My Uncle Benny Pt. 3

Hi. My Name is Kaylee. Some of you may already know me, for those who don’t, here’s a brief introduction.

I am your fairly typical college student. I spend most of my time studying, but I also enjoy hanging out with friends, going to the mall, (I’m a fiend for shopping!) reading and watching movies. I really like to run, and I am on my schools track and field team. I also love being with my boyfriend! He is the greatest! Yeah he’s a bit older than me, but there is no one I get along with better. Just like other couples we have our disagreements and fights, but usually we are happy just being together. We have been together for almost Five years now, and I couldn’t think of it being any better!

One little detail I forget… He is also my uncle. Hey, every relationship has it’s hurtles right?

This next part happened a little while after my last story. We had officialally was a couple for about two months.

I hope you enjoy it.


I was waiting outside the library when my Mom pulled up and waved. I looked over at my friends. “There’s my ride, see you all tomorrow.”

I throw my bag in the backseat and jumped into the front. “Hey Mom! What’s up?” Like most girls my age, I thought my Mom was kind of a dork, but at the same time, I thought she was pretty awesome! She became a single mother just after she turned seventeen, and in my opinion, she did a great job!

“How was school Honey?” She asked me as we pulled away. “I saw some boys in that group you were with.” Her voice was full of curiosity. “Any of them… special?”

“God no! Yuck!” I made fake gagging noises. “Two of them are going out with my friends, and the other two just sort of hang out with us.”

My mother looked over at me with her knowing smile. “You know, one of these days you aren’t going to think boys are so gross.”

I had to bite my tongue so that I didn’t burst out laughing! If she only knew! “Oh, I don’t think they are gross. I just haven’t found any boys at school that are worth the trouble.”

“That’s fine too.” She replied. “You deserve the best, so just wait till the right one comes along. You have plenty of time to find the right guy!”

She continued on as we drove along. “Listen, when we get home I want you to get right on your homework. We have a guest coming over for dinner.”

I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Since when is Uncle Benny considered a guest?”

She looked over at me and I saw the flash of a precious smile. “Not your Uncle Benjamin, someone else…” I could see that she was about to burst with some unexpected news.

“Oh my God Mom! Do you have a date?” I blurted out happy.

My mom looked confused. “Me? What would ever give you that idea? No, I asked one of the waitresses from work to come for dinner tonight.”

Now it was my turn to be confused. In all my life, I can’t remember us never having dinner together at least once a week. Uncle Benny would come to our house, or we would go to his. It was usually just the three of us. “Oh, okay. I thought it was family night. But if you want to have a friend over that’s cool.”

“Well, you never know. Maybe one day she could be family.” Now the confusion was making my head hurt. What was she talking about?

“I have been talking to this woman at work for a few weeks now. She is new in town, single, really good looking, and she has a wonderful personality…”

OH MY GOD! Was my mother coming out to me? I come from a pretty traditional family, but I think of myself as open minded. Considering my own relationship, I didn’t feel I could judge any that she might want. I told myself I would be happy for her no matter what she said.
I couldn’t have been more wrong!

“She doesn’t know many people yet, so I invited her over tonight.” Then the bomb dropped. “Her and Benjamin would be perfect together!”

It really felt like my heart stopped. The half smile that had been on my face dropped, and my mouth hung wide. Breathing became something that was awkward and unnatural. “No Mom!” It was supposed to come out as a scream, but ended up as barely a whisper.

“Yes! Trust me on this! They would be PERFECT together!” She said again.

I could feel my pulse in my temples. I knew I had to think before I spoke, but my brain seemed to be stuck in the mud. Was my mother really trying to set my boyfriend up with another woman? Didn’t I have enough troubles without my Mom unwittingly working against me?

“You know how Uncle Benny is.” I finally stammered out. “I don’t think he will be happy about you going behind his back.”

My mother was obviously cheerful. “Nonsense! I think I know what kind of woman my brother would like!” I almost shouted trying not to laugh and gasp at the same time. “Besides, he is such a catch, and it’s been forever since he was with a woman!”

I had this insane urge to say out loud, “No Mom, it has actually only been four days since he had me on the living room couch!”, and had to once again bite down on my tongue. “I don’t think this is a good idea Mom.”

