I left Deborah’s room that night feeling satisfied, a little bewildered and full of anticipation for how far we might go with this fantasy. If she was willing, no, requesting, to take it up the arse in her sleep, what would be next? A throat-fuck while she was sleeping? Asking for me to take a belt to her arse? Fucking me and her boyfriend at the same time? ‘I don’t want to take it that far’ I thought ‘this is more than weird as it is, but I draw the line at another cock being in play’.
I got back to my room and closed the door quietly. Rene was tucked up in the blankets, fast sleep and snoring very, very softly; I considered her in the bed for just a moment. For the first time since the whole Deborah thing had started I felt a pang of guilt about the cheating. ‘You’ve never done anything to me, have you?’ I thought. ‘You might be bloody annoying sometimes but you’re still sweet and kindand all that sort of stuff. You don’t deserve to be cheated on.’
I stood at the end of the bed for a moment longer. ‘Still, you don’t know about it, and at the end of the day I’m a sex guy, the more the better. Why do one when there’s two available?’ I grinned nastily to myself, surprised at how amoral I’d seemingly become over the past few weeks. I slipped into bed next to Rene, picturing myself stood before rows of attractive girls bent over waiting for my cock, reading from a small leather bound diary trying to keep track of how many I had on the go at once. I drifted off to sleep in seconds.
I had up the next morning and instantly started making plans for my next night-time encounter with Deborah, but as it turned out there wasn’t going to be one. I had a message waiting for me on my phone from my mother; when I called her back she told me that my father was seriously ill and I should meet her at thehospital where he had been taken about two hours ago. I pushed all other thoughts out of my mind, said a quick goodbye to Rene and left for the hospital.
My father was critically ill and, after a constant vigil at his bedside between me and other family members, he died. I was devastated and filled with a desperate feeling of loss, to the point that I dropped out of Uni and returned home for the next six months. Rene was fantastic throughout the whole thing, giving me exactly the kind of support I needed, and our relationship solidified off the back of the ordeal, turning into something that we both knew was going to be long term. We didn’t have sex the whole time. My other housemates, Steve and Roberta, both sent me messages of support and came to the funeral; I let them know afterwards how grateful I was.
‘Any idea when you might be coming back?’ Steve had asked me.
‘No, not yet. I’ve missed a shit load of the courtse already so there’s not much point until the new year, I think.’
‘Well, if you need anything just let us know.’
‘Thanks, man.’
After taking a lot of time to get myself together I eventually decided to return to Uni and repeat the semesters I had missed, which would extend my degree by a further year. I arranged with the landlord to take back my old room (which had been vacant since I moved out) as soon as possible and asked Rene and Steve to help me move my stuff back in that night; they arrived at my house in Steve’s car that Afternoon.
‘By the way, did anyone tell you about Deborah?’ Rene said as she was lifting a small box of books.
‘Err, no, what about her?’ This sounded intriguing.
‘She broke up with Anthony’
‘Ohhh, yeaahhh?’ I was a little worried, but Rene didn’t seem to be angry at all. If anything, she sounded conspiratorial.
‘Yeh. It was all really weird. She started getting pissy with him all the time…well, more pissy than usual, and one day, about two months after you’d gone, she just left. Not even an explanation as to why, as far as anyone knows.’
‘Weird. They were always fighting, though.’
‘Yeh, suppose. We did kind of wonder whether there was another guy involved.’
Whoa. Butterflies suddenly hit my stomach. I decided to test the water.
‘Who could that have been, though? I don’t remember her ever being around any other guys apart from me and Steve.’
‘Nah, Steve’s a loyal guy to Roberta, and even if you were interested, for some reason, you aren’t her type. She’s shy and quiet when she isn’t shouting.’ Rene looked at me with a glint in her eye ‘Not suitable for someone whose specialist subjects are sex, jokes about dicks and being tactless.’
‘Oi! Less of the abuse, or I’ll wallop you with the wanger in front of that fat woman over there!’
‘Very funny. Are we moving this stuff into the van or what?’
It ended up taking quite a while to get my stuff into the van, so even in one trip we weren’t done until after ten that night. When we were finally finished we grabbed quick bite to eat and went to bed without having sex; if I’m honest I didn’t need it that night, I was just glad that things appeared to be getting back to normal.
A week after moving back in I was setting into a routine and actually getting some serious work done, something that had taken a back seat ever since the first night with Deborah. I’d even got my thirst for sex back, as Rene was finding out that night.
‘Ohh! Ohh! Ohh! Aaahhhh!’ she screamed asshe came hard. We had both been reading in bed when I absent-mindedly started playing with her pussy, and she got wet so quickly that I launched into a pounding hard, missionary position fuck session that lasted all of three minutes but was deliciously hot.
Once we had both come down from our orgasmic high Rene turned to me and smiled. ‘Mmmmmm, that was good. I’ve missed you.’
‘Me too’ I said, glancing at the two books on the floor that had been tossed aside pre-fuck. ‘I’ll just tidy these up and maybe we can have another go in a bit?’
‘Maybe’ Rene purred. ‘Oh, by the way, I saw Deborah today.’
