The Beach Ch. 04-06

(Inspired by my friend)

Chapter Four: Santa Cruz

The next nine months were some of the happiest. Work was booming and Peter was making a lot more money, and coming home every night to Hannah was its own special nirvana. He discovered that she preferred to be naked within the security of their abode, with or without Peter. She was a naturist and he didn’t mind in the least. Walking Through the door after a long day and having a gorgeous brunette meet him in nothing but her birthday suit was a fantasy he retired.

Peter’s bonus that next year was even more significant than the prior year’s. They each enjoyed the beach but didn’t enjoy fighting the Bay Area traffic to get to it, so Peter decided to use some of that money to purchase a small beach house in Santa Cruz, about seventy five miles south past San Jose. This cluster of communities catered to nude sunbathing which was an absolute pre-requisite for Hannah. The house sat in a small community adjacent to a privacye beach in the Opal Cliffs section of town. The locals called it Surfers Beach and it required a key to get access from the street to the sand, ergo its second nickname, Key Beach. Once inside, you had to show identification to get past the security guard(s) and before you could enjoy the sand, waves and freedom from clothing (optional). Nearly ten years ago, a group of female naturists from Los Angeles purchased and cordoned off a section of it a bit further down (nude only) and men were not allowed there.

They had arrived that Friday for a long weekend and ready to leave the stress of the city behind them. The weather was postcard perfect and the lull of the wind and waves combined with the smell of salt air created the sense of ease and relaxation that they craved. Saturday morning Peter got up early and went for a long run around the town and Through the public beach area. He passed early surfers, folks who’d camped out for the night, and a group of Tai Chi practicers takeng advantage of a special place to practice their morning forms. When he got back to the house, Hannah was packing the beach bags for a day in the sun.

“Honey, I think I’m going to hang out a bit further down the beach today,” she said.

“Uh, ok,” Peter replied a bit disappointed. It was their first full day and he was hoping that they’d spend some time together frolicking.

“You remember Crystal, don’t you?” She asked. Crystal was the ruby ​​red-headed, green eyed sprite she locked lips with the first time he saw her in the bar.

“Of course,” he replied.

“It turns out that she’s in the area and we thought we’d check out the women’s only section,” she explained as she placed the rest of her things in the bag. “You don’t mind, do you?”

Peter was very confident that he wasn’t at risk of losing Hannah to another guy, but the idea of ​​losing her to another woman wasn’t outside the realm of possibility.

“No, no of course not. Go and have fun and I’ll havedinner waiting for the three of us this evening,” he managed to sound fairly okay with it all but he wasn’t.

Hannah scooped up her bag, planted a kiss on his cheek and skipped out the door in her sundress wearing nothing underneath but the sculpted body she’d been blessed with. Jealousy is not an emotion Peter typically experienced… he was used to be in control and very self-assured.

Peter Chased after her, “Hey, wait a minute,” he called out. “Can we talk about this?” He asked.

“Talk about what? I’ll be back later on and we’ll have dinner. What’s the matter??” Peter recognized her tone. It’s as if she’d expected this.

“I thought we were spending the day together, and you never mentioned anything about Crystal being here,” he said feeling the argument building.

“You know I hate when you get like this,” Hannah was sounding a bit exasperated.

“Well, how about you tell me next time you invite someone to join us!?” Peter retorted.

“I told youthat I didn’t realize she was going to be here!” Hannah shot back clearly annoyed.

Hannah turned towards the front gate that framed their small yard and began walking away. Peter hated when they argued and she walked away.

“Hannah, wait!” He said as he grabbed her arm by the elbow. She shot him a look over her shoulder.

“Do you really want to grab me?” she said in a controlled tone that got his attention. He didn’t let go, nor did he think that she’d actually hurt him.

Hannah broke free from Peter’s grip and continued her turn towards the gate. She stopped with the intention of sharing one additional choice thought with him but it didn’t happen as her instincts kicked in. Whatever his intentions, Peter was advancing as Hannah caught his left arm and right laptop, extremely turning and swinging her right sandaled foot across his path, legs spread, in the perfect entry for Tai Otoshi. Her right hand continued to drive upward as her left pulled down. It was all instinct. Peter’s balance was taken instantly even though Hannah’s smaller frame hadn’t completed the twist, and he was whipped off his feet over her outstretched leg. The only reason he survived the throw is because years of Judo training allowed Hannah to both control her emotions within technique, and pull up before he landed in order to lessen the impact. She made sure he landed on the grass and not the cement walkway.