We were just turning down our street, my Mom seemed so happy and proud of herself and all I wanted was to cry. “We’ll see who’s right later tonight.”

I ran up to my room as fast as I could. I pulled my phone out of my backpack and throw myself on the bed. I hit Uncle Benny’s number in a panic, and when he answered, I was nearly in tears. “You can’t come over tonight!” I was almost screaming into the phone. “Just, don’t come over!”

His deep voice soothed me instantly. “Sweetheart, calm down.” There was concern in his voice, but also a commanding steadiness, like he would take care of anything. “Take a deep breath and tell me what’s wrong! Do I need to come over there?”

Just hearing him take control made me feel better. I did as he said and took a breath. “Mom has some chick from work coming over tonight. She wants to set you two up!” I knew he would be concerned, that he would work out a plan. Boy was I wrong!

His laughter boomed out of the earpiece of my phone. It was several seconds till he could stop laughing and talk to me. “That’s the problem??? I thought the house might be on fire!” He chuckled a little bit more. “The way you sounded, I was afraid that your mother had found out about us, and the end of the world was here!”

I was not amused. “Stop it! What are we going to do?”

He wouldn’t stop laughing. “Well I’m not sure! How good looking is this woman?”

Now my dismay turned into anger. “That’s not funny! You can’t come over tonight!”

The tone of his voice told me that despite my protests, he still found it extremely funny. “Stop being so dramatic Sweetheart. Unless she is way hotter than you, I’m not in the market for a new girlfriend.

I resisted the urge to throw my phone across the room. “FINE!!!” I was nearly yelling. “I hope you like her then!”

“Sweetheart, I was just…” But it was too late, I hung up, seeing with anger. Still holding onto the phone it started to vibrate and ring in my hand. Without even looking I swiped the reject slide. If he wanted to find a better girlfriend, then let him! Twice more it went off, each time I ignored it. The text tone went off, and I erased it without reading. I normally looked forward to these dinners, well tonight was not going to be a good one! I yanked out my school books and tried to lose myself in my homework.


A couple hours later Uncle Benny arrived first. He tried to catch my eye, but I just walked past him, not giving him the usual hug. Not only did he come, but he was wearing my favorite shirt! The blue chambray one that makes his arms look AMAZING. Well if he wanted to impress this woman, he picked the right way to do it, but see if I talked to him the rest of the night!

When the doorbell rang, I justwanted to run away. Mom asked me to get it, so I reluctantly opened the door. There in front of me was the competition. She was tall, kind of plain looking, with shoulder length brown hair, and she had an ugly wart right above her lip. But what really stood out was her chest. Boobs! Great big ones! Of all the things, why did she have to have those? I couldn’t compete with boobs!

“Hi I’m Jessica! You must be Kaylee!” Jessica, really? What a stupid name!

I took her offered hand and shook simply. “Come in.” I replied with no enthusiasm.

Mom and Uncle Benny walked out of the kitchen as we entered the living room. Mom came up and gave Jessica a hug, smiling from ear to ear. “Jessica! I would like you to meet my brother Benjamin. Benjamin, this is a friend from work.”

Uncle Benny smiled much too broadly for my taste. “Hi! You can call me Benny, or just Ben if you prefer.” He shook her hand and looked over at my Mom. “Patty here is the only one who calls me by my “proper” name. I think it helps her forget our humble, redneck origins.”

“Benjamin! That’s not nice!” My mother put her hands on her hips and scowled at him.

“Patty huh?” Jessica laughed. It sounded shrill and annoying to me. “I’ve never heard her called anything but Patricia! Well, my friends call me Jessie.”

My Mother was blushing, though her smile had returned. “I’m really not ashamed of our upbringing you know!”

Uncle Benny gave her a quick hug. “I’m just giving you a hard time… Patricia!”

Uncle Benny was chuckling, Mom was playingfully swatting him away, Jessie, (I wanted to scream just thinking about her) was laughing and enjoying the show. No one even noticed me.

Mom showed Jessie to the couch. “Benjamin, why don’t you open a bottle of wine. Dinners in the over, and will be ready in a half hour or so.”

