Looking back through the files of your life and trying to decide on the significance of each event can keep you occupied for endless hours. Trying to pinpoint the start of something is even harder to do, how far back do you go? What is truly important or formative and what’s just accidental? It is a question which can never be truly resolved. That fact, however universally Understood it may be, has never stopped people speculating on the matter – ‘when did it all begin?’; ‘where did that come from?’ and so on.
Trying to pinpoint the spark that lit her enduring fascination with spanking and erotic corporate punishment was something Lissa did fairly frequently. Not least because she rather enjoyed replaying the event that she considered to be seminal, in fact it had formed a staple scene of her fantasy life over all the year since the actual event itself, sometimes just as it had been and other times embedded with suitable details.
If she had thought back a bit further though there was the question of the trigger for that event, had there been one? When did that happen and why? The spiral winds on forever…
If you had to pick a date though it probably all began one hot May day when Lissa was 19, in her first year at university. Sociology often provided a basis for interesting discussions that spread beyond the seminar, on this particular day the topic was the use of corporate punishment by parents and schools, and the rights and wrongs of this. Some of the group had come out strongly in favour, in particular Joe (who Lissa was seeing at the time) saying that he had been smacked when he did things wrong and it had done him a lot of good, all of the usual arguments on either side had been brought out and aired thoroughly, there were no sweating revelations and no dazzling new options were proposed, and eventually it settled down into the repetitive wrangling that all the old arguments dissolve into eventually. Lissa had never been smacked and didn’t feel that she had behaved worse as a result; this was her only contribution to the discussion since it wasn’t an issue on which she had strong feelings. In fact she had drifted off into some daydream or other, and five minutes after leaving the classroom had all but forgetten what the discussion had been about.
It was maybe a week after that when it actually happened. And it went like this:
‘I know you got off with James at that party on Saturday, I’m not stupid and anyway you were seen!’
‘I didn’t!I…’ Lissa tried to protest her innocent but she wasn’t too good at lying and the truth was that in fact she had snogged James at the party on Saturday. She decided to abandon protest, which wasn’t working and concentrate on something else instead.
‘Ok, OK I did. It’s a fair cop. But I didn’t mean too, I mean it wasn’t deliberate, I…’
‘Save it, I don’t want to hear it. I’m out of here!’
‘No please, you don’t understand, he jumped on me, I got away as soon as I could, I didn’t mean too….Joe…please!’
She was running after him now. It wasn’t supposed to end like this, it had been a one off, and he had taken her by surprise, and…Joe had stopped by the door and turned back to face her. She stopped to, the look on his face wasn’t one she recognized.
He was smiling now, and she smiled back hesitantly before realising that this wasn’t an ‘it’ll all be forgiven soon’ smile, it was more like he’d had some thought that amused him greatly, one that she wasn’t purey too. He headed back towards her, passed her by without a word and disappeared back into the Student common room for the Humanities Faculty, which was where they had started this disastrous conversation. She followed him more slowly, Unsure what was happening,
‘I’m here. I’m waiting for you. You see I had a thought.’
‘What was it Joe?’
He was smiling that smile again,
‘I thought this, if I walk out on you now you’ll be upset for a little while but it won’t really teach you not to do the same thing again will it? You’ll forget all about this soon enough won’t you?’
Unsure what answer he wanted she said nothing but smiled uncertainly
‘Won’t you?’ he shouted suddenly,
‘Yes, yes Joe.’ Whatever he wanted to end this scene so she could make it up to him, she was sorry. She truly was.
‘So I decided that I’m going to make sure you don’t forget it.’
‘how…’ she started to ask but the sentence was never finished. Before she could get out more than the first sylable he had seized her wrist, jerking her off balance he was able to sit down and pull her across his knees before she was recovered enough to protest. By then it was too late, he had her where he wanted her – namely face down over his lap, her legs trapped beneath one of his. And since he already had held of one arm it was a simple matter for him to catch the other where it waved helped somewhere around his ankles and pin both of them neatly against her back, both her wrists held in one of his hands. So there she was, trapped.
