The Adventures of Janet Ch. 02

Janet woman up the next morning in bed hugging her blankets tight to her curled up body. Looking at the window, she could see the gray morning light peeking through the slats of her vertical blinds. She didn’t move and just lied in bed remembering everything that happened and tried to process that everything did actually happened.

When she arrived home late last night, she quickly walked to her apartment holding the already blood-soaked towel as best as she could between her legs. As she fumbled to open the door to her apartment, she felt the blood run down her inner thighs. She sobbed in anger and sorrow and finally managed to open the door and quickly closed it behind her turning the deadbolt before dashing into the bathroom.

She let the towel fall from under her and fumbled with her dress in the dark, sobbing harder while undressing. She Turned the shower on and stepped into the frigid water and began to cry.

“How can I live this way? Is this the best I can do formyself? Why me?”

The shower ran for no more than a minute when she turned the faucet off. She stepped out shivering from the cold and still sobbing as she gripped for the towel on the rack on the opposite wall. She shooked off and still felt herself seeing blood. She stepped carefully over to the vanity and found her tissue box and pulled out several sheets and did her best to plug up the leakage.

She had cried herself to sleep and now she was awake in bed ready to relive the moments to remember them to her new bosses. Part of her wanted to stay in bed and not get up ever again and the other part wanted to get up because there was simply no other alternative.

Janet rose from the bed and felt the chill of the air on her naked body. She went over to the bathroom and saw her dress she wore last night on the floor.

“No. No. No! No!” she said picking it up and seeing the dried blood stains mottled the bottom. Her lip began to quiver and she tried to hold back her sobs, but it was her best and only dress. She took it and turned on the faucet of the sink plugging the drain to let it soak. She did her best to freshen up and she went to her closet and rummaged through to find the next best thing she could wear.

She pulled out a pair of jean shorts and a tye dyed shirt as it was the best fitting shirt she had to wear. Looking in the mirror, she thought she looked stupid knowing how Cat, Margitte and Roxy all dressed. She wondered if security would even let her in as they might mistake her as a homeless vagrant, but what else could she do. She gathered her wallet, laptop and phone into her bag and walked out of the cold and dark apartment.

Janet made her way downtown on foot, passing by fast food shops and other corner stores thinking she could moonlight at one of those businesses. At the Very least, she could get a discount on food while making just a little bit of money. She walked by the Starbucks she frequently and saw the same barista that warned her to make a purchase. She saw the pastry display by the counter and smelled the aroma of coffee in the cold morning air and felt sad that she could not even treat herself to a sweet Danish or a hot cup of Joe. Seeing people walking out holding their white paper cups, she imagined the taste of the hot coffee sweetened with sugar and topped with a creamy frothy milk and felt the emptiness in her stomach.

She crossed the street and made Her way into the building where Cat and Margritte’s office were and stepped up to the security table. They looked at her a bit skeptical, but after checking her bag, they let her through. She rode up the elevator with a few others normal professional business attire, which made her stand out like a mistake made from a Grateful Dead concert. She felt them look at her, but she abused there eyes and when the elevator stopped at her floor, she politely made her exit. She walked down the hall and with a loud click from the door, she entered.

As Janet stepped in, Roxy looked up and saw her and gave a quick once over then smiled warmly at her, which made her feel invited.

“Good morning, Miss Janet.” Roxy said.

She looked as pretty as the day before wearing a short pleated gray skirt with a black pinstriped bloom with the top three buttons left undone showing off her ample cleavage.

“Good morning.” Janet said and Roxy saw on her face that Janet had a rough morning or night.

“Everything OK, Miss Janet?”

“Yeah. Everything is fine.” She said and sat down on the edge of the white sofa.

Janet’s attire looked quite out of place as she sat on the leather sofa and she didn’t look at ease as she came to be after eating yesterday.

“Can I get you something? Coffee? Tea? Food?” Roxy said seemingly knowing she was hungry.

Janet smiled weakly at Roxy and nodded her head, “Please?”

“Of course.” She said and picked up the phone and Cat answered, “Miss Janet is here to see you andMiss Margritte.” She hung up the phone, “Miss Cat will be right out to see you. In the meantime, I’ll go grab something for you, okay?”

“Thank you and I’m sorry for all of the extra work I’ve put you through.” Janet said.

“Not at all. It’s my pleasure, Miss Janet.” She said and exited the office. Roxy left a trail of perfume in her wake as she breezed by her through the waiting area.