As he went to the wine cabinet, Jessie looked over at me. “So Kaylee? Any names you go by? Kay, or something?”

Not trying to hide my displeasure, I just looked at her. “No! My name is Kaylee.” I could see my Mom raise an eyebrow at me, but I wasn’t going to play nice tonight.

“Your Mom says you like to jog, how long have you been doing that?” She asked.

“I don’t jog.” I said. Even though I would never make the distinction with anybody else. “I am a runner.” I made sure she saw me glance down at her hips and tighs. Then I gave an evil smile. “You should try it sometimes.”

My mom looked shocked. “Kaylee!”

But Jessie seemed unfazed. She let out a small chuckle and smiled. “Tell me about it! Being around all that wonderful food at the restaurant,has me putting on the pounds like a Christmas goose!”

Uncle Benny had to choose that moment to come back over. “Yeah, Patty’s cooking has a way of doing that! Really though, you look great.” Her coy smile was like gas to my already red hot temperature. What was he doing? Hitting on her right in front of me? Talk to him tonight? Ha! See if I talked to him the rest of the week!

He poured wine for the three of them, while I sat there left out as usual. “So?” He asked. “Patty says you just moved here recently?”

She kept batting her eyes and staring at him. I wanted to jump across the coffee table and scratch her face. “Yeah about three months ago. I moved from Arizona. I needed something new. Wanted to make something better for myself.”

I rolled my eyes. “Waiting tables is better than what you were doing?” I asked trying to look innocent.

This time it was Uncle Benny's turn to give me a reproachful look. However I still couldn’t get a rise from this woman, she just smiled and nodded. “It really is! But that’s not all. See, my Aunt needed some help around the house after my Uncle passed away, and the university here has a very good nursery program. So I figured, why not? I live with her, attend classes during the day, and make pretty good tips at the restaurant.”

I sat there seeing as they talked about the things our town had to offer. Once again, my mother had to make a really bad suggestion. “The country side around here is so beautiful. You should see Benjamin’s ranch. You could go for a ride! Do you like horses?”

Jessie wrinkled her nose a bit. “I’ve never really spent any time around them. They seem so big, and kind of dirty.”

Well, I wasn’t going to let this one go. “Uncle Benny says that anyone not willing to shovel a little crap, ain’tworth the crap he’s shoving!”

Uncle Benny’s laugh boomed out. Mom and Jessie just looked at him and grinned. “I think I probably said that to get you to help me clean the barn!”

Both of the others started to laugh along. I could feel the warmth of shame rise into my cheeks. I fought hard to keep the tears from brimming up in my eyes. I guess now I know where I stood. I was just the little, immature girl that was there till something better came along. I wanted to run away and cry.

My mom looked at the clock. “Honey, why don’t you go get the salad, and we will move this to the dining room?”

I lowered my eyes to the floor and muttered an okay. I walked into the kitchen wishing I was anywhere but here. The tears finally came to the surface and started to flow. Maybe I could just walk out the door and run to Brittni’s house.

As I was getting the salad plates from the cupboard, I heard the door open, and heavy footsteps behind me. I knew they belonged to my Uncle, and there was no way I was going to turn around and give him the pleasure of seeing my tears.

Without word, or warning he grabbed me by my ponytail. He pulled back hard! Not hard enough to hurt, but with enough force to drag my head back and get my attention. Before I could make any sound of protest, he stepped around me, put his other hand around my back, and kissed me!

My mind was outtraged! How dare he! Didn’t he know how mad I was at him? Didn’t he care that he had hurt me? I wanted to scream, to hit, to lash out and do physical harm. He had no right to do this!

Just one small problem though. My body responded almost immediately. I could feel my heart start to race. A small spark of desire started in my tummy, and quickly grow to a flame that was racing through my insides. Although myself, my hand reached up and went around to his neck. My tonguedanced forward and twined with his. I pulled him in harder and lifted up on my toes to be closer to him.

Everything bad that was inside of me melted away into his kiss. My breath sped up, and I could feel tingles racing over every nerve. His hand released my hair, and slide softly across my neck, over my cheek, and grasped my chin gently. With one last little kiss to my lips, he pulled back. With my eyes still closed I let out a small sight, I didn’t want this moment to end.

