The Office Pt. 01

Jason looked out over his workers from his lofted office and smiled. Who would have believed that in just five short years he could have turned his father’s small processing plant into the major producer of canned goods it was today. He still liked to run business from this office that overlooked the first production line to remind himself of where it all started and where it could all go back to if he took his eye off the ball.

Of course he had made a few improvements to his dad’s old office. Gone was the one room for him and one for his secretary. Now the offices stretched all the way along the building, the front being for his executives, the rear for him. His office had it’s own private wash room, dressing area and locke for entertaining important clients, complete with bar and kitchen. The locke even folded out into a bed for those busy nights he had stayed way to late to go home.

Lately though that had been less and less as he had been able to hire very competentpeople to help him run the business. From it being just him and a couple of shift managers, he now had 14 shift managers running the seven production lines and 8 executives. Of course none of this would have been possible without Serana. She had been a godsend when he had been looking to expand the business at the start.

He had advertised the position, looking for a young no nonsense, can do, junior executive, that was willing to put in long hours for big rewards later. As he thought he didn’t get many replies, and the ones he did were not the sort of people he wanted to hire. He was giving up when she walked in the door. Impeccably dressed, a brilliant resume, but not a lot of work history. Still there was something about her he liked. He talked to her for ten minutes and got the story. She was brilliant and most bosses didn’t like that, they wanted to be the smartest one in the room. She also took no prisoners and expected the best from anyone she worked with from the lowliest janitor to her own boss. She admitted that as a fault and was trying to change but to her it was difficult, it had been the way she was brought up. Jason smiled. He liked her a lot and knew they would get along and that she would be good for his business. He had hired her on the spot and had never regretted it.

They had started working to expand his business together and implement his plans and he immediately He had made the right choice. She was not afraid to tell him when he was overreaching himself and pointing out flaws in his plans, but she was also not afraid to take criticism herself. They worked well together but nothing ever developed between them. She was married and they worked such long hours it was all business between them. Not that he didn’t think about it on a few occasions. She was a stunning woman. A natural red head, her curly red hair bounced around her shoulders as she strolled around and her green eyes flashed between a fierce emerald green when she was angry or intense, to a mellow grass green when she was happy or relaxed. Her 5’7 frame was slim and trim. She worked out regularly and it showed and her C cup breasts had absolutely no sag to them.

He had caught himself staring occasionally those first few months and had mentally slapped himself. That was not why she was here and if he made a move on her she would probably storm off and his business would Surely suffer and he didn’t want that to happen. The urges gradually subsided and they had become good friends instead and the business had prospered. As promised he had made her the vice president, heck she deserved it, but they both remained hands on.

Smiling he flicked a switch and the blinds rotated cutting off the view and he proceeded to the lounge. It was almost time for Serana to join him for a celebatory drink. They had just closed another important deal that would enable them to guarantee work for another 3 years and maybe add another line and if the talks with that overseas company progressed as good as they where going it was a definite.

Right on time there was a knock on the door and then she entered, locking the door behind her. That was strange but he let it go. Perhaps she wanted to discuss business after and they always did that behind locked doors. Though why she would discuss business today surprised him. He poured two glasses of champione and handed one to her. “To the continuing success of the business. Long may it prosper and continue to make us and our employees wealthy.”

They linked glasses and sipped but Jason could tell something was both her and motioned her to sit down.

“Okay Serena what is it? I have noticed you down in the dumps for the last several months. It has not effected your work so I haven’t said anything and I don’t think anyone else can tell but we have been friends too long for me to miss it.”

Serena looked at him then her eyes started to leak tears at the corners. “Jason it is all becoming a bit too much for me. I walk around the plant and I see people trying their best and I know they are, these people love working here they are like a big family, but I can see so much that can be done just that bit better. Oh it doesn’t need to be done I know that, but I want to scream at people to do it. The bins on the lines could be moved a half inch closer meaning we could save an extra hour a year in time, If the janitors were trained to implement my system of cleaning they could finish ten minutes earlier, saving us over $20,000 a year in wages plus less cost in cleaning materials, but it would cost in the training and the resentment from them would not be viable.”

She looked at him and started to cry,” I need help Jason, I love this job and don’t want to leave but it is becoming too much.”

