The Nudist Slave Resort Ch. 10

Chapter 10 – Have some Candy

Kim left the room going the other direction, it took her a while to find the Cafeteria again, but she paused long enough in a bathroom shower to quickly rinse the piss off her body; she didn’t dare scrub herself, for fear, she would wash off her black paint, she could already see it was starting to flake around the edges, still passable at a distance, but wouldn’t hold up upon closer inspection. She located the gym bag that she and Lisa stashed there earlier. She found two large plastic cups in the Kitchen and filled one near the top with candy from the bag and took the other empty one with her.

It was nearing 5 am; Slaves were just starting to arrive at the Cafeteria for this morning’s food and medicine. She hurried to the dispensary. There were two machines there. She stood in front of the one, blocking it with her body, and directed her attention to the other one. When a slave approached the machine, and her barcode above her pussy was sCanned, a pill dropped into a tray. Kim immediately grabbed it and said to the slave, “Here, let me help you with that.” with her other hand, she gave the slave one of the candies, which they then swallowed the candy. Kim then dropped the dispensed pill into the empty cup. She gave the actual medicine to some and the candy pills to others. It was critical to their plans that only the back of the house Slaves were freed at first. If the Front of the house Slaves were freed, it would be quickly noticed by the Guest Masters, and that would soon spoil their plans.

Kim got a lot of confused looks, but none of the slaves said anything. When slaves tried to approach the other machine she was blocking, she told them sorry, this one if out of order. Again, confused stars, but no one questioned her. She thought things were going well, but she noticed the line to get medicine stretched pretty far into the cafeteria. It was well after 8 am when the last slave left the dispensary. Afterwhich, she walked over to the neary bathroom, dumped all the pills she collected into the toilet, and flushed. There were not very many candies remaining. She estimated from the amount of pills she dumped that there were about 200 back-of-the-house slaves. When she completed, she went to the cafeteria to get something to eat. She was familiar; it was 24 hours since her last meal.

Many slaves of his being late for their shift did Not escape Master Thomas’s attention when he arrived around 9 am that Friday morning. While he didn’t arrive early enough in the morning to catch them being late, multiple alarms were generated when his slaves didn’t log into their stations in time. Other Masters noticed the same thing. While he would have taken great pleasure in whipping them all, he doubted his arm could last long enough to discuss them all. This was a Very unusual event; there must be another reason why so many were so late.

Master Thomas walked up to the first Slave that waslate on his list. Stand Slut he demanded; he already had his whip in hand. She did as he ordered. Step away from your station and assume the punishment position. She did so, standing straight up, hands behind her head. He then whipped her on the back, front, and sides of her body; he gave her five lashes before pausing to question her. Her answers would determine how many more lashes he gave her.

“Why were you late, Slave, for your assigned post!” he demanded.

“One of the dispensary stations was out of order, Master,” she said between crying sobs.

“Return to your station,” Master Thomas ordered without whipping her anymore. Interesting, he said to himself. He ordered her to show him the survey video of the cafeteria at 7 am. She did so. There was a long line of slaves stretching out the repository door and into the cafeteria. There were too many slaves to see what the cause of the holdup was, even when he ordered viewing of the camera from multiple angles. He even asked to see the view displayed by the dispensary machines. The one appeared to be working ok, but there was a back of the slave’s body pressed up again. The other, he couldn’t see any details. He concluded that the slave he whipped must be telling the truth, but he didn’t apologize to the slave he just whipped. Masters didn’t make mistakes… least they didn’t admit it to lowly slaves.

The dispensary machines were the responsibility of Master Greg. He was tempted to call him up at home and tell him to get his black ass back into work to address the issue, but he would see if Master Greg’s assistant would be able to fix this before bothering him first. He ordered a monitor to locate Master Greg’s assistant slave 2004; she appeared on the screen a moment later.

“Slut”, he barked at her as she was sitting in Her office, “One of the dispensary machines is out of order, address the issue or else.” Master Thomas then dropped the connection without waiting for an answer.

