“Dom searching for his Sub” was the headline and the ad itself just as swift. “If you think you might be the one, interested and would like to learn more, send me a message.” There was no name, email address or a description of him, only a box to type in your reply and send it off into cyberspace in hopes that they would receive it.
It began with simple click of the mouse. She had done it, against her wildest dreams. She had answered a personal ad. Once she read the headline she knew that if she didn’t respond it would be something that she would regret, as she typed her response, her heart beat deep, in the anticipation of getting back a response.
“I am interested in finding out what is it that has you seeking for your sub. I wish to learn more about you and your intentions. I have been in this type of relationship before and much enjoyed it. Talk to you soon.”
The email was sent and she sat the rest of the night reading her book, searching for a movie to watch and making a snack. She was curled up on the couch with nothing but a tank top and boxes on, and a blanket across her bare legs. Everyone else in the house was sleep even the dogs. She got up and refilled her drink, and grabbed a dish of popcorn and returned to the couch. As she was flicking throw the channels on the TV for something to watch she suddenly had a gut feeling to check her email. As her fingers typed in the password her heart was beating faster. As it opened she could see it. There it was a response, her heart leaves into her throat as she clicked on it. There it was a reply; she could feel butterflies growing inside her gut.
“Tell me more. I enjoy knowing more of what you know of the lifestyle. I am interested to know more about you. Give me a bit of your background and experience. I have enjoyed being a Dom in the past and with recent relationship changes, would like to do it again with the right girl. If still interested write me back”
With that her fingers slid to keys and she began to type. She put her heart into knowing that it may not amount to anything more then a few passed emails. She could feel her excitement grow between her sex lips, her boxes getting damp. She was giving her soul away to someone she hadn’t even met yet, there would be no harm in letting him know more. As she wrote her face became warm and flush, her nipples started to harden. She shifted herself on the couch and read over what she had written. Not quite sure whether to send right away or not, she did not want to seem too anxious.
“I saw your reply and it made my heart jump. I would be interested in knowing what you expect of your sub. Do you prefer that your sub be knowngeable or someone that you are able to teach? I know of the lifestyle and it excites me to know that you are interested more. I have been in search of someone in your status, since I too have had a recent relationship change, and it’s exciting to have seen your ad.
I have long auburn hair, blue eyes and am 5’6. I enjoy the lifestyle and I do not know much but am always willing to learn and enjoy being taught. I was surprised to see such a quick response from you. I wish to hear more about you. I will leave my cell number for you to contact me if you wish. I am hoping to here back soon, as I am eager to get to know you better. Have a good evening and we will talk soon.
She left it at that and clicked send, off it went, would she get another response? Would she be owned again? Her heart fluttered as she washed for bed and slipped into her pyjamas. She curled up under the blankets and sank her head onto her pillow, closed her eyes and dreamed of them finally meeting.
The next day she continued on with her routine, got ready for work, kids off to school and on her way she went. She carried through the day wondering if he had responded or if he was like most guys out there, just wanted to use her. She got thinking of her past and how shehad been hurt, used and abused, for others pleasure.
Was she doing the right thing by talking to someone she had met online?
What would come out of it?
Would he hurt her like the others have?
She stopped and sat at her desk, closed her eyes, took a deep breath and made herself stop the never ending charade of questions. She needed to take things one step at a time, nice and slow, at a pace she could handle. Easier said then done. Her past was all about pleasure, if the guy wanted it she gave it to make them happy. In return she was hurt by them. Never another call, never another text, nothing but emptyness. Those who did stick around hurt her physically and emotionally, she did not want this to happen again. She had to go slow, she had to remind herself that she was in control; she was the one that made the rules.
Emails passed through each others fingertips over the next few days, she became fond of him, she had told him a bit about her past and he didn’t run, a true gentleman. He told her of his situation and why he was looking and she understood and promised to help. So far she believed every word from him, not sceptical or analytical, but thought his words were sincere.
