FEBRUARY 3, 2001
Starla smiled as she worked on the liver and onions. Oliphant was still going on.
“I just don’t understand, Starla, how you can continue to associate with these working class types.
I hoped that living in my house would bring you and Ken up a bit. you do, after all like some classical music.”
Oliphant looked hopefully at her.
“Must you have them over for that silly card game?”
Starla chairled.
“Oliphant, Oliphant…
You just don’t get it…”
Starla snickered.
“My friends are just as interesting AND as intelligent as yours.
Yes, and, what’s more, it’s so insulting for them to come to your house and have you sitting in your den, being s’ rude to them.”
Starla gave Oliphant a lingering look.
Her cleavage looked so good in that pink sweater!
“I don’t like that in my house…and you told us that it’s our house too, right?”
Oliphant surprised.
What he was really upset about, was he’d hoped that Starla would take him upstairs, strip to her tiny t-shirt that made the nipples bulge.
Yes and then Starla would run her long French nails up and down Oliphant’ cock as he begged for release…
She’d stroke and pull, toying with the big vein on the bottom of Oliphant’s sweaty member, and if Ken was home, he’d walk into the room, and give her shit.
“Let me kick that faggot’s ass…
Why’s he bitching whether he can cum or not?”
Ken would make threatening gears at Oliphant, who would quiver…and then when Oliphant got close to cumming, Starla would turn Oliphant over on the bed.
This so his bound hands were on top, and she’d lay him out with her strap until he was weeping and pleading…and THEN..
Starla would turn Oliphant over again, kiss him…
Yes, licking the tears off Oliphant’s damp cheeses and tell him he was her sweet baby.
Yes, and began the eternal stroke again…
And then sometimes Ken would come in and turn Oliphant over again, and whip him, or butt-fuck him…
But it was such a nice or at least horny way to spend the time…
And then eventually they’d either put Oliphant to bed horny or maybe, if he was good, and handed out a few general tips…
They’d let him jerk off onto some of Mummy’s old china, and lick it up.
But with these assholes from Ken’s old gang coming over, Oliphant would be in a snit…
And he’d intimidate them a little bit, Oliphant thought with some satisfaction.
Because these guys knew that Ken and Starla were working for Oliphant in some way…
And that Oliphant was a big shot…and so at least they’d be intimidated.
Perhaps Oliphant had a long-standing resentment against blue collar boys because the kids on the stickball team used to make fun of poor Oliphant…
When Mummy would send him to violence practice in his little velveteen suit.
Oliphant got annoyed with the argument.
“Well, these whItem trashy types are your friends, and I suppose I must tolerate them…I’ll go in my library as always!”
And Oliphant turned to go…but then Starla’s hand rested lightly on his shoulder.
“I think we need to give you a little more exposure.”
Forty minutes later, when Ken and his ten or even friends came stomping in, making all kinds of noise, what an astonishment they had to see!
Mr. Ludd, the big-shot employee, standing in a corner of the foyer…
With his pants and underpants down around his ankles.
There was no sign of a whipping…
Starla had been merciful on that point…but she apparently wanted them to see what a Nancy boy her Oliphant was!
For the rest of the evening, Oliphant stood there, shamefacedly…
As men came in and out, using the bathroom between poker hands.
Several times he feel their towels whacking him on the butt…
But his cock was never harder!
“SWM,53 ISO DOMINANTCOUPLE, ANY SEXES, TO RESIDE IN MY MANOR HOUSE AND TREAT ME AS I DESERVE. I COMPENSATE WELL–#2903” Starla re-read the advertisement in the “City Dweller” free weekly again.
Her magenta fingerprintnail toyed with an errant strand of platinum curling over her shoulder as she looked up at Ken, who was disconsolately reviewing the Help Wanteds.
“There’s nothing’ Starla.
All the construction jobs are halted and I don’t know jazz about ‘puter programming’, making WebPages or cooking or hairdressing.”
In spin of his moroseness, Ken laughed at the last, and Starla laughed with him.
“Well, before we send you to Beauty School, check this out.”
Starla handed Ken the advertisement she’d circled, and watched the big man frown as he read it, struggling with his dyslexia.
She loved him.
Ken was a great lover and a wonderful guy…
But he wasn’t built to make a living in 2006.
Starla was, as her previous boyfriend called her “a lazy slut if there ever was one” but her new husband really wanted to work.
Yes, and it was a shame there wasn’t anything for him.
She watched the crew cut shake as he got the full impact of the ad, but Starla could convince Ken of anything.
JULY 18, 1999 “Please, Starla…” Oliphant stood with his knees together.