I opened my eyes to find that he hadn’t backed away much. He was still close, almost nose to nose, looking me right in the eye. In a very quiet voice he spoke, without letting his gaze waver. “Kaylee, Sweetheart. I love you! You are the ONLY one I want.”

All of my worries and insecurities just drifted away. He was so intense, and so sincere that I couldn’t help but believe him.

All I could do was stutter a lame “okay”.

“You gotta stop now.” He whispered. “You are acting like a little brat, and your mother is going to start to wonder why.”

I tried to protest, but there was no real feeling to it. “You are hitting on her though.” I while, acting just like what I was trying to deny.

He smiled and gave me another soft peck on the lips. “I’m just trying to be polite to her. Your mother is trying to do something nice, and she would wonder if I was anything less.” He pulled me in for a hug and all the rest of my arguments ceased. “Now when you come out, I want you to be your usual self, and show this woman why we all love you so much, okay? And it might not be a bad idea if you tried apologizing.”

With that he turned me back towards the cupboard, gave me swat on my backside and walked out. I felt a grin cross my lips and chuckled. Feeling better about things, I knew he was right. I grabbed the plates, scoopedup the salad bowl and headed towards the door, determined I was going to improve my demeanor.

Dinner went really well. Once I knocked off the attitude, I found Jessie to be a really wonderful person. She was smart, sweet, and as I had already learned, slow to take offense. She had a self depreciating sense of humor that played against her good looks. Yes. I admit, I may have lied about her looks. She really was very pretty. And that wart on her face? Maybe it was more like a small beauty mark, the kind that many girls wish that they themselves had. Under different circumstances I had to agree with my Mom. She would have been perfect for Uncle Benny. I almost felt a little sorry for her. She’d never get the chance!

While we were finishing dinner, I screwed up my courage and spoke. “That was great Mom! I was so hungry I couldn’t stand it!” I looked over at Jessie, and felt my cheeses start to burn. “I was probably pretty rude earlier, I’m sorry. I get that way sometimes when I haven’t eaten.”

“No need!” She once again smiled and brushed it all aside. “After serving guests all night, all I want to do is stuff my face! If you came in then, I’d probably bite your arm off!”

Uncle Benny gave me a sly wink and a smile, and Mom looked relieved that I was finally behaving myself.

We cleared the table, and Mom suggested playing some cards. We played some games, laughed and talked, and ended the night with my Mother’s German chocolate cake. All of us walked Jessie to the door with talk of other dinners and challenges about the next card games. Jessie surprised me by giving me a warm hug. “It was nice to meet you, I hope we see each other soon.”

“Me too!” I answered, and was shocked to find that I really meant it. She hugged my Mom next with thanks for such a nice dinner and company. Then she put her arms around my guy. I tensed, but honestly it didn’t both me as much as I would have thought.

“Benny, it was so nice to meet you! Patricia always says how great her brother is, but I think she undersold you!”

“The pleasure was all mine!” He responded. “Do me a favor though… get everyone at the restaurant to call her Patty!”

“Benjamin!” My mother stomped her foot down!

Jessie looked shocked. “Oh! I could never!” She then went in for another hug. Watch it lady! My nice side only goes so far!

I saw my Mom flick her head towards the door, telling him to walk her out, but he gave a slight shake of his own. She looked put out, but then led Jessie out the door to her car.

Uncle Benny chuckled. “Well that’s going to have your Mom’s panties in a twist!”

I laughed. “Probably, but if you had walked her out, I was goingto lock the door behind you!” The smile he gave me filled me with warmth, and a little bit of lust too. Then I wondered. “What are you going to tell her?”

Mom was walking back up the pathway, and Uncle Benny’s response made my heart stop. My eyes got big, and my palms started to sweat. There was no way I could have heard him correctly.
“Well… I guess I’m going to tell her the truth!”

Mom was almost at the door so there was nothing I could say. I just stood there in shock as she turned to wave one last time, and came in, shutting the door.

“Alright Benjamin! Out with it!”

Uncle Benny just looked at her and shrugged. “Out with what?”

