It had been a couple of days since Tom had his encounter with Taylor and he had indulged himself a few times while re-living the whole experience in his mind. His wife Lisa was due home tomorrow and he found himself hoping a couple of nights of sex with her would get his mind off thoughts of jerking off in Taylor’s presence.
He had not seen Taylor since the incident but had hung out with Mike a couple of times and found himself a bit uncomfortable but he kept the thought present that he never touched Mike’s wife. He now found himself understanding the hold Taylor had on her husband. Her sexual forwardness and confidence were hard to ignore. Lisa was more attractive physically but the sexual factor for Taylor was definitely a ten. The way she dressed, talked, and carried herself caused a stirring in Tom’s crotch every time his thoughts dwelled on her.
It was Saturday and to keep him from the distraction of another jerk-off session Tom decided to get outside and do somework. He found the broom and thought sweeping off the front porch was a good place to start. He went out the front door and started his self-appointed task enjoying the feeling of his muscles moving in rhythm and let his thoughts drift.
A few minutes into his sweeping Tom heard a door closed and looked up to see Taylor walking out to throw some garbage out. She was wearing a black silk robe and flip flops. Taylor must have felt his eyes on her and looked over at him smiling, “Morning Tommy, getting a little cleaning done?” she asked as she placed the garbage in a can on the side of her house.
“Yeah just trying to keep busy I guess,” he replied leaning on his broom trying to keep his eyes off Taylor’s cleavage and her legs which were bare up to mid thigh.
Taylor crossed his driveway and walked over to his yard,”are you ready for Lisa to get back?”
“Yeah, I’ve missed her.”
“I’ll bet you have,” she said as her eyes got that knowing look he knew so well from the episode in his living room as she stepped up onto the porch.
Tom was getting a bit uncomfortable under her stare,” well you know Taylor, guys are guys,” he stuttered out.
“Oh I know what kind of guy you are Tommy, how many times have you jerked off moaning my name since the other day?” she said as her hands moved up to settle on her hips with one leg extended out in Front of the other. He looked down as the embarrassment washed over him and his gaze lingered for a moment on her red, painted toenails. From there he slowly moved his gaze up her shapedly calm and on to her thigh which was exposed higher than half way as her extended leg caused the front of the robe to split open.
“No need to be bashful about it Tommy,” she said with a giggle knowing all too well the thoughts behind his gaze. “It’s just a natural thing for a guy to do. Fantasies are perfectly healthy things. Sometimes it even helps to play them out.”
“Yeah, I guess so Taylor. I just feel like it’sCheating or something,” Tom said as his eyes finally moved up to meet hers.
“Well it was just the one time Tommy and nothing untoward happened. You were on one side of the room and I was on the other,” her eyes held him just like they did when he came the other night and her head cocked to the side,” you weren’t thinking about doing it again were you Tommy?”
“Right now Taylor I wish I could think of something else but I can’t,” he said looking down again.
“It’s okay baby, all you have to do is ask,” her voice took on a low sultry tone,” Miss Taylor can guide you while you jerk your cock. I know how bad you ache for that same release you feel the other night. Just letting go of all those outside pressures and handing over control to me and my direction.”
Taylor moved over to the front door and turned the handle pushing it open,” why don’t we talk about this inside where you’ll feel more comfortable baby,” she said leaning on the door frame with one hand.
Tom’s feet just started moving and he found himself walking back inside and did not stop until he stood in the middle of the living room. Taylor had followed him in and he watched her as she kicked off her flip flops and walked over to stand in front of him.
“Now what was it you wanted to ask me baby?” her tone had softened but it carried more of the condescending tone it carried the other day when she pointed out the mess he had made all over the floor.
“Taylor…will you…tell me how to jerk off,” he said with an unsteady voice.
“Tommy why don’t you take your clothes off and ask me,” her hand had moved up to the belt on her robe and began to pull at the knot.
Unsure what to think by her actions Tom pulled off his shirt followed by his shorts and underwear revealing his semi-hard state to Taylor’s eyes.
At the sight of his cock Taylor’s smile returned,” why don’t you get on your knees too Tommy. You know how much easier this will be if your kneeing and don’thave to worry about steadying yourself as I make you all weak in the knees.”
Tom went down to his knees and looked up at Taylor who had let the belt of her robe fall. Her full breasts held the robe together revealing a couple of inches of skin in between. He could see her lovely stomach and below that the black satin panties she had on. His cock was now at full mass and his hand moved up and grabbed it.