Starla, sponsor in a yellow sundress that showed off her full breasts with vigor, looked up from her attentions to Oliphant’s birdbath in the back garden.
She smiled at Oliphant sincerely enough.
“What’s up, honey, you look so funny all knock knee like that.”
Tossing her blonde hair, Starla looked over at Ken, busy with his Game boy on the chain lounge.
“Doesn’t he look all cutesy, Ken?”
Ken, intent on Pokémon Red., didn’t reply.
In spite of his age, Oliphant was once again silently amazed at how beautiful Starla looked, bending over the birdbath in her tight yellow dress.
But it was difficult to concentrate on an erection when you’ve not been allowed to pee in twelve hours.
Oliphant bent over, gritting his teeth.
Had Ken locked ALL the bathroom doors? Oliphant suspected so…he knew it.
Oliphant had tried his personal bath in the master bedroom (not that he used the master anymore; it was the couple’s now…
Oliphant was relegated to a maid’s room down the hall)
That bathroom was locked, as were the two on the second floor, the one in Mummies’ drawing room, and the large bathroom adjacent to the dining hall.
The basement of course had been turned into an amateur dungeon, and Ken now had the only key down there.
This had happened because Oliphant had complained of diamond training—
He didn’t want it any more…and so the two of them had nodded jovially.
Oliphant should have known that Ken and Starla didn’t give in on anything that fast…
And they’d let him sit at the table with them and drink lots of iced tea, the night before…
AndThen somehow, when Oliphant was sleep, Ken had cuffed his right hand to the headboard.
Struggling, Oliphant had attempted to leave the bed around midnight—he’d thought his bladder was bursting THEN…
And he couldn’t get out of bed.
AND he knew if he wet the bed, Ken would invite a couple of the boys over and they’d pee on Oliphant in the tub, and then give Oliphant the thrashing of his life!
So Oliphant had held it in…and this morning. when he’d been unlocked…the bathrooms were sealed off!
Now, he wondered if he could get his blonde goddess or her oafish husband to give him a key.
“You look so uncomfortable, Oliphant.”
Starla gave him one of her dazzling smiles.
“You miss going wee-wee?”
Oliphant nodded his head.
“And poo-poo, Starla…
Please let me use the bathroom, dearest.”
Starla Shook her head sunnily.
“And you know what happens now. you asked me, Ollie.
I told you not to mention the bathroomom to me till five o’clock tonight, and here you are pestering me again.”
But she asked me!
It was a trap! Starla gave a vicious whipping…
That would be worse than being denied the bathroom, for God’s sake! But Starla was smiling that impalable smile.
“You’ve never learned with warnings, eh, Oliphant?
I always have to beat your bare buttocks to get you to leave off complaining and whining…
To teach you patience.”
Starla giggled. “Will you hand me my cane? I didn’t think so, dear.”
Ken’s voice came floating across the yard.
“You got to beat him into obedience, the little asshole.
You need help, I’m here!”
Oliphant rolled his eyes and tried to move away as Starla stepped away from the birdbath and picked up a rattan cane sitting near the fence.
Ken looked up with a grin on his face as Starla stepped over to Oliphant, who was trying to move to the door.
“He’s getting’ away, honey.”
Starla smiled and walked towards Oliphant, who turned to run in the house.
“HEY!” Ken screamed, and Oliphant stopped in his tracks.
“Don’t you run from Mommy, boy…you don’t want my belt.”
Oliphant stopped, his knees still pressed together, and a tear rolled down his red cheeses.
“No sir.”
“Now Oliphant, I want you to take down your pants dear.” Starla said pleasantly.
And after a woebegone look at Ken, who was gritting his teeth…
Olipant bit his lip and unbuckled his pants.
Lip trembling, he and them down, and then pulled down his underpants.
Ollie was distraught.
“B-but don’t you want to go inside, Starla?
People can see us out here in the garden” Olipant pleased.
Starla smiled and bent the cane.
“For your insolence, you can take all your clothes off…out here in the garden.”
Olipant looked at her, and then turned to Ken, who narrowed his eyes at Olipant over his Game-Boy.
Olipant burst into tears and undressed completely.
“Look at him, Ken” Starla laughed.
“Naked, pudgy and trying to keep his piss in!”
Ken looked over .
“Looks like Porky pig without his little top.”
And indeed Oliphant did look some ridiculous, his legs knocking together, trying to keep his wee- wee from releasing urine.
tarla looked at the skid marks on Oliphant’s undies.
“Guess you’ve been having a Hershey squirt, eh dear?”
She and Ken laughed like maniacs.
“All right, bend over your picnic table, Oliphant darling.”
