she watched Him watching her. The man gave off such an air that she could’t help but notice Him. Every time she looked His way, He would be looking at her. Chills ran up and down her spine. her hands shook when she reached for her drink. In a room full of people, she felt alone, somewhat frightened. The party had been a last minute decision and now she found herself wishing she had decided the other way. Friends she knew were talking to her, but she couldn’t concentrate, she had no idea what was being said to her. Finally, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the strange walking towards her, smiling that devilish smile that always was on His beautiful lips. Yes, she thought He was a handsome man, a bad boy kind of handsome, a kind of handsome that scared her to the bones.
Quickly, she thanked her host and hostess and made a bee-line for the door, only to find He was blocking it. He was standing right in front of it with His foot propped up behind Him. she turned and went toward the backdoor, only to find it too, was blocked, the categories had monopoliized it since the backdoor was the only access to the kitchen from the carport. she felt trapped, like an animal waiting for it’s captor to come and get it over with. Looking around her for some kind of escape, she discovered that maybe she didn’t have to actually leave, just make Him think she had. Good plan. Very good plan, except that she felt His eyes on her once again. she ran for a door she saw on the back wall of the kitchen, opening it, she didn’t know where it lead, only that she may be able to find an escape. Or maybe not, she thought as she realized the door lead to the basement. Good move she thought. At least with people around, she was safe, now she was all alone.
Silly girl, He thought as He watched her go to the basement. she Thought she could out maneuver Him. Shaking His head, He followed her. He had been watching her since she first walked into the room. A very beautiful woman she was.she was just the kind of woman He liked, shy, skittish like a deer, any sudden movement and she would bolt. Well, she had bolted and He enjoyed the hunt, the tracking, the smell of fear the emitted from her. He closed the door behind Him and locked it.
“I know you’re in here.” He spoke low, He knew He had a deep voice and He knew how to use it to frighten her. “Don’t make Me have to look for you, I will find you and when I do…” He saw a movement, although they were in the basement, the full moon shone brightly through the windows. He heard a soft, squeaky voice.
“W-what do You want from me?”
He smiled and followed the fear.
“Why, My dear, you know what I want.”
He saw her silhouette only an arm’s stretch away from Him. He reached out and grabbed her arm. He swung her around to face Him and grabbed a handful of hair. He gently pulled her head back and kissed the lips that He knew would be so sweet tasting. she gasped for air and fight Him slightly. He iMissed her tiny fists that were trying to pound on His broad shoulders, they were nothing more than a mere announcement. He kissed her throat, the loose fitting top that she was wearing had fallen off her should just slightly, He kissed her there, taking in her sweet smelling perfume. Her small hands relaxed and made their way to his hair, tangling themselves in it. she gasped for air once again as His hands fondled her breast.
He took one of her hands from His head and placed it on his ever growing cock, she squeezed it hard and a groan escaped both of them. Forcing her down on her knees, not having to use too much force at that, He opened His zipper and pulled out his throbbing member. she quickly took it in her warm mouth and immediately started sucking. she groaned and the vibrations went through Him like electricity, “That’s it, I could tell you were a nasty little cock sucker.” He whispered as she pulled His balls out of the opening in His pants and massed them. “Suck it,you little slut.” she sucked and massed until He was standing on the edge. He pushed her aside rather roughly, glaring at her. It scared her and she stood quickly and turned to run. He grabbed her, throw her back down on the floor. He pulled the short tight skirt up over her ass and saw that she wasn’t wearing any panties. It took all of His will not to cum at just the sight. “I knew it, you are a slut. And right now, you are My slut.” He entered her in one swift and careful movement, she was tight and wet and hot. her juices were running down her thigh and when he reached up and grabbed her tits, the nipples were like little pebbles. He squeezed them and pinched and pulled them. she squirmed and squealed and began to thrust herself backwards onto His hard shake. He could feel she was about to cum, He reached down between her legs and ticckled her clip, she grew tighter, louder and her juices grow thicker and hotter.
“Cover my cock with your cum.” He grunted as she came hard, she went completely stiff, with her head back and screaming, “OH MY GOD!!!!” He couldn’t take any more, as her hot cunt was squeezing the life out of His cock, he exploded inside of her. she began to rock back and forth, getting His hot cum deeper inside of her. He held onto her hips and held her still.
Finally, their bodies slowed as did their heart beats. But not her firey temper.
“Dammit, Will, now i really do have to go home.”
Will looked at his beautiful wife, smiling.
“Oh? Why is that, Charlene? Did you get something on your skirt?”
Charlene slapped at Will playfully, “Come on, let’s go so we can finish this at home.”
“Like I said, you are a slut.”
“Yeah, but i’m Your slut. Always and only Yours.”
They kissed a deep password kiss after the stand and fixed their clothes so they could be presentable enough to make their excuses and go home to finish their little game of cat and mouse.
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