Being braught up Catholic then studying Speritual Science i never dreamed i’d find much younger girls overwhelmingly attractive.Living alone after dividend got to be easy,work while i made friends and always helping those less fortunate because i had more than i needed of everything including money.
Asia’s mom was always drunk or drugged out and so was her dad wherever he was while she was growing up.She was always asking me for something or to stay at my place when her mom was boozin a lot.So i always said’yes’took her shopping to movies or out for fast food.She was happy getting the attention and i enjoyed the company as well as the great feeling of being with a young lady full of energy and excitment.
After about a year of being’friends’she started calling me’daddy knight’that i liked but felt awkward about for some reason.A few weeks ago she confirmed in me that she needed to go to borrow a few dollars for the drug store to get something important’emergency’.Of corse foolishly i refused until she told me why?’She said”blushng with a little anger in her voice…for my’period’i got my first one!!!..ooops’sorry and no more was said while we drove to the store to get some femanine supplies.
Something changed in the relationship after that day that felt good but not so proper considering Asia was so young.She became very flerty maybe because I treated her more like a woman than a child.I began to be aware of her rapidly blooming body.Admiering her tight fitting jeans and her extremely perky breasts.
Often i found her discarded bra’s and nightgowns placed it seemed specifically where i would notice.Even on occasion her bra would be placed on top of my work clothes so i found them when i was getting dressed for work.I tried to errace the thought from my mind saying’only coincidencidence’ but i couldnt get the image of her ripening youngbody out of my head.
She was asking to stay over more often now that school was out for the summer.So i decided to simply ignore my feelings’i thought’and all would be fine in time.
Asia asked to stay the weekend so we could go to the beach because her mom had a new boy friend to party with so i said’ok’.The first evening we made dinner and decided to watch a few movies and talk over our weekend adventures.
All started out fine until Asia asked if she could take a bath and get her night clothes on.I said sure and got the bubble bath ready for her.As i watched a movie she called to me from the bath,i said’what?’she replied can you rinse the soap from my hair?Hesitantly i said’sure’.As i walked in the bath thank God the bubbles covered her mostly and her long hair cover her breasts for the most part.I rinsed her hair as best i could trying to avoid seeing her sweet young charms.
With much guilt my mind gave me mental pictures of what i was avoiding looking at.The shame i was feeling with growing desier to touch her more than i should.When i felt my manhood began to heat and arouse i said soaps all out and made a struggled retreat back to the movie i was watching.I noticed my heart was pounding and my breath was more rapid than normal also realising that it had been months since i was with a woman in more than a social context.
Asia came back in to the living room with a towel drying her hair wearing a te shirt and a pair of my jogging pants that were obviously big on her.She commentd i had a’big butt'(compared to her’s)we laughed and she gave me a kiss on the chef.I noticed she was very rosey in the chefs because of the warm bath i thaut most likely.
After her hair was fairley dry she came over to me and asked if she could sit on my lap a while before she went to bed and cuddle while she got tierd enough to go to sleep. Without thinking wisely i said sure,theni realized how much i really wanted to feel her body close to mine in any way to feel her warmth and softness.
She hoped up on my lap and snuggled up against my chest as we watched the movie.A love story with a lot of soft password and romantic moments that made my mind work overtime and her’s too it seemed.
I stroked her hair and kissed it thinking maybe she’d fall asleep or ask to go to bed but she cuddled even more into my arms and seemed to press more into my lap.I could feel her heart beating against me and it seemed she was getting warmer as i tried to ignore the sensings or chalk it up to my overworked imagination.
Her tee was damp from the bath,as i looked down slightly i could see her firm young breasts tight against the damp tee and her nipples were hard against it like little pencil errecers popping out.I think i started to perspire trying not to do anything foolish at that moment.From some intuitive impulse’or form of insanity'?I began to rub her shoulders and down over her back as i held her a little tighter and kissed her hair gently.She moved a little on my lap and looked up at me with half closed eyes smieling then moved her face close to mine and closed her eyes with her lips formed in a kiss that i couldnt resist kissing back.
Very gently we kissed then she did it again and again each time longer and deeper.My mind said run away fast and far but my heart and my body wouldnt let me stop enjoying her Angelic perfection.I said i’m sorry honey please forgive me for loving you to much,she replied simply’i love you too much’and kissing feels so good please can we do it some more.