‘Look Joe, I understand you’re angry..’ she was trying to find a reasonable tone of voice. Trying but failing. As she said the word ‘angry’ she felt him raise the hem of the little summer dress she was wearing (since the day was so warm) and her voice rose to a squeak.
‘Stop Joe, stop it! Stop it! Stop it!’ she tried to wriggle and squirm but she was held securely. Joe didn’t say anything but she felt his hand smoothing her skirt back, felt his eyes on her knicker-covered bottom, shuddered at the thought that he might remove them too. But he didn’t, simply smoothed them with his hand. Even then she wasn’t quite sure what he was Intending to do, nothing like this had ever happened to her before and she only had the vaguest idea that this was the ideal position for a spanking. Even when he shiftedhis knees to raise her bottom more prominently she only half guessed so when the first slap collided with her buttocks with an almighty crack it was a total shock both to her mind and her flesh.
She was so shocked she couldn’t even call out and a few minutes later she didn’t have any words left to say anyway because his hand kept falling, regretlessly, over and over and she could only gasp and whimper. She had neither the time nor the space to think of any words. She tried to wriggle but couldn’t, she could barely move at all except to shift her bum up and down slightly which only seemed to help his exercises. It didn’t matter anyway, soon all she could think of was the growing heat in her arse, it felt as if it was on fire and still his hand rose and fall, rose and fell covering not only her arse cheeses but straying down to her upper thighs as well.
Joe found that he was enjoying himself. He had intended to let her up after a few spanks but now he knew that there was plenty more he wanted to do. He was angry with her, not just because of the kiss but because he had been defending her to his friends only the day before he found out about the party and now he felt stupid, she had made him look stupid and she needed to pay for that, and he would make sure she did. Also he couldn’t stand cheats and he wanted to make sure that she wouldn’t cheat on anyone again. Anyway this was fun. He looked down at her arse and saw the redness creeping out onto her thighs, heard the whimpers as his hand cracked down, felt her trying to struggle, trying to evade his spanks and felt his own power as he held her tightly. Time to take it to the next level he decided.
His hand stopped falling, it took Lissa a few moments to recognize this, she couldn’t hear anything but her own sobbing breath and her bottom was a mass of fierce singing. But it did register slowly and she began to relax. Joe had been waiting for that moment, that relaxation of tension. As soon as he felther relief that it was over he delivered ten more slaps, five on each chef, hard and sharp. Just to get the message across.
‘It’s not over’ he said flatly ‘it won’t be over for a while. Now I’m going to release your legs but before I do I need you to understand me, if you struggle or try to run away from me then what has just happened to your delectable arse will seem like a stroll on the beach. Do you understand? I am going to do what I intend to do regardless but it will be easier on you if you don’t struggle. Are we clear?’
she made no answer and he began spanking again, violently punctuating his words
‘do – you – understand – me?’
Absorbed in this new rhythm it took him a while to realize that she was trying to answer.
‘Yes Joe. Yes Joe.’ In between the oohs and aahs as his blows fell.
‘That’s a good girl then’.
He lifted the leg that had been trapping hers, sliding it back in under her legs so that she maintained her position over hislap. He had only one hand if he didn’t want to let her go, and he definitely didn’t want to do that. Still one hand should be plenty. He twisted that hand into the elastic of her panties, ignoring her gasp of horror. First he yanked them upwards, hard, so that the material disappeared into the crack between her arse cheeses and he could see the scarlet stain that already covered the soft flesh there. He yanked up harder, Just to hear her squeak as the material pulled at her. She squeaked louder though when he began to pull the panties down. She struggled a little, in spite of what he had said. But he was prepared for that and held her easily, she didn’t struggle half as hard as she had earlier anyway and he guessed that she was beginning to learn her lesson already.
Ignoring her struggles as best he could he dragged the knickers down over her writing bum. He had to work them over her hips gradually, and at one point had to reach under her body to free the material trapped betweenn her hips and his thighs but once free of that observation he was easily able to slide them down to her knees, from where he knew they would work themselves off when she wriggled anyway. As he was doing this he noticed what perhaps he should have realized before, that the common room, empty as it had been when they began this now had some people in it. He didn’t know how long they’d been there but he guessed since no-one had said anything that they were enjoying what they were watching.
