The All New Lucy Ch. 01-05

Disclaimer: This is a fantasy story about a consenting adult finding herself and what she loves. This story involves piercings and tattoo’s, if they aren’t your thing, then please find another story.

Chapter I: The Beginning

It all started when I was talking to a new member of my team on an away day, he was part of my team but not someone that I had really had to work with. He was quite shy and I didn’t really know much about him other than his name was Stu, but we had a lovely chat.

One day I had mentioned that I suffered from migraines and he mentioned that he has had a Daith piercing to help with his migraines and it has really worked for him. He had mentioned that he had noticed my jingling bangles that I always wear as I love the noise, and my tattoos, as I have a couple of little tattoos. We started talking about piercings as he had noticed that I have my tragus pierced, I have always loved them just never really got around to having many. I had my lobes pierced three times in each ear but only ever wear one pair, the second and third holes have probably closed up by now. I also have my navel pierced and have had that done for many years, but have had to remove it twice when I was pregnant.

He was encouraging me to have more piercings, and the more he mentioned it, the more I started to remember how much I liked piercings. He kept showing me special offers that his piercer was having and it started me looking into what piercings I like the look of.

I said, “I like the look of the Conch, to go with the Daith to hopefully help with the migraines.”

Stu replied, “I think a septum would look really cute on you.”

I’d seen a septum piercing on a couple of girls that I used to work with and liked the look of it on them but wasn’t convinced that it would look good on me.

Once the idea was in my head I kept thinking about piercings, especially the Conch and Daith, he still kept suggesting that I added the septum to the list. I started looking into the other ear piercings and ended up mentally making a list in my head of what I liked.

I had seen women with stacks of tiny rings in their ears that I really liked the look of, and as I used to have my lobes pierced three times in each I thought it might be the best place to start.

“Hi Stu, you know I’ve been thinking about getting my Daith and Conch pierced, I also I can help you re-pierce them if you would like? I have single use ear piercing devices with little studies already installed in them and ready to use, would you like me to post them to you?” he replied.

“If you can spare them it would be nelliant, do you have four of them by any chance?”

“I have ten of them, I’ll put them all in post for you so you have spares, or in case you wanted to add more than just the two additional ones in each lobe,” he replied with a winkingsmiley.

A couple of days later I received a parcel in the post and was excited to see what he had sent me, just as he had said he had sent me ten single use stud guns and also twelve little tiny silver jewelled hoops.

I instantly went upstairs to the bedroom with the parcel and sat in front of my makeup mirror. I picked up the first of the stud guns and lined it up with the tiny hole where my second hole was Originally pierced in my left ear. Without really trying the stud gun went off and quickly pierced a second hole, it went so smoothly it made me smile. I then grabbed another stud gun and lined it up with the where the second hole was on my right ear and pressed the pusher so the stud pierced my ear. Within about five minutes I had pierced my second holes in both of my ears and it really wasn’t bad at all.

“I received the parcel today, thank you so much, once my ears are healed I can’t wait to put the little rings in.” and sent Stu a pic of my ears with the stusin my second holes.

“Well done, that’s a good start, you may as well add the third holes to them, it’s just as easy to heal multiple lobes piercings as it is to heal one,” he replied.

In all fairness before he had even replied I had already picked up another stud gun and was lined up ready to make my third hole in my right lobe and I clicked the pusher and it added a stud to make it three piercings in my right lobe.

As I read his message I quickly picked up another stud gun and clicked the pluger to pierce my left ear, however when I looked at it I noticed that I hadn’t lined it up with where my original third hole was, I had lined it up with a freckle where a fourth piercing would normally be. I now had a gap on my left ear between my second and third piercings, I picked up Another stud gun and lined it up with where my third piercing originally was and added a third stud to that ear making it four in my left lobe. I couldn’t be uneven so I then picked up another stud gun and added a fourth piercing to my right lobe.

I sent Stu a pic of my now red but very shiny lobes, “How does this look now? Sorry they are a little red but they have had three new piercings to each lobe!”

“OMG that looks amazing, it really suits you, well not the red ears bit, but the shiny ears certainly do. So, is that it for now until those have healed or are you Still going to get the Conch and Daith piercings?” he replied.

