“I do love this city,” Peter thought as the fog rolled in and the rain fell lightly on the window sill. There is something about the smell of San Francisco after a cleansing rain that made him feel reborn. He’d been living there for the last seven years and did quite well in private equity. He liked sourcing deals, making deals, and then closing deals… domination in the business world and he was very good at it. After his last bonus, he paid cash for a 2,300 square foot, two-bedroom split level apartment with a view in Nob Hill. He got it at a steal for $1.5m. Nob Hill is central to some of the best areas for nightlife on Polk Street and the surrounding area, and it’s where he met Hannah.
You can imagine that Peter needed to let off steam after managing mergers and acquisitions, and making his investors rich(er). He’d hit the gym and then run the bars with a couple of the guys. They usually started at Harper & Rye’s to throw down a couple oftheir signature Gin & Pimms highballs (they loved their rye whiskey) before a stop over at The Hi-Lo Club. By 9pm, they’d land at F8 for a bit of dancing before calling it quits and repeating the entire thing the next night. It was a good life and was about to get even better.
She was with a couple of girls by the bar when Peter walked in. As soon as he saw her, everything else in the room vanished. Literally. The goddess that stood across from him was 5’9″ and ran just shy of 120 lbs by his estimation. Locks of chestnut brown hair bounced past her shoulders and framed her excite face. Her blouse hinted at a tight, fit body with all the appropriate curves and lean, hard muscles. Her blue opal earnings dangled on leather strands; they were hypnotizing. Peter didn’t know how long he stood staring with his mouth open but she knew. She took a sip from her drink, and as she did so looked up and directly at him… she had the most beautiful hazel eyes. She finished her sip andSeductively removed her mouth from the straw… Peter’s fansies were running through his head uncontrolled. She and her possess made their way to a circular booth… Peter watched transfixed. From behind, her blouse did every bit of justice to the rear view of her athletic frame. She had a firm, round and amazing ass that carried into toned thighs and muscle calculates highlighted by tight jeans and a pair of brown cowboy boots. Each of these women were as beautiful as the next but none more beautiful than her, Peter thought.
He managed to get himself to the bar to order a drink. His otherworldly experience had happened in about thirty seconds though it seemed like a lot longer. The guys weren’t any the wiser for it. “
“Hey,” Peter motioned to the bartender who was hot in her own right.
“What can I getcha?” she asked.
“I’ll have whatever is on tap. Thanks… Do you know who that girl is over there?” He nodded directionally.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” thebartender responded. Peter didn’t need to answer for it was evident what he thought.
“That’s Hannah. She comes here a couple times a week with her girlfriends.”
Thank god she’s a local, Peter thought.
“She ever come with a guy,” he managed while staring, again.
“Not that I’ve seen but I’m not sure it’s guys you have competition from,” she smirked.
It was as if Hannah was listening because she looked directly at Peter, again, never breaking eye contact, and leaned over to deliver a deep, password kiss to the girl next to her. She was enjoying watching Peter enjoying watching her enjoying her friend. His mouth was dry and he was hard.
He looked away, and the bartender, having caught what just happened said, “Well… I wouldn’t give up so easily, if I were you.”
Peter finished his beer, ordered another and pulled himself back together. The guys were still yammering on about whatever and they’d seen none of what had happened.
“You guys want another round?” Peter asked. Why did he ask when he already knew the answer? He turned back to get the bartender’s attention and Hannah was standing next to him, leaning on the bar only inches away.
“Hi,” she said.
Peter couldn’t get his mouth to work, “Hi.”
“I wouldn’t mind a drink,” she smiled. “Something fruit please.” Before he could answer or order, the bartender slide some kind of cocktail in front of her. “I’m Hannah,” she smiled.
“Peter,” he responded. “Nice to meet you, Peter, and thanks for the drink.” And with that, she walked away.
“Dude! Who the fuck was that!?” Mike screamed half in the bag. Truth be told, Peter had no idea but he knew that he was going to find out.
He must have spent every night over the next two weeks at that bar, waiting for her to walk in the door. On the fifteenth night, and third beer, there she was watching him and every bit as beautiful as the memory satired into his mind.
“Aren’t you persistent?” she said with a tease. “I hear you’ve been here quite a bit, sitting right there every time.”
Peter was just about to ask how she knew that when he caught the little smile on the bartender’s face. “I live in the area,” he replied trying to play it cool. “And I like the bartender,” Peter mused.
“Peter, right?” she asked.
“And you’re Hannah,” he responded.
“Well, now that we’ve got that out of the way, buy me a drink?” she said and they spent the next five hours talking. Peter felt like he’d known her his whole life. It just kept getting better, he thought.
