On Weds, Jun 15, 2022, at 9:44 AM CET, Maddie Smithwrote:
That was a cop-out dear. Normally, I’d punish you for that, but today I don’t even care, because I just tested negative!
I have the paperwork that I need to fly. I’m going back to the hotel, checking out, and heading to Charles de Gaulle. I will text you fly info.
See you soon!
– M
On Weds Jun 15, 2022, at 6:46 AM EDT, Alan Smithwrote:
Maddie! I just woke up, saw your text, and read your email. I’ll get things ready for you and can’t wait to see you. Text me from the taxi dear.
On Weds, Jun 15, 2022, at 6:19 PM CET, Maddie Smithwrote:
I’m writing this from the airplane. I will send it from the lounge when I arrive, and I will text you after I send it to make sure that you’ve read it before I arrive home.
It’s important that you read this, because I need you to be ready for what I’m going to do to you when we get home.
Now this isn’t one of those tawdry scenes Alan. I’m not going to make you wait for me naked or anything awful like that. I know of course that you would like that. Cliché story lines are a bit of a weakness for you, aren’t they? But you’re better than that, dear. We’re better than that! That’s why you love me dear, Because I do not tolerate cliché.
No, you will be clothed. Something you think I’ll like. Not what you’ve been dragging yourself around in all week.
Traffic will be bad. My taxi will be slow. Be patient. Take a shower. Meditate. Be calm. You are about to get what you want. Can you accept that? Get ready. Get ready to ask for it. To beg for it. Then be ready to embrace it as I give it to you.
I will come through the door. It will be magic, dear, to feel your arms around me. You will sigh. You will feel me press against you, this thin summer dress will be the only thing keeping my body from yourhands. I will be hot, a bit sweaty from the cab on this hot summer night. We will kiss a hot summer kiss in the doorway, my hands in your hair, your hands feeling my body.
You will want to make nervous small talk. You will not though. You will not speak. You will simply take my things, then wait for me. You will wait for me while I shower. I will change. Can you picture what I’ll be wearing? You can’t dear. You never write about my clothes.
I am going to spank you. Not right away though. We’ll go to the bedroom. We’ll kiss, in the middle of the room, again. Slower this time. You still haven’t spoken. I’m talking though. Telling you about my trip. Telling you where to stand. Telling you to take your cock in your hand and begin to stroke as you watch me.
You watch me climb in bed, lean back, spread my legs. I touch myself while I watch you stroke yourself. I will tell you another story—maybe a story about Annette. Maybe not. There will be time for more stories about her. If I don’t talk about Annette, you will want to ask, but you won’t. You won’t ask for anything until I allow you to speak.
So instead, you just watch as I find a toy, turn it on, use it to nudge my pussy open. You see how wet I am. See me glisten. I play with myself with my fingers, my toy. I cum quickly. Almost too quickly. When I catch my breath, I say it: “Tell me what you want, Alan.”
You think about it for a moment. You’ve been thinking about it for more than a week. You’ve been thinking about nothing else. Still, you struggle. You want so badly for me to take you completely, but you struggle to say it.
You want to say, “Maddie, please spank my ass. Spank my ass until I beg You to stop, and then keep going. Keep going until you’re bored, then fuck me, Maddie. Fuck me any way you want. On top of me, under me, behind me. Fuck me in the ass if you want to, Maddie. Just fuck me and obliterate me.”
If you say that, Alan, then that’s what will happen. I will add my own twists to the story though. I’ll want to tie you up, of course. I’ll tie you tightly, face down, so that I can spank you. I bought something new at that store in Paris, Alan. Something long and hard and black and mean and mean for spanking. I’m going to work my way up to that one. I’ll start with my hand until you beg me to stop. You remember your safeword, but you don’t use it. You beg me to stop, but you want me to continue. I do continue. With the paddle I bought for you, Alan.
I will paddle your ass until I decide to stop. When I do, it will be because you are panting and grunting and emrithing and trying to hump the bed to get off. I will stop so that you don’t get off.
If you have asked for this, Alan, I will notie you, roll you over, and tie you up again. I will threaten your balls with this paddle and you will wince, but I will not hit you, unless you beg me to. I can’t imagine you would beg for that though. Would you? Because if you did, I would certainlyoblige you dear. I would oblige you so hard.
No, first I will bring you to the edge with my mouth. My hot mouth on your cock. When you can’t take any more, I will stop of course. I will leave your cock completely alone, then take your nipples in my fingers. I tell you that you may cum, but it can only be when I’m touching your nipples, not your cock. Could you cum that way Alan? I doubt it.
We’d do that for some time. Back and forth. Cock—no cumming! Nipples—cum if you can!
You’d be so frustrated, darling!
Then, finally, I would climb on top of you. Finally, after all this time—when all you had for company was your own sorry hand, finally, you would feel my warm, wet pussy. I would glide down on you slowly, inch by inch. I can’t imagine what that would feel like, Alan. What it would feel like to finally get to fuck me after all this time. Will you be able to last? Will you beg me to slow down? You’d better not. If you beg for that, I just might get bored and stop. You might not cum tonight after all!
No, I want a good rogering, Alan. You’d better be up for it. I’ll be home in less than an hour. Be ready.
Readers: If you liked this story and would like to spend more time with these characters, let me know in the comments. (Or send feedback—always welcome!)
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