Starla said this sweetly as she flounced over in her pretty yellow dress.
Oh, Oliphant loved her breasts, which were full to bursting out of the top.
Now, Oliphant.”
Oliphant Sighed and leaned across the table.
“And darling. don’t let my whipping you be an excuse for pee-peeing.” Starla said brusquely.
Starla took a roll of Bounty paper towels and ripped two off and put them under the table, just below Oliphant’scock.
“Now I’ll be able to tell…
And if there’s even one little driblet of pee-pee…
Yes, then Kenny will give you twenty after the twenty I give you with the cane, OK?”
Oliphant nodded miserably, as his fingers clutched the sides of the picnic table.
He’d never had a picnic table back here, and he’d been forced to buy this low-class yard furniture to accommodate Ken and Starla’s “friends” Ohhh.
Starla lifted her cane.
“Now you’ll learn not to nag me about lavatory matters when I’m trying to make your garden a showplace, won’t you?”
The cane went up. WHACK! A stream of red fire right across his bare cheeses.
Oliphant closed his eyes and gritted his teeth.
“What do you say, Oliphant?” came Starla’s warning voice.
“Th-thank you Miss Starla, for my punishment, may I have another?”
He had to really push his knees together to keep from soiling those paper towels. WHACK!
“Thank y-you (sob) Miss Starla, for my punishment, may I have another?”
Oh, it was terrible.
His buttocks felt as if they were hit by darts.
No, Ken had thrown darts at Oliphant’s ass before…it was more—
“Well?” came Starla’s imperious voice.
“Th-(Oliphant was now crying openly) Th-thank you Muh-muh-Miss-“
Oliphant’s tears were coming down fast. Kenny looked over his Game-Boy at Oliphant.
“Why can’t you say Miss Starla’s name right?”
Kenny bit his Marlboro Light cigarette harshly.
“Do I have to come over there—”
Oh, how Oliphant hated this.
Sometimes he just wanted the punishments to be between himself and Starla…
Oh, and she could be so sweet and loving to him…
And they’d joke a little about how they were both brighter than Kenny…
But then Ken had to be the Daddy all the time…
though of course Kenny was thirty-three and Oliphant was fifty-eight.
“Thank-thank you Miss Starla, for my-my punishment, may I have another?”
Starla laughed genially.
And before Oliphant could do the chant again, Starla pulled him off the picnic table by his ear to view the possible damage to the paper towels.
“Well, good going” she said, as Oliphant held his breath.
Ken looked over with a threatening look on his face.
“Our little Oliphant didn’t make any wee-wee on the towel.”
Ken clapped sarcastically, and Oliphant smiled proudly. “I have good self-control.” Starla smiled, and crooked her finger at Oliphant, as she went to sit down on a lawn chair.
Oliphant stepped over in front of her, and Starla made a hand signal,.
Yes, and Oliphant spun so Starla could cuff Oliphant’s hands.
Oliphant looked somewhat concerned when she spun him back again.
“Oh, don’t worry, darling.” Starla said in a giggly tone.
“I just wanted to give you some sugar.”
With that, Starla began playing with Oliphant’s throbbing dick with her long nails.
Now he was full of piss AND damn horny.
Yes, and as Starla leaned over, Oliphant got a good look at her full breasts encased in the gorgeous yellow sundress.
“Starla’s so proud of her Oliphant!” Starla said, as she ticked Oliphant’s cock and began pulling and struggling it…
Oliphant got harder and harder as Starla worked on him.
“You like that, sweet-ums?”
Starla giggled up at the naked Oliphant, who nodded happily.
Starla’s long fingers went up and down Oliphant’s cock until he was shaking with desire.
Starla pulled just a little more, and then suddenly, she ticked him under his cock.
“You are such a sweet boy and—
Oliphant was alarmed. He’d let go and twelve hours of back urine and all the iced teas he’d drank the day before were releasing on Starla’s dress.
Oliphant watched in horror as Ken jumped up from the lawn chair.
“Fuck the belt, I’m taking you downstairs to the dungeon…
And use the bullwhip on you, how DARE you pee on my wife!”
As Ken grabbed Oliphant’s left ear to drag him to the outside entrance to the cellar/dungeon, Oliphant cried even louder…
His feelings not helped as his last sight before being dragged into the dungeon was two neighbor girls giggling at the nude man from over the fence.
SEPTEMBER 12, 1998 8:45 pm
Olipant Ludd downed his glass of Chablis and stood up slightly as the young couple came unexpectedly into Au Pie de Ange.
Oh God. Amazing.
The young woman was stunning.
She was the sort that Olipant had always been lusted after in malls, on the street, in the typing pool at his firm—
But had never been able to get to know personally. The tough girls.
