The Change: The Beginning

The Change

My name is Michael Wheeler. This is the first entry into this journal. I feel it was necessary to start keeping a journal because I wanted to make sure I kept all the crazy of my life since I turned eighteen straight. Most of what follows may sound incomprehensible to the normal person but I assure you, every word, okay, almost every word is true. Things that are quoted are true as far as I can Remember. Even if the quotes aren’t 100% accurate, their meanings are.
Friday June 19th
Tomorrow will be my eighteenth birthday and I will finally be living life as a legal adult. Not that I haven’t been basically living like an adult for the past four years since my father was killed in a car wreck, tomorrow I will become legal. I had planned on spending the remainder of my childhood, all 12 hours of it, playing video games. Not that I am a gaming junkie, I rarely play more than an hour a day, I just wanted to try to get the desire out of my system before I start looking for a real job.
I walked into the kitchen to get all my stuff that I was going to need for a marathon gaming session, Gatorade, chips, and HoHo’s, and noticed my mother and older sister sitting at the kitchen table talking to each other in tones just above a whisper. Thinking that they were planning a party for me I didn’t interrupt them but they stopped and looked at me anyway as I raided the fridge. As soon as I got all my stuff and turned to Leave they started whispering again.
I played games on my PS4 and computer until I got too tired to hold my eyes open around 11 p.m. I decided to turn in and get up early to see what life would be like as an adult. I had no Idea what I was in for. I had heard it said that when you turned eighteen you felt no different than you did at seventeen, boy, were they wrong.
The urge to pee woke me up hours before I wanted to get up but not before the sunhad started streaming through my window. I climbed out of bed and started rubbing my eyes I staggered towards the bathroom. I could hear my mom and sister in the kitchen downstairs and knew that when I was done in the bathroom I could go down and get breakfast. I reached through the fly of my sleep pants to pull my pecker out so I could pee and got a shock. I had no pecker. My dick was gone. Not that it was a magnificent specimen of the breed but it was mine and I was kind of attached to it. In my half awake fog I couldn’t believe what I was feeling so I pulled the top of my pants out and looked down only to see a bushy patch of public hair, but as I thought, no dick.
I am sure the scream that came from my mouth was heard three counties away. I had no dick. I couldn’t figure out who the girl was that was screaming as loudly as I was until I stumbled in front of the mirror while trying to figure out what had happened to my junk in the middle of the night and saw a black haired, blue eyed goddess staring back at me. The sound that came out of my face at that instant could probably have only been heard by dogs. I looked at the mirror then looked back into my pants. I again looked at the mirror and then looked back in my pants. With one more brief look in the mirror my world went black.
My mother and sister had heard the initial scream and came rushing into my bathroom, I was lucky enough to have a bathroom in my room, just as I hit the floor. Luckily I didn’t fall backwards or sideways but fell straight down on crumping legs and came to rest against the wall. They each grabbed an arm and lifted me up and then carried me to the bed. My mom was sitting on one side of me and my sister was sitting on the other side of me, both looking at me with great concern on the faces, when I woke up.
“Are you alright baby”, my mother asked as she was rubbing my head with one hand and holding my right hand with her other.
I looked at her, and noticed the breasts that had grown on me overnight and screamed, “NO! I’M NOT ALRIGHT! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO ME! WHERE’S MY DICK? WHERE ARE MY BALLS? I WENT TO BED AS A GUY AND WOKE UP AS A GIRL AND YOU WANT TO ASK ME IF I’M ALRIGHT. NO I’M NOT ALRIGHT!”
“Ordinarily, if you had used that kind of language”, she said in a nice calm motherly tone, “I would have washed your mouth out with soap or grounded you for a week. However, given the circumstances, I’ll make an exception. Now, I’ll ask you, are you alright? I mean, did you hurt yourself when you passed out?”
I couldn’t do anything but stare at her. I had gone from a rather large boy/man to a girl, albeit a very hot girl, overnight and she was more concerned with whether or not I had bumped my head when I passed out from the shock. What kind of crazy family did I have? I knew they all had issues at timesbut this was beginning to make my head hurt. When I was finally able to speak I told her, and I had to force myself to remain calm, “I think I am ok.”