It’s Thursday night and the last email to leave her fingertips for the night was one to him, one that mentioned of her wants, dreams and hopes for them in the future. Never once did he pressure her into answering anything that she did not feel comfortable doing. The following day went along with texts here and there. She smiles as she reads them and returns them. Later that afternoon her phone buzzed and there it was, a message that she was not expecting to see so soon.
“When can we meet? Are you free tonight?” was his text.
She replied, “I am free. Where and what time were you thinking?”
As they corresponded back and forth about where they would meet, what time it would be and what he wanted her to wear, she reassure herself that she was doing the right thing. With butterflies in her stomach not sure of what they were from, was it the nervousness of meeting someone new, which of whom she had only corresponded with less then a week. Or was it from the excitement of finally getting to meet him. She quickly got done her errands, picked up her friend and went home. Finding it hard to keep it to herself she told a very close friend about everything that had happened in the Last few days and her friend’s response was to be careful and take it slow. As they spent the evening talking and ripping apart her closet they got thinking if meeting him together was the right thing. So she quickly ran to her computer and sent him an email explaining how she was feeling and that what he had picked for her to wear she did not have but would find something of similar colour and wear it. At the end she added about bringing her friend due to the situation and having someone there break the ice as she reminded him that she was very shy.
She ran upstairs grabbed a towel and headed into the shower.
What was she thinking?
What was she doing?
Is this what she wanted?
Of course this is what she wanted she is the one who responded to the ad, she is the one who keep the correspondence going and not ending it. She was the one who said yes.
Her shower was hot and steamy and all she could think about was meeting him. As she got out and dried off she glanced at herself in the mirror and blushed, her heart raced as she made her way to her room to get dressed. She was rushing herself because she was anxious; they weren’t meeting for another 2 hours and she was already dressed and half way done her makeup. Her phone buzzes and she looks, it’s him, and she smiles as she reads.
“Are you nervous yet?”
“Yes, but not sure if nervouss or excitement”, she replies back.
“What will you be wearing for me?”
“I am sorry I tried finding something that you wanted me to wear, but I couldn’t.” her fingers trembling with excitement.
“I will let you know when I am on my way. See you soon.”
She’s sitting on the couch across from her good friend, Taylor, as they reminisce about the last time they went out and what a good time they had. Taylor then asks what made her go online and respond to a personal ad. She begins to tell Taylor about her dreams, fansies and wants. Her needs and her need for him.
Natalie started at the beginning and explained to Taylor her submissiveness and why she needs this. Taylor sat with inquisitive eyes and open ears and listened with great intent. Natalie began by telling her her most wanted fantasy.
She would be dressed in black boots that go to her knees, and they would have a bit of a heel. Her corset would be black; with lace both in front and back, it would acccentuate her curves in all the right places, her breasts bare. Stockings and lace panties to match. Her hair would be up in a clip, but would not be there for long, and her make-up done as he had always liked it. Eyes lined in black, mascara to make lashes appear longer and fuller, black and grey hues of shadow. Her nipples would have the silver rings he had picked out for to wear when she was around him.
She would be standing in the bedroom against the end of the bed with her back towards the door. She would have the bed made neighbor and lying on top of his pillow would be trinkets of play.
A black silk blindfold, that made her wet whenever she sees it. It was soft against her warm skin; she holds it in her hand before placing on his pillow. She reaches into the box and pulls out his whip. It was small and black. Made of leather and she remembered that its size was not justified by how he used it. It may look small but the marks it left were just as blowing as if it were a bigger ones It had 10 individual ends that met in the middle and then were wrapped together to make a handle. The sound of it snapping against her bare buttocks was veryintriguing and the more she held it the more she wanted it used on her. As she continued to empty his box she could feel herself getting wet and excited, but was there a reason for her to get excited? He was coming over but she was not sure if it was to punish her for something she may have done or if it was just playtime. Either way she couldn’t wait for him to get there, as her excitement grow so did the wet spot between her legs, as Did the throbbing of her clip against her piercing.