“Never grab me or come at me like that again, Peter, do you understand me!?” Hannah’s anger was no longer in dispute as she looked down at him.

“I can’t believe you just did that to me!” Peter yelled as he got to his feet. “That’s bullshit!” he screamed pointing his finger in her face and still coming forward.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Hannah thought. “He knows what I can do to him, right?”

Hannah reached for his finger pointing arm and his left shoulder at the same time. He had already given her most of his balance and she took the restwith ease. As he sought to regain his stability by stepping forward with his left foot (something she knew he would have to do), Hannah got out of his way as her right foot swung through to block his left shin. He flew through the hole she’d made with barely another twist, and he landed hard on his left side.

She had secured his hand as he travelled and was looking down at him now, “Wow! That was a perfectly executed Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi,” she marveled and forgetting for a moment how pissed she’d been. She was impressed with his ukemi. Apparently he learned a thing or two from all the wrestling matches.

Before Peter knew what had happened, Hannah was straddling him with her forearm across his neck and he was becoming light headed. Hannah’s Kata Juji Jime achieved its intended effect when Peter’s eyes roll closed and his body quietly. She checked to make sure he was ok before grabbing her bag and escaping through the gate. He’d be up in about 30 seconds so Hannah wanted toMake the best use of that time to make an escape.

They’d have it out later but for now, she had a date with Crystal.

Chapter Five: The Security Guard

Peter Shook off his brief nap and looked around. Hannah was gone and the gate slightly open. He had no idea how much time had translated between now and his last memory of Hannah on top of him. He staggered to his feet and through the gate in search of her.

Hannah was about a block ahead of him and turned down the path to the beach without seeing Peter behind her. Knowing the power of her 6th sense, he stayed far back and watched her pass through the locked gate and then through the security guard station. After a few minutes he did the same and arrived on the beach just in time to catch her pass the second security guard station granting access to the “women’s only” section. By then, she had lost her sun dress and even from a distance she took Peter’s breath away.

Never having been that close to the women’sOnly section, Peter now noticed a view-barrier as he approached the guard station. The entrance to the beach was tucked close to an alcohol and he sumised that once inside it would break to the left and open to a wider sandy area. Otherwise, there didn’t appear to be much to it. As he got closer, a female security guard stepped out from inside a small, shaded tent positioned through the gate on the left.

“This beach is women only, sir,” she said with authority.

The only reason Peter knew she was a security guard is because she was wearing a cap with the name of a guard company embroidered above the brim. Her tumbles of russet-brown, shoulder length hair flowed down, around her neck. Otherwise, she was not wearing a stitch of clothing and he could find no tan lines, and he was looking hard. She had a flawless, bronzed complexion and round, perky and beautiful D-cup sized breasts. Her midriff was flat and tight from what had to be a full regime of pilates, yoga and calisthenics. She wasn’t thin… she was muscle and athletic, and her shaped wait led to firm thighs that followed along to beautiful legs and feet. She wasn’t wearing a gun belt or any of the normal security guard acoutrements.

“Hello,” Peter said. “I’m trying to find my girlfriend who just passed through a few minutes ago,” he explained.

“I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t allow you in,” she replied.

“Please,” he said. “This is important. We had an argument and I need to see her,” Peter was sounding desperate.

“I’m sorry, sir, but there is nothing I can do to help you,” she said in a matter of fact tone. “This is the only way in or out so I’m sure you will find her later when she leaves.”

Her lack of empathy set Peter off. “Screw this,” he thought. She was no more than 5’9″ and he easily had 60 lbs on her… and she was naked. “What was she going to do to me?’ he thought. Peter moved through the open gate to pass her.

“Hey! Sir! Stop!” she cried.