“Good,” she said. “We have to talk. I was hoping that I wasn’t going to have to have this talk again but I can see that you have it too.”
“Have what?”
I was not ready for the next words that came out of her mouth. “The family curse.”
“Curse? Are you crazy? There are no such things as curses.”
“There are such things as curses, Michael. Some are worse than others, but they are real. “
I did not believe what I was hearing and told her so, in a soft and feminine voice that would have given me a hard on yesterday. Curses are not real. Besides, who would want to curse the owner of a candle store and her family?
“I was not the one who was cursed. This curse was placed on the family hundreds ofyears ago and no one was able to figure out how to break it. After a while people quit trying and just accepted it as part of who they were. Our family is no longer the only ones that are cursed. All of your relatives, both close and distant, share this curse. Any of their heirs share the curse as well. I am sure that there are people like us all over the world. Occasionally it will skip a person and that was what I was hoping for with you. Unfortunately, as you can see, it didn’t.”
“Who in the world would want to make a person change from a man to a woman?”
“I have no idea, honey. But, it is more than just making a person change from a man to a woman. I was not born a man and then turned into a woman. I was born a woman that was given the ability to turn into a man.”
“Are you saying that you can change from a woman to a man?”
“That is exactly what I am saying. Your sister can too.”
What? My sister can change from a woman into a man. I now have the ability to change from a man to a woman. This was getting harder and harder to believe. While I knew in my heart that it wasn’t true, a small part of me somewhere deep inside was hoping that my own mother wasn’t lying to me.
My mother turned to my sister Kylee and said, “Honey, would you introduce your brother, uh, well, sister, to Kyle?”
My sister, my oh so fucking hot sister, all 105 lbs. of her stood up and took a couple of steps back from my bed where she had been sitting silently, that was a surprise, and stretched her arms down and to her side. She closed her eyes as if she needed to concentrate and right before my eyes my beautiful, hot, sexy as hell sister, that would not know for some time that I thought that way about her, turned into a guy. Not just your run of the mill average looking guy either, she turned into a six foot four black haired, blue eyes Adonis. Completee with six pack abs and lips that looked like they could kiss you into submission.
Now, I know what you are probably thinking if you are reading this. This guy is some sort of homosexual or something. Nothing could be farther from the truth. As a guy I am as straight as they come. However, since I was in my female form, those were the thoughts that went through my head. I have to admit, they freaked me out almost as much as watching my sister change forms.
I started freaking out and trying to scoot through my headboard to get away from the freak I was looking at.
“Holy shit! Holy Shit! She just turned into a fucking guy. Right there,” I said pointing the piece of carpet she, well now, he was standing on. “What the fuck?”
In a voice I would never have recognized he said, “Pretty crazy huh?”
In disbelief once more I couldn’t speak so I merely nodded my head yes.
My mother, not wanting to be outdoneby my sister said, “If you think that is something, watch this.” She stood up and took a couple of steps back as well. She did the same pose as my sister and right before my eyes, she too turned into a hunk of a hulking man. She, or should I say he, looked familiar to me. Damn good looking, but very familiar. All of a sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks.
“Coach Travers?” I couldn’t believe it. My mother had not only turned into a man, but she had turned into my sister’s youth softball coach. How in the hell did my mother, Sarah Wheeler, turn into Daniel Travers, my sisters softball coach? Better yet, how did we not notice something like that?
“Pretty cool, huh sport,” he said.
NO! It was not pretty cool. Okay, yes it was. I was just having a little trouble digesting all of this at the moment. So it was possible that I could turn into a woman. That still didn’t tell me how I was supposed to change backto myself. Since that was on my mind I asked, “Mom, how do I turn back to me?”
“Oh honey, that’s easy. All you have to do is concentrate really hard on your other form and you will change back. Now, you will have to concentrate very hard at first until you get the hang of it because you don’t want to think about your other form, male or female, at the wrong time and change. I can’t tell you how bad that would be, I’m sure you can imagine.”
Still a little taken aback from everything that I had just learned I said, “Um, yeah. I could see where changing into a girl in the boys locker room might be a bit of a problem.”