Jason reached out and held her and thought. He did not want to loose her any more than she wanted to leave. She was still a big driving force behind his company,in fact the truth was it was not really his company it was theirs. He needed to find a solution. He already knew how she had been brought up by a very strict father who had punished her for any indiscretion, real or imagined and made her get perfect grades all through her schooling until he had died. However by then it was just ingrained in her. She just strove for perfection. Suddenly an idea hit him.

“Serena do you trust me?”

She looked at him funny and wiped away her tears and laughed a little. “I come to you and tell you this and you ask if I trust you? Of course I do Jason.”

Jason smiled in spite of himself and chuckled. “Guess your right. Silly question but what I am going to propose is going to involve a lot of trust and seem really out there.”

Serena sat up and looked at him and then wiped away the last of her tears. “Okay this does sound serious and apart from business you are never serious so you better tell me.”

Jason took a deep breath and justdecided to get it over with. “Right. Look Serena all your life you have been striving for perfection because of the way you were brought up. I am not saying that is a bad thing because it bloody well helped me build this company to what it is today and helped make you the woman you are. The problem is that your Daddy punished you every time you failed and made you struggle harder and I think you are missing that. Maybe you don’t know it and maybe I am way off, but now that you and I have finally been able to slow down and no longer push ourselves as hard you are feeling out of sorts. The problem is we won’t be pushing ourselves for awhile. We need to establish ourselves before the next major push.” ​​Jason could see Serana taking it all in but he couldn’t tell if she was agreeing with him or not.

“What I think you need is that punishment Serana. Someone to take control of you and tell you what to do while you are not striving to succeed. I don’t know if it will work but if you are willing to give it a shot you should try it. Go home and search up a few BDSM sites and see what they do for you and discuss it with your husband. I don’t want to loose you, you are too important for this company.”

Jason watched her nod then she gave him a hug and a smile and walked to the door. “I know how hard that was for you Jason and only because it is you will I do this. I hope it is a solution or I am going to have to leave.” She opened the door and walked through. “I know” he answered to her retreating back. Picking up the champion bottle he started to finish it. He was going to get drunk tonight.

He woke up slumped on the couch in his office and grossed. Getting up he strode into the bathroom and had a quick shower, then dressed in one of the suits he kept at the office. Poking his head out he informed his secretary he was ready for business and settled into the day. It was a busy one and he soon was swamped with work and spent the day ploughing through it. Finallyit was done and he was relaxing with a small scotch when Serana entered and again locked the door.

“Okay Jason I will try it,” she said immediately “But my husband would never do that, he just couldn’t. It is going to have to be you. You are going to have to be my Master.”

Spluttering half of the mouthful of scotch he had onto the window Jason spun and looked at her. “Excuse me!!” he exclaimed. “Do you understand what you are asking?”

Serana smiled. “Yes I do. Don’t deny you have had feelings for me Jason. When we first started working together I caught you looking at me. I must admit to being flattered, you are a good looking man and I entertained the idea myself.”

Jason’s mind was spinning. She knew about those looks, and thoughts and had similar ones, but that had been years ago. Now she wanted him to be her Master.

“Look Serena I admit I had those feelings, hell I probably half still do, but you are my friend and so is your husband. I’m not sure if Icould do this.”

“It is either this or I have to leave,” she said evenly.

Damn she had him over a barrel. He had done this sort of thing in college so he knew what to do, but to do it with Serena. Could he do it? The more he thought about it the hotter he became and the bulge in his pants was telling him to go for it. “Fine, but we have to go over some ground rules. While you are at work or at any work functions you belong to me. At home you can be the dutiful wife but once here you become my property to do with as I see fit. I will never hurt and I will never give you any marks you don’t want. This is between you and me and I will make sure your husband has no reason to suspect anything is going on nor anyone else. If this does not help with your problem we can stop and you can leave straight away. Is there anything else you want to add?”

Serena Shook her head. “Thank you for doing this for me Jason. I don’t want to leave any more than you want to see me go.”

Jason grinned back at her. “Well we can but give it a shot. I must admit that the idea does appeal to me. I did have desires on you when we first met but I never thought I would get to act on them. Oh and from now on when we are alone together, you will address me as master. Now tomorrow I want you to dress normally but you are to wear your sexiest underwear and make sure you are wearing a dress. Now go home to your husband Serena, your training starts tomorrow.”

