She was awakened as she had been so very many times before… By the excite feeling of a talented tongue lapping relativelessly between her legs. She had almost come to expect the morning ritual that she loved so dearly.
Her husband Peter always managed to wake in the morning just a few minutes before she and very early in their relationship had taken to waking her by crawling under the bed covers and finding her well-rested pussy ready and waiting for him. He’d most often start very gently so she’d wake slowly as if in a dream state and slowly realize that she would once again start her day with a mind numbing orgasm.
If time allowed, most often on the weekends, he would tease her with his talented mouth and tongue and slowly bring her to the edge of orgasm and then just as she was about to cum he’d ease off just a bit and allow her to retreat just slightly from the edge. When he was sure she wasn’t on the broke of exploding he’d resume more intense stimulation of hercit until she was once again mere seconds away from an incredible orgasm that he’d inevitably delay again by altering his attack just slightly.
This would sometimes go on for thirty or forty minutes and would always eventually make her beg aloud for the release she craved so much. This was her favorite way to start any day and he knew it. He knew it and loved it and also loved all of the amazing Things she would often do in return once she was awake and had her fill of “ladies first” morning pleasure. But this time was different. Stephanie opened her eyes expecting the room to be flooded with the soft morning light that always filtered through the window curtains. She loved the way the soft light reminded her of the candlelight that would often illuminate their naked bodies long into the night. Something was wrong. Her eyes were open but she was enveloped in darkness.
Her attention was quickly diverted as that excite tongue started to focus all of it’s efforts directlyon her clip. First little circles around it then an up and down rubbing and lapping motion that always drive her crazy and would inevitably lead to an orgasmic exploration like no other. She was breathing faster and felt a familiar tingling sensing as her nipples started to react to what was happening between her legs.
It was only when she felt the need to reach for her own breasts that she was jolted back into a clearer frame of mind. Her reaction started slowly and was all but unfamiliar to her but it was most definitely panic. Her arms instantly met resistance and she could feel the straps around her wrists. Her panic intensified as she became more awake and aware and started to assess her situation. She could feel air moving across her exposed skin and she was just realizing that all of her skin was exposed. She was completely naked and bound tightly.
She counted the straps she could feel. One on each wrist, one just above each elbow, one around her waist, one around her neck, and each ankle and knee was similarly bound. Bound to what?
She was definitely on her back and her thighs were spread wide with her knees bent a little. Her arms were away from her body and her wrists were above her head. She could feel a firm but slightly padded surface under her that seemed to conform to every curve of her body and supported her just where it seemed the restraints wanted her to be. She was bound very tightly to something that seemed to be intended for just that purpose. Maybe just for her and her alone because the fit was so good. It wasn’t a table by any means but more like some kind of apparatus designed to hold a person just so.
Why the darkness? “My GOD,” she thought to herself, “what’s in my mouth?!?!” Indeed there was something there in the darkness that was filling her mouth and holding it open. Then she felt how her head was encased by something. Wrapped? Molded? What was it? She suddenly became aware of the strong scent of leather fillingHer nose. She guessed it was like something she’d seen on the internet once when she was looking at some bondage pictures. A leather hood laced tightly around her whole head with only a couple small holes near her nose to breathe through.
She couldn’t see a thing and all sound except her own panicked breathing and the pounding of her heart in her ears was shut out completely. This hood was different than what she’d seen though. It was holding her mouth open somehow.
She ran her tongue over and around the oral intruder as much as she could. It left little room to do so as it was jammed in fully to the back of her throat. She could feel enough though. It was a large phallus shaped dildo locked in place by the hood. Her lips were wrapped around it and it kept her from much of any swallowing so she could feel her own saliva seeing out between her cheeks and the leather. Her panic in full swing she strained against all the restraints. She pulled with her legs and arms and strained to move her wait in any direction but nothing she did resulted in more than a few millions of movement. Even the hood must have had restrains on it. She tried to lift her head and move it back and forth but it was held fast and all of her strength wouldn’t be enough.
She screamed but the dildo was a very effective gag and she knew that no one but she and the tongue master still between her legs would be able to Hear her muffled cries for help. She was helpless and was feeling it completely. She was totally at the mercy of her assistant. She felt the tears between her cheeks and the leather and slowly stopped straining and fighting as reality started to sink in. Stephanie was now wide awake and fully aware but her awareness brought with it confusion beyond words. How did she come to be in this prediction? Where was she? Who was between her legs?
She knew Peter’s touch and had become accustomed to the way he wrapped his arms under her legs and up over her abdomen so his hands could roam her belly and wander up to her breasts as he feasted on his favorite of meals. This also allowed him a good grip and leverage when her orgasm would finally shake her being and her whole body would convulse almost violently. He always made an effort to stay in contact with her clip all through her orgasm and she loved the way it would lengthen and intensify her exploration.
This time she was feeling no hands or arms or touch of any kind other than a relentless mouth and tongue continuing it’s assault on her sex.
