The Penthouse Ch. 04: John

This is the fourth in the series. In general, following the series in order is helpful, but not necessary, but reading the first one “Penthouse 01 – Who Am I” explains the main characters and setting making it easier to enjoy subsequent vignettes including this one.

Penthouse 4 – John

John was the category’s representative for brunch when Kathy was here. Turns out to be a friend of Master and a member in our local BDSM group. After participating in our delightful brunch Master agreed that John could take me out to dinner and for an evening at our local BDSM club. They had agreed on limits and activities for the evening and sent me a copy to review. I have veto rights though Master knows me well enough that is rarely an issue. This time I asked that in addition to what they had agreed to, I wanted some private room time with John. Though unusual, Master agreed and let John know.

When Master agrees that I am to scene with someone else outside out home there is a negotiated playlist of what MAY occurs. Things have progressed from when we used to do limits because too often something occurred that the bottom hadn’t thought to add to her list of limits. So, the playlist is much more in line with current thinking on consent. My approved playlist with John was: public exposure (no public nudity), leashed, edged, crawling, flogging, dragons tail, caning (moderate), nipple clamps, labia and clip clamps, spanking, cunt and anal intercourse (bareback), oral sex, face fucking, blindfolds, naked in dungeon, spanking, spit roasted, plugs, vibrators (vaginal and anal), orgasm restrictions, approved third parties, and aftercare required. A fairly normal playlist for me for scenes at the club.

The scheduled day with John started normally, I got up early to make coffee, checked my email for any overnight client issues, and woke Master with his morning oral service. As we laid in bed afterwards, Master checked that I was still good with going with Johnn that night. I told Master about my experience serving John in the hot tub, the care he had taken as he face fucked me to stay within my abilities, and that if Sir trusted me with him, I had no reason to be concerned. Sir smiled and told me that having seen John’s equipment, I should wear the larger butt plug that day in preparation. I hadn’t thought about that sizeable cock in my ass but told Master I would follow his suggestion. My ass is normally plugged in the morning, and after an enemapling right after lunch spends the afternoon on a Bluetooth dildo in the seat of my office chair controlled by my Master. With the evening plans I wore the larger plug all day and delayed the enemyas till late afternoon.

Around four PM a courier delivered a package to me. It was from the same dress shop that Kathy and I had visited when she was here. John had sent over a dress for the evening. It was black, backless except for a strip of leather that ran from the collar down the center ofmy back to the matching leather belt, the front from the collar had two leather trimmed semi-sheer strips of clothes that came down to join a bit below my breasts with the leather trim continuing down to the belt, with another piece of leather trim, just under the breasts that gave a bit of support and finished framing my breasts.. The skirt was a jersey skaters skirt, very full and very short. Putting it on, my breasts were covered by the Almost sheer fabric. It was cut so that while no bare skin was showing, they were framed by the leather trim and completely visible under the semi-sheer top. There was also a leather trimmed lace bolero jacket that covered the nipples but ended there. There was also a small box with a pair of clip-on nipple shields which would make sure my nipples stood out and stayed erect.

I got a note from my Master that he would be at the club that night, but that I was John’s for the evening. I was to pay attention to John and not be looking around for my Master. The safeword for the evening was Red, but that he and John had agreed that I could use Yellow if I need time to adjust within the scene.

I started my preparations for the evening with my daily enemy. I removed the larger plug that I had forgotten all day in preparation for John’s use later. First a bowel movement followed by a Castilian soap enema, then after purging that a plain salt water one. Both Must be held for fifteen minutes while I do cleaning chores. Master thinks moving around while holding one helps get things cleaner. Then a shower, shake my body and cunt, leaving the neighborly trimmed triangle of red on my shaft that Master likes to see. I decided to leave my hair down but put a couple of hair bands in my little clutch pursuit in case John wanted pigtails later. I wasn’t sure what look John would like so only went a little heavy with the waterproof make-up. Quite sure I was going to be shedding tears sometimes during the evening and only a few sadists I know like the mascara running down the cheeses.