She heard a noise; she quickly put the boxes lid on it and returned it to safety, underneath of the bed. She quickly glanced in the mirror to make sure she was perfect for him. With that she stood still and straight at the foot of the bed. She could here him walking up the stairs, but he did not come in right away, he turned and went into the bathroom.
It seemed like hours but he finally entered the room. Goose bumps began to appear all over her body, as she stood with her eyes closed, sheneeded him, wanting to feel his touch.
He reached his hand out and with that he spun her around so that she was facing him. He looked at her from her hair to her toes, and he nodded with content as he ran his fingers over her nipples. They became hard and alert with his touch; she closed her lips so that her moan could not between them.
Taylor stopped Natalie form going on as it was starting to excite her as well. Besides it was time to head out, they were hoping to get there before he did so they could get a good seat. A seat in which would be far enough away that he would have to stand and look for them, but close enough that Natalie could spot him as he walked in.
That had reached the meeting spot and they both went inside. It was quietly; there was a couple in the corner playing pool and a few at the dart board. It was a small and quaint little pub, they sat there together enjoying the music and having a drink each. Natalie’s nerves began to act up again, but she knew it was from the building excitement of the night to come.
“On my way.” Was all the text said and with that her heart skipped a few beats, her cheeks became flush and Taylor knew it was him.
Natalie sat in her chair with her back to door, hoping to get the courage to turn around and watch for him, but it was too late he was already standing behind her. She could feel him; she could feel his presence and know that Everything was going to be ok and that her search was over.
The three of them sat there listening to the music and talking. Taylor asking him questions that Natalie was to fear, Taylor was not known to be the shy one. He sat between both of them and had paid for a round and after being there for a bit asked what Natalie had planned for the rest of the night. Taylor feeling tired, asked if she could get a ride home. Natalie nodded her head and then made plans to go for a drive after so that her and Max, could get to know one another more. With that Max leaned over and gave a small gentle kiss on her lips. She could feel her face blush again as she reached for her jacket.
Natalie dropped Taylor off at home and rushed back to their meeting place. Max was waiting there for her and in her amazement was just as kind and soft spoken as he was earlier. Natalie was not sure if he was just acting, when the three of them were together, but this would let her know for sure.
She got in his car and he drive, he turned the heat on as she was starting to shiver, he wanted to make sure she was warm. He reassure her with soft spoken words that she was fine and that he would take it as slow as she wanted, that he would take care of her. Natalie was starting to warm up to him, a bit of the shyness had gone away. As they drove they talked about the emails that were passed between one another. Max made Natalie feel warm and safe. Inside, Natalie wanted him to take her, wanted to feel his endowment, wanted to be his.
He pulled the car overon a side road with no houses or lights to be seen for miles, he wanted to finish the kiss they had started earlier that night. With that he reached over and touched her cheek, his hands were warm and soft, she started to blush again. He was curious as to why she was this way, but knew it would only make her more uncomfortable if he asked her. He ran his hands behind her neck and pulled her gently towards them. Their lips met and she let out a moan, he pressed his lips harder against her and their tongues started to intermingle. His hands were strong and yet gentle, his voice so deep, soothing and reassuring. Her wetness began to grow between her thighs and her clip throbbed for his touch.
Natalie could not let herself go to far, she had to take this one slow, and she wanted to make sure he was here because of needing and wanting her, not because he could get laid.
His hand slid down her neck and across her shoulders, she moaned some more, a little louder this time. Max looked at her through his blue eyes and smiled gently, he knew she wanted him, he knew she was the one. He sat up in his seat and started the car. He put his hand on my left thigh and began to drive away. The rest of the drive all I could think about was his soft lips placed on top of hers. His hand was warm on her thigh and stared out the window with a smile on her face.