“Thanks Stu, I think it’s a good start, I’ll get the Conch and I really like the look of the Daith, but I think they may need to be done on their own.”

Stu replied, “Did you see that there were also a couple of little extras for your first holes. I thought your first holes might have stretched over time and that they would look good on you.”

I had a look at what else was in the parcel, and noticed the spirals and some little tunnels. I had never thought about stretching my ears before but one of the other girls in the team has hers stretched to 10mm, I think that they look good on her, just not sure about them for me.

I replied, “I had seen that there was something else in the parcel. I hadn’t got around to working out what they were as I was too focused on the stud guns. I’ll try them now, they don’t look too thick so they should be fine.”

I picked up the first spiral and as I expected it went straight in my left ear, as did the one in my right ear, having not been sure about stretching, these looked really cute.

“OMG Stu, they look amazing, thank you. I can feel them move when I shake my head, it feels good, they don’t feel heavy either.”

Stu very quickly replied, “I’m so glad you like them, I didn’t think you’d want them too thick so they are only 3mm, as are the tunnels, so both will fit in your first holes. If you put the tunnels in you can always put your normal hoop earrings through the tunnels and no one would ever notice them.”

“I think I’ll stick with the spirals for now as I like the look and feel of them, although I like the idea of ​​the hoops in the tunnels,” I replied.

“Well as you seem to be getting into this, I’ll do you a deal, if you get your Conch pierced, I’ll pay for your septum to be pierced at the same time, as I really do think it will look cute on you. Then you could get the Daith in a different visit to the piercer,” Stu replied.

The truth is every time he says that to me, it makes me more likely to get it so much so that I now have mentally added it to my list.

“I can see me getting added to piercings, I’ve got such a buzz from the stus and the spirals, it makes me want more.”

Stu replied, “That sounds amazing, you know I’m always here to encourage you to be the version of you that You want to be. As you seem to be in the right mood, I’m sure that the piercer could fit you in today for your Conch and Septum. As an encouragement for you to get your septum pierced, I got mine pierced last month but have always had it flipped up and hadn’t told anybody about it.”

He then sent me a pic of his nose with a little black ball coming out of each nostril.

“Did it hurt much, I had thought about getting my nostril pierced for my 25th birthday, but as usual I never actually did it.”

Stu quickly replied again, “I know you always wear eyeliner, just make sure that it’s waterproof as it’s a very quick sting, but it makes your eyes water.”

“I can’t do it today, I’m going out later with my husband but I promise I will have a good think about it.” The truth is that I wasn’t going out until the evening but I wanted to go to the piercer and surprise Stu and also didn’t want him trying to push me into it, it had to be my decision.

I rang Carley, the piercer that Stu uses, “Hi, my name is Louisa, I’m a friend of Stu’s, is there any possibility that you could possibly squeeze me in today for a couple of piercings?”

“Hi Louisa, I can fit you in if you can get here in the next 15 minutes.”

Off I rushed, still excited about getting my Conch pierced, if I didn’t feel brave enough for the Septum then I’d get the nose ring I should have got for my 25th birthday.

As I turned up and met Carley she was lovely and instantly made me feel calm about the whole procedure.

“So Babe, what are you so urgently wanting pierced? Carley asked.

“Well I definitely want my Conch pierced on my left ear and I also want my nose pierced, if I’m still feeling brave enough after the Conch then I’ll go for my septum, if not then just a hoop in my left nostril that I wanted pierced last year for my 25th Birthday.”

“How brave are you feeling now?” she replied.

“Very at present as I’m here and wanting to get piercings.”

“Well I’ll start with the septum then, sit up straight and I’ll get it pierced very quickly,” Carley replied.

I didn’t have a chance to say no, she filled me with confidence and before I knew if she was making marks and then she picked up the needle.

Carley said, “Deep breath in and then out, and then in again and I’ll pierce it on the second out breath.”

I took a deep breath in and then let it out, then the second deep breath in I was nervously anticipating what was about to happen. As I let the breath out I felt a sharp sting and my eyes started to water.