Peterturned to look and saw the security guard coming at him. From the brief view he was afforded as she jumped, he confirmed that her smooth bronze skin extended between her legs with the exception of a short runway. She grabbed his right arm as her right inner thigh came to rest on his left ribs and her left calf folded around his left shoulder and over his neck behind his head. Peter could not fight her full Weight hanging from his body and rolled with her to find himself laid out on the hot sand with his right arm pinned between her legs. Her toned calves, smelling of coconut sun tan lot crossed his chest. He struggled a bit and until he felt the pain in his elbow. Her left, sandy foot pulled close into his neck and he could feel her warm lips on his arm.

“Sir, I told you that you were not allowed Here,” the security guard reinforced her previous directive with a lifting of her hips and the following on pain in his elbow. “You must leave. DO YOU UNDERSTAND me?”

“Yes, yes, Iunderstand,” Peter responded. “Now please let me go!” He pled.

The guard unfolded herself from around him and he managed to catch another bit of her when he glanced to his right. He was instantly distracted.

They both rose to their feet and Peter had a new appreciation for the nuclear protector who stood before him. She looked larger than when he’d first seen her, but that may be because she Just kicked his ass, Peter pondered. At any other time, he may have found her erotically appealing but right now he just found her annoying.

As smart as Peter was in so many other areas of this life, why he thought he would pass through this gate after experiencing a flying arm bar, something he’s watched Hannah do countless times and at the hands of a clearly competent guard, was beyond reason.

The guard positioned herself between Peter and the beach, and pointed at the exit.

“Leave,” she said forcefully.

Peter stared at her, his commitment to his cause returningDespite his recent tussle. But, before he could enact another end run, the guard flicked her right foot up, out of the sand. Peter barely caught sight of her lavender painted toes (purple against her tan was a nice combination, he thought) before he felt the delayed sing from a perfectly placed kick to his groin. “Kiai.”

From the guard’s perspective, Peter wasn’t going to comply and she needed to end this. She shifted her weight to her rear foot, chambered her right leg and delivered a front snap kick with the instep of her foot. As she had taught her students, at her legs fullest extension she “stuck” the kick and let its full energy release into its target. In this case, Peter’s privates.

Peter was back on the sand in a fetal position trying to breathe through the dull ache spreading through his mid-section. The guard stepped over him and into the small covered tent to call for assistance, and to grab a pair of zip ties to secure his hands. Peter knew that this was hisOnly chance to make it through and found the will to climb to his feet and run.

Chapter Six: The Escape(?)

Peter managed to get around the corner and into a shallow cut out in the cliff that wouldn’t be easily accessible at high tide. He waited for a few minutes absolutely convinced that the security guard was going to come sprinting around the corner but she didn’t. Once he’d felt confident of This, he looked out past the edge of the small cavern and down the beach to the left. It’s exactly as he’d expected. The security station was positioned at the shortest distance between the rocks and the edge of the water. No question that high tide further complicated access but at this time of day, it was a perfect natural entry point to secure. Past where Peter was hiding was the actual woman’s only section. The sand was ivory white and for as far as one could see there were women enjoying the beach, water and sea air with not a care in the world and some without a stitch of clothesing. Some were sunbathing, others playing water sports or games involving nets and paddles. Peter was still a bit of a distance so he couldn’t make out details or even begin to guess where Hannah and Crystal had setup base camp. He needed to explore.

As Peter stepped out and around from his hiding place he was started to bump into a woman on her way out. She took a moment to register that he shouldn’t be there. Jessica O’Malley was on her way to an afternoon advanced Tae Kwon Do class and was completely started to run into a man within the security perimeter of the women only section of the beach. “How’d he get past our security guard?” she wondered knowing full well the guard’s martial arts skills.

“You’re not supposed to be here,” she said stating the obvious. “How did you get past our guard?”

“Listen,” Peter said. “I’m only here to see my girlfriend and apologize for a fight we had. I just came to find her. I don’t want any trouble,” he explained.

“I don’tKnow what your intentions are and I can’t let you on to the beach,” Jessica said clearly and firmly. “You have to leave… now.”