Cat came out of her office and smiled with her feral like canines, “Janet. So good to see you again.” She said and saw how she was oddly dressed, “A bit casual today, are we?”

“It’s all I had that was clean. I’m sorry.”

“It’s quite alright. Where is Roxy?”

“She went to go get something for me. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. Why don’t we go into Margritte’s office and you can tell us all about your assignment.” She said and held a hand towards Margritte’s door.

Janet rose and followed Cat into Margritte’s office where she was busy typing on her computer”Margritte, you remember Janet from yesterday.” Cat said.

She glanced over at her and went back to her computer, “Of course I do. Have a seat.” She said and continued her typing. “So how was Olivia?”

“Um…she was fine.”

“And?” Margritte said.

“She was nice. She was…”

“Did she fuck you?” Margritte said

The directness started Janet at first, but she remembered it was the reason why she was assigned in the first place, “Yes, ma’am.” She said in a low voice.

“How many times?”

“Three times, I think?”

“Did she enjoy it?”

“Did she enjoy it?” Janet said.

“Yes. That’s what I said.”

“Oh, well…I think so.”

Margritte stopped typing and looked at Janet, “What do you mean ‘you think so?’ Either she did or she didn’t. Does she want to fuck you again?”

“Oh. Yes. I think she was interested in seeing me again.”

“Okay. Wait outside please.” Margritte said.

Janet turned to look at Cat and she just smiled at her with a nod then stood and left the office. Once the door closed, Margritte said, “What do you think?”

“Think of what?” Cat said.

“Olivia. We caught her. She fucked the little virgin three times last night and she’s not even a true lesbian. What does that tell you?”

“I’m not saying it doesn’t sound good, but let’s not jump the gun here and think we’ve found our new earner.”

“Whether or not she becomes our biggest earner is not the point. The point is we’ve got somebody for Olivia. Having a steady income stream for her buys us time to find our new domme.”

“Okay, it’s Olivia, but still, she’s only one client. We may get a bit of a premium, but that’s still far short of what we need to cover right now.”

“You let me work on Olivia. In the meantime, see if there are any other clients that our hippie girl can check the boxes.”

“Okay, but you’d better turn lead into gold fast or we’ll be in dire straits sooner than later.” Cat said and left her office.

Margritte dialed Olivia’s number and waited, “First Lady’s office, this is Jessica speaking?”

“Hi, this is Margritte from D&S Services. I’d like to speak to Olivia please.”

“I’ll see if she is available. Please hold.”

After a brief moment, Olivia answered the phone, “Hello Margritte.”

“Hello Olivia. A beautiful morning is it not?”

“Cut the smug bullshit. Yes, I like her, and I would like to see her again and on a regular basis.”

“A regular basis? Is that a weekly basis?”

“Possibly. Maybe more if my schedule permits it.”

“Well, we’ll do everything we can to work her into your schedule as long as there aren’t any conflicts.”

“Conflicts? What conflicts? Don’t bullshit me that you’ve already got her scheduled to see other clients.”

“Whether we do or not, doesn’t matter. It’s whether she’s available or not to match existing clients that does.”

“And do you? She was brand new to you just yesterday.”

“I’lladmit that we have no hard dates set for her as of yet, but what she brings to the table would interests others on our clientele.” Margritte said.

“Oh? Like who?”

“Come on, Olivia. You know client privacy is of high priority. I’m sure you can appreciate that.” Margritte said and it followed with a long pause. “Are you still there, Olivia?”

“Yes, I am. Let me make This easy for both of us. I’ll buy her from you. I’ll pay you a month’s worth at the rate you charged and a finder’s fee.”

“That is a very generous offer, but I do think it would be more beneficial if we keep her under our services and she can make more money as well.”

“Well isn’t that for her to decide?” Olivia said.

“It is, but the finder’s fee will be quite expensive, just for your information.”

“How much?”

“Well I do not want to insult you. Let’s just say she’s priced not to be sold. You’ll just have to wait it out for six months.”

“Look. You sold me as she was. A girlas fresh as fallen snow and now you’re allowing others to track their dirty feet across her? You disappoint me, Margritte.”

“I’m sorry you’re disappointed, but we need to generate revenue with the contractors we employee.”

“Level with me. I know most of the people on your client list and I’ve given some to you. Just tell me if there is anybody that I know that you are trying to match her with.” Olivia said.

“Well, Jonathan for one. He seemed to match well with her.”

“Jonathan? Absolutely not.”