Max pulled into the driveway and turned off the ignition. She stared at the front door, knowing that she needed to be with him, she slowly reached over for the handle. She got out and Max curried to the front door to get it unlocked as the night air was crisp and the wind was cool. Natalie stood in the front hall, Max putting his hands on her shoulders, gently helped her take her coat off. He hung it up in the closet alongside his. Max took her hand and led her up the stairs to his room. Natalie stopped herself at the door, her palms sweaty, asked to be shown the bathroom. Max turned to the right and turned on the light. He turned around and headed into the room.
Natalie turned on the cold water at the sink and let it run as she stared at herself in the mirror.
What was she doing?
This was not supposed to happen tonight, she was supposed to take it slow, but she couldn’t make herself leave. This is what she wanted, she wanted him to own her, and she wanted him to need her. She needed to please herself by pleasure him. She splashed cool water on her face, turned off the tap, dried her hands and face off and left the bathroom.
She returned to the bedroom door and with her amazement Max was sitting on the end of his bed. He looked up and patted the spot beside him; Natalie went over and sat down beside him. He stood up in front of her gazing into her eyes he moved his hand to her shoulder and slide his fingers under her bra strap. He knelt down in front of her their lips meeting again; he met the bottom of her shirt with his fingers and started to raise it over her head. She stood up and let him undo the buttons to her jeans. He took hold of the waist and slide them down over her legs to the floor. Max gently gestured and Natalie took her seat again on the end of the bed. He was kneeing there looking at her in amazement and smiled. Natalie, with the excitement growing deep inside, knew everything was going to be ok. Max approved and that was all that mattered.
Max gently nudges Natalie further back on the bed and she lays there, only wearing her bra and panties. He runs his fingers over her panties and his hands pause as he passes over her wetness. He moves his hands up to her shoulders and reachings for her bra straps. Natalie arches her back so he is able to slide his hands under and undo her bra. Natalie lifts her arms and Max slips it over and tosses it to the floor.
“You want it so badly, don’t you?” Max asks softly, while rolling a nipple tightly between his thumb and forefinger.
Natalie nods as her knees start to buckle. He smilesa wicked smile. She gasps as he starts to slap her breasts; short stinging slaps that make her nipples expand and harden. He leans over and take a nipple in his mouth, biting and sucking. Each sensing sends a jolt of electricity to her pulsing clip.
Her hips grind and rotate. Max slides her panties over her hips and down her smooth legs and they land on the floor at the end of the bed.
Juices flowing, the wetness running down her inner lips. Just as she is about to beg him to stop, he takes his hands from her breasts and reaching down, slides two cool fingers deep into her pussy, testing the wetness.
She moans as her vaginal walls contract and clamp down trying to increase friction against his fingers. Fluids swirl about his fingers and run down the palm of his hand.
“I see your ready,”
At that point Max thrusts His dripping fingers between her lips. She licks them frantically, tasting, trying to please him.
He reaches over to the bedside and takes a long drink of ice water, keeping several cubes in his mouth when he is done. He climbs back on the bed and bends his head down between my vibrating thighs. His ice cold tongue licks her burning clip, making her scream inside. His hands force her thighs apart as he clamps his cold mouth to her pussy. His tongue probes her vagina, drawing out fluids and his teeth scrape across her swollen clip.
He sucks My clip relentlessly, swirls his tongues around my piercing until she cums in a wave of orgasm that lifts her hips off the bed. Still shuddering, he lays on top of her. He takes her face in his hands and parts her lips with his wet tongue. She sucked her own salty juices from his mouth in a haze of afterglow.
Suddenly he stopped, grabbed her chin and looked at her straight in the eye. “Are you mine?”
“Yes, of course!”
“Completely mine and belonging to no other?” he asked again.
He gently turned me around and started kissing me again. She trustted him completely and knew he would not take it too far. His breath on her face felt good. She could feel him running his hands down her body to her breasts. Suddenly she felt a pinch on her nipple and gasped.
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