This is a continuation of the story series ‘Is Something The Matter’ which was published in the ‘Fetish’ Category in Dec 2020/Jan 2021. It takes place consistently, and this is part 2 of this 2nd series.
The sex depicted here depicts chatity play, pegging, strap-on, forced-femme, femdom, and CBT. If you’re not comfortable with that or don’t like female led relationships, please read elsewhere. All of the sex depicted is consensual, and I’ve even included a scene in one of the chapters where one of the characters uses the safe word. If you do play with any of these types of BDSM or power play scenarios, please play safe, sane, sober, and consensual.
I’m hoping that this will wrap-up the Amie/Steve storyline, and I’m looking for ideas for a new storyline, so I’m open to suggestions.
Thanks to all for comments and suggestions.
New Normal Chapter 02.
Steve adjusted in his seat as he watched the online seminar he needed to completee to maintain his continuing education credits for his securities license. In days past, he would have driven into the city to take this at a hotel, but he supposed this is what they referred to as the ‘new normal’ and wondered whether he’d ever take an in-person seminar again.
As he adjusted, he feel the seam of the leather chair push on a particularly sore spot on his behind. Last night he had received his first Punishment spanking from Amie. He had been careless and let a bill slip by without paying it and now they were facing a late-fee. Amie was obsessed with maintaining both of their credit scores, so this was a big deal for her. The punishment spanking was both painful and humiliating, and Steve was properly chasted. It had been 4 days since their online session training session with Miss Lisa, and the marriage dynamic was Certainly changing. In addition to the maintenance spankings, Amie had begun making Steve sit at her feet when they were relaxing in the den. Knowingthat the daily maintenance spankings were taking a toll on him, she had given him a cushion to sit on, so he didn’t have to sit on the hardwood floor, but after last night’s punishment spanking, the cushion was removed and he was told he would need to “earn” it back.
And so this morning, he got up before Amie, locked himself in his chatity device, and brewed a pot of coffee before she was up. When she made her way down to the kitchen, she found a light breakfast waiting, along with the keys to the device (Steve was wearing a chatity device that had one lock where the tube attached to the ring, and another lock where a hasp was inserted through his PA piercing). As soon as she sat down, Steve knelt beside her chair, asked her if there was any other way he could serve her, and then ritualistically asked for his daily maintenance spanking.
Amie knew that getting another spanking the morning after the punishment spanking was probably the last thing on his mind, so she deferred. She reached onto her breakfast plate and picked up a grasp. “While I’m pleased that you took the initiative this morning, and I forgive you, I’m still not 100% happy. I want you to stand in the corner of the kitchen and hold this grasp against the corner with your nose until I release you. I also want you pants around your ankles the entire time so I can admit my handiwork from last night.”
Truth be told, Amie had really put an effort into the previous night and her wrist was sore from wielding the wooden paddle. She could only imagine how Steve felt about now. But – she recalled from her last email interaction with Miss Lisa, it was supposed to hurt, and he was supposed to remember the punishment spankings. Amie looked up from her phone and admired her handiwork. Steve’s ass was sporting a little purple and some yellow indicating some deep briising. She hadn’t been surprised by his ability to take pain – after their foray this past year into CBT, but she had been surprised how long he wanted to hold her afterwards as his body was wrapped with sobs.
Amie noted that ever since she had started pegging him at the end of October, Steve was much more emotive in his responses to their play. Some might call it “getting in touch with their feminine side” but Amie preferred to think of it as “getting in touch with reality.” Steve still had a stoic nature to him – not much got him upset in the real world, but as they built this new dynamic, he was definitely changed.
Amie had pegged him now at least a half dozen times. The first time – had been the most intense obviously, but each time since then she had found that he responded a little differently – whether it was the time of the day or how much foreplay they had done that day, or even how either she (or he) had asked for the pegging contributed to how the session went. Admittedly, he didn’t always come from the pegging – that only happened a few times so far, and it wasn’t necessarily their goal. Stevehad admitted that giving his ass to Amie was the ultimate gift he could give her – something that no one else had ever (or would ever) be able to have.
