The Ogress and Her Elves Ch. 06

Chapter Six

Silvia’s property was private and expand, though her friend used it for little else that releasing the pets she grew tired of, mostly rabbits, cats and foxes that she would rescue from the city and nurse back to health.

Runa sat in her truck for half an hour, going over the map of likely areas the gnomes might have gone to set up camp. When she had them marked on her map, she rolled it up and tucked it into her long leather jacket, stepping out and eyeing the dark woods before she went around to her trunk and got her bow and quiver, a birthday gift from her boss that provided unlimited arrows. She glanced down the road at the massive fence that separated Silvia’s property from it before she entered through the gate, the doors opening for her as she approached — as they would for only her, her sister-raid Members, and their mothers — and closed after she entered.

And then it was a long walk. She looked around for any signs of gnomes, usually marks lEft in the roots of trees from small axes as they gathered wood small enough for them to chop, or junk left behind when they lost interest. Gnomes usually worked as merchants of sorts for the none humanoid creativity, often trading with them while stealing their shit from under their nose, having had elves as their main trader customer since they were always desperate for more booze and to stupid to realize the gnomes were taking their things While they partied.

Once elves were domesticated, gnomes…lost their meal ticket, so to speak.

And so they were reduced to becoming a general nuance.

As she walked for hours without any sign of a gnome, and close to noon she caught whiff of something and stopped. She lifted her gaze to the sky to look over the black branches of the woods and saw smoke.

Runa’s lips thinned as she let out a slow exhaustle.

So there was a camp around here for sure, though that wasn’t a gnome trait, as they preferred things cold and damp.

Her thoughts went to it being a possible fairy, which slept a major, major pain in the ass for her sister-raid. If a fairy had decided to park their ass in Silvia’s woods, it would be hell getting them out, and god fucking forbid they had family that had decided to turn into trees here.

She rolled her eyes hard and pushed forward, shaking her head.

As she nearly she heard music, but it wasn’t the layers of instruments and melodies that fairs played.

It was simple.

And offbeat.

Her brow knitted as she crept closer towards it, hearing voices, laughter, the light of a fire in a canyon below now visible. As she came to the edge of the trees she was able to finally see what was below and still at the sights she saw.

A village of wild elves!

Her eye lit up as her senses sharped, Runa becomes hyper aware of herself. She stayed very still, slowing her heart rate. Something was approaching and she inched away, dropping to a croouch to see a small figure coming.

She fell back into the shadows, controlling her breathing as she waited, hyper aware of every sound in the woods so she could quickly figure out what was near and if she needed to attack it to protect herself or her delightful little treat she had stumbled across.

Size did not in any way determine how dangerous the creativity was.

Some of her most horrific battles had been against creativity half her size, her cousin having nearly lost a leg to one.

If she had to, she would do whatever it took to take down a beast…

Not that she apparently needed to do anything at all, she realized quickly.

She relaxed as she watched an elf wobble out from the brush, the flush in his cheeks clearly from alcohol, elves notoriously light weights with alcohol. She watched as he still at a Nearby tree, reaching down to clumsy part his robe to pull out his little cock, aiming at the tree. He waver a little on his feet as he peed, his eyes closing as he emptied his bladder well with Runa’s view.

When he was finished he unsuccessfully tucked himself into his robes, turning to take a few steps before he suddenly collapsed on the grass.

A moment later, she heard his quiet snoring and she chuckled darkly.

Runa carefully came out from her hiding spot, going over to squat down next to him and roll him onto his back. He was out like a light, his breath smelling of the special wine that elves drank on full moons, a month celebration of the moon goddess that was little more than an excuse for them to party and let loose.

She slowly dragged her gaze over his body — his hair moonlight white and below his shoulders, his face as pale as they came – before she reached down and tucked his pretty little cock fully back into his robes, standing slowly to walk closer to the side of the hill to look out from between the trees, gazing down at the elf village.

There was a bonfire and at least two dozen elves dancing aroundit, a table with drinks set up neary and a band playing upbeat music. There were many elves already passed out around the village, mostly close to the where the party was at, but a few snoozing in the grass. Her gaze dragged over to where there were cute little homes, the roofs maid of grass and the doorways covered with rugs instead of doors.

How interesting.

She sat there, waiting until more and more of the elves passed out, and once all seemed to be out in their drunken stupor, she retired back to where the first elf was passed out.

Runa pulled the leather cord from her hair free and squatted down to roll the elf onto his stomach, tying his hands behind his back before she took the scarf off his head, covering his eyes with it. She then lifted him into her arms, smiling as she carried him back to her truck to lay him on the backseat, buckling him in.

She stood outside the truck then and called up her cousin.

“That was quick,” Silvia said, soundingdistracted, “Didn’t think I’d hear from you until morning…”

“Didn’t kill the gnomes, Silvia,” Rune said simply. “Got distracted.”

She heard her cousin heaven a great sight. “If you tell me there is a Egbere settlement there, so fucking help me, I will scream. The troll I bought that land for swore to me that spirits hated those woods and I don’t have the patience to deal with that right now!”

“Silvia.” Runa said with a smile, her cousin falling silent. “You have an entire village of elves in your woods.” Runa said flatly.

“NO!” Her cousin gasped, “Is there really!?”

“Absolutely. The gnomes must be smuggling in goods to sell to them. I just watched at least six or seven dozen adults elves have a wild bonfire gathering…” she glanced Through the back window of her truck at the passed out elf there. “They’re very pretty. Expensive looking.”

“Holy shit — oh my Goddess!” Her cousin gasped. “Runa!” She cried, “We’re going to be rich!”

Runa grinned.”We can finally move out of the city and build out own compound!”

“HOLY SHIT! Our moms are going to get off our backs now!” Silvia laughed, “Okay, okay. “she said, sobering, “I’m going to get Aira on the horn and see if she is still in management-“

“She moved out to Hollow Fields, though,” Runa said lowly, her gaze jumping over to where a gnome carrying a huge barrel on his shoulders was skittering across the road to leap nine feet into the air, going over the fence to disappear behind it. Her lips thinned. Little bastard. “What about Herana?”

“Ugh, she’s be perfect but I haven’t talked to her since she said she was surprised I got promoted. Such a bitch.”

“Have Terra talk to her. She can sweet talk anyone.”

“Perfect — OK!” Silva said brightly.

“Hey, I grabbed a drink elf that had wandered away from the village, mind if I keep him?”

“Of course!” Silvia said brightly, “God, I can’t wait to get my hands on a few wild elves! They’re so fun tobreak!”

Runa grinned. “I know, right? Alright, talk to Terra, I’ll send our other girls a message so they’re in the loop. We’ll meet up at your place…tomorrow at noon?”

“That’d be perfect — be safe on your ride home!”

“Alright, love you!” Runa said, hanging up then before she gave the surrounding one last look over.

She’d be back and deal with the gnomes later.

But right now?

Right now she’d have fun with her new toy.


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