Carley confidently said, “There you go, I told you it really was quick, I’ll just put the horseshoe ring in, then I’ll pierce your nostril before I flip the horseshoe ring up inside your nose.”

“Thank you, that was really quick and didn’t hurt much.”

It didn’t register that she said that she was going to be piercing my nostril next until she put a little dot on my nose, she then handed me a mirror to check placement. Rather than Correcting her and saying it was either the nostril or the septum, I checked the placement and said, “it looks fine”.

Carley then picked up some clamps, and clamped my nostril and picked upa needle. This time I could see it clearer as it approached my nose but I was still on an endorphin rush from the septum to be too nervous.

“Do you need me to get you to do the breaths or are you ok this time? Carley asked.

“I’m good thanks, you can just pierce it whenever you want,” I replied.

No sooner had I finished saying that Carley pushed the needle Through my nostril, this actually felt like it hurt more than the septum.

“Just putting the hoop in, then it’s on to your Conch, do you want me to flip the septum ring up or are you going to proudly show it off?” Carley asked.

“Please can you flip it up,” I replied.

Carley quickly finished with the hoop, flipped my septum ring up, which stung a little, and moved up to my left ear.

“Now the Conch is really easy, I just need to mark it up and then you’ll feel the needle, please try to stay as still as you can.”

I could feel her marking my ear and quickly followed by the sting of the needle, then I heard a pop noise as the needle came out of the back. Having said that, it still wasn’t as painful as when I had my navel pierced.

“Thank you so much Carley, I absolutely love all three of my new piercings. Stu was right, you really are amazing, I’ll see you next month for some more.”

I paid her and gave her a lovely tip and left feeling like I was walking on air.

As I got into my car I sat there and took a photo of two of my new piercings as the septum was flipped up.

I sent Stu the photo and said, “Surprise, look what I went and had done!”

He swiftly replied, “That is the best surprise I’ve had, they look amazing, I guess I don’t owe you any money then?”

I carefully flipped my septum ring down and took another photo and sent it to him.

“Well I kinda got the septum piercing first so that I didn’t chicken out and the nostril was sort of a happy accident. Carley was so lovely, I really can see me getting addicted to piercings, I’m still buzzing now from them.”

“Lets just say that when you say that you could get addicted to piercings and what I consider being addicted to piercings is massively different, but hopefully you’ll get there,” and sent a winking smiley.

“Well if you wanted to treat me to the septum piercing then I’m happy to accept the donation, maybe you can suggest another for next month!”

Chapter II: New Beginnings

After a couple of months, the septum and lobes had all healed and the Conch seemed to be heading towards being healed, I started thinking about what next. I had many many favourable comments from people at work when they saw my ear, they all said that the nose ring suited me and even the odd couple liked the septum on the odd occasion that I had forgotten to flip it up. I loved keeping it flipped down, it made me feel a bit hardcore and a little naughty, even my husband had grown to like it, but it took a while.

With the husband away on a stag party for a whole week, I had the day off work and then the whole weekend to myself as I had dropped the kids off to my mum’s. She gave me the strict instructions to have, “a pamper weekend” to look after myself.

So back to what was next, whilst my ear was still healing I decided best to stay away from any more piercings and started thinking back to tattoo’s. I’d always loved tattoo’s and always dreamed of being covered in them, but could never settle on what I wanted. I thought to myself, “whilst I am at the hairdressers this afternoon I’ll work out what I want.”

As I walked into the hairdressers to see my hairdresser Claire, she instantly noticed the new piercings, especially the “edgy” septum piercing.

“Well aren’t you a sexy little thing, loving the new funky look, take a seat in the chair and we’ll chat some more,” she said.

As I sat in the chair and had a good look at myself in the mirror it made me smile seeing little glints of light coming from my ear, and do you know what,Stu was so right, the septum piercing really does look awesome.

Claire asked, “So what am I doing for you today? An edgy new look to go with the new jewellery?”

Up until this point I honestly hadn’t thought of changing my hair from it’s normal blonde. I’d always loved it when I saw bright colours on my friends and colleagues but had never been brave enough to do it myself.