“Well, that’s not really your call, is it Olivia?”

“Does she have a placement today?”

“Not at this moment.”

“Then I’m requesting her services today.”

“Same rate? Same time?”

“Fine. I’ll send a car for her at 4 pm.”

“Sounds good. I’ll let her know.”

“Okay.” Olivia said and hung up the phone.

Margritte hung up the phone with a little smile knowing she rubbed Olivia the wrong way, but it was business and it wasn’t the firsttime. She buzzed Roxy and told her to send Cat and Janet into her office.

Janet was eating a bagel with cream cheese with a hot cup of coffee with lots of cream and sugar when Roxy told her Margritte wanted her to come back in. She quickly made herself presentable while Roxy buzzed Cat’s office. As Cat stepped out of her office, Janet was on her feet and they entered together.

“So Janet, you’ll be seeing Olivia again this evening.” Margritte said.

“This evening?” Janet said.

“Yes, is that a problem?”

“Oh. No.” she said thinking about seeing Jessica again so soon, “I just wasn’t expecting it so soon.”

“The same client twice in a row on back to back days. That’s quite an impression you made.” Cat said with an encouraging smile. “Even I’m surprise.”

Janet smiled weakly and Margritte said, “You don’t seem to be happy about the news. Did something happen yesterday that upset you?”

Janet didn’t know her grief was that noticeable and she didn’tKnow if she should tell them or not. If she did, what would they do? Would they cancel the appointment and lose the opportunity to make money, or would they just scold her and tell her that’s all in a day’s work and to suck it up buttercup. “No. Everything was fine.” She said and smiled a little more convincing.

“Good. They’ll send a car for you at your home around 4 pm. In the meantime, make yourself more presentable.”

“Presentable?” Janet said.

“Yes. Presentable. Do you always repeat everything people tell you?” Margritte said clearly annoyed.

“No ma’am. It’s just that,” she said and glanced up at Cat for a moment, “I don’t have any money right now. Could I get an advance on my pay from yesterday? Just enough until pay day. Maybe $500.00?”

“As an advance. Do you think you made $500.00 yesterday?” Margritte said and Cat looked at her with an annoyed look but said nothing. Janet said nothing either and dropped her head in despair. “Cat, give her $500.00. Now, go make yourself presentable, okay?”

“Yes, ma’am. I will. And thank you.” She said as Margritte waved them away. Cat told Janet to wait in the lobby as Cat stayed. “What is it?” Margritte said annoyed.

“What are you doing? You know how much she made for us last night and you know what her percentage is. Are you trying to make us look like the bad guys? If so, you’re doing a fantastic job of it.” Cat said baring her sharp canines.

Margritte brushed her hair and leaned back into her seat, “So I was a little hard on her. You know how I am when people ask for money.”

“I understand that, but she at least earned it. She’s not a charity case and if she’s the ticket to buy us some time, I don’t think you should be saying things that might turn her against us.”

“Okay. I hear you. Are you done now?”

“Look, I know you can be a bitch sometimes. Just don’t be a bitch all the time, okay?” she said and Margritte just looked at her annoyed, “Okay, I’m done now.”Cat said and left her office.

Janet was eating her bagel when Cat stepped in and Janet began to stand, “No, please. Sit and finish eating. When you’re done just come into my office, okay?” She said with a smile.

“Okay. Thank you.” Janet said and Roxy looked over and smiled at Janet as well.

“Thank you again, Roxy. I know I’ve been such a hassle to you.”

“It’s no trouble at all, Miss Janet. I’m happy to be of any assistance.”

“Once I get the chance, I promise I’ll pay you back for everything you’ve given me.”

“I know you will, Miss Janet.”

Janet wiped her mouth with a napkin and took a sip of coffee and went into Cat’s office. Cat was sitting at her desk looking at her computer screen and looked up when Janet came in.

“Please, sit down.” Cat said with a smile. “Please don’t mind Margritte’s impatience. She has very little of it and she tends to overreact when it’s used up.”

“I understand. Thank you.”

Cat opened her left drawerand pulled out an envelope and handed it over to Janet, “Here you go. $500.00. You’ve earned it. So, what are you going to spend it on?”

Janet looked inside the envelope and saw five $100 bills, “Just on necessities like my utility bills and food and some clothes.”

“So you made quite the impression on Olivia. What did you do exactly?”

“What did we do?” Janet said and realized she just repeated the question again, “I mean, you know, we had dinner together. She asked me if I knew who she was and what I thought about her.”