Hannah also worked in private equity and had just be made vice president at a competing firm. It turns out that she didn’t live that far from Peter and had generally the same routine. While he hit the gym most afternoons after work, however, Hannah went to the dojo. She was a third degree blackbelt in Judo and for reasons Peter had yet to fully understand, it only made her more attractiveve. Strong. Beautiful. Independent. Competent. Deadly. The pull was magnetic and over the next few weeks they’d meet at the bar and a really nice friend began to blowsom. Peter learned that she was from Redwood, WA and started training in Judo in grade school because of a kidnapping in the town. She went to college in the Northeast and settled in San Francisco to make her fortune. Judo, he learned, was part of her identity, her being as she would say, and she loved it. Not having any martial arts background and knowing next to nothing about Judo other than what he learned watching the old Avenger television series, Peter couldn’t fully appreciate her skills but he could appreciate her commitment and dedication.
One evening Peter got up the nervous to ask if he could walk her home, and she agreed. They left the bar and the weather was typical, fantastic San Francisco. Her walk home was about as far as his but in the other direction. As they turned down the street that Peter presumed led to her place, something caught his attention as it passed them both on the left. He wasn’t sure he actually knew what happened next but Hannah let go of his left hand and stepped forward to catch something… a man? She pulled up on his wrist, spun underneath and executed some kind of spinning throw that wheeled the unfortunate groper over his own body, head followed by heels. He landed hard on the sidewalk… at least Peter could tell that much. Hannah stepped forward still holding his hand and arm, placed her foot on his throat and torquet his elbow around her leg. The man looking up at her from the ground, Peter sumised, was wondering how he got there so fast… just as Peter had. The look of dumbfounded surprise in his eyes said it all.
“Do we understand each other,” Hannah said looking down at him with an heir of complete and utter confidence and dominance. He didn’t respond and she did some kind of twisting motion and he grimaced.
“Yeah… Yeah… OKAY! I get it,” he spit out unwillingly.
“Next time you touch a woman like that without her permission, I want you to think of me,” and with that Peter heard something pop. The man on the ground screamed (or was it me, Peter thought)…. she released. They continued walking and, once again, she was holding his hand as if nothing had happened. Peter was looking back over his shoulder watching that guy get to his feet, gingerly holding his right shoulder.
“Don’t worry,” Hannah said. “He’ll be fine. I just dislocated his shoulder. They’ll pop it back in and he’ll be sore for while but he’ll be fine. I promise. And he’ll never grab another ass again uninvited.”
“Nor will I,” Peter thought.
The next couple of months were amazing for them both. When they weren’t at work, the gym or the dojo, they were together. His feelings deepened for her and she accepted his offer to move in. She turned her apartment into an AirBnB and showed up witha toothbrush and luggage that Saturday. Peter’s bachelor pad was about to get a feminine makeover, and she was absolutely the perfect one to do it. His life was perfect and he didn’t realize at the time how fleeting perfect can be.
The sex was amazing. Her flexibility was, in a word, indescribably erotic and she often reminded Peter that being a third degree blackbelt in Judo is a lot easier if you’re elastic. Every time he went to watch a class she was teaching or a tournament she was competing in, he would think of that statement as she wrapped herself around her opponent like an anaconda… and he would think of her wrapped around him and his body would respond.
Peter returned home one early evening after his workout and Hannah was already back from the dojo where he knew she had been teaching. He made his way up the Stairs into the master bedroom, and could hear the shower running. He put his bag down in the closet to begin removing his gym clothes and heard the showerturn off and Hannah stepping out. A few moments went by and she emerged from the bathroom naked, towel drying her hair… and not knowing Peter was in the walk-in closet. He felt like a voyeur but she was perfect and looking without her knowing was a bit of a turn on for Peter, frankly. From behind, he was admiring Hannah’s chestnut brown hair, still dampening, falling round her shoulders. She was tight in every and all ways. She was fit, athletic and perfectly balanced between skinny and muscle. Peter could trace those muscles from memory as he often did with his tongue. Her skin was radiantly soft, and her hips drew forth the best urges from him. Her cent was sweet and intoxicating. The simples in her lower back led Peter’s eyes to her tight, round, hard bottom before finding those muscle legs that caught his attention from the very first day. She leaned forward and exposed her shaken feminine to him… the inviting and wet space that sat between her thighs made his knees weak. Peter wanted to be there… and he was fully prepared.