I replied, “Well I was thinking of going lighter.”

Just before I could finish what I was saying Claire interjected, “Well we could go really lightest blonde that is white/silver and then we could add some streaks of a contrasting colour. What colour would you like? As she handed me a colour chart of bright colours, none of them standard colours you’d normally see.

As I looked at the chart the one that instantly jumped out at me was a very vibrant purple called “Piercing Purple”.

I nervously replied, “Do you think some streaks of the Piercing Purple underneath the top layer would look nice?”

Claire excitedly said, “Piercing Purple is very apt with your latest look. I’ve been wanting to do something fun to your beautiful hair for ages, what about a shorter cut, a long bob perhaps?”

“I’ll leave it in your hands as I’ve always been happy with the way you do my hair,” I confidently replied.

I could see the excitement in her face as she quickly curried off to get all of the supplies that she needed to carry out the transformation.

As the first process was put on my hair to make it as light as it could possibly go I started to get excited myself, I couldn’t wait to see the transformation.

“Claire, do you think that once you have washed this off that you can cut it and colour it when I’m sitting in the chair over there away from all of the mirrors, I want the full surprise at the end.”

“Of course hun, that sounds like a really good plan,” she replied.

Once it was all washed off I made my way to the seat away from all of the mierrors, and sat there waiting for the magic to happen. As I glanced across and saw the brush move towards my hair with the vibrant Purple colour I smiled and made me so excited to see the end product.

After what felt like an age and about four different processes over nearly three hours, Claire finally uttered the words I’d been waiting for, “All done.”

I stood up and walked to the mirror.

I was initially lost for words, then, “Oh my god, is that really me? The face looks like me but the hair is amazing, I honestly can’t believe that it’s me.”

Claire replied, “I take it that you like it then?”

I started to get all emotional, “I don’t like it, I absolutely love it, I can’t believe that you have managed to make me look so, so.”

“So hot, so sexy! Did you not expect your trusted hairdresser to make you look so good after having a bit of fun on your hair,” she replied.

It was all too much for me, tears started falling down my face and making my eyeliner run.

“Let me fix that makes of yours before you get out of the chair too, I hope you are going somewhere special tonight with the hubster?” Claire asked.

“No, we’ve got nothing planned, although the kids are over Grandma’s so we might have a takeaway,” I replied.

The truth is I was feeling a little sexy and wanting a little more than food when I get home.

I sat in the chair whilst Claire gave me some makeup remover pads and some cleanser to take my eyeliner off.

“Let me just reapply the eyeliner for you, just the top or top and bottom?” Claire asked.

“As you’ve done so well so far I’ll let you decide,” I replied.

Claire got to work on my eyeliner on both top and bottom and then some colour on the top lid finished off with mascara.

Claire said, “I’ve got a perfect lippy for your new look,” and started applying a lipstick.

She looked at me and handed me all of the products that she used on me, “Here you go, Ihave had so much fun today, thank you for trusting me.”

I looked closely in the mirror, my makeup looked amazing, better than I had ever done it before, and the new lipstick was a glittery purple to match my hair. As I looked at all of the products that Claire had handed me I noticed the name of the eyeliner, “Tattoo Eyeliner” by Kat Von D.

I said to Claire, “Thank you, I love Kat Von D, now she is definitely hot. I love the star tattoo’s by her eye.”

Claire replied, “Well maybe that’s next for you, you’ve had new piercings and new hair so maybe a new tattoo is next?”

I hadn’t even told her that I was thinking of getting a tattoo next even before the dramatic hair change, but I will definitely be getting one now, maybe I’ll go outside of my comfort zone again for that.

I said to Claire, “I can’t begin to thank you enough for all that you have done for me today. You really have changed not only how I look, but also how I feel, thank you so very much.”

She turned at me and said, “No need to thank me, I really haven’t had so much fun transforming someone’s hair for ages, I can’t wait until next time I have lots of ideas for you.”

“Well you certainly know best, so I’ll leave you to plan my next hair, see you in six weeks.” I gave her a huge hug, paid her for the makeup as well as the hair, left her a lovely tip and left the salon with a spring in my stride.


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