“You can’t tell me there was something wrong with her. She is sweet, smart, and even I think she is sexy. You could have walked her to her car and easily gotten a date, and from the way she was going on about you, probably would have gotten a kiss!”

“MOM!” I exclaimed.

He just laughed it off. “Patty there is something I haven’t told you.” I just held my breath and waited to see what he was going to say. “For the past few months I have been seeing someone.”

My mother looked surprised but happy to hear this news. “Why didn’t you tell me? Is it serious?”

He took a deep breath, and I still couldn’t find mine. “It is serious, and I didn’t tell you because there are reasons it needs to be kept quiet.”

My mother thought then looked at him in surprise. “Benjamin! Are you dating a married woman?” My breath all came out and I sucked another breath in. Is that what she thought?

“Like I said, there are reasons it needs to be kept a secret.” And with that single sentence he let my Mother jump to her own conclusions.

“Oh my God Benjamin! Is it someone from around here? Do I know her? Do I know her husband?” She was asking so many questions it almost made me laugh. Her hand went to her mouth in shock. “You aren’t seeing AmyLynn again are you?”

“No!” Benny cried in offense. “I wouldn’t do that to Brian!” Putting his arm around her he said. “I can’t tell you who it is, okay? You have to leave this one alone.”

My moms eyes got big. “Kaylee!” I came really close to failing dead.

“You know who it is don’t you?” I couldn’t find my voice, I just stared at her.

Uncle Benny came to my rescue. “Yes she does, and she has promised me that she would never tell.” My Mom was looking at me intently. I glanced up to see my boyfriend flash me a wink. Then his voice got serious. “Patty, I can’t let you know who it is, and unless you want your daughter to break herword, you can’t pester Kaylee about this. I’m asking as your brother. Please?”

I could tell she wanted to keep questioning, but when it comes down to it, she loves him almost as much as I do. In some ways, maybe more. She looked dejected and sad, but she drooped her shoulders and agreed. “Okay Big Brother. I won’t try and do any snooping. But are you ever going to tell me?”

He looked down at my Mom and it broke my heart how much love I saw there. “Maybe someday, Sis.” Then he pulled her into one of his great big hugs. “And I do appreciate what you were trying to do tonight.”

Mom looked at him with concern. “You are happy though, right?”

The cute smile spread across his face, and he nodded! “Yeah, for the first time in awhile I really am!”

He turned and said he needed to get home. He looked at me and raised his arms to me like there was a question. Iran the few steps and practically jumped into his arms. I couldn’t believe what had all just happened. As quiet as could be I whispered into his ear. “I love you.”
With just the barest of sound, his breath was in my ear. “I love you too, Sweetheart.”


It was Friday night. Uncle Benny sat on the side of my bed while I got ready for sleep. As I got undressed, a small shiver ran up my spine. I knew he was watching me, and I loved that he was. While normally quite shy about my body, with him it was different. The way he looked at me, the expression in his eyes, made me feel like the most beautiful thing in the world. Totally nude, I started to reach for my nightshirt, then changed my mind and grabbed my brush instead. I turned to talk to him while brushing out my hair, and giving him a little show at the same time.

“I still can’t believe that you were able totell my Mom the truth, without really telling her anything at all. She totally thinks that you are going out with some married woman now.”

He gave a small laugh, but looked a little sad too. “I didn’t want to lie to her. I hate having to keep something like this from her, but I don’t know what else to do. She was trying to do something nice for me last night, and we sort of ruined it for her.”

I stopped brushing my hair, and looked at him feeling a bit ashamed of myself. “I’m sorry for acting like such a spoiled brat last night. I don’t know why it made me so mad. I just got jealous, and couldn’t think straight.” I saw and reached back to tie my hair up into a tail. I grinned when I saw his eyes drop down to look at my naked body.

“I was just being stupid!” I finished.

He looked back up into my eyes, but I could see he had a hard time keeping focused. I picked up my shirtand pulled it over my head. Reaching back, I pulled my hair up out of the neck band. I thought about pulling on a pair of panties, then decided I didn’t need them.
I went and sat on the bed next to him. He took my hand. “It’s not a bad thing to get a little jealous. You just have to keep your faith in me, and know that I would never do anything to hurt you.”