She searched back with her mind trying to piece together an explanation. Trying to understand what was happening to her. It was difficult to think clearly and reason because the pleasure between her legs was intense and difficult to ignore. It was a strange and foreign sensing to be afraid and panicked and Simultaneously stimulated so perfectly. Yes, it was perfect. Could this even be Peter between her legs? He knew her so well and was a masterat pleasing her this way but this… this was… perfect. Suddenly she remembered the party. YES! She remembered it clearly now. Sunday was her birthday and Saturday night Peter and some close friends had thrown her a party!
She remembered the day and looking forward to the party and seeing friends and family she hadn’t seen in a while. She remembered putting on the new dress she’d bought a week earlier Especially for the party and how she’d matched it with a bra that pushed her breasts up and out just enough to show off one of her sexies. She also remembered Peter’s lustful smile when she walked down the stairs just before they headed out the door (he always loved how she could dress sexually and show off to him and the whole world without looking like a whore. She was absolutely beautiful to him in every way).
She remembered the short drive to the party house in town where they always reserved a room for events like birthdays and graduations and the like. She remembered the short drive to the party house in town where they always reserved a room for events like birthdays and graduations and the like. She rememberedmbered pestering the DJ until he played an old favorite that she and Peter had slow danced to dozens of times since they’d met. She remembered how close they danced and how tight he held her and how hard his cock felt between them and how she could feel her own arousal building (there was never a lack of password and fire between them).
She remembered the drinks going down rather quickly and easily and feeling a little light-headed as the evening progressed but that was nothing unusual on a night of celebration. She remembered sitting down on a padded benchmark along one wall of the room and resting her head on Peter’s should as she closed her eyes and tried to recover from a bit of a dizzy spell that hit her as she walked across the room to refill her glass.
She thought about how good his cock was going to feel inside her in just a couple Short hours after the party was over and then… and then… nothing. That was the last thing she could remember. Then she was here. In thats place. Naked. Arms and legs spread wide. Bound by straps and hooded with a dildo jammed in her mouth. Completely immobile. Completely helpless. So here she was. Was it Saturday? Was it Sunday already? Had hours passed or perhaps days even? It was a huge blank that needed to be filled in but it seemed that wouldn’t happen any time soon.
Just as her attention was drawn back to the excisite sensings between her legs all contact stopped. Even overcome with fear and panic as she was her heart dropped and a pang of frustration flowed through her inner being when the “assault” stopped. She was well on her way to an orgasm when all stimulation was taken away. A dildo-muffled whimper was her automatic response. Then nothing.
She felt nothing for what seemed like an eternity. She waited and Wondered. As her panic grow she resumed straining against her bonds with all the strength she could muster. She pulled and tugged and twisted but every attempt at escape was futile. She was held fast and the restraints were more than up to the task of keeping her immobilized.
Internally she was frightened, terrified even, and felt completely helpless for the very first time in her life. She’d always been strong of will and in control of most situations but not this time. Her life, her very being, was being controlled by someone else. She was completely at the mercy of her captor.
Then there was a moment When she felt something. She felt something new and different. Just as her body began to relax and give up the hopeless struggle against her bonds her mind began to relax too. There was no mental relief from the fear or panic but her mind did relax. Somewhere deep inside she realized the true hopelessness of her struggle and part of her gave in. Part of her that had never given in to anything before suddenly submitted and yielded control to her assistant.
Just when she feel that part of her soul submit for the very first time she also feel a little twingein the last place she would ever expect. As she accepted her situation and relinquished control she felt a sudden flood of arousal that seemed to start in her mind but flowed very quickly through her entire body and came to rest finally deep between her legs. She felt it there the most.
Her pussy felt very much like it did every time Peter would start to work his morning magic on her. She could feel a slight spasm and Know without feeling it directly that she was a bit more moist than only moments before. She was turned on by her helpless situation. By the fear. By the panic. By her ultimate submission to another person. Something she had never even dreamed was possible. She was confused before but now she had even more distasteful food for thought. As she was wrestling with her newfound feelings she felt a gentle brush of Something up the inside of her left tigh and her focus was brought back to her immediate physical situation. A lone touch and then nothing for a long time. She waited and wondered then suddenly again a gentle brush of something up the inside of her other thigh.
Regain a little flutter of arousal deep inside knowing that she had no control over anything that was happening to her. Then what felt like fingers trailing ever so slowly and ever so lightly from just above her crotch up across her stomach towards her chest. Her stomach was always very sensitive when she was aroused and the almost non-existent gentle brush of fingers created a powerful sensing somewhere between a ticket and a painful scrape and her whole abdomen tightened and strained to escape but like everything else it was useless. She was held fast. Then nothing.
Then the fingers started again just above her pussy and trailed slowly and almost painfully all the way up to her breasts then stopped again. Over and over again the torture continued. A few moments of nothing and then a feather-like touch of fingers from her sex to her breasts that she thought would surelydrive her mad if it continued much longer.
She could barely breathe from the time each new touch started until the fingers left her near her breasts. Then she was allowed a brief rest and the same torture resumed near her pussy. Her dildo-muffled screams eventually accompanied each touch and just when she knew she could bear no more it all stopped. Nothing again as her stomach began to relax and she fought to get air into her lungs while she could.
