I Saw Momma Fucking Santa Claus.

My name is Randy. I’m eighteen years old and still live at home with my parents. I will call them James and Alice. This is a story about what happens in our house Christmas Eve, the night I saw momma fucking Santa Claus.

That evening, it was just mom and I at home. My father chose to work so he could have Christmas day off. We’d just finished putting the finishing touches on the tree and arranging the presents beneath it. Mom turned the lights off and the two of us stood there admiring its beauty.

Mom placed arm around my shoulder and said, “Randy, I think this is the prettiest Christmas tree we put up. I cannot wait for your father to see it.”

I kissed her cheek and laughed saying, “He’ll be happy he didn’t have to mess with any decorations, you know how he hates to do that.”

After mom turned the lights on, I gathered up the empty storage bins and placed then back into the closet down the hall. When I entered theroom, mom had this mischievous twinkle in her eyes. I decided not to ask her why, because she probably was planning something sexy for dad to do when he got home, they usually did something of that nature on Christmas Eve night. I walked towards her, yawned, stretched, and then told her I was going to bed so I could get up early Christmas day. She kissed me good-night and said she was going to stay up until daddy got home. You won’t believe what happened next.

I went upstairs, changed into my pajamas, and then climbed into bed. I was more tired than I realized because soon drifted off to sleep with dreams of Christmas presents floating through my head. A little while later, something awoke me. I sat upright in bed and listened. I could hear some strange noises coming from downstairs. Not knowing what it was, I got out of bed, put on my robe and slippers, then reached for my baseball-bat. I was going to go check on momma to make sure she was alright.

I carefully opened my door and tiptoed towards the stairs. With each step closer to the living room I got, the more scared I became. By the time I was within ten feet of the area, my heart pounded so hard and fast that I could swear it was echoing off the walls. I slithered into the shadow and went behind the door to the room. I took a few breaths to calm myself down then carefully peered around the door, not knowing what I would see.

The sight before me almost made me drop the bat. My mouth went dry, stretched into a devilish grin and eyes widened with excitement. There was and momma in a sixty-nine position with Santa Claus. She was grinding her cunt into his snowy white bear while her lips were wrapped around his hard-fat-cock. I laid the bat down and placed my hand over my mouth to stifle a giggle.

I then mumbled under my breath, “Oooooh fuck,” I then imagined, what would happen if my father had just gotten home and walked right in on them. I wonder if my father would be mad at Santa Claus. Or would he would strip and join in the fun, because by then his dick would be hard and he’d be too horny to sleep.

I know my dick would swell and I would have to unzip my pants to give it some room. As I ogled them, I’d slowly stroke it and start to pant. All my awkward movements and heavy breathing would alert them I was there. Yeah, momma and daddy would catch me alright.

All of a sudden I heard the backdoor slammed and I slid further into the corner out of sight. I’d try to stand here out of sight and be quiet as I continued to watch the scene unfold.

I watched my dad, look at his watch, he grumbled, “Midnight, Bah-humbug, I wanted to get home earlier than this!”

After that he hung up his coat and walked towards the living room looking for mom. As he nearly the living room his eyes lit up. Mom was shouting, “You sure have a way of making me believe in Santa Claus!”

He scratchedhis head and I heard dad says, “Yup, Alice has been into my scotch again, now she is seeing things.”

I watched dad’s reaction as he nearly the room and realized she wasn’t alone. I saw him smile gravily, and walked into the room as if to greet whoever was there.

When he got into the room, he froze, the sight before him wasn’t what expected. He blinked, rubbed his eyes, and then shouted, “What the fuck! Alice, Santa, ooooooooh God! I cannot believe this!

Mom had just taken her mouth off of Santa’s cock when she saw dad enter the room. The look on her face was priceless. With a quiver in her voice she spoke, “Ahhh, hello dear.”

Santa just nodded and laughed as his fat belly jiggled like a bowl full of jello, “Ho-ho-ho, Merry Christmas James! I was just giving your wife her Christmas present.”

