This is my first story. I would like feedback, and if you think it’s good, ill write more. Thanks.
I live in a small town, surrounded by a lot of corn, but I’ve gotten used to it. I was only 16 when all this happened, but what a great year it was. I had usually not had anything to do with this girl, as she was sort of the stuck up type, and I was one of what you would call, “The rebels”. But in 10th grade we had actually hit it off because she had stopped being the rather annoying girl, and we had quite a bit in common. We both noticed how everyone had started changing in our grade, and that our friends had really changed completely. Rachel was about 5’6, and had brunette hair. She’s very beautiful and had a great body. I was about 6’2 and apparently good looking.
“So what are your plans for the summer Mark?” She asked me.
“I don’t know really, I’m hoping to get a job at the swimmingpool.”
“Really? Doing what?” she asked. (I should explain she was sort of ditzy too.)
“Maybe… a lifeguard?” I laughed, explaining.
“Oh… haha, should have thought of that huh?” Rachel said. “Yeah, I’m going to get a job there too, just like last year. It was pretty fun.”
“Great, then we can sit and bake in the sun together!” I said sarcastically. Both of us laughed.
“Get to work! And stop talking!” Our Spanish teacher screamed. We both laughed again, mostly at the teachers contained face then what we were talking about, but both got to work.
That summer, I applied at the swimming pool to the head lifeguard.
“I don’t know if we need you this year Mark, we already have enough people to work.” She said.
Just then, Rachel popped up behind her.
“Aw, come on Brit, I think we could use him.” She said, saving my ass from gejected rejected.
“Alright, training starts tomorrow at 8:00 bright and early. Be there.” Brit told me.
“Thanks Brit, I need the job.” Then I turned to Rachel. “Thanks… a lot. I really need this job.”
“No problem Mark, I’m here to help.” She turned at me and walked away, glancing over her shoulder at me. Of course… I just couldn’t help but admire her ass as she walked away. Damn, I thought.
The next morning I walked to the swimming pool and went inside. I got changed into my swimming shorts and walked out, where everyone else was. I saw Rachel and she waved at me, grinning. I waved back, and almost tripped over my own feet and into the pool. Everyone laughed at me as I stumbled into place beside everyone else.
“Alright everyone, today we’re going to start our swimming training. These tests will see how good you are at swimming.” Brit inspired us all.
She throw two milk jugs of sand out into the deep end of the pool, and instructed us to dive in and get them, one at a time. It got to Rachel’s turn, and she dove in gracefully, her brown hair flowing behind her as she swam to the bottom of the pool. I could see her through the clear water as she grabbed both of the jugs and pushed off the bottom with her feet, and swam back up. As her head cleared the water she immediately looked at me and broke into a grin. I smiled back, and then it was my turn.
Brit throw the jugs into the pool and I died in after them. I didn’t notice anything at first except for that the water was fairly warm, and comfortable. I felt my ears popping as I grabbed the jugs and pushed off and started swimming back up. As my head broke the surface, it seemed everyone was laughing at me again. I didn’t know why, but I climbed up the ladder with jugs in hand and handed them to Brit. That’s when I new something was wrong, I felt a breeze in places where there weren’t supposed to be breezes. I lookeddown, looked back up, felt my face flush, and looked back down. That’s when I looked at the pool and saw my shorts floating on the surface.
“Great…” I mumbled.
I dove back in to retrieve my shorts. I wasn’t as embarrassed as I figured I’d be, possible because I had a fairly large package to show off to anyone who cared to notice. I put the shorts back on and was tracing water, while I looked at the people still standing, and of course, most of them were still chuckling.
“Alright alright, enough.” Brit said, even though she was trying hard to suppress a grin, and losing. I laughed myself a little, and climbed back up to the surface. I walked over to Rachel and she turned at me and stood on her tip to whisper in my ear.
“You’re huge…” She whispered. I could tell she didn’t usually say anything like this because her face turned a beet red when she did.