Slave 2004 was unaware of the issue at the cafeteria dispensaries. Being of a higher status than other slaves, she had an office where she stored and took her daily medicine, so she didn’t need to wait in line to get hers. Other slaves also brought her meals three times a day; most slaves only ate twice a day, once before work and once after, if they were lucky. She could have a slave wipe her ass for her after she took a shit If she wanted. At the moment, she had another slave under her desk, licking her pussy with her tongue, and she was enjoying the moment.

Shit, she thought, I’ll have to deal with this; she summoned another one of Master Greg’s slaves, 2956, that served the machines and told her to meet her at the cafeteria dispensaries. She stood up without a word to the slave under her desk. She knew the slave under her desk would be there waiting when she returned unless she ordered otherwise. It took her ten minutes to walk up to the cafeteria dispensaries, a slavewith the number 2956 and covered with Queen of Spades tattoos was waiting for her, as all Master Greg’s staff slaves were similarly decorated.

“What’s wrong with the dispensaries machines?” she asked the Slave 2956.

The 2956 slave responded with nothing she could find; they both dispensed pills as requested. Slave 2956 showed her wrists were tattooed a bar code labeled “Test 1”, which she used for testing. When she put her arm under the scanner, a white pill was dispensed, and it was labeled with a tiny one on it. Next, she did the same using her other wrist and was tattooed a bar code labeled “Test 2.” The results were the same; the only difference was that the pill was labeled 2. The other dispensaries machine tested fine as well, with the same results.

Strange Slave 2004 thought, but she wasn’t going to risk a repeat of this morning, tomorrow. It was her ass that would suffer if there were any problems. She used a key she had brought with her, unlocked a cover nextto the left Dispensary machine, and revealed another Dispensary machine behind it. She did the same for another cover, the next one as well; now, there were four dispensary machines in a row. She had the Facilities Slave test the newly uncovered machines as well; she was confident there would be no more issues tomorrow.

Kim had been finishing her breakfast when she saw the slave enter the dispensary room. She knew it was one of Master Greg’s Slaves from the tattoos. She knew she would never intercept her in time to replace the Pill, so Kim didn’t both getting up. Kim was relaxing at the table she was at after such a stressful morning. A few minutes later, she noticed a black woman, Slave 2004, also enter the dispensary room. There was no mistake her; while she saw other black slaves at the resort, their skin was a lighter color of brown. This Slave’s skin was completely black, while Kim didn’t know it; Slave 2004 was from South Sudanese.

Kim quickly stood up and lookedfor a place to hide. The Kitchen had a door near where she was sitting, and the wall between the kitchen and the cafeteria was solid. She rushed in. The Kitchen staff were working, cleaning the kitchen after the morning’s meal, and were also preparing the lunch service. They looked at her with curiosity but didn’t say anything to her. She opened the door a crack, peeking out to see what was happening. They were messing with the dispensary machine. She wondered why they were checking them out, and then she was surprised to see Slave 2004 reveal two additional machines and leave the room shorter after, followed by the other Slave.

After she saw they left, she stepped out of the Kitchen and into the cafeteria; oh shit, she thought, how the hell am I supposed to handle four machines tomorrow. She walked up to them; maybe she could break them for real. She started to look around for something to smoke them with; the chairs in the café were bolted to the floor. Maybe something from the Kitchen. Kim searched for over an hour, but nothing was suitable for smoking the dispensers, as they were very a very sturdy design. Kim put her brain to the test, and then something occurred to her.

She re-entered the kitchen and walked up to one of the slaves operating a dishwasher machine to test her theory. She ordered the dishwasher to stand on one foot, and the Dishwasher obeyed without question, standing on one foot. Then Kim told her to hop on one foot. Again, the dishwasher obeyed, hoping on place on one foot. Satisfied, Kim told the dishwasher to stop hoping, stand normally, and resume her regular duties.