I teased my nipples erect and attached the clip-on nipple shields. Not quite as bad as clamps, but tight enough to make sure the nipple stayed erect, and the silver surrounding certainly would draw attention to them. I debated on which but plug and decided on the medium sized NJOY. Not as big as the one I had forgotten all day, but larger than my everyday plug. The stilettos were the obvious shoe choice since I wasn’t expecting to do a lot of walking. The dress fit perfectly. Without the bolero, the silver nipple shields, and the dress’s leather trim really called attention to my otherwise naked breasts. Adding the bolero covered the breasts as long as it stayed in place. When I moved an arm to reach for anything a breast and silver framed nipple became quite visible. I finished with the last touches when John texted that he was here and coming up. Master had requested that I wear my heavy leather collar tonight, so I was finishing buckling and locking it when John rang the doorbell.

I slipped the bolero off before answering the door to give John the full impact of the dress. As I opened the door his eyes met mine but quickly fell to take in the display of the rest of my body. He smiled and made a motion for me to twirl. I did a quick turn causing the short skitter skirt to rise and show off my legs and ass. That drew a low whistle from John resulting in a blush from me. I started to put the bolero on, but John took it across his arm, reached in his pocket and pulled out a chain leash which he attached to my collar and used it to pull me in for a long tongue filled kiss.

We walked to the elevator, he had my leash in one hand and the other hand firmly on my ass. Once in the elevator he again pulled me to him with the leash and with his hand still on my ass, pulled me tight against him and his hardness for another long kiss. The elevator took us down to the parking garage, fortunately with no one boarding on the way down as Johnwas freely exploring my body. When we reached his car John opened the door for me and swatted my ass as I climbed in. The short drive to dinner was uneventful, John handled the car well even though his right hand was gripping my upper thigh the whole trip.

John has selected a small bistro for dinner. As I got out of the car, John helped me put the bolero on, a welcome bit of modesty. As we entered a gentleman, who I learned was the owner, came over hugged and kissed John in a rather friendly manner and gave me an appreciated once over before leading us to the prepared table. As he sat me, John removed my bolero and placed on the back of my chair. John’s wine selection was already opened, breathing on the table. The owner poured glasses for us and said that dinner would be ready very shortly. John seeing my look explained that the owner, Rene’ was a friend and business partner. John said that he helps occasionally which is the reason he showed up with the catering at the Penthouse that morning.

As we sat talking and enjoying the fine wine, I realized that I was still on John’s leash, and it was laying across the table in plain sight. As much time as I’ve spent leashed, it still brought a blush to my cheeses. John noticed my blush and my fixation on the leash. He smiled, took ahold of the leash and pulled me to the table. “Edge for me.” My hand was busy in my cunt and John was still holding the lean tight across the table when Rene’ brought out our salads. He saw the taut leash and enjoyed the view of my exposed breasts and nipple shields and gave John a nod and a large smile. John smiled back, and with the Rene’ still standing there, told me to keep edging while I enjoyed my salad. This elicited an even bigger smile from the Rene’ as he left for the kitchen.

Between the leash, my fingers, and the embarrassment I was on edge. John looked over at me and asked if I was wet. “Soaked” was my response. Then get off your skirt before you wet it. I reached down and pulled it from under my ass, sitting back with my bare ass on the chair. We were quietly enjoying the salads, while I tried to control my orgasm and John kept fiddling with my leash. As we finished the young busboy appeared to clear our salad dishes. He obviously was not used to see women on leashes with their breasts nearly naked and his awkward gawk was quite noticeable and endearing.

John could see I was near the edge. He quietly told me, “When he returns with the main dish, you will cum hard. You will do it without screaming and disturbing the entire restaurant.” Nothing makes it harder to keep quiet when I cum than being told I must. Rene’ brought out our dinner, seafood fettuccini with white wine sauce. He looked right into my eyes as he set my plate in front of me and said “enjoy.” I can’t explain why that triggered me, but I came hard and long. I didn’t scream but a lady two tables away turned, looked and smiled as a moan escaped my lips. The Rene’ smiled and said, “I’ve never gotten that reaction from my cooking before.” He turned at John as he set his plate in front of him.

