before concentrating the touches at the backs of her knees, each soft touch echoed by a jerk as she tried to get away from it. Oh so lightly then, traveling along her thighs, the feather dancing over the delicate skin between her played legs, he watched as the little muscles below the skin began to respond, and as he worked the feather still softly upwards towards her sex, marvelled as the response grow from a slight twitch, her legs shaking in spasm against the bonds that held them, watched a rivulet of her juice run down from her cunt.
And for a few tantalising seconds he stopped the teasing, waited for her to calm a little, and stroked it across her belly, making the muscles ripple, befor drawing it slowly up between her breasts, and so lightly over the clamps. He knew the reaction would be electric, but only he could hear how she made the rings rattle on the woodwork of the bed as she bucked and flexed, tantalisingly close to orgasm, breathing hard into the gag. And on he travelled, first one arm then the other, his delicate touches he knew had heightened one of the only senses left to her, one he would torment all the more.
Before discarding the feather he ran it lightly back down her chest, her belly, and over her mound to trace softly the outline of her labia, saw her hole grazing for it and saw her chest heaven, heard a long hiss escape the gag. He dragged it through the juices that were now coating her lips, and as a parting gesture drew it under her nose, smiled as her nostrils flared at the smell of herself.
Peeling the tape from her earlierbes and removing the little plugs, he spoke quietly so as not to alarm her, feel the touch of her head as shesought him out.
“Now, little one, keep very still. I am going to release your nipples from the clamps, and you know how intensely it will burn, and I know how you love that! Now, back into silence.” And he replaced the earplugs, before checking he had what he needed to soothe the seizing pain that he was about to unleash.
Working swiftly even as she squirmed under his ministers, he released the clamps, and waited for her body to react, her brain to overload. A million second’s delay and then her whole body lurched upwards so violently he feared she would damage herself, hear a scream forming behind the gag as she snorted, her breathing heavy and laboured, and he quickly applied the ice to her overheated skin, holding a cube to each nipple as best he could.
Suddenly all the violent motion stopped. She had passed out, and he dropped the cubes, fingers deftly unbuckling the ballgag, hooking it out of her mouth, listening to her shallow breathing, and rewarded as it became deeper, more rhythmic. Removing the earplugs he drew himself onto the bed to cradle her head, waiting for her to come back to him, stroking her damp hair from her face and blowing gently across her forehead. He didn’t have to wait many moments before he felt her head move in his hands, a low moan escaping from her lips, and he decided to take the blindfold from her eyes, to bring her senses together, help still her mind.
After a short while, her senses adjusted, he moved himself so he could look into her eyes, concern and something else showing on his face.
“The bell, why didn’t you use the bell? You promised me you would, you stupid, stupid woman! Why didn’t you use it?” He didn’t even try to mask the anger he felt. “Tell me, WHY?”
She looked at him shocked, tears welling and overflowing, and with her head still reeling, falsely answered him.
“Master, I had no time!… My body…it reacted so swiftly to the pain…no time…it shot through me…too quick for me…hit my brain…sent me soaring! Oh, master…too sweet…the pain…too sweet…no time!” And she sobbed, overwhelmed with the emotion of the moment. He knew he couldn’t stop the flow, just held her to him as she cried.
Looking down her body, he could see how her nipples were coloured purple from the pressure, saw streaks traced red, the veins painted in blood radiating from the centre of each breast, her whole body bathed in sweat, and the image of her lurching brought him to his senses. He pulled another cushion from under the bed and eased it to support her head, and then moved quickly, began to untie the ropes that held her taut, rubbing the flesh so deeply marked, checking for blood, for any sign of trauma, saved to find none.
“Master? Please…forgive me, but why are you untying me? Have I displeased you? I am so sorry I didn’t use the signal…so sorry!” She had drawn her limbs in and was hugging herself, rocking gently.
“Hush, little one. I am the one to be sorry, leaving you clamped so long, not taking into account your body’s overpowering response. And I called you stupid! No, my pet, I cannot trust myself not to hurt you, I just cannot carry on…” His voice trailed away, and it was his turn to lower his eyes, guilt replacing anger. And in that moment she saw the man she loved, as vulnerable as she, and her emotions soared once more.
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