My mother, I guess I can still call a guy my mother, and my sister/brother both laughed. I stood up to do as they did and concentrated very hard. Had I concentrated any harder I would have turned into orange juice. All of a sudden I could feel my body starting to tingle. I didn’tdare open my eyes for fear that whatever was happening would stop and I didn’t want that. When the tingling stopped I waited for a few more seconds, just to make sure, and opened my eyes. I didn’t rush to a mirror to see if everything had worked like it should have. No, I was a guy, so the first thing I did was pull the top of my pants out and look down and saw my cock where it was supposed to be. Relieved, I fell back on the bed and my mother and sister started laughing even harder this time.
My mother, Coach Travers, sat down on the bed next to me. He took my hand in his then suddenly stopped when he realized what he was doing. He stood up, assumed the position and quickly turned back into the mother I had always known. She then sat down on the bed next to me. “Honey, I’m sure by now you know what hermaphrodites are, right?”
“Mom, I’m eighteen. Of course I know what a hermaphrodite is. It’s a person with male and female equipment.”
She giggled hearing me refer to a person’s genitalia as equipment. “That’s right. Well, people with the curse refer to ourselves, since according to science we don’t really exist, as hermorphrodites. That is, someone who can change their sex voluntarily. It just seemed to make sense. Now, you have to promise me that you will not tell anyone about this gift. Some call it a curse; I call it a gift, mmhmm.”
I laughed at her joke and said, “I don’t think you have to worry about that mom. I don’t want to end up at some undisclosed location as a government guinea pig.”
While I was talking to mom my sister had changed back to the form I knew and loved. Being a typical guy though, I had to ask, “Can I just change part of my appearance?”
“I don’t know honey. I’ve never tried. What did you…oh? Well there is only one way to find out. Try it.”
I don’t know how she know what I was asking, and wasn’t going to ask her that so I stood up and pulled the front of my pants out again. I was going to have to replace them soon at this rate because the elastic was going to wear out from too much stretching. I looked down at my cock and closed my eyes. I could hear my sister snickering in the background as I did so. I opened my eyes a moment later and looked down.
In my state of shock again, and without thinking, I dropped my pants and told them both to look. I had gone from an average, and I do mean average, size penis to something that any porn star would be proud to show off.
My mom’ mouth dropped and she didn’t say a word. My sister on the other hand was not quite as quiet. “Oh my god! It’s huge!”
Apparently she wanted to try the same sort of experiment. Since she was still in her pajamas she closed her eyes and concentrated. My mother and I watched and her shirt began to move away from her body. She opened her eyes and looked down and said, “Well, it looks like I am going to have to go to the mall and buy some bigger bras. If I had known I could do that I would have done it years ago.”
My mom smiled and groaned and I just stared. It was already hard seeing her dressed in nearly nothing running around the house as it was. Now I was going to have to see her with huge tits making my pants tighten up every time she walked into the room.
“Uh, honey,” my mom said. “I wouldn’t go that big at one time if I was you. Going from a B cup to a D overnight is about to arouse some suspicions. Especially since you don’t have any way to have paid for impants.”
Understanding what my mother had said she closed her eyes and her boobs returned to normal. “I guess if I ever find a man that can accept what I am I might show him that trick.”
“I wish I had thought about that before you father died.” She looked up and smiled, like she always does when talking about my dad, and then told us, “Okay you two. The show is over. Go get dressed and let’s eat.”
Mom left to go back down to the kitchen and my sister turned and asked me before she left to go get dressed herself, “You want to “change” and go to the mall with me? Oh, and since mom didn’t tell you, I don’t want you to have to find out the way that I did, as a girl, or in my case a guy, you will notice all the things about guys that attract women. For some odd reason, our thoughts and minds Stay the same but our likes and dislikes, especially towards members of the opposite sex, are purely normal for whatever sex we are at the time.”
“What do you mean?” I really didn’t understand what she was saying.
“When I “changed” and I saw you as a girl there on your bed, I couldn’t help but to think how damn sexy you were as a woman. If you weren’t my sister, and yes I will call your other form sister, I would have wanted to have fucked the hell out of you. “
I couldn’t believe it. My sister was telling me that as a girl I was going to be attracted to guys, but as a guy I would still be attracted to women. Not only that, but she was telling me that she was attracted to my other form. This is crazy.