“Thanks.” I mouthed back in return, and she turned again, grinning broadly.
“Alrightt, time for CPR lessons everyone! Everyone grab a partner to practice on.”
I immediately felt a hand grab mine and looked down at it, and looked at its owner. It was Rachel, and I grinned at her and squeezed her hand.
“First, one partner lay down on their backs. Then pump three times and breathe into the others mouth. Then listen to the person’s heartbeat, to see if it has returned. If not, repeat till it does, and hopefully it does.”
I lay on my back first and Rachel leaned over me, putting both her hands on my chest and pressing down three times. She then leaned closer to me and opened her mouth, while I opened mine, knowing what I had to do. She closed her mouth over mine, and breathed once, but then she did something I didn’t expect. She thrust her tongue into my mouth and, being shocked, I laid there like a dead fish, not knowing what to do. Then, I came back to present and pushed my tongue against hers, our tongues dancing inour mouths before she pulled away all too soon.
“What the hell was that?” I whispered, not wanting Brit to hear me.
“Don’t you get it yet Mark? I like you!” She told me.
“Oh… maybe I should’ve thought of that huh?” I replied, laughing.
“Yeah, you’re smart, just not quick with this stuff.” She told me, laughing.
“Your turn.” I replied, grinning.
She flipped over onto her back while I got on my knees. I leaned over her and put both of my hands on her chest, applying pressure twice. I also got to feel her breasts a little, but just a little. I then leaned over her head, and breathed into her mouth once, but then her tongue jabbed into my mouth again, and our tongues did their little dance for a while, before I knew we had to pull away or get caught.
When I pulled away, I looked into her eyes, and saw they had a long look in them, and I just wanted to kissher for a long time.
“Congratulations! You all passed your test!” Brit told us. She then gave us our work schedules. Rachel and I met up together and compared our schedules.
“We work together almost all the time!” she shrilled, laughing giddily.
“Sweet, like I said, we can bake together!” Both of us laughed and walked off together, hand in hand.
When we got to her house it was almost 9:30 at night, and I walked her to her door.
“Hey, want to go to the movies with me tomorrow?” I asked her.
“Yes! Of course I do. When?”
“Um… how’s about 8:00?” I asked.
“Alright, see you then.” She replied cheerfully. I leaned in and gave her a deep passwordate kiss. We broke it off and she smiled seductively and walked into her house. I couldn’t believe my luck at hooking up with this hot girl, and walked home.
The next night at 8:00 I pulled up to her house in my Camaro and she bounced out of her house in the sexiest outfit ever. She was wearing a skirt that came up to her thighs and a top that showed off a nice amount of cleavage.
“Hey babe.” I said as she got in. “You look fantastic.”
“Thanks hon!” She replied leaning in and giving me a quick peck on the lips. I shifted into reverse and pulled out onto the street, after which I squealed away from her house leaving two long black marks in my wake.
“I love the car.” She said, pulling her skirt down a little further.
“Thanks.” I said, revving it up a bit just for kicks. We got to the movies and walked in. It wasn’t a particularly good movie, but it was one she wanted to see. Halfway through the movie she looked at me grinned.
“This movie is sort of boring.” She told me.
“Really? Maybe we should do something… a little more interesting?” I replied.
“I think so too.” I leaned over and wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close. We kissed deep and passwordately, our tongues dancing together once again, celebrated. After awhile I slide my hand up her shirt a little bit and kept going further up. I got to her breasts and squeezed gently. She showed a little bit, and pulled back just a little, but kept kissing me. After the movie was over she witnessed again and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of theatre.
We got to my car and I started it up, making the exhaust crackle loudly as I revved it up. We went to the local grocery store to get a couple of pops to drink and some gum for the lady. Then we drove back to her house and I pulled into her driveway. She looked at the house and noticed all her lights were off.
“Well… looks like my parents aren’t home. Want to come in?” She asked.
“Maybe I will, I don’t know.” I teased.