I looked into his beautiful eyes, and answered sadly. “That’s not what I did though. I thought that you were going to just throw me away and I’d be left with a broken heart. So, it gets better as you get older?”

He laughed loudly. “That’s what you think?”

“Well you don’t get jealous.” I replied a little confused.

“Sweetheart, I get jealous all of the time!” I figured he was joking with me.

“Yeah, Right! Name one time!” I dared him.

“How about every timeI pick you up from school and you are talking to boys? I wonder if your life would be better going out with someone your own age, and think how lucky one of them would be to have you.”

“I don’t want any of them! Honest!” I cried out.

“I never said that it was what YOU wanted. Are you going to tell me that none of them has ever asked you out? Kaylee, you are beautiful. I know the boys have had to of showing an interest in you. Unless school is not the same place as it used to be.”

My cheeses flushed red. “Yeah… I get asked out. But I would never say yes. Not just for you, I’m just not interested in any of them. How come you never said anything before, I never knew you were jealous.”

He smiled and leaned over and gave me a kiss. “Because you have never given me a reason not to trust you. And unless you ever do, I always will.”

I knew how much that trust means to him, and to hear him say it like that made me warm inside. Also, I knew it shouldn’t, but hearing him say I made him jealous made me feel pretty good too. Knowing I really mean it, I looked at him and said.

“Baby, You have nothing to worry about. You are the ONLY man that I will EVER be with.”

Before he could come up with one of his stupid arguments about me not knowing, or still being young, I pushed him back on the bed and attacked his mouth. My tongue met his and circled, while my hand went down and made patterns on his chest. One of his hands came around and squeezed one butt chef. I was glad I had left off the panties!

I pulled him up just long enough to pull his shirt off, then pushed him to his back again. I don’t know if it was the emotional stress of the last two days, or just that I wanted him to know how much I cared, but I was mad with desire for him. I kissed his jaw, sucked his earlobe into my mouth, then bit him repeatedly on the neck. All the while, his rough hands were caresing my lower back and ass. “Hold on!” I gasped, and rose up tearing my own shirt off.

I practically fell back onto him, but he caught me on my way down. He pulled me upwards so that his mouth could find it’s way to my nipple. I cried out as his warm tongue and lips met the sensitive nub. I turned just a bit, letting him continue, as I reached down and undid his belt. I got the button undone and released his erection. While he kissed and suckled my breast, I stroked him with the same rhythm as his tongue on me. I could feel his breath speed up, blowing warm air against my hot skin.

I nearly jumped out of my skin as the hand under me came up and ran a finger right between my legs. He cupped my sex and brought his middle finger forward, sliding between my lips and pressing hard against my button. The whole time his mouth never left my nipple. “Oh yeah!” I moaned loudly.

His finger keep sliding up and down. He would let his finger enter me just a bit, lubricating it with my fluids, then he would run it back up, circulation around and around my clip. Each pass he made had me groaning with pleasure. I was soon so absorbed in my own feelings, that I forget I still held him in my hand.

I started to flex, and un-flex my fingers again. Lightly struggling his erection. The feeling of his groans as his mouth continued to work on my breasts, was amazing. His finger, still playing with my muffin down below, had my body starting to quiver. I couldn’t catch my breath even though I was gulping in air. I took in a huge mouthful of air, and felt my whole body tension.

“Baby don’t stop! Yes, Oh Oh Oh Oh!” My whole body reacted as if shocked, and then relaxed like a rag doll. A warmth started in my lower belly, and seemed to spiral out to all parts of my body. Every time his finger hit just right I couldn’t stop from grunting and moaning out. Little flutters and twitches keep hitting different parts of my body. It was like I had no control of my movements for a few moments. My brain was off in space, until it finally found a thought to grab on to.

Kiss him! Kiss him NOW! was the only thing running through my head. I pulled away from his touch so that I could crawl on top of him and find his mouth. It was the single most important feeling at the moment. And when I touched my lips to his everything else seemed to not exist.
I could feel his hardness between my legs, pressing against my overly sensitive, heated area. Every touch would send another shiver through me, but they were growing less intense with each. I pulled away just long enough to whisper in his ear. “I NEED you inside of me!”