“Tell me Kylee, would you be terribly offended if I told you right now, that if I wasn’t your brother I would do everything in my power to figure out a way to get in your pants too?”
“Wow, I’m flattered. Oh, by the way, I’m going to be calling my sister Michelle. I don’t think Michael is a very good name for my sister, do you?”
I hadn’t really given it much thought but I could see her point. Someone calling me Michelle was going to take some getting used to but I figured I could manage it.
“Okay, sounds good.” I stood up and assumed the position as my sister watched. I quickly turned into my female form and had to admit that I was damn good looking. I looked at my sister and she had a strange look in her eye. I couldn’t figure it out at the time, but I came to know it as the look of lust. Strangely my clothes fit my new form like they were made for me.
My sister noticed me looking at my clothes and told me that for some reason, whatever we are wearing stretches or shrinks to accommodate whichever form we are using. She did caution me though, wearing a thong and changing to a guy could be painful. I would have to remember that one.
“Um, Kylee”, I said. “I don’t have anything to wear.” Now I was starting to even sound like the female that I was. She laughed and told me that she had some stuff that Icould wear until we got back from the mall.
She led me to her room and told me to take anything that I wanted to wear out of her closet. I didn’t know what would look good on me so I grabbed a summer dress. I thought about it for a minute and then told her to give me a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I didn’t know if I was ready to wear a dress. She handed me a pair of faded jeans with the knees ripped out and a light blue tank top and told me that they would go great with my eyes.
Before I go much further let me describe my sister to you. She is about 5’4” tall, 105 lbs., short black hair that has that cool unkempt look, and the deepest blue eyes you have ever seen. They are magnificent. Her boobs are a natural 34B but as we found out earlier, that is subject to change at any time. Since I am normally 6’6” I am a little taller than her as Michelle. As Michelle I am 5’6”. I am not nearly as skinny as Kylee but I am byno means fat. I have curves where women are supposed to have curves. I have a nice flat stomach, long black hair, and the same blue eyes as my sister. I guess I will find out when we get to the mall what size tits I have since I have no way to tell here. I do know that I am a little larger in that department than Kylee.
Anyway, back to our story. The jeans she gave me were extremely tight. She said that a friend had left them in her car but they should fit. I looked in the mirror on the back of her door at my ass and had to admit that if I had a dick at that moment, and I saw that ass walking down the street, it would have given me a hard on. The tank top was tight but it was stretchy. I was about to tell her that I needed a bra and some underwear and then I had a thought.
“Give me a bra and some underwear, please.”
“They won’t fit.”
“Yes they will. I have an idea.”
She looked at me skeptically but handed me one of her old bras that she didn’t wear anymore and a pair of plain white granny panties. I pulled the jeans off, not even thinking that she was watching me. When she spotted the jungle that was my pubic hair she gasped.
“Don’t move.”
I got a little frightened at that moment because I thought she had spotted a spider on me or something. When she turned and walked out of the rum I was confused. Where was she going? She came back a minute later with a bowl of water, my electric trimmer, a can of shaving cream, and a razor.
“If you are going to be parading around as a woman you really need to look the part. You may be able to go around with that bush as a man, but as a woman you need to tame the jungle.”
All of a sudden my eyes grow wide as I understand what she was saying. As a guy it is perfectly normal and acceptable to leave the grooming down below to Mother Nature, but as a female it is understood that a little grooming is necessary. She told me that I could do it or she could do it. Since she had a lot more experience shaving a pussy than I did, and I told her that exactly, she could do it. I don’t know why but it seemed like a perfectly normal thing to have my sister sitting in front of me with a razor about to shake my pussy. It still sounds weird to say that. The fact that my whole life, well, since I began to notice women, I had thought my sister was the definition of perfection I couldn’t help but to become a little aroused. Seeing her in just her bra and panties in such a position made me get a tingle in my groin. I thought to myself, if I could just get her naked I would have plenty of material for jerking off later after I turned back to Michael.
She told me that she was just going to trim it up for now but if I wanted to do anything different after that she could help me. She began to trim it with my bear trimmer and the vibration causes the tingle in my stomach to get stronger. She told me to spread my legs and to hold still. She said that if she slipped, even with the trimmers she could cut me. I don’t know for sure, but that sounded like it could be painful. The closer she got to the lips of my pussy, that I had actually yet to touch myself, the stronger the tingling in my groin became until I let out a little moan.