He also guessed that Lissa didn’t know they were there and decided on the spur of the moment that it would increase her punishment if she did know, he remembered from several occasions at home that his sister always complained it was worse if he was there when mum or dad had to spank her so he looked across at the four or five witnesses, found one he knew and said hello. The greeting was returned, almost as casually with an enquiry as to whether the fun was over yet or not.
‘Hell, no!’ heesponded with a grin as he felt Lissa stiffen in shock as she understands they were not alone. No-one said anything else but he felt their silent encouragement. Except Lissa of course, she was silently willing him to give up. But he had no intention of doing that. He looked down at her, half naked now across his lap. Her thighs were squeezed tightly together, protecting her modesty he supposed. Well he would make her forget all about that!
He had raised his hand to begin when he noticed something sticking out of the top of her bag which lay on a nearby table. Her hairbrush, he knew it was wooden with a broad, flat back. Perfect. But could he reach it? He didn’t want to have to make her get up and then get her back down again, she wasn’t cowed enough yet to do that without a struggle. Leaning over as far as he could he still couldn’t reach it. Oh well, no choice.
‘Hey Alex’ he called across the room ‘Chuck me that mate’ nodding in the direction of the bag.
Alex grinnedand guessing that the brush was what was required brought it over himself, taking the opportunity to grab a look at the smooth pinked flesh stretched over his friends lap. He slapped Joe’s shoulder as he took a seat, closer than he had been. Joe weighed the brush in his hand, it was everything he remembered from seeing her brush her hair. It would do very nicely.
Lissa had no idea what Joe had asked Alex to get, her senses were still reeling from the fact that they were being watched, that people could see her in this humiliating position and as if that wasn’t bad enough that they would soon see her writing around in obedience to the blows he was inflicting, with hands that hadn’t seemed so hard when she was holding them in her mere hours ago. Hands! If only it was his hands; she knew at the first blow that he was using Something else, the sensing it produced was much the same, although more intense but it was larger, harder than his hands and he seemed able to put more force behind it. Her legs were free this time, so she had more room to wriggle but that was it, she was still held firmly over his lap. She was also desperate to keep her legs closed but it seemed that he had other ideas, his spanks landed on her buttocks and they stung. She wouldn’t have thought that her knickers had given her much protection but it seemed she was wrong, this singing was worse and she Couldn’t stop herself from twisting and crying out and eventually, to her shame, she couldn’t stop her legs from scissoring open as a particularly hard spank landed on a particularly sensitive spot. As soon as she did he began to strike at the inside of her thighs as well as the backs, ensuring her legs stayed apart, ensuring she was on display to him and to the watchers as well. Soon enough though she had ceased to care about that, although she could scarcely believe it. All she cared about was where the next smack would fall and the heat and pain in her arse.
At last hestopped and surveyed his handiwork. Lissa lay simply across his knees, all the fight seemed to have gone out of her and he decided to push his luck and see exactly how far he could take this. He pushed her off him, she fell into a huddle on the carpet, making no effort to get up. He reached down and took hold of her face, pulling it round to look at him. She wouldn’t meet his eyes, he grinned. She’d do it.
‘Get up’ he told her ‘we’re not finished’.
She said nothing but stood up on legs that seemed a little trembling. Joe glanced quickly round the room, saw what he was after.
‘Over there, knee on that chair. Lean over the back of it.’
She did as he told her, and didn’t protest when he pulled her further forward over the low back so that her arse arched out more. She whimpered a little when he told her to open her legs but she did it, displaying herself obediently. He was a little stunned himself but he would carry it through to the end. He pulled his belt out of the loops of his jeans. Doubled it in his hands and made the leather snap against itself.
‘Ten with this and its over’ he said ‘count them for me, and get it right or we’ll start again’.
‘Yes Joe.’ She whispered.