Never one to deny me anything, he started to push his pants farther down. This was easier said than done though, since I refused to stop kissing him, and my full weight was ontop of him. Every wiggle would cause his dick to brush back and forth across my clip, making me cry out into his mouth. Then he finally got them down, pulled back, and slowly pressed forward again.
It was incredible! Feeling him push into my body, stretching me, and filling me up. When he was completely inside of me, my butt resting on his thighs, he let out a long low growl.

“OHHH Sweetheart, you feel so good!” I raised up on my arms and smiled down at him, then raised my body, pulling him away.

“So do you Babe!” I let him come almost all the way out, then lowered back down. I kept my eyes on his, loving the look of password. His hands grabbed my hips, helping to bring me back up, and then pulling me down hard against him. His hips started to raise, every time I dropped back down, pressing him deeper and harder into me. I put my hands on his chest, and pushed my upper body higher. This changed the angle so that every thrust had myclip rubbing against his pubic bone. I started to bounce with my knees, harder and faster.

His face was a mask of pleasure and desire. I couldn’t stop staring at him, feeling my own emotions mirrored on his face. I was lost in the moment, torn between the wonderful, raw feelings, and the closeness of our bond. After awhile the feelings started to win.

His breath was becoming ragged, and I could hear my own cries growing louder. I pressed harder and harder against him, wanting to feel every bit of him. His eyes seemed to lose focus, and he took one deep breath. I watched as his lips seemed to tremble, then his eyes closed.

“”Kaylee!” He cried out, then a growl that was more beast than man. His hips pressed upward driving him into me and halfway lifting me off the bed. I could feel him convulse and erupt inside of me. Then he collapsed back onto the bed. I still kept bouncing, but at a less frantic pace. Enjoying every shudder mymovements were causing.

I knew I should stop, but he felt way too good inside of me. He didn’t make any movement to stop me himself, so I keep right on going. After a moment, I felt my body start to flush. I started once again to press against him harder, and I rocked my hips forward on every stroke.

My mouth was making noise without my control, little sights and whimpers. “Ah, ah, ah, Oh Baby! I, Think, I’m , Gonna, OHHHHHH!” Little tremors ran through my muscles, and I laid down on top of him before my arms gave out. His strong arms wrapped me up, and pulled me tight, as he started to thrust his hips again.

I had never had two orgasms in such a short time before. The second was not nearly as intense as my first, but no less enjoyable. I was in a sheer state of bliss, feeling my body tingle and my emotions soar.

We both stopped moving, but I keep my body pressed tight against him, refusing to let him pull out.His hands were rubbing my back, and I was giving little kisses to wherever I could reach without having to move. Through a smile a mile wide, I let out a long sight. “I love you Uncle Benny.”

A little out of breath, he responded back “I love you too Kaylee!”

We laid there without speaking or moving till he had finally grown soft inside of me. He rolled me onto my side and kissed me gently and lovingly. Eventually he slide out of bed. I looked at him and tried not to sound too pitiful. “You could just stay here with me tonight.” I would have done anything to be able to hold him all night.

He was pulling up his jeans and buttoning them. He appeared to think for a moment, then responded. “No, I don’t think so.”

I stuck out my lower lip in a pout, hoping he couldn’t see how hurt I really was. “Why not?”
He gave me a smile and chuckled. “Cause my bed is more comfortable."

Well at least I had an incredible night to help me sleep, I thought. He leaned down over me. I leaned my face up and tried to smile, expecting our traditional goodnight kisses. Instead his hands went underneath me. He stood up, easily lifting me up as if I didn’t weigh a thing.
“What are you doing?” I half screamed, half giggled.

“I thought I just told you!” He walked towards the door with me in his arms. With a cute little kiss to the end of my nose he finished. “My bed is more comfortable.”

I placed my face into the spot between his neck and shoulder, happy and snuggled into the arms of My Uncle Benny!

If you Enjoyed this story, and would like to see what comes next please read Beautiful Niece Kaylee Ch.6. I hope you do!


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