The Neighborhood Nympho Ch. 05

Synopsis: Keeping his new bride, a hopeless but happy nymphomaniac, satisfied is a full time job for her harried husband. Candice can’t help herself as she seduces and is seduced by everyone in the neighborhood as well as her coworkers, and discovers that many of her new conquests are as kinky in their own way as she is.


Sunday morning dawned, and Candice proved to be bright-eyed and bushy tailed, which was fine with me since it means I got a taste of the goods. I could literally count the times that we had engaged in friendly strike since I said, “I do”. Considering all the people who had gotten lucky with her, our couples probably made up less than ten percent of her action. However there was one thing I had to always remind myself, it was my call from the get-go.

Let me Take a moment to describe what serious sex with Candice was like. When she put her mind to it, my wife could fuck with the best of them. In fact, I had never had better, nor did I think I ever would. What she liked to do was kill two birds with one stone. Getting off was the prime objective, but staying fit was a close second, because that guaranteed plenty of opportunities to get off.

As I think I’ve remarked previously, Candice was a wet dream walking. She was soft where a woman was supposed to be soft and firm in the other spots. This came about from her study of sexual positions and their effect on muscle tone. I have referred to her as being a bimbo, a punchboard, and other unknown but true descriptions of her. One thing however about Candice, she was not dumb. She just didn’t like to operate her brain unless there was a good reason to click the on-switch.

For example this morning yours truly was enjoying the sensing of her tight pussy moving up and down on my blood engaged joint. She had decided that the squatting female superior position was the type of exercise her abs and thighs required. To make sure that the toning took place over the entirere area of ​​need, she was doing one of her patented, round the world moves, rotating that awesome body from one quadrant to another while her smooth working hips made like pistons to assure that the grip on my stiff shake was continuous and constant.

Currently she was facing away from me, presenting a view of her round, firm chefs pumping away, with my helpless tool locked in place by the set of muscles that controlled her cunt. When it came to exercise, Candice made things as efficient as possible. Now don’t get me wrong, my wife has a set of tits that would make ninety-nine point nine, nine percent of the female population over the age of sixteen grind their teeth in utter envy and despair. However yours truly was an ass man, supposedly a taste that was inherent to older members of the male species. So be it, I accept my aberration and reveal in it at times such as now.

All good things must come to an end and did I ever, blasting a mammoth load all over Candice’s 38Ds andThen being treated to the sight of my blonde bombshell scooping my cream off her tits and sucking it from her fingers as if it were some appetizer, which I guess it was. We had less than two hours to get her ready for the couples meeting. I never could figure out why my wife made such a fuss over what panties she had on, another part of her personality that was uniquely Candice. After all, in less time than it takes to tell, she’d be stark naked and on her way to the mounting block, in this particular case a chain long located by the pool, out in the sun so she could work on her all over tan while she was being hammered.

We got to the house of our host and hostess right on time, high noon. It was a gorgeous day, sunny but not hot with a gentle breeze from the west; so much for the local weather report. Anxiously awaiting the guest of honor were ten couples, the majority of them known to me, but most of them strangers to my hypered-up soulmate. Candice’s IUD, a Copper T 380A, gotquite a workout that afternoon. She’d had this one installed a year or so ago and it was supposed to be good for at least five years. You can be sure the change date for it was not just written on the calendar, it was going to be discretely tattooed somewhere on her fabulous body, just so no one could forget.

As we headed for the pool area, Candice unzipped and unbuttoned like the well-oiled machine she truly was, and by the time we reached the pool she was down to her shelf bra and a tai panty that was a bit overwhelmed by the sex it was trying to contain. Our hosts had prepared everything just as we had discussed over the phone. They had rented an articulated, top of the line chair longue that would support my blonde wife’s superb body as men and women took their turn paying homage to her fabulous, tight pussy and her fantastic and even tighter asshole, as well as enjoying her warm, wet mouth and flickering tongue.

Guys can’t help being guys even when on the verge of sInking their cocks into some of the best pussy currently available in northern America. They just had to fiddle with the various controls that made the long chair move into various configurations, making access to all Candice’s orifices a simple matter of hitting the right button. The restraints attached to the chair were also of great interest. Candice was now going to be securely held by the best leather available. They’d not only keep her wrists and ankles in a firm but not a skin damaging grip, but her tapering thighs, washboard abdomen and the area just below her jutting tits would also be secured, preventing that luscious naked body from all but the slightest movement for the entertainment and amusement of anyone mounting her on this marvel of design. Candice could be jackknifed up or down, and spread to any number of positions to assure easy access to Her pink lipped twat and pumped chocolate starfish. Having played enough with this high tech gadget, they now turned their attention to the blonde fuck toy who awaited their pleasure.

Candice giggled as they tried to strap her into the chair. Too many cooks spoil the broth, and too many hands working at cross purposes left the willing punchboard rather ill temperature. It took a trio of ladies to finally shoo the men away so they could properly restrain my wife and let the fun begin. Two lines formed almost immediately, one at her head and the other terminating at her crotch. For all the advantages this marvelous piece of machinery possessed, it took almost half an hour before one daring user of my wife’s body made an adjustment that stretched her body to the point that she let out a heart rendering groan. That got the poor fellow so excited that he had an accident about thirty seconds after he entered Candice’s well lubricated cunt. His loss was the next customer’s gain, and my wife hardly noticed the gap in her serving.