“Come on!” She tugged at myshirt, pulling me close to her.
“I don’t know…” I said again.
She giggled and pulled me closer and kissed me, slipping in her tongue to persuade me.
“I guess…” Drawing out the last word.
We both walked into her house, and she walked into her kitchen, looking at the refrigerator.
“Yes! My parents went to my uncle’s house! They’re not going to be back till tomorrow!” She ran to me and jumped into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist.
“We’re going to have some fun tonight!” She said.
“Sweet.” Was the only thing I could manage to say before she pulled my head in closer. We kissed roughly, but passwordately, and I carried her into her kitchen setting her down onto her counter top. Rachel pulled off my shirt and I tugged hers off of her too, throwing it down onto the floor. She was wearing a black lacey bra, which quickly joined her shirt on the floor. I pulled off my pants and socks, quickly getting a condom out of my jeans pocket.
“You don’t need that, I’m on birth control.” She said, as she stripped her skirt off of her and throw it on the ground, also joining the growing pile of clothes on the floor.
“Okay, that’s good.” I barely said, gasping for breath. Her breasts were completely bare, and I looked at them. They were a good handful at least and I grabbed them softly, and rubbed them a little bit. My thumbs started brushing her tits, making them hard, and also making her moan. I bent down and licked her nipples, sucking on one, then the other, making her moan softly. I kissed up her chest and got to her neck, where I slowly kissed her there. I made it to her ear where I nibbled a little on it, making her whole body shiver.
“Are you ready?” I asked her.
“Yes. Just go slow.” She said.
I pressed against her pussy with my cock, my head touching her entrance. I then pushed a little harder in, and she moaned loudly, sounding in pain.
“Stop, stop.” She said.
I stopped, almost afraid of pushing harder. She nodded, telling me to go slow. I pushed in again, and made it to a little barrier. I looked down and saw I wasn’t even a third of the way in her.
“You’re a virgin?” I asked.
She nodded, and grabbed me around my waist and thrust myself into her.
“Oh!” She screamed loudly. “I didn’t know it would hurt that much.”
I sort of half laughed half grimaced. Her pussy was tightening around me and it felt amazing. She pulled me closer again and I leaned in and kissed her. She nodded again, letting me know she was okay. I pulled out some of the way and slowly pushed back in. Rachel moaned again, and I kept going, making a pattern out of the thrusting. Eventually Rachel was in the same pattern as me, thrusting her hips against meand pulling away. She throw her head back and started moaning loudly, and the moans turned into screams.
“I’m coming, I’m coming! Oh gosh Mark, faster baby faster!” She screamed. She started bucking wildly and I knew I was over the edge. I came in her and kept on pumping, making her orgasm last longer, while it was making mine feel all the better. Stream after stream of cum was pouring out of me and into her pussy.
“I can feel it in me.” She panted, after we both stopped thrusting. She rested her head against the cupboards behind her, and I leaned my forehead on hers. Just then I heard my cell phone vibrate on the floor, making both of us jump. I picked it up, and looked at the screen.
“Shit it’s my mom.” I said, frowning at her. I pressed accept and talked to my mom, who was worried about where I was and asked when I’d be home. I told her I’d be home in a while.
After I hung up I looked at Rachel, who was stoodng there, with her thong on, but other than that stark naked. Her breasts were in all their glory, and I loved looking at them.
“You’re leaving? Already?” She asked.
I walked up to her and kissed her gently on the lips, rubbing her tits with my hands.
“Yeah, I am. Sorry babe.” I told her.
“Can we go out again sometimes?” She asked, sounding worried.
“Of course babe, how about next Friday? Out to eat?” I asked.
She relaxed and smiled. “Of course.” She said. I bent down and kissed her on the lips, gently, but firmly at the same time. That’s when I squeezed her ass, and pinched her nipple.
“Mark!” She yelled, grinning.
“Sorry babe, couldn’t resist.” She grinned again and I got dressed. I gave her one last good night kiss and drive home.
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