Kim had another day to kill before the next morning. She had to find a way to occur herself that didn’t look suspicious. She didn’t dare to wander around the building again, exploring; she couldn’t risk running into Master Greg or his assistant again. Watching the kitchen staff, she decided to pitch in, helping to load and unload the dishwasher, put away the pots and pans, stand by the cooks watching them prepare the next meal, occasionally adding spices in to add flavor. One chef was making a meal, which was smaller portions, that couldn’t be for any more than one person. She asked who the meal was for and was told it was for Master Bill. Kim continued to ask the chef questions. Did she prep separate meals for all the Masters? The chef confirmed she did. How did she know what they wanted? The chef pointed to a list of meals each master had requested each week. Looking at the list, it was a perfect way to determine what Masters would be at the resort on any given day. She was tempted to add a cup of hot chili peppers to Master Bill’s meal but resisted the temptation. But it did give her an idea: what if instead of flushing the pills she collected from the dispenser, she added to the Master’s meals instead? If one pill could keep a woman a submissive, unquestioning slut, what would 10, 20, or 50 pills added to a Masters meal do? Nothing healthy, she assumed.

After the dinner service and cleanup, Kim was getting tired. She made herself a serviceable bed in one of the food storage rooms in the back of the kitchen out of bags of rice or flour. Kim learned that the kitchen staff arrived early every day to prepare the breakfast meals, well before the slaves lined up at the dispensers to take their daily dose of medicine. The kitchen staff got in line after they took their medicine After the morning meal was completed, then cleaned up the morning service afterward. Kim instructed several of the kitchen staff to wake her up when they arrived at the kitchen the following day. One wake-up call should have been enough, but she didn’t want to take any chances that someone would sleep late or forget to wake her.

That night, as Kim was resting on her makeshift bed, her plans were coming together nicely. She was a little needy, though; she masturbated with a cucumber she found in one of the storage rooms for some time, but the vegetable wasn’t giving her the satisfaction she desired. God, she missed Master Greg’s dick inside her as she drifted off to sleep.

A kitchen slave woke Kim the following day; she grudgingly got out of her makeshift bed, sore all over. Her bed was not quite as comfy as she thought it was last night. Before she could leave the storeroom, another of the kitchen staff came to wake her, then another. Kim was starting to get annoyed by the wake-up calls, but it was better than oversleeping. Kim munched on the cucumber she had, which was covered with her pussy juice from last night, but she didn’t care.

Kim exited the storeroom, got two plastic cups, filled one with the candies she was going to substitute the medicine for, and exited the kitchen. She took up her post at the dispensers and waited for her first customer.

The First woman approached the pill dispensers, and Kim told her to stand here, indicating one of the pill dispenser machines that Slave 2004 had recently unlocked. Kim also told the woman to don’t move and to tell everyone who tried to use the machine that it was out of order. The slave didn’t question Kim and did what was instructed of her; after all, she was to obey, not question.

Kim repeated the same trick until only one of the dispensers was available; she could control who got candy and who received the medicine. The same problem as yesterday began to occur, with a long line of slaves waiting their turn for their daily medicine. Kim now recognized that this was going to be an issue. Someone would investigate why, something she couldn’t allow; it would risk discovery and unravel her plans.

On a whim, Kim decided to try something else. The following slave she gave Candy to, Kim ordered the Slave to stand next to her, take the medicine dispensed from the machine, give a pill from the candy cup Kim held instead, and drop the pill from the machine into the empty cup. Kim allowed her new helper to repeat the process of handing out medicine to the next couple of customers.

Next, Kim shouted at the crowd that front of the house slaves lined up over here, indicating the dispenser was all the way to the left on the wall, and the one she was using was all the way to the right on the wall. Next she told the slave in front of the machine to left to move aside and allow the front of the house slaves to access the machine. Now Kim was just managing the lines, ensuring that the front of the house slaves got into the correct line and the back of the house slaves in the other, where Kim’s helper was giving candy instead of medicine. The lines were quickly shortened, and everyone was served in far less time than the previous day. Kim gathered up all the mind control pills that were collected and put them into one cup; there was someone’s meal she wanted to add them to. Kim was sure that it took dispensing the pills took longer than a “normal” day, but it was nowhere near as bad as the lastday. She hoped no one would notice… but someone did….