Hannah stepped out of the marble shower feeling clean after hours of rolling on a mat with a group of sweaty men. The class she taught that evening focused on Osaekomi-Waza, or pinning techniques, and she had successfully pinned and held each of the larger men in class with ease. It felt good to confirm her dominant martial abilities and she was confident that Stefanik Sensei would have approved. Between Kami Shiho Gatame and Mune Gatame, she had men’s faces discretely rubbing on her vagina and her nipples (albeit in a gi, of course) for the better part of 3 hours, and she desperately needed a climactic release. When was Peter home, she wondered? Reflecting on her swift immobilization of her largest student that evening, she smiled. “There is no accounting for skill and charm,” she thought as she stepped onto the bathmat and pulled the towel from its perch on the wall. She dried herself off, ran it between her legs and along herswollen hotspot (thank you Mr. Showerhead), and enjoyed a bit of lip play before returning it to the bar. She grabbed the smaller one and began towel drying her hair. She caught a look at herself in the mirror and admitted the form she’d worked hard to create. The lines and curves were perfect and their interactions, in all the right places, had a tendency to drive the men she’d been with wild with desire. Peter was no different. “Brrr,” she thought as her bare feet hit the cold, marble floor. She quickly tip toed to the bedroom carpet and looked down, “Peter is going to like the red I chose,” she thought as she admired her pedicure.
As soon as she stepped out of the bathroom, she caught movement out of the corner of the room by the walk-in closet. One of the benefits of years of Martial arts training is a preternatural awareness of threats around you. You don’t earn the rank of third dan and Kodokan Judo Mistress without having developed the skill of seeing the attack and the attacker before the intention manifests. It’s how she’d known that guy was going to grab her ass those months ago, and it’s how she had recognized Peter in the closet.
“Good,” she thought, “He has no idea that I know he’s watching me.”
Hannah walked to the side of the bed and placed the towel on the nightstand as she leaned forward feigning to reach for something and fully exposing herself towards Peter. “She wants him to come play,” she thought as she touched herself from an angle that Peter could’t enjoy. She sometimes referred to her vagina as “she” when seducing Peter, and “she” was needing some attention. The thought of the game that was about to unfold made her nipples hard enough to cut through dry wall.
Peter crept out of the closet and moved silently across the carpet towards Hannah. “She doesn’t hear me,” he thought as he reached for her.
Hannah could feel Peter approaching and sensed his outstretched arm. As she caught a glimpse of Peter’s hand over her shoulder, she did what she’d been trained to do and had done 10,000 times before. She pulled on his arm as she extremely dropped her hips and slung her right hand up, around and towards his head. She found her grip on his shirt just below his right ear and loaded him onto her right shoulder and hip. His erection was hard on her thigh… she needed him inside her… now. Looking left and completing her clothed menace’s unbalancing, she was now on the balls of her feet and he was as light as a feather. Always the judoka, her mind went through the mental checklist: kuzushi (unbalancing) check!… tsukuri (entering) check!… and kake (execution) check! Peter traveled easily over Hannah’s exhaust, naked form and lucky for him he landed on the king sized bed. All this happened in less than a second.
Peter was staring up from the bed at an upside down Hannah still holding his wrist.
“I could have hurt you,” she said with a tinge of playfulness.
“How did you know Iwas there?” Peter asked surprised.
“A Kodokan Judo Mistress is always aware of the threats around her,” Hannah said before kneeing on each side of Peter’s head and lowering “her” onto his face in a modified Kami Shiho Gatame. She began to both grind on his face and unzip his pants to free what she needed. He was simultaneously sucking on her cliporis and running his tongue around her hood and inside her… it was driving Hannah mad. “How does he do that??” she wondered between involuntary convulsions and twerks. She took him into her mouth and ran her lips up and down his shake in coordination with her strokes while her other hand gave his swollen, tight balls some loving attention. She knew she had found her rhythm as his hips rose to ensure his full delivery. “Not yet,” she thought.
Hannah spun around on top of Peter as only an experienced judoka could and applied Tate Shiho Gatame for two reasons. First, her rock hard nipples needed sucking and nibbling attention. Second, she needed him inside her. Her feet snaked under his thighs to the inside of his legs and her pedicured red toes flexed on his shins to open his legs. She didn’t need to reach down and place him inside as his untamed erection entered her with perfect alignment. She let out a little gasp of pleasure and surprise, and drive her breasts harder into Peter’s face. He reached around and secured his hands on her ass to ensure that his target wasn’t moving as he pumped. “Ooh… I like that pin,” she thought as the orgasm arrived. Peter managed to coordinate his deepest penetrating thrust with a tongue flick of her right nipple (secured between his teeth) at precisely the same time the next pounding of her swollen cliporis arrived on the hard space above his erection. Her orgasmic exploration was accompanied by deep, guttural and animalistic sounds. Delivering such intensity pleasure to Hannah made Peter feel omnipotent. She was driving on every part of him and in every way. Her last convulsion caught Peter’s next push and her very happy “she” tickled his very swollen head into an eruption so significant that she felt his ejaculation deep inside her.
“Oh… my… god,” she uttered breathlessly, looking down at him smiling. He couldn’t speak… only look up into her beautiful hazel eyes. “He’s mine,” she thought.
“I need her,” Peter responded.
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