“What are you doing Tommy?” Taylor said as her voice turned hard,” You haven’t asked my permission yet,” in response Tom’s hand moved away to rest on his thigh.
“That’s better baby,” she said as her voice softened again,” as a matter of fact from now on when you get the urge to jerk-off I want you to ask my permission. If you do and don’t ask first baby boy I’ll see it in your eyes and who knows what I would do or say…or to whom.”
She had implied enough that Tom understand her threat and his outtrage at her was drowned out by his lust. His eyes were locked on herhoping for her to reveal more of her body to him.
“So are you ready to ask me nicely baby?” she asked.
“Please Taylor will you tell me how to pleasure myself.”
“Oooo baby I like that, I can hear the need in your voice. It’s almost…desperate,” she said with a grin,” but I think you should address me as Miss Taylor when you ask. After all I am giving you so much and really asking for so little,” her hands were running up and down the edges of her robe hinting at pulling it open.
“Please Miss Taylor will you tell me how to pleasure myself?” Tom could not believe he had gone this far but he had to admit he was loving every minute of her teasing.
“Hold your hand out Tommy,” he did as instructed and Taylor pulled a small bottle out of her robe pocket. She leaned over and poured some lotion out of it into his hand. The thought that she had prepared for this to happen made Tom feel even more helpless to her which made him even more turned on. His head felt fuzzyand all he could think about was his need to cum.
“Now grab your cock and slowly rub the lotion into it. Get is all wet for Miss Taylor baby.”
Tom’s hand started moving up and down and he wanted to go faster so badly but waited on Taylor to tell him what to do. Taylor walked around behind him as he rubbed his cock and suddenly Tom heard her hot breath on his ear,” admit it Tommy, you want to fuck Miss Taylor so bad right now don’t you baby,” her voice low and throat caused Tom to shake all over as he rolled that scenario through his head. Taylor continued on,” you want to feel my hot pussy incase your cock and slide up and down just like your hand is doing right now…”
“Yes,” Tom breathed out.
“Yes baby I know you do. But you would settle for sucking on my big tits while I jerked your cock until you spurted all over my hand,” Tom found himself shaking yet again and Taylor noticed,” stop for a moment baby and take deep breaths until the shaking stops.”
Taylor walked back around in front of Tom and looked down at him,” this is called edge baby boy and we are going to do this to make your orgasms even better. Keep breathing deeply. Good. From now on you may ask to jerk off and I might tell you to edge a few times before you cum or even to edge once or twice and I will let you know when you can cum. You have to take yourself right to the point of no return and then stop sweetie. Take some deep breaths like you just did to steady yourself and then begin again. When I finally let you cum baby it’s going to be like nothing you have ever imagined.” Taylor walked around behind him again.
This time he felt her hot breath on his other ear,” now starting stroke slowly again baby,” Tom’s hand started moving again as Taylor continued,” from now on your cum belongs to me baby. If you fuck your wife and cum this is over so you better hold it in and edging will help train you right baby.”
Tom absorbed her words and for some reason everyhing she said made him hotter and hotter. His hand moved up and down and he ached for release.
“You wanna cum for Miss Taylor don’t you little Tommy?”
“Yes what baby?”
“Yes Miss Taylor.”
“Oooo that’s so good baby and from now on when you cum you are going to repeat that over and over,” Taylor walked back to stand in front of Tom again and pulled her robe aside to reveal her large breasts in all their glory.
“Stroke a little faster baby,” Tom’s pace quicklyned,” not that fast, there that’s better. Oh Tommy you are so turned on right now, what would you do for your Mistress?”
“Oh god, anything, anything please,” Tom felt so hot but his pace was just not quick enough to get him to cum.
“Yes baby boy I believe you would,” she giggled,” stroke a little faster for me baby, I love it when you beg like that I get so wet.”
Tom’s pace quickened and now he knew it was only a matter of time at this pace and he was pretty sure Taylor did as well,” Ooooo it’s coming isn’t it baby? You’re going to make another mess for me aren’t you?”
“Yes Miss Taylor,” Tom moaned out. His mind was a fog and he was so turned on by Taylor, all he could think was about his release and Taylor. His hand had to keep moving and he had to listen to Taylor so he could feel release.
“Now wonder what it would feel like if that were my hand struggling away on my new cock, and it is my cock now isn’t it baby boy?” Taylor’s last words were answered to “Yes Miss Taylor, yes Miss Taylor, yes Miss Taylor…” as the cum erupted from Tom’s cock all over the living room floor.
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