Master Thomas

Master Thomas was a home for the weekend but was able to access the security system from his computer remotely. While one of his slaves, a young Latino woman, was giving him a blow job from under his desk, Master Thomas checked the access logs when slaves signed in to the system for their shift. He wanted to make sure the issue from yesterday was addressed; he ran a tight ship and didn’t want to get questioned by upper management if yesterday’s fiasco of all the tardiness showed up on a report somewhere. Fortunately, there weren’t as many slaves late as the day before and not as late time-wise, but there were still some discrepancies. He used a particular encrypted work phone and called one of the Slaves in the security center on the list who was late and demanded to know Why she was late for work. The slave explained to him that three of the pill dispensary machines didn’t work when she tried to get her medicine in the morning, but two started working again later. Master Thomas told her that was no excuse and that he would whip her Tuesday when he returned to work for her failures. Not that Master Thomas needed a good reason to use and abuse his “employees”; he enjoyed making his slaves suffer under his control. Master Thomas picked up his work phone again and dialed Master Greg. He would have to address this himself today. Enough was enough.

Master Bill

Master Bill relaxed on his throne, well what passed for his Throne… He was lying on a day bed in the common area in the center of the resort, near the central swimming pool. He had an office in the service areas but was almost never in it. He also had a home outside the resort but hadn’t seen it for several years. He wasn’t even sure it was still standing; it might have burned down; he didn’t know and didn’t care. The resort rules were one of Masters that who ran the resort had to be on-site at the resort at all times. Visiting guest masters, who only stayed for two weeks to enslave new acquisitions or maintain those they already possessed, didn’t count. This way, if there was a situation the resort staff slaves couldn’t handle, someone who could make decisions they couldn’t. Each of the five Masters used to take turns, one would stay one week on duty 24/7, then rotate to the next one. When Master Bill used to follow this schedule, he had all his bills on autopay, his pay would be deposited into his account, everything was paid, and he didn’t need to worry about it. On Master Bill’s off weeks, when he was home, he only had his two personal household slaves to entertain him, and only having two quickly got boring. Then there were the tedious chores he had to do like grocery shopping, mowing the lawn, etc. Over time he found staying at the resort more and more was far more enjoyable than returning home daily and weekends. He enjoyed free food, an endless supply of new Slaves to fuck, and his every need was attended to, so why leave? This was his home now. The other Masters took it for granted that Master Bill was always on site, so over time, they just let him fulfill this requirement for them. On nights, Weekends, and Holidays, Bill was on duty, and they were happy not to be.

A pretty young Asian slave was on top of him, slowly grinding his dick, fucking him cowgirl style, on loan for one of the visiting guest masters. His status of being one of the Masters in charge of the resort was well-known. Guest Masters were always asking him for favors: could he reduce their membership fees, give them permission to obtain another slave, appropriate to enslave this woman, or that? He assured them he would look into the matter, but if they loaned him one or more of their slaves for his use for a few hours or days, he would get right on it. He, however, never did anything; he talked as if he had this kind of authority, but he did not. The guest Masters were only at the resort for two weeks, so they were gone before anyone could verify any of his lies. His two personal slaves were exhausted, sleep on the edges of the wide day bed. He used them at night; while he slept, they would take turns, giving him slow, pleasurable blowjobs until he was hard and carefully climbing on him, and they slowly fucked him until he came inside one of them. Sometimes, he briefly woke up when he was climaxing, sometimes not. They would repeat the process all night. In the morning, when he woke, one of them or the other would be fucking him as his wake-up alarm. During the day he allowed them to rest, but sometimes other Masters would wake them and use them for their pleasure. As Slaves, they could not refuse to serve, but common courtesy was that Masters should ask a slave owner’s Master for permission first. Some Did not both, not that he would have said no anyway.

His job was the same as Jerry’s: to test the slaves, to ensure they were entirely under their Master’s control, and to obey and never question any master’s authority. They would be the ones to issue orders if a slave’s medicine needed to be adjusted or more memory modification treatments were required. Over the years, he delegated more and more of his responsibility to his administrative assistance. She was also a slave but endured far longer memory modification treatments, so she was allowed to retain some level of critical thinking to ask questions and still be trusted. She was also equipped with a thick metal collar that tracked her movements and, if necessary, could be detonated remotely to blow her head off. Each of the masters had an assistant, except Master Jerry, who was a control freak and never delegated any of his responsibility.


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