I dropped the books back on the floor clumsily. ‘Deborah’ I thought ‘Bloody hell. I’d almost forgotten about her’.
‘Oh yeh?’ I said, trying to sound as uninterested as I could.
‘She was coming out ofone of those apartments just out of town, those one’s we went past a few days ago. She’s living there now.’
‘Is she?’
‘Yeh. She’s working as well. Seemed OK, a bit distant, but she was always a bit of an odd one.’
‘Yeh, suppose she was.’
‘Anyway, just thought I’d let you know.’
‘Yeh.’ My mind started to wander for a moment. ‘I wonder how she’s really doing…’
‘Did you see which number it was she was living at?’ I knew it would be dangerous to get involved with her again after all this time, but I couldn’t help myself. I needed to piss, but I waited for Rene to reply.
‘Errrr, seven, I think. Yes it was seven. Why?’
‘Oh, just curious. I knew someone who lived there before and…just curious.’ Thoughts of Deborah’s nakedd body had started bouncing around in my head. I felt my cock stirring, but that was mainly to do with me still needing to piss.
‘Back in a sec.’
I was in the bathroom for no more than a minute, but in that time I had resolved that I was going to see her again. I had to. Was I going to fuck her again? That was less clear.
‘So….how’ve you been doing?’
I had gone to the apartment the next night, making up some title and bull story about seeing one of my old mates that had known my dad from years ago and wanted to give their confidences. Deborah had answered the door and said nothing, just standing in the doorway with a look on her face that told me she had been expecting me to show up but would have given anything if I hadn’t. Eventually she had stood back and let me in.
‘Okay.’ she said matter of factly.
‘Just OK? I heard it was a pretty bad break up.’
‘I’m fine.’
‘You sure?’
‘I’m fine!’ she said, a bit more forcedly than I would have expected.
‘Alright, alright, calm down. So have you seen Anthony since?’
‘No chance of you getting back together, then?’
‘That’s a shade, you were good as a couple.’
‘No we weren’t.’
‘No? I always thought you were.’
‘No, you didn’t.’
‘Look, Deborah, I…’
‘It was your fault, you know. I was fine until you started messing with me.’
‘Me messing with you? It was you who had all those weird fans about sleep sex! Remember? Getting pissed and practically begging me for a shag?’
‘I was drunk! I didn’t know what was going on!’
‘Bollocks! That’s complete billlocks! You told me afterwards that you planned it that way!’
‘Yeh…well…I didn’t.’
‘Didn’t what?’
‘I didn’t plan it that way.’
‘You’ll have to do better than that.’
‘Alright! I thought that if I…if I told you how much I enjoyed it, you might…you know…’
‘You might…not think I was a complete psycho or something…’
‘So you’re telling me you did something crazy, then tried to make it look as though you planned it so it didn’t seem crazy?’
‘Sort of, yeah.’
‘And what about the other time? Telling me “do my arsehole next”. What was that about?’
‘That was different. I actually was wait and I thought the whole thing was a dream. I only realized it wasn’t when I woke up with your cum all over me. Do you think I would have actually said those things if I was awake?’
‘For fuck’s sake!’
‘Look, I was going to tell you all of this but then what happened… happened. I ended up splitting with Anthony because I was so pissed off with what you’d done, with what I’d done, and he got so annoying asking me what was wrong all the time.’
‘He didn’t deserve that, he didn’t do anything wrong.’
‘Neither did Rene, but that didn’t stop you.’
‘I thought you wanted it! It’s bad enough cheating when you want to, but cheating so don’t look like a lunatic? God!’
‘Oh, don’t you be so fucking high and mighty when you were cheating too!’
‘At least I’m not fucking crazy!’
‘I’m not crazy!’
‘Hah! Yeh, of course you aren’t.’
‘You only stayed with that little bitch of a girlfriend ‘cos you were after sympathy when your fucking dad died!’
‘What did you say!?’
‘You fucking…’
I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her over to me. Her face was red and there were tears forming in the corners of her eyes. ‘Let go.’
‘Are you sorry?’
‘Let’s see how sorry you are.’
I twisted her arm around, making her yelp in pain and pushing her torso over the top of the table. ‘Stop, don’t hurt me!’
I held her in place for a few seconds, the red mist that had descended into my brain giving me more strength than I would have credited myself with. Without a word I brought my free hand up into the air and slammed it down on Deborah’s arse with a loud SMACK!.
‘How dare you say that to me! You think all I was thinking about all that time was sympathy?’ SMACK!. I gave another hard spank.
‘Owww! Stop it, you’re hurting me! Let go of my arm!’
‘Are you sorry?’
‘Yes, yes, I’m really sorry, about what I said, about pretending, all of it! Let me go!”
‘I don’t think you’re sorry enough.’
I rained down seven or eight more hard spanks on Deborah’s arse, each one bringing a scream of pain from her quivering lips. At first she was squirming and trying to pull free, but after a minute or two she stopped resisting and was openly sobbing by the time I let go of her arm.
‘That’s what you get.’
‘You bastard, I should call the police on you for doing that.’
‘You needed it. All bad girls get a spanking eventually.’
‘Fuck you, I didn’t need a thing. Get out.’