“And what did you say?”

“I told her I knew who she was, and I didn’t think she should’ve stood by her husband during that scandal.”

“How did she take that?’

“Very well. She was Very composed and professional.”

“And then?”

“And then she…took me to the bedroom.”

“It sounds like a rather pleasant evening for both of you.”

“Yes, I guess it does.” Janet said smiling and the memory of Jessica afterward followed in her thoughts.

“Well, it seems like you have everything well in hand. There’s no need for me to offer any advice.” Cat said and rose to her feet and Janet stood as well.

Cat escorted her out of her office and back into the lobby. “If you need anything, you know where to find us.”

“Actually, I need to buy something more presentable to wear. Is there a place for clothes that you could suggest?” Janet said.

“Roxy? What place would you suggest for her?” Cat said.

“I do have a place in mind. I’ll write the address down for you. Roxy scribbled down the address on a yellow post-it note and handed it to Janet. “Let them know I sent you and they’ll assist you with whatever you need.”

Janet looked at the note and it read: Leather. At the mall. On the bottom of the note it read: I’ll fuck you anytime. Janet looked at Roxy and she only smiled.

“Was there anything else you need, Miss Janet?” Roxy said.

“Oh. Uh, no. Thank you. Thank you for everything.”

“Remember. 4 pm today.” Cat said.

“Okay. Thank you.” Janet said and walked towards the door and looked back at Roxy one last time, but she just smiled and waved goodbye.

When Janet was gone, Cat said, “Do you think she’s got what it takes to last?”

“I do, Miss Cat.”

“You seem quite taken by her. What do you see in her?”

“I see strength. Guts. Determination.”

“Sounds like a domme.”

“She could be, Miss Cat.”

“Are you serious?”

Roxy just nodded with a pleasant smile.

“You enjoyed it when she could you yesterday, didn’t you?” Cat said and Roxy thought about it for a moment and just shrugged with a smile.

“Janet. A domme? But she’s so…mousy.”

“She is Miss Cat, but if you and Miss Margritte could give her a little direction, I think she has a heart of a tigress.”

“And you would enjoy being dominated by her? A little wif of a girl?”

“Very much, Miss Cat.”

Cat looked at Roxy and saw she was aroused which wasn’t a strange sight, but from Janet? Cat saw her as petite, plain, innocent and desperate. Of those qualities, the only one that caught her interest was the latter, but if Janet caught Roxy’s eye looking the way she did, perhaps there was something to work with.

Janet walked back home stuffing the envelope of cash in her pocket. It was around 10 in the morning already and she had to be prepared and ready by 4 pm. She got into her old car, which didn’t look old, but it was reliable and drove to the utility company. She waited in line and paid her electric bill. After all of the lecturing from the lady and the late fees, she walked out with a little less than $400.00. She went to the gas company and they gave her the same treatment and left about $50 lighter. Even though, she parted with her cash, knowing those debs were now gone made her feel so much better.

She went back to her car and looked at the post-it note Roxy gave her and read what she wrote onThe bottom. “She wrote this the first time too.” She thought, “If she likes me, why doesn’t she just tell me?” Janet didn’t understand, but she wasn’t asked out on a date ever. “Why would she want to ask me out anyway? She’s so pretty and I’m not.” She thought.

Janet drove to the mall and entered from the food court. The aroma of cheesesteaks, Chinese fast food, pizza, and cinnamon rolls instantly hit her senses. Knowing she could actually pay for lunch almost brought her to tears. She decided on the cheesesteak and fries and sat down savoring the melted cheese on the beefy meat with the touch of sweetness from the caramelized onions. She was grateful for the opportunity that Cat and Margritte gave her. It wasn’t what she expected, but when she thought about last night, it wasn’t all bad. Her time with Olivia was nervous wrapping, but she was very kind and accommodating. It was only the time with Jessica that made her feel ill and worried about tonight.

She looked around thefood court and saw people chatting and eating and thought that here she was all alone, penniless and friendly and will be used as a sex toy in just a few hours. Recounting the steps of her life, whether they be events in or out of her control, she wondered what she could have done to not end up where she was. As she dipped a French fry into her ketchup cup and ate, she realized that she was not hungry, and the food was tasty and Not dry and bland. Her head settled back into reality, and she could say that she had a job that earned money to pay off her bills and buy food. Olivia requested her on confidential days, which was a big deal according to Cat and Janet began to see the light of what Margritte was saying back in her office.


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