I went inside to see about getting a drink. Being the husband of the star attraction at a gangbang did give me a bit of status, as well as a few nasty looks from some of the ladies. It was amusing to see those very same women attacking Candice’s body with gusto when they had the opportunity. Candice confessed to me that women made her nervous; they acted as if they truly wanted to punish her for being the tramp that she was. She considered that rather unfair, but never complained. As it turned out, today she would be tested to her limits by the wives of the men currently skewering her fore and after with as much energy as they could bring to the task at hand.

Although these little gangbangs manage to keep our marriage going, that doesn’t mean I enjoy hanging around a few feet from where other guys are nailing my wife, even if she is a nympho and can’t help it. Worse still, I can’t stand the sight of her face breaking into one big smile as a hard cock finds one of her special spots. I’m not sure I know where half of them are, but some of these guys act like they’ve been fucking my wife for years. This was the first of these affairs where I was used by an angry wife to spite her husband, who was happy as a clam at high tide for his chance to warp the insides of one of the hottest women in the state.

This was the first time I had ever been propositioned at one of these get-togethers. The lady in question was a slim brunette with a drink in her hand and wearing a bikini that left little to the imagination. Soon I had a drink in my hand and was enjoying the view every time she took a breath. Her average sized tits were round and firm and as we chatted, the nipples began to harden. I noticed a few wispy tendrils of public hair peeking from the crotch of what passed for the bottom of her suit. She gave me a crooked grin and observed that Candice’s crotch was bald as a cue ball, something my wife took a great deal of pride in having. Bikini waxes were not cheap and in addition, according to Candice, they hurt like fury when those strips were yanked off.

It turned out that the lady in the teensy weensy bikini was on the outs with her husband who was taking out his frustration on my wife. In the interests of symmetry it would only be fitting if I took out something on his wife, such as my rapidly stiffening cock. She assured me that no one else would know about our little tryst, since the hostess was a good friend and had prepared a room on the second floor, well off the main hallway, for just such an event. I made a mental note to write a thank you note to the hostess who I had exchanged body fluids with on many an occasion when she was single.

She led the way upstairs and I followed, enjoying the view and the way her ass swayed from side to side as she mounted the steps. For some odd reason I wondered how Candice was doing out by the pool. That was quite a line of studs for her to handle, even before the ladies took a turn while their spouses had a beer or two, told war stories and then returned to nailing Candice in round two. However as soon as the brunette unwrapped the confining bikini from her lean, shaped body, any thought of my nympho wife went out the window. The next thing I knew, she had yanked my trousers down and started sucking the life out of and into my cock as she knelt before me like a slave girl.

How fitting that we should be coupling at a couples meeting. I took advantage of the situation and made a complete pig of myself. First I went down on the lady’s cunt, which had a very unique pattern of public hair. Her lips were shaken clean, and a strip of thick, curly, black hair, perhaps two inches wide, extended outwards from those bare and by now, quite swollen lips. Yours truly chowed down like a starving man at a feast, while she held me in a death grip using her firm thighs to imprison me. In no time at all she went off like a rocket, but the fun had just begun. She never let up the steady pressure those thighs produced, even while she was in the throes of passion. Once she returned to earth, I moved up and planted my rock hard cock into her twat, which by now was hot and juicy. It was like diving into a pool of melted butter, and I dove deep as she hissed and urged me to be a stud and fuck her brains out.

It turned into the best two out of three falls, and I took both despite my lean and mean opponent’s best efforts to make a comeback after I made her produce a string of orgasms in round one, thereby sapping her strength and making her an easy target in round two. However she did manage to fend off my only serious attempt at anal intercourse, leaving me slightly frustrated, but not so as she might notice. I did learn one thing this delightful afternoon, having Candice available, even part time, had already started to spoil me rotten. We took turns using one of the many bathrooms in the place to clean up before rejoining the gang at the gangbang by the pool.

Round one was still underway, and Candice appeared to be doing more than holding her own. The chain had been reconfigured to force her lower body to be thrust upwards so that her ankles were parallel to her ears, but spread away from them considerably. A large blonde hunk of muscle was battering his way into my wife’s pumped asshole using what looked to be a cock on steroids. Every time he pounded that monster into her, Candice let out a half shriek-half whoop, as if she was on some kind of thrill ride. Most of the ladies were licking their lips and focused on the way that my wife’s asshole was slowly swallowing that meat pole. I glanced at my watch and discovered that she’d been entertaining for the better part of an hour and a half.

A second stud, impatient to get at my wife, took a position above her and began to slip the meat into her mouth. Candice made no attempt to resist; she was having such a good time taking that huge salami up her bunghole that the new dick was just some icing on the cake. I noticed that her nipples were stiff as steeland her clip had blowmed and come out from the protection of its hood. Although there wasn’t room for a cock in her cunt because of the way her body was jackknifed, her outer and inner lips were both engorged with blood and crisis colored.

My wife was on the verge of an anal induced orgasm, something I’d not witnessed since we were married. When Candice went off, her body lunged against the straws and she howled like a banshee, almost scaring the stiffness from the monster cock still probing the depths of her spasmodic colon. The ladies started to talk excitedly among themselves, amazing at the way my blonde bombshell of a wife handled the sensing overload she was experiencing. Most of the guys just grinned sheepishly and tried to melt into the crowd surrounding her. To me it looked like Candice was having one hell of a time.


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