As she was talking, Peter had pause to look more closely at this woman in his way. Like the guard, she was incredible female specimen. Her 5’9″ sculpted figure was muscular and statistics. Peter had a thing for firm, fit thighs and he wasn’t disappointed. Her dreamy, almond shaped brown eyes were the kind to get lost in for days and her pouty lips completed the full package. Her swirls of caramel brown hair were pulled into a single pony tail and her feet and toes, so perfect with their red polarh, demanded to be worshipped. She was the perfect combination of history, blending the most beautiful aspects of Korean and Italian. The rest of her body confirmed that only grogeous women were allowed to come to the beach or to work as security guards. She was saying something else, but Peter wasn’t listening as he gawped at her.

“I said, you need to LEAVE,” Jessica reiterated not exactly sure he’d fully grasped the situation.

“I’m sorry, I really am, but I don’t have time for this,” and with that Peter walked, for a second time in the last hour, around and past a beautiful woman.

“Oh, I don’t think so,” she thought.

With that, Jessica grabbed Peter’s arm as he passed, extended it, and snapped a right hook kick over it, catching him on the left temple. First her heel, then her poisoned toes pushed his head to the right. Once they cleared, she chambered and delivered a clean round house to the other side of his head, connecting with her instep. Jessica timed her “Kiyap!” with the strike and exhaust to properly deliver its full power or at least half power as she didn’t want to kill him. She admired the precision of her Huryeo Chagi / Dollyeo Chagi combo provided by years of training. Peter’s head pivoted back and forth like a metronome before he dropped straight down to his knees. Jessica’s body was courting… vibrating… with power and sexual energy. This is the feeling that made her want to fight the boys; why she so liked dominating them with her Martial arts skills. She was wet and her students this afternoon were going to get a special lesson… and she was going to find someone to satisfy her.

Jessica wasn’t done using her feet. She pulled Peter up and proceeded to demonstrate a series of fast kicks to his chest. Peter felt the wind Leave him with every connection. Ap Chagi… Yeop Chagi… Dollyeo Chagi. She switched between them effectively and her foot never touched the sand. Her balance gave her a solid foundation and her leg moved like a piston; her foot a blur to Peter. She paused with the blade edge in front of his lips, an arm extended parallel to her outstretched leg, looking into his eyes. To Peter, she looked like a warrior queen. To Jessica, the fear in his eyes was erotic. She ended the barrier with an inner crescent kick and her foot to the side of his head dropped Peterto the ground (again).

Switching from kicking (Tae Kwon Do) to grappling (Judo), Jessica climbed onto Peter’s back and wrapped her legs around his waist at the same time she snaked her arm under his chin and locked it into the other behind his head. She sat. A flawlessly executed Hadaka Jime. She leaned back and pulled her feet, crossed at the ankles, into his balls. She tightened like a boa constrictor hunting its prey. It’s hard to know exactly why this particular hold incapacitates, Jessica thought. On the one hand, crushing the trachea is painful. On the other hand, the closing of the carotid arteries leads quickly to a loss of consciousness.

“Either way effectively dominates a man,” she thought and the sadist that Jessica is enjoyed yet another moment.

She allowed Peter to regain Some sense of awareness and he tapped out. She ignored it.

“He must have some training to know to tap,” she said a bit more aroused. Nonetheless, he had to go and she still wantedto have some fun.

Jessica’s body was still coiled around Peter. Her hips and moist vagina in full contact with his lower back and her feet still between his legs. Before she released him, she massed him into an erection with her soles; after all, she thought, the blood she was denying his brain had to go somewhere. She knew that a few more moments of her soft soles working him over and he’d be done and useless to her. She loved the sensing of his pants on her feet, only bested by the pleasure of her toes wrapped around what was within. Peter was mad with lust and with her denial of his need, the sadist in her was in full bloom.

She didn’t waste the opportunity to seize on his disorientation and unhooked her ankles to transition from behind into Ura Sankaku Jime. For the second or third time that day, Peter lost track of time as Jessica squeezed and applied the choke. She unwound herself and stood watching… contemplating what he might do next.

In spine of theliteral pounding he just took, Peter wasn’t to be counted out. He replaced his senses and, in pain, rose to his feet assuming a boxers Stance.

“Oh my,” she thought as her juices began to flow. “He’s a fighter.”


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