She paused when I did that, looked up at me and smiled. “Feels good doesn’t it?”
I was breathing a little harder than I thought, or maybe I had just been holding my breath, but I sounded almost winded when I said, “Yes. It feels very good.”
She smiled and went back to trimming. I didn’t want her to stop but she did anyway when she was done. She seemed to understand the pleading look on my face when she said, “Later I can show you something that feels really good. Right now we need to finish this so we can get downstairsand eat before we leave.”
I told her okay and she began to rub shaving cream into the hair that was left, which wasn’t much. “Do you want a landing strip?”
I had seen plenty of sadd pussies from all the porn I had watched, I just didn’t know there were names for the styles.
“What’s that?” I asked her.
“It’s just a thin strip of hair leading down to the top of your,” she seemed to have trouble saying the word. “Well, your coochie.”
“Coochie?” I knew what she meant but I wanted to hear the word pussy come from those luscious looking lips.
“You know.” She seemed bent on not saying the word.
“No, I don’t know.” I could see that she was getting very agitated, and that is not something you want when that person is about to put a razor blade on you virgin pussy but I pressed on anyway.
With an experienced sight shewhispered, like it was almost too dirty to say, “Your pussy.”
“Oh. Why didn’t you say so?” I knew that this was my chance to see her without underwear on so I asked her, “Is that what you have?”
Without missing a beat she jumped up and dropped her drawers and said, “Yep. See how neighbor it looks. And this way it won’t show if you are wearing a bikini.”
I was beginning to think, that although we had always been close, that she had really wanted a sister instead of a brother. I told her that I wanted to look just like her when she was done. She pulled her panties back up and dropped back down to the floor. Too nervous to be turned on at this point it was only a few minutes later that I was able to see my pussy for the first time.
I couldn’t resist giving it a few strokes just to see what it feel like. She laughed when my touch sent ships up my spine. Knowing that I would have time to play with it later I told her, “Looks awesome.” She seemed to be pleased and then told me that I was going to have to shake my own pits. I grabbed the trimmer and roughed them down then took the razor and finished them off. They looked like I had been doing it for years and Kylee complimented me on what a good job I had done.
“Now, what is this idea you had about my clothes fitting you,” she asked curiously.
“Ah, watch and learn.” I stretched the panties and bra onto my frame and then managed to get into the jeans again as well. After struggling to get them buttoned I pulled the tank top on and stepped back. I closed my eyes and concentrated. A second later I was back to my normal male form yet wearing my sister’s clothes that fit perfectly.
“I get it.”
A moment later I was Michelle again and the clothes fit like I had bought them for myself. I was ready to walk out the door as she stopped me.
“Just two more things and we are ready to go.” She put my hair up in a pony tail for me and then rummaged through her closet and pulled out an old pair of flip flops that she didn’t wear any more. “We are going to have to buy you shoes. I don’t think you could pull that same trick with mine.”
I laughed and we headed downstairs. My mom was sitting at the kitchen table finishing up her breakfast and my sister stopped me and told me to wait in the living room. She stepped into the kitchen and announced like a circle announcer, “Introducing the one, the only, Michelle Wheeler.” She waved her hand towards the living room and right on cue I stepped into the kitchen as well.
“Wow, Michelle,” my mom said. “You look gorgeous. I bet you two turn more than a few heads at the mall today. Now anxious up and eat before it is too cold to eat.”
We both virtually inhaled our pancakes, a typical birthdaybreakfast, before Kylee announced that she was ready for her sister Michelle to make her debut to the world. She grabbed her purse and her keys and I followed her out the door to her car.
As we backed out of the driveway she yelled to the world, “Look out mall, here we come.”

Now, you may think that I am being very nonchalant about this whole, able to change from a guy to a girl thing. Well, let me tell you something. I am not very easily wound up. I tend to go with the flow on a lot of things and since I had seen it with my own eyes, and luckyly, in the confines of my own house, I was strangely okay with it. I was still planning on researching it to try to figure why it was happening, but I figured I would just go with it as see where it led me. Let me tell you, it led me to some wild places.


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