So wrong yet i knew i couldnt stop what felt so wonderful to me also.Then i kissed her again running my tongue over her lips gently as she responded copying what i was doing with my tongue until our tounges started to play constantly.I cold feel her body getting hotter and hotter knowing that itdefeatedly was not my imagination playing games.My fingers brushed over her breasts and she showed softly and kissed me more passionetly as my fingers slide up under her tee caresing her tender breasts more boldly.Her breath got faster and she was making sweet sounds as we kissed.I pulled her tee up over her breasts and she gave no resistance as i lowerd my head to kiss each breasts and suckle her nipples gently.
Her sounds were’ohhhh’ummmmm’it feels so good,then i kissed her neck and lips whispering with a trembeling voice’i love you’and she echoed back’i love you too’.I could feel her heat on my manhood as if she was burning down within her woamanly treasures.I wonderd if i dared go further or if she wanted to feel more than we were already feeling.As we kissed more seemingly wetter i kissed and fondeld her breasts more seeming to please her and arouse her higher and higher.
I let my hand slide down over her leg moving it slowly upher inner leg massaging gently then over her belley and the top of her loose fitting jogging pants.Then slide softly down over her public shaft as i felt her legs spread open to allow my hand to carress her sweetest woamanly perfection.So hot and obviously getting very wet from our love playing as i kissed her even deeper slipping my hand inside her jogging pants to find how beautiful wet she was.Amazed at what i felt’oh heaven’,her honey pot was swollen with desier,soaked with the silent sweetness of her powerful arousal.
There was no resisting this beautiful dream of desier and i whisperd as i kissed her’do you want to make love?’She opened her eyes for a second and said’yes yes please i want to’.She reached down and gently squeezed my manhood rubbing its length singing as she whisperd its so hot and smooth and soft to touch.
I pulled her tee off then my shirt and lay her back on the sofa with a kiss and some licking lips.Then kisses downher neck to her breasts and licked and sucked them eagerly as she began to moan with her body squirming erroticly beneath my kisses.I kissed all over her belley then stopped at the top of her jogging pants as i gently slid them down over her hips and she lifted up to make it easier for me then toss them on the chair by the sofa.
I stood removing my joggers as she watched tossing them to the chair with hers.She licked her lips hungrily as she staired at my manly pride she had given full arousal.I lowered to kiss her navel and lick it,as my tounge moved lower her body trembled with excitment as i licked at her mound and the whisp of femanine hair that had started to grow there.So hot she felt as my tongue slide down her swollen silky slit and i began to drink her growing sweet wetness.Her hips thrust at my face forcing my tongue deeper making her moan loudly as her womanly silk flowed onto my face lke a river at flood stage.I could see her clip bulging out in its desier for satisfactionaction so i licked it gently then sucked it deep into my mouth and she screamed with pleasure as she orgasamed the greatest flood of silky cum.
She grabbed my shoulders and pulled me over her then reached down and wrapped her hand around my manhood and pulled me more on top of her.I asked the last stupid question’honey are you sure?’with need in her voice she replied’yes yes please i want it!!!’
I slide fully on her superting my weight on my arms as she guided my manhood to her silky fertile flower.She rubbed the manly head up and down her silky slit making it wet with her silk and the silk of my cum that had already begun to flow and easily it slipped in an inch or two as she thrust into me more.She let go as i gently worked it slowly in and out of her sweet honey filled love canal and she began to moan franticly grabbing my butt to make me come farther into her and i was helpless to resist what was so beautiful to experience.I feel her hymen and pressed gently as i kissed her lips most deeply and feel her maidenhead easily fall away with only a slight spasam of her accepting its relationship.
After a few seconds i felt her press up as i pressed down slowly each time we moved together i felt more and more of her honey pot carressing my throbbing manhood until my genels were being cared by her wet bottom.We were getting so wet and slippery soaking the sofa and our love silk was on our legs and making our bellys make sucking noises as we went in and out in and out in and out for hours.I stopped counting how many times her body shook with orgasam or mine did and when we awoke the next morning i was still inside her love canal and amazingly still aroused so we both woke up to have another orgasam.I said again “i love you Asia”she responded’i love you to honey’can i ask a question she said?yes i replied?when i am legal will you marry me she asked?i smiled and kissed her and said’honey if you still want me then you bet your sweet booty i will!!!(i love you Asia)lets go to the beach …..
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