Jason left that night with a large smile on his face and a long drive ahead of him. He had a few supplies to buy but he couldn’t do it anywhere around where he lived. He was too well known and it was known he did not have a girlfriend. The items he wanted for tomorrow would raise too many eyesbrows if he bought them in town. He could order what he needed for later sessions off the internet but for now he drive several towns over and bought several items then drive home. He wouldn’t get much sleep but it was worth it.

The next morning he drove into work with a light heart and walked in happy. He informed his secretary that he had an important meeting with Serena and was not sure how long it would go. This was not unusual and she nodded. She would hold all calls and take messages of the important ones. He walked in and sat down on the couch. At nine Serena walked in and locked the door and walked over. “Master”.

Jason witnessed stood up and smacked her hard on the buttocks and her eyes flew open and she looked at him accusingly and opened her mouth to speak but he held up his hand again and she stopped herself. He nodded and sat back down. He looked her up and down a bit then surprised again. “I have a lot of work to do. A proper slave would walk in then knee at her Masters feet and wait for him to address her. Remember this. Also as soon as you enter this room when it is just the two of us you are to disrobe immediately before approaching me. Now stand up and rectify that now.”

Serena stand up and hesitated a little before beginning to take off her clothes. Jason debated about punishing her but decided to let her get away with it, after all it was her first time. Soon she stood in front of him in a pair of black lace underwear. He smiled and motioned her to twirl around for him. She did so and he was treated to the sight of her firm body and ass in full view. “Very nice Slut. You enjoy showing off your body to me don’t you. I know you do because I can smell you from here.” The truth was he could. She was getting aroused by this. He had guessed right, she had needed something like this.

“So my little slut likes that does she?” Reaching up he grabbed her arm and wrenched her arm, pulling her down until she lay down across his lap. “That is naughty. Getting aroused like that. What would your husband think.” He slapped her stingly across her right buttock. She squirmed and cried out. “Oh no stay there and take your punishment you little slut.” He swung again and hit herleft cheek the same type of blow. He was only hitting hard enough to sting and leave a warm glow. He settled in and alternative strokes he worked it over never hitting the same spot twice, working up and down her panty clad ass. Soon her yelps turned to moans and he felt a wetness in his lap as she squirmed more and more. He yanked down her pantys and hit both of her cheeses hard and then stood her up. “Now knee down my little slut.”

He watched as she gingerly did so, her ass on fire. He left her there as he retrieved his bag of goods and returned. Before sitting he unhooked her bra and then sat down. “Turn to the side.” He ordered. As she did so he took out a pair of leather cuffs and quickly pulled her hands behind her back and shackled them together. Then he moved her to face forward again. Again he reached in and pulled out a pair of nipple clamps. They were only rubber tipped and did not have much pressure behind them being beginner ones but he would soon have her up to advanced ones. Attaching them he saw her wince but keep her mouth shut. “Good girl you are learning.”

Undoing his zip he freed his seven inch cock from it’s prison. Grabbing her hair he guided her head towards it. “Now please your master.” She began by licking around his circled head and then taking just the head in and sucking lightly while swirling her tongue all around it. Plunging down a little she sucked on the up stroke keeping her tongue firmly on his large vein before plunging down again. Jason was impressed. She was very good at this and he wrapped his hands in her curly hair and let her set the pace. However when she seemed to bottom out at taking only five inches down her throat he was disappointed. He let her get away with it for several minutes because it felt good before he tightened his grip and began to force his full seven inches down her throat. “C’mon you can do better than that you little slut. Take all of me.” She gagged and spluttered but he continued until she was able to adjust and soon she was able to take him easily as he continued to fuck her mouth.

Several minutes later he felt the tingle in his balls and knew he was about to cum. Thrusting harder into her he pulled her head down harder and harder. “Okay slut here comes your reward.” He spewed his first shot deep into her mouth then pulled her face off of him and let his cum spray all over her face while grunting. “Ah that’s how I like my little slut to look.” He pushed her up and then guided her over to the blinde and laid her back on it. “Don’t think that is all that is happening today. Our morning is just beginning,” he grinned at her.


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