Dinner was delicious. I spent the meal wheeling information out of John. He was a stockbroker, divided, not currently sharing his house with anyone, had been active in the local BDSM community for two years, but in power exchange relations much longer, liked to swim to stay in shape and kayak for recreation. When Rene’ brought over the second bottle of wine, he asked if I was feeling better. I blushed and told him that his fettuccini seemed to have remarkable restorative powers. He turned at John and said “Good, from what John has told me you will need that tonight.” My mouth fell open and I stared at John in disbelief. John, turned at me and replied, “She will do fine, I have planned a very enjoyable evening for the lady.” That got a wicked laugh from Rene’.

As we finished dinner John suggested I use the restroom as it is much nicer than the clubs.I was thankful to not only use the nice facility but also do a touch up of my makeup and dry off my cunt and tights. It wasn’t until I was returning to our table that I realized how much attention I was getting as I walked through the crowded bistro. I was getting a lot of stars. It wasn’t until I got back to our table and saw the bolero hanging on my chair that I realized that my breasts were quite visible under the semi sheer top, my nipples quite accented by the silver shields and I was holding the leash attached to my heavy leather collar in my hand. As I returned to the table John got up, put my bolero over his arm, took my leash, and put his hand on my ass to guide me back through the bistro to the exit. Rene’ met us at the door, thanked us for coming, kissed my hand and John on the cheese.

The club is on a farm Not too far from town. A non-descript metal building designed for the purpose, lots of hard points for safely suspending bodies, among other things. We were a bitEarly but there were already quite a few cars in the lot, including my Master’s. We checked in and stopped in the co-ed locker room. John traded his sports coat and dress shirt for a black western cut short sleeped shirt, commenting to a friend there that he planned to work up a sweat tonight. The friend looked me over and said, “I can see why”

Once John had changed, he helped me out of the dress, leaving me naked except for Master’s collar, my silettos, and the plug in my ass. John took his bag out of his locker, removed two sets of leather cuffs and locked them on my wrists and ankles. He connected a twelve-inch hobble chain between my ankle cuffs, then clipped my wrist cuffs together behind my back. He used the lean to pull me up against him. Took a firm grip on my left breast and took a deep kiss. “Ready” he asked. “Yes, Sir. I’m yours for the evening.” He smiled, pulled a blindfold out of his bag and placed it over my eyes, buckling it in back. I feel the bit gag against my lips, he inserted it and buckled it tight. He caresed my cheek, ran his hands down over my breasts, over my hips and up between my legs, cupping my cunt. His fingers found my opening and fingers went deep in my wet cunt. His thumb found my clip and he worked both until my knees buckled and I moaned. I felt his hand leave me, then two fingers were inserted in my mouth over the bit gag. I cleaned my wetness off his fingers. I felt and heard the leash detach from Master’s collar, then felt the click as John attached the leash to the ring of my butt plug. I felt him spread my labia and pull the cold chain between them. When John pulled on the leash, the chain dug into my cunt and pulled the plug in my ass. Blindfolded and gagged, I followed the pull of the chain as John led us out of the locker room towards the dungeon.

John went slowly knowing I was on silettos, hobble chained, and blindfolded. We stopped a few times and I heard him talk with a few ladies and gentlemen. Onelady commented on my nipple shields, and I heard John give her permission to touch them and me. She fondled my breasts, pinched my nipples and felt how secure the shields were on my breasts. She asked John if they were on for the evening, I was surprised when he said no, that he didn’t think they would work with clover clamps.

I could tell when we entered the dungeon from the music playing and the lower light level bleeding through on the edges of the blindfold. John said “Stay” and left me standing alone in the dungeon. It is scary standing alone, naked, gagged and blindfolded. You hear all the sounds around you: screams, moans, and the sounds of impact on flesh and the indistinct rumble of conversations. When he returned moments later, he led me forward several feet and disconnected my hobble chain. He grabbed me Under my arms with two hands, “Step up” as he helped me up the steps to the platform. Our dungeon has a raised platform in the middle, lit by several spotlights. It is called the stage for a reason. Everyone in the dungeon can easily see it and what is happening there. It is the focal point of the dungeon. Whatever John had planned I was going to be a center attraction.