That thought perked Amie up. She was proud of the fact that she now owned his ass, controlled his cock, and was well on the way to planning a big old “Flag of Amie” in the grey matter between his ears. As she looked over at Steve once again, she focused on the Emerald colored panties that pooled at his ankles. That was another surprise – even though she hadn’t asked him to do so, he continued to keep his torso and upper legs shavled, and continued to wear ladies panties whenever he was locked in chatity. Amie looked down at the keys he had left her on the table. Once he was locked back in the chatity device it limited her ability to keep up with the CBT training, but considering that their next virtual session with Miss Lisa was only a day away, she accepted that they had made considerable progress this week, and it was probablyOnly right that he be locked away.
She had originally introduced the panties and camosiles to him as a way to train his mind for the pegging she had been planning to give him at the end of his 2 month chatity lock-up in October, but he really glommed on to the idea. Thinking back to when they first started dating, and the disgusting shreds of cotton that he called underwear back then, this was a real about-face. He didn’t seems to want to expand his sartorial repertoire, but Amie was pleased by the leather harness with the metal O ring centered on his chest that he had wound the other evening. There were plenty of things they could do with that – including her using it to drag him around like a rag doll, or something she could grab onto the next time she was pegging him.
“Okay dear. Time to eat that grab and get dressed. We can’t have you showing the neighbors how you needed to have your behind punished last night” Amie said, as she stood up from the table.
Steve complied, popping the grape into his mouth and looking properly admonished. He cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher without being asked.
“Time for a late lunch today, dear?” Amie asked. This was code for Steve going down on her while she sat at her home office deskchair.
Steve nodded eagerly and replied in the affordable. He actually found himself starting to drool at the thought. He found he felt safe and most loved when he was close to Amie, and being between her legs was the closest he could be. He loved her taste, and knew every millionmeter of her beautiful pussy by heart.
“Not sure if you have time between calls today, but if I could have my late lunch with ‘Stephanie’ today, that might be a fun change.” Amie said, the words hanging in the air.
Steve gulped. He knew what that means, and it wasn’t something he really wanted to do. Amie had given him a costume wig she had purchased a few years back as well as some stockings and a way-too-short costume dress and suggested that she wouldn’t mind being serviced by “Stephanie” at some point. This was a bit of a stretch, but Steve and Amie had entered into a FLR and by those terms she had the right to ask, and he had the right to say no.
Still, he knew that it was her request, and every bone in his body right now wanted to delight Amie. He nodded, and responded “I’ll do my best to get in touch with Stephanie, Miss Amie.”
The “Miss Amie” part wasn’t lost on Amie. This was a tacit acknowledgement from Steve of their roles right now. Amie turned on her heel and left the kitchen to put her face on for the day. When she got dressed, she chose a cashmere sweater to fight the chill in the house, but then put on a loose fitting skirt that would make it easier for ‘Stephanie’ to have her late lunch. She also pulled on some stockings – not a look she usually went for during the day, but she knew it would get Steve excited, and made sure to rub the open skin with a lavender scented crèmethat she had been using. She decided to forego panties today – again to make it easier for Stephanie / Steve to get to work. Amie found herself getting a little excited to see Steve en femme. He really couldn’t pull off the look because of his bone structure, but the fact that he was willing to try said it all. They had tried out a bunch of things this past year – some worked for them, others didn’t. Some made them both double-over in laughter both during and after. She recalled the time that Steve did an ‘Adult Baby’ routine – complete with a big bottle. It was something they saw on FetLife and read up on. It did NOT work for them. They posted about their failure on the FetLife Adult Baby forum, and had received a chilly reception from some kink-shamers.
She chuckled at that thought, and then decided that if Steve did- in fact – find it in himself to get in touch with Stephanie this afternoon, she’d make it a special evening for him tonight. She knew some of the things that weree on his kink list (some of which he had admitted, other things she knew just from their conversations over the years) .