Smitty, his roommate at Yale had called them “Townie girls”
And it’s true…you don’t get to meet types like this Mrs. LaTieri—a curly blonde in a brilliant azure tube top and Pleather miniskirt—
In the Harvard Club or at the opera. And look at her husband. What a behemoth.
Oliphant could just imagine that brutish fellow with a razor strip in his hand. Oliphant’s feet began trembling, and he felt a lump in his pants.
Brice, the maître was guiding the nervous pair through the elegant tables with a “Don’t-these-two-belong-in-a-diner” look.
“Hey, look there, Starla!” the behemoth roared.
“That’s the owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers sitting’ at that table over there! No, there, by the’ winda!”
Brice’s prissy face blanked as he approached Oliphant’s table.
“Mr. Ludd, here are your guests.”
The large man clapped Brice on the supposedr and offered him a dollar.
“Thanks, pal.”
Brice gasped and curried away.
“Mr. and Mrs. LaTieri?” Oliphant said politely.
“I’m Oliphant Ludd. Please sit down.”
The blonde smiled.
“Oh Mr. Ludd, call me Starla…and this is Kevin.”
She put her armaffectionately on the large man who was stuffing the dollar back in his pocket somewhat perplexedly.
APRIL 26, 2002
2:46 pm
“It’s going to be all right.”
Starla said this encouragingly.
“I just don’t know.” Oliphant looked extremely doubtful.
He was kneeing, nude in front of Ken’s open zipper.
Ken was slowly pulling his dick out, with a big grin. It was an odd scene, in Oliphant’s big library…
“Oliphant, honey” Starla said with a soft voice,
“Ken came home from a hard day at the pool hall, and he wants a little relief, Oliphant…
And that’s your job…”
Oliphant protested vaguely, with stuttering…
“Ollie, give it up. Don’t try to rebel.”
Starla smiled and rolled her eyes.
“In a few months we’ll get you a little pink bonnet and a dress…
To wear when you perform on his dick.
Yes and even lip-gloss, but right now, we just want you to learn the basics.”
Oliphant shook his head. “I-I just can’t…I’m heterosexual–” Starla laughed. “You wanted to serve a couple, a man and a woman. This is part of service.”
Ken pulled his dick out, and waved it at Oliphant, who began trembling.
Starla smiled and helped Oliphant up.
“Just a moment, darling.”
After picking up her Spencer paddle, an evil looking frat-boy thing with holes to accelerate speed…
Starla took Oliphant over to the fluffy armchair in the library.
“Bend over, honey.”
Oliphant looked desperate, his eyes leaking tears. “I-I just don’t want to suck but—”
Starla took Oliphant by the ear and forced him over the fluffy armchair.
“Now we’re going to learn obedience…I hope.”
Starla smiled at Ken who shook his head disgustedly, his limp dick sagging there. WHACK!
Oliphant screamed.
“Like a little girl, you just have to howl, don’t you?” Starla said sympathetically.
“Now Oliphant, in a moment, you will go back and suck Daddy’s dick like a good boy, but you are going to take your paddling like a man.”
Starla stroked the back of Oliphant’s neck as the nude little man with the red imprint on his butt sobbed silently.
“No more sketching, please.”
Starla said, nicely. WHACK! Oliphant bit his lower lip.
His buttocks felt as if they’d been dipped in a French frying machine.
Oliphant howled.
“No, no, darling…”Starla said in a soft tone.
“You make Starla so annoyed with all that screaming, and then I want to go get the bullwhip.
You don’t want that, do you?”
Oliphant shook his head, biting his lip again.
Starla smiled at the raw meat that Oliphant’s buttons had now become.
She lifted her paddle again.
Starla took turns whacking one chef at a time until Oliphant burst into tears…and shook his head.
“Now do you think you can suck Kenny’s dick, maybe?”
Starla looked earnestly atOliphant.
He looked up at her, and how adorable she looked in her snug chocolate turtleneck.
“I-I’ll try, Miss Starla…”
Oliphant looked pleadingly at her.
“Be a good boy and do a good job.
Maybe I’ll let you suck my sweet buttocks later on, baby.” Starla promised sincerely enough.
“You love kissing my plump bottom cheeses, Ollie. Starla knows that.”
Oliphant nodded, excitedly, thinking of Starla’s round pink asscheeks.
Yes,. and the last time she’d stood before him.
Yes, with her panties bunched around her full thighs.
And how Oliphant had kissed her pink globes and rimmed all the dingle berries out of her asshole and his penis got hard.
Hours of kneeling and kissing her beautiful bottom…
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