I saw dad swallow hard as if he was trying to decide what to do. He then shifted and I saw the outline of his cock, oh yeah, it was turning him on. I then reached down and ran my fingers along the side of my own hard dick.

All off a sudden, dad jumped up and yelled, “Oh my God, stop what you’re doing for one minute. I going to go get my camera and take some pictures. The guys at work will never believe me when I tell them what happened tonight without some proof!”

As he hurried from the room I heard momma say, “Well Santa it looks like he isn’t angry.”

Santa put his arm around momma and replied, “I told you earlier, he wouldn’t be mad, because I know everything that will happen.”

Santa looked right at me and I froze. I thought for sure he’d blow my cover. However, all he did was wink at me, and inside my head I heard, “Are you enjoying the show Randy?” It was then I knew he was aware I had been standing there the whole time.

I jumped when dad came back into the room and bellowed, “Ok, time for some sexy poses! Santa, you get behind Alice and hold her with your hands on her tits, that’s it, now hold it.” He counted to three and snapped a photo. Next he had mom take Santa’s cock in her mouth and got a close up shot, “Hot-damn, the guys will love that one!”

It was then that momma spoke up, “Honey, take one of Santa fucking me, for our personal files.” Dad nodded and told Santa what to do.

I watched and when he positioned himself between mom’s legs it was apparent that his dick was hard again. When he slid his cock head inside her, I unzipped my pants and pulled out my throbbing hard cock.
I was memorized and not paying attention when Mom shrieked, “Oh God, my clip is throbbing again, Santa, fuck me!”

Santa eyes twinkled with desire and he held onto mom’s hips and drove his cock home, with long hard thrusts.

I then heard my dad yell at momma, “Ooooooooh baby, save some for me, I need to fuck you too!”

He laid the camera down on the coffee table and then almost ripped off his clothes. He then moved up to mom’s lips and asked, “Why don’t you suck my dick as Santa fucks your cunt doll?”

Mom slide her lips hungrily around dad’s cock and began purring in delight. It was an awesome sight watching my mom get nailed by two guys.

That did it, I began to pant, and stroke my own cock hard and fast. I didn’t care who caught me, I needed to cum.

Al of a sudden, it was quiet, too quiet. Before I could react my dad pounded his fist on the door and shouted, “Randy, what the hell are you doing? How long have you been standing there?”

I blushed clear to my toes and promptly replied, “About an hour I guess.”

Mom throw her hand across herself trying to hide her nakedness. Then with a shadow voice she said, “Oooooh God, Randy, how could you watch?”

Dad then shouted at me, “Randy, you should be ashamed of yourself. Go to your room, make sure you close the door and I don’t want you to listen or peek downstairs, got it!

I raised my hands and protested, “Dad–mom–Santa, I’m eighteen and considered an adult you know! Oh why couldn’t I for once join in the fun, instead of going to sleep? My dick is hard now I don’t want to go to my room or sleep!”

I stood there for a moment expecting my dad to body escort me to my room. However, instead Santa spoke up. “Ok everyone, calm down, there is no need to get upset with Randy. The lad is an adult and a man, what did you expect him to do when he saw us all fucking?”

Dad walked back over to mom, put his arms around her, and asked, “Are you okay?”

Mom looked lovingly into his eyes and replied, “Yes, I’m OK.”

Santa then motioned for me to come into the room. “Come here lad and sit down.”

I walked over to the sofa, not knowing what to do next and shaking so hard I dang near sat on the floor instead of the couch. I watched Santa walk over to dad and whispered something to him. Dad’s eyes lit up and he nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, he walked over to the coffee table, picked up his camera and then came toward me. Dad then reached out his arms to me. I stood up, and we hugged. He then handed me the camera and suggested, “Randy, here’s what I want you to do, take pictures while we continue having our Christmas fuck with Santa. Now, make yourself comfortable, if you need to you may take off your pants after all I can tell your cock is hard too.”

That was the best Christmas I ever had, when I saw momma fucking Santa Claus.


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