Lunch time rolled around. Amie grabbed a powerbar and a bottle of water from her desk. She had just returned from the bathroom, making sure to use a moist towel between her legs so she was fresh. As she opened the powerbar, she heard a tapping on the door. Amie swiveled in her chair to find ‘Stephanie’ – in an electric blue chemise that stopped at mid thigh, a pair of thigh-high white stockings, her eyes covered by the auburn tresses of the wig that Amie had bought several years back when she went to a Halloween party dressed as one of her favorite movie characters. Amie smiled in approval, and invited Stephanie in, immediately going into character.
“Oh Stephanie. Its so glad to finally meet you. I’ve been looking forward to having you over for lunch. Don’t you look just adorable in that outfit. Turn for me please – I want to see how it moves when youdo so.
Steve blushed a deeper shade of red, then stepped forward and did a quick turn, feeling the chemise lift, and knowing that Amie could see the white ruffled panties that he was wearing underneath. These were all elements of the ‘Stephanie Outfit’ that Amie and he had cobbled together and he felt ridiculous.
“Stephanie, you are truly a vision. I knew those would look amazing on you, but I never guessed how that color of hair would really bring out the color in your eyes. Look me in the eye honey. Oh gosh, you are just gorgeous” Amie remarked. She knew from the color of his face that Steve was very uncomfortable, so she really laid it on thick to try to build his confidence.
Amie continued, “I just feel so incredibly blessed to know that I’m the only one who has ever – or will ever – get to meet you Stephanie, and I’m so happy to be lucky to spend some time with you.”
This comment – both flattering and comforting had an effect on Steve, and he relaxed justa bit and started to get into the character.
Amie indicated to Steve to come over to her. “First thing, dear, I want to get a kiss from you.” Amie stood up, and wrapped her arms around Steve/Stephanie, struggling the back of the ruffled panties lightly through the chemise, and careful not to irritate Steve’s bruised behind. She looked deeply into his eyes and then gave him a long and sensitive kiss. She could feel Steve relaxing in her arms as she continued to kiss him, and then as she moved down to kiss and nibble on Steve’s neck, kissing down his chest further to the top of the decolletage of the chemise. Oh my Goodness, you’re gorgeous. How did a beauty like you escape me until now?”.
Steve responded in a light throaty voice, and told Amie how he adored her and how Stephanie would love to spend more time with her, pleasure her every desire.
They parted, and Amie sat down on her desk chair. “Well dear, if you want to really please me, then I think there’s something under the desk that needs looking after. I wonder if you could do me the favor.
Steve compiled, and doing his best to maintain his composition and the delicate feminine effects that he imagined Stephanie to have, he made his way under the desk. As Amie started moving her chair towards the desk, she stopped, then reached onto her desk and produced a tube of lipstick. “Just one more thing honey, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be able to look down and see some lipstick smeared around my pussy. Would you oblige me?”
Steve literally wasn’t in a place to negotiate, and this didn’t’ seem like something worth the use of their safe word, so he agreed. Amie then held his chin in her left hand while she generally applied the lipstick and taught Steve to smack his lips to even out the spread.
“Okay, that’s Much better, and it really looks good with that auburn hair of yours, honey.” Amie assured Steve, and then pushed her chair in, pushing herself to the edge of the seat. Steve lifted her skirt and was immediately reminded of his reason for making the sacrifice.
He went to work on the job before him – though to call it a job would mean that it was a labor of love – . He started as he knew Amie liked, with small kisses on the insides of her thighs and the moved on to lovingly lick the length of her labia.
Amie put her hand on Stephanie’s head so she could run her hands Through the wig, but realized that Steve hadn’t properly pinned the wig to his own head. She chalked that up to inexperience and made a note to teach him how to do that in the future. She looked over the back of his head and saw the chemise riding up to show the white ruffled back of the panties Steve wore, as well as his white stocking covered feet that were just visible behind him.
This wasn’t Amie’s first time at the rodeo. She had had a brief fling with a sorority sister back in college. Amie hesistated in calling it a relationship or even apply classic phrase ascribed to college-aged girl on girl activities: “experimenting”. It was more along the lines of the fact that college aged boys were morons, and that two young women found themselves sharing a bed in comfort. That had lasted only a few weeks, until they both realized that it was more for emotional support than physical desire, but she never forget how it felt to look down and see a woman’s body attending to her needs.