He would have to take a few practice swipes he decided, he had never used a belt in this way before and he needed some control. He lashed at a chair behind him and saw out of the corner of his eye Lissa jump as she heard it whap into the fabric. After four or five practice lashes he was reasonably confident it would land where he wanted it too. He lined himself up to his target, the blotched pink and red of her arse chefs with the dark shadow of her cunt tantalisingly displayed between her well spanked thighs. This really was tremendously enjoyable he reflected drawing back his arm. He paused for a moment, enjoying the tension. And then he struck.
To Lissa it felt as if a stripe of hot metal had suddenly been embedded in her flesh.
‘Aaaaaah’ she screamed and then ‘One’ as clearly as she could lest there be some mistake. The second blow fell before she was ready, if she could ever have been ready but she managed to count it properly and by the fifth blow she was well enough prepared to keep from crying out. Or so she thought, Joe was obviously not too pleased with this and the next three blows struck too quickly to count individually on almost exactly the same spot.
‘six-seven-eight’ she gabbled as soon as she was able, lest he decided that it would only count as one stroke. Only two more to go, she tensed her muscles, waiting for them, but Joe was watching her closely and waited until she relaxed again before he struck, taking her by surprise. The last two came close together and low down, she gasped out the count. It was over, finally over. She leaned on the back of the chair she was kneeing on, getting her breath back. Then she moved to get up, pull down her skirt, cover herself. Without warning the belt flicked out again, flicking across her buttocks and snapping against her hip, it wasn’t as hard as some of the earlier blows but she wasn’t expecting it and she cried out in pain and shock.
‘Stay there until I tell you to move’ Joe ordered. Unable to protest she resumed her former position.
‘Stick that arse out further and spread your legs unless you want more of this!’ he snapped the belt.,
‘No More, please Joe’ she gasped pushing her bum out as far as she could and spreading her legs as wide as the seat would allow.
‘Good’ he said and she heard him move away to join his friends, hear their voices murmuring and occasionally laughter. She waited, she had no watch but skewing her eyes upwards she could just see the clock on the wall without moving her head. She watched the minutes tick by, how long would he make her stay like this, exposed, unable to rub her smarting bottom. And it was smarting, singing like it had been stung by a thousand wasps and burning with heat. Gradually however she became aware that the heat in her bum was lighting a fire somewhere else, she was warm between her legs, warm and wet and getting more so. The more her arse stung, the more she dwelt on the humiliation she had been through that afternoon the more aroused she became. The minutes ticked on towards half an hour and she was now evenly divided between wanting to rub her sore bum and wanting to rub her tingling cliporis but she dared not move. She didn’t ask herself why she was allowing this to happen to her, not then. She simply knew that she had to stay where she was until Joe told her she could move.
Some forty minutes after he had finished chatising her Joe came over, he ran his hands over her naked flesh, noticing her arousal. He smiled to himself, he made no sexual move though, simply told her she was free to go and watched as she stood up and rearranged her clothes. He knickers had been lost somewhere over the other side of the common room but she made no attemptto reclaim them, merely headed straight out of the door. He knew somehow that she was heading for somewhere private, anywhere she could find, and that when she found it she would masturbate. He picked up the knickers, putting them in his pocket as a souvenir.
He was right. Lissa charged into the toilet by entrance, slamming the door behind her and seated herself on the closed lid of the toilet. She had barely sat down Before her fingers were burrowing in between her legs, she brought herself to not one but two explosive orgasms, barely able to keep quiet as they tore through her body. It was the first time she would cum over the memory but it was far from being the last.
Joe never spoke to her again, although she tried to talk to him on several occasions he brushed her off with a knowing smile. What effect that Afternoon’s events had on him she never knew but their effect on her was enormous. She began to fantasise about being dominated, she started with events as they hadhave been and then later began to elaborate on them, compounding her humiliation, involving the spectators as active participants in her punishment, making her own arousal part of the spectacle, making the punishment more extreme. These fans crowded out all others, even the humiliation she felt every time she saw one of the people who had been present on that day didn’t dim the fire that had been lit and when they would slap her arse as a joke or make remarks about that afternoon she felt the wetness between her legs even as her face reddened. Although it would be a long time before she experienced such domination again it had marked her sexuality and she would retain those marks for the rest of her life.
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