Then she felt it. Drops of her own wetness running down into the crack of her ass. With a few moments to think she wondered how it could even be possible. It wasn’t possible and yet it was undeniable. The simple touch of fingers on her stomach was arousing her beyond belief. But it wasn’t the fingers alone. It was fingers that she had absolutely no control over. It was her mind and body giving in to those fingers. It was submission that was taking her to places she’d never been before. Submission that was made complete when she found herself hoping that the journey was only beginning. Stephanie was left alone with her thoughts for what she felt was far too long. Something had been awakened deep within her and as much as she was afraid and knew she should be concentrated on finding a way to escape her bonds she instead found herself craving the stimulation that had stopped so suddenly.
If this had been a typical morning session with Peter and he stopped like this she’d be grabbing his head and forcing him back between her legs. She was a fan of teasing and edging and loved being aroused but there was a limit where deprivation seemed more like torture and she felt herself quickly passing that limit.
Then it resumed as suddenly as it stopped. She felt a delicious tongue make a long slow lick from just above her anus right up between her drenched lips and across her now engorged clip. Her muffled moan was long and deep and spoke of a gratitude she felt powerless to hide. An internal heat flooded her from head to toe and she felt her stuffed mouth trying to smile around the dildo.
She felt the tongue probing inside her and lips pulling on her own and an occasional soft hot breath just where she wanted it. The stimulation continued in a very slow and deliberate attack that soon began to focus directly on her clip.
The mouth opened wider and sucked her sensitive nub inside and a flattened tongue slide slowly up and down exactly where it needed to. It felt wonderful but she wanted more. She was beyond ready to cum but there just wasn’t enough stimulation to finish her off. She was toyed with and could feel frustration growing with each passing second. Then there were hands. She could feel arms and hands wrapping under her legs and up around onto her stomach. Hands that began to slide slowly up and down and around her abdomen and then up and down her sides and eventually down onto her thighs.
Each time they made their way up near her chest her breath caught in anticipation of finally feeling what she wanted to feel on her tits but each time they fell just millions short and returned down her body. She could feel how hard her nipples were becoming and wanted so badly to reach for them herself and quench the fire that was burning there but knew she would not to be permitted that particular luxury. They ached badly for attention but were getting none.
If her captor’s goal was to push her desire beyond it’s normal limits it was definitely working. She wanted more. She wanted, she needed her breasts to be touched too. She wanted, she needed to cum badly. Her fires were smoldering but the only thing that would extend them at this point would be to fuel them further until she was a blazing inferno and finally a firey sexual exploration. She had never been so hot but it was clear already that she was capable of so very much more. Then, finally, a gentle brush across her left nipple that made her whole chest try to surge up to meet it. Then aNother. Just the faintest touch and it was making her crazy. Then the same on her right nipple.
Then it hit her suddenly. The two hands were still roaming over her thighs when she felt what could be fingers on her nipples. MORE THAN TWO HANDS! She had assumed there was a single captor but now it was clear that they were not alone.
Then fingers began gently pinching and rubbing her nipples. Oh she needed that so badly but she was also trying to consider that she was tightly bound and now apparently being molested by a group. There were four hands on her simulateneously and a mouth still working between her legs.
Again muffled screams and straining muscles and a brief futile struggle eventually turned into acceptance and submission. The struggle was over a bit quicker this time. She had again accepted her situation and surrendered her soul and felt another wave of arousal wash over her. This time she tried less to understand why these things were effecting her this way and soon returned to focusing on the various stimuli that were fueling the fire. The hands on her breasts began cupping and massaging them and she could feel palms grazing her erect nipples. The position of the hands made it seems that this new person must be standing just beyond her head between where it feel like her wrists were restrained out to the sides. There were thumbs on the top of her tits and the hands were reaching in from above.
The mouth continued a painfully slow assault on her sex and the other hands continued their exploration of her abdomen and thighs. She wanted so badly to reach down with both hands and force that head hard into her pussy and ride that face to an orgasm that she knew was probably only seconds away with the proper stimulation. She had never been held so close to the edge for so long.
She and Peter would often play a game late at night and make love slowly and see how long they could hold out without cumming but even then she had the power to fuck him hard and make herself cum when she knew she could take no more. Now she knew this was beyond any reasonable limit and still she was forced to wait. “Will they ever let me cum?” she thought to herself. Her oral assailant slowly moved his violences from her clip down across her lips stopping briefly to tongue-fuck her hungry hole for a few moments then slowly began to focus on her now wet little rosebud. She was again frustrated as the center of her sex was left untouched and hungry for so much more.
That frustration would soon pass. She felt fingers gently spreading her lips. WAIT! MORE FINGERS! The mouth was working on her anus, two hands still massed her breasts, two hands on her stomach and now more fingers on her pussy. At least three people were with her. Hands all over her body and she bound and forced to submit to anything they would do to her.
For a moment the term “gang bang” echoed through her mind and yet another wave of sexual heat washed over her but then she realized that thus far she hadn’t been “banged” at all. She thought too soon. She felt something all too familiar at her wet and swollen opening. Up and down it rubbed and she knew what was about to happen.
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