‘Not before I hear you say you needed it.’
‘Out, or I will call the police.’
I was almost literally seeing red at this point; the threat of being arrested for serious sexual assault may as well have been a threat to make me sit on the naughty step, for all the notice I took of it. ‘Say it!’
‘Whatever. I needed to be spanked, I was a naughty girl. Will you please leave me alone now?’
For reasons beyond my understanding, her statement of acquisitions made me calm downa little. I looked her in the eye; she was still breathing heavily and her face and hair were a mess, covered in smudged make up and tears. ‘I shouldn’t have let things get this far’ I thought ‘she wouldn’t actually call the cops, would she?’
‘I’m going’ I said ‘If you tell anyone about this, especially the police, I’ll tell them it was a sex game that got out of hand and I stopped it before it went too far. Maybe I’ll get done for assault, maybe I won’t, but the whole country will know you’re just a crazy bitch.’
Before I could turn to leave Deborah stomped forward and punched me square on the nose. I fell backwards into the door, my head spinning, and small droplets of blood trickled from my damaged nose onto the floor. I put my hand up to cradle my face, which was now stinging with pain.
‘Fuuuuckk!’ I shouted. Deborah stood defiantly before me, her hands balled up into fists.
‘That doesn’t even come close to making us even, you shit!’
We both stood opposite each other, chests heaving, faces red with anger, each waiting for the other to do something. A couple of minutes passed without comment or movement.
Eventually I decided to break the silence. ‘If I apologise for calling you crazy, and I apologise for twisting your arm and smacking your bum, will you apologise for calling my girlfriend a bitch and talking about my dad, and will you apologise for punching me in the face?’
‘And after we do that can we forget that this ever happened, forget about the sex and the cheating, and forget we ever met each other and move on?’
‘Okay. I’m sorry.’
‘I’m sorry too.’
It was then that I noticed that Deborah had a small wet patch around her crotch. Sensing I was fairly safe now that we had both started to relax again, I decided a little parting joke would be alright. ‘There was no need to piss yourself, though.’
‘I didn’t.’
It took me a second to realize what she was saying, but then it hit me. ‘Oh’ I said simply ‘I see.’
Deborah kept her eyes on me, as though she was daring me to do what we both knew came next.
‘One last fuck for old time’s sake?’
Deborah nodded.
‘Take your clothes off.’
Deborah disrobed quickly, as did I. She was just as I remembered her; long, curvy legs winding up to a trimmed pussy with orange hair above the clip, small but nicely rounded tits and a flat, shaped belly. I was rock hard in an instant.
We moved towards each other and kissed tenderly, my hand cupping the back of her headand striving her hair. She pressed her lips firmly into mine and gasped softly. The pent up tension of the fight we had been having was starting to see out of her, and I could tell she needed it badly.
I broke the kiss suddenly. ‘Turn around’ I said in a stern voice. Deborah looked puzzled for a moment and then turned her back to me, allowing me to see her glowing red arse. ‘Wow, that looks sore. I said and reached out to touch it. Deborah winced at my touch and tensed a little but let me run my palm over her buttocks gently. “I think it’s only fair that I kiss it better.’
I sank to my knees and proceeded to kiss and rubb her injured behind, causing her to gasp some more. I began to alternate between softly kissing one cheek and lightly rubbing the other before switching. After a minute or so of attending to her bum I ran one hand up the inside of her tight right up to her pussy lips and slipped a finger straight up inside her; she was soaking. I wiggled my finger a little and she squirmed, grinding against me hand and making little whiny noises.
Without warning Deborah shifted position, forcing me to take me hand away. She had leaned forward and put her arms on the sofa while adjusting her legs so that they were wider apart, the perfect position for me to fuck her from behind.
‘Do it to me.’ she whispered. ‘I need it.’
I got up off my knees and stepped forward, grabbing hold of her hips and plunging my cock inside her and thrusting, slowly but firmly, into her cunt. Deborah was going wild, pushing her arse back against me and grunting with pleasure. She came very quickly, satisfying my cock with her juices, but I kept going, slowly but firmly, faster and harder, slower and deeper. I brought a hand up to rest on her arse and traced my thumb between her cheats in an attempt to get access to her arsehole, thinking that anal would be the perfectending to this whole fucked up carry on, but she reached back and swatted my hand away. ‘Maybe we’ve both had enough pain for one night’ I thought.
After Deborah’s second orgasm hit I came as well, erupting inside her with a torrent of cum that seemed to go on forever. I pulled out and Deborah collapsed onto the sofa in exhaust. Once I caught my breath I grabbed for my clothes.
‘I’d better go’ I said, wondering how I was going to explain to Rene the need to take a shower at this time when I got back. Deborah smiled up at me but didn’t speak. Once I was dressed I kissed her gently on the forehead and whispered ‘We really should end this now. Have a nice life.’
‘You too.’
We were true to our word; I never saw Deborah again. I ended up marrying Rene and we’re still together to this day. She never found out about Deborah and our strange little trysts, and formy part I haven’t cheated again, even given the opportunity. I guess being unfaithful for me kind of depends on the level of crazy involved.
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