John removed my bit gag and unclipped my wrists from behind my back. The lean was passed back through my cunt, but left attached to my butt plug. I felt a tug on my nipples as the shields were removed, Surprisingly not the near the pain associated with clamps coming off. John pulled me up against his body, “Ready?” he asked. The smart ass in me almost replied “For what Sir?” But I’m not that much of a masochist to mouth off to a sadist about to enjoy abusing my body. So, I replied with a simple, “Yes, Sir”

He took my hands and placed them on the furniture. A simple sawhorse type spanking benchmark. “Mount it, slut.” You lay on top of such a horse, a breast and leg on each side, and there are pads to support your knees and elbows. Once I was in place John strapped me down with straps across my forearms and calves to secure me to each of the pads, and a belt around my wait to keep me secure to the horse. It was one of the shorter horses, my chin rested at one end and my ass hung off the other end. John leaned down and kissed me. “Remember Red if you need it.” “Yes, Sir” John gripped one breast, squeezed and caressed it then clipped a clamp tight on the nipple. He pulled on the connected chain passed it under the horse and connected the second clamp to my other nipple. The chain was just short enough to keep a constant tension on my nipples. I knew from experience that when the beating started, if I jumped or jerked my nipples would quite painfully not move with me.

John’s hands caresed down my back, across my ass and down my thighs, before coming back up on the insides of my tights to my cunt. I felt the pull in my ass as he started to remove the plug. It still stung a bit as the fat part passed the ring, then again as he pushed in back into my ass, repeating that cycle several times before finally removing it. I felt a small vibrator pushed deep in my cunt. Surprisingly it helped me relax.

John started with a hand spanking all over my ass and tights. It stung but felt amazing at the same time. The heat building up in my ass migrated to my cunt. John apparently noticed the wet cunt and gave it several hard spanks too. A pause in the spanking warned me that he was about to change to a different tool. A pointed thud told me a crop was the next implementation. A sharp very pointed pain that John spread across my ass, tighs, up my back and onto my clamped breasts. First the right breast and then he crossed over to the left before working back to my ass, finishing with several swats square on my cunt. A thud on my right butt chef told me that a flogger was now in use. John’s technique used the flogger to not only give a solid thud, but also mixed in a lighter sing with just the flogger tips. He flogged my ass, tighs and upper back. As I was starting to feel the endorphin high the pattern changed. It was much faster, and every other swat was much sharper and stung, thud, sting, thud sting, thud, sting, alternative right butt chef and left butt chef. My semi functioning mind realized, florintine flogging with one flogger and one dragon’s tail. It hurt, it started to really hurt, and then suddenly it didn’t. It felt warm all over. It was turning me on. it wasn’t pain any more, the best I can describe it is that it was sensing.

I feel a cock at my lips. If John was flogging my ass, who was this? He pushed, I opened, and I had a mouth full of cock. Two hands on my head held me as whoever it was slowly and deeply fucked my face. One advantage of lying on the horse with your head looking straight ahead is your mouth and throat are well aligned. As my facefucker went deeper I easily took him into my throat.

As I was concentrating on the cock in my mouth and throat, I didn’t realize that John had stoppeded flogging my ass. I felt something enter my ass. Nothing too big, in and out and twisting. Then there was something much larger at my ass. I realized that John had been lubing my ass before attempting to use it. Even in my floating state I knew I needed to relax my back door. Even with the prep work I had done, it hurt. My attention was diverted from the pain when my facefucker left his cock deep in my throat cutting off my air. I jerked up in reaction causing a quite painful pull on my clamped nipples. When facefucker finally withdraw from my throat and I gasped for air, I realized the pain in my ass was greatly reduced. Facefucker had distracted me while John’s head had passed the tight ring and was now stretching inside my ass.

I was now what is called spit roasted. A spit formed by a cock in my throat and one in my ass. John worked slowly and carefully, pushing in an inch or so then backing out a bit, I felt him repeat that cycle till I felt him tight against my butt cheats. By then the pain and pleasure from my ass were about equal. The pleasure then kept increasing and the pain faded as John started taking faster full strokes in and out of my ass. His hips ramming my recently beaten butt was a counterpoint to the feeling inside my ass. Meanwhile facefucker was increasing his pace too, deeper, harder and faster.


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