Amie snapped back into the present and felt the orgasm rising deep in her stomach. She grasped the arms of the chair for support and swung her legs behind Stephanie’s back to encourage her to continue. The orgasm finally broke over her, followed by another just a bit later. Stephanie continued to eagerly go down on her, until finally she had to push her back and replace the skirt.
“Okay Stephanie – I think you’ve had enough for lunch. I’ve got to get back to work” Amie announced. She watched as Steve drew the back of his hand across his face, the lipstick alreadyy smeared around his mouth. She was glad she had convinced him to shake the beard for the New Year – because while the creation of ‘Stephanie’ wasn’t the goal, it certainly fit the storyboard much better.
Steve crawled out from under the desk and then made his way out of the room.
Amie called behind “Oh and Stephanie. Please thank Steve for me profusely, and let him know that if he plays his card right this afternoon, I might have a big treatment for him tonight.”
To Steve, that could mean anything. He never knew what to expect with Amie, but anything – literally ANYTHING – was better than the punishment spanking he had received the night before, and the fact that she addressed him as ‘Steve’ means that they were done with playing with gender roles for the day. When he reached the mirror in the bathroom and started taking off the wig, and the chemise, he looked into the mirror to see his face – lipstick smeared and still glistening with Amie’s juices. It reminded him of some of the women’s faces on porn he used to watch. He realized it had been literally months since he had looked at any online pornography, even reading at Literotica. “Who needs porn when you ‘re living with a porn star?” Steve said out loud and to no one in particular.
Once he was back in his “business casual” attire, Steve returned to his office and without even thinking about it, locked the chain Under his desk to his chatity device and got to work.
Amie was having trouble concentrate. After Steve had left, she had looked down to see what her post-orgasm pussy looked like. There were traces of lipstick on it, and her lips and clip were both engorged. She asked herself “what kind of slut doesn’t wear panties? Heck, even Stephanie wears panties!” and laughed out loud. She remembered her mother and sister those type of judicial remarks once when they saw a woman out and out one day wearing a short skirt and nothing underneath. “I guess its THIS kind of slut” she answered silently. “And tonight – I’m going to blow his mind by becoming a real slut” she thought to herself. She had decided that Steve warranted a reward, and since he was so accommodating to introduce her today to ‘Stephanie’ she was going to return the favor tonight. This was something that people didn’t realize about FLR’s – even though Amie was always in control, she didn’t always play the role of ‘top’.
Later that evening, Amie slipped into Steve’s office. He was catching up on paperwork and told her it would be another ½ hour until he was done. Amie nodded, and then reached out and put the keys to his chatity cage on the desk in front of him.
Steve stared at them in disbelief, and then looked up quizzically at Amie. “What’s up?” he asked.
“Well, what’s up is, we’re going to do something tonight that doesn’t involve your cage.” She turned at him, and then turned to walk out, giving him the head-turn and eyebrow lift just as she reached the doorway.
Steve was left perplexed, but he was happy to play along. He had just locked up this morning, and it was quite unlike Amie to give him the keys so quickly. He checked the clock and continued his work for another 25 minutes. When he saw that the clock had turned over, he pushed away from the desk, headed over to the guest bathroom to unlock and clean off his cock. He replaced the PA ring in the end of his penis, and then turning to go he noticed that Amie had left him a pair of mens boxer briefs on top of the toilet seat. The note on top in Amie’s handwriting said “Let’s try these tonight for a change.”
She was right – he really couldn’t remember the last time he wore mens’ underwear. Even when he went to get the PA piercing, he had forgotten a pair of women’s cotton briefs (figuring that he was sacrificing every bit of humility to someone who would put a ring through the head of his penis, who were they to judge what he wore for underwear, right?).
He stepped out his pants and the white rufflepanties that he had kept on, and then stepped into the boxer briefs, pulling them up and admiring the lines. They felt almost as foreign on his body as the panties had the first night. Steve shook his head, and then put his pants back on, tucked in his shirt and strolled down to the master bedroom. As expected, the door was closed, so he knocked.
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