I entered the noisy, dimly lit bar, full of confidence as always. I am used to male attention and dress appropriately to incite it. Revel in it even.
Tonight saw me in a soft as butter, chocolate silk skirt. I compiled it with a matching silk blouse, revealing a hint of my bra underneath it. The only other accoutrements needed were a thick cream belt, accentuating my tiny waistline and a pair of chocolate brown slingback heels. At 4 inches high they made my legs look slim and elegant. Oh and of course the compulsory silk black lace topped stockings. They bring out the devil in me. I like encouraging it.
The music thumbs all around me and I feel myself humming along, a smile playing on the corners of my lips, bright with glossy pink lipstick. I play with a tendril of my long, shiny brunette hair, twirling it around in my fingertips. I see you as I approach the bar and give the men there a cursory glance, before my attention rests on you. I still wonder even now, why you took my breath away, even then on our first meeting. But my eyes held yours for a second longer than necessary and you knew it, even then. Knew that I would be yours. But I didn’t. That happened for me a little later.
Someone caught my attention at my shoulder and I inclined my head to speak with him, talking niceties as one does. My blue eyes sparkling, sensitively lined with dark kohl making them look enormous. He didn’t keep my attention for long however and I made my escape by going to the ladies. When I returned you were no-where to be found by the bar, but the barmaid, grinning at me handed me a gin and tonic. I gave her a puzzled look. I hadn’t ordered that. It’s one of my favourite drinks though. I sipped it appreciatedly. She pointed to you, when I asked who’d ordered it for me, seated now at a table on the far side of the bar. Lounging your long limbs on a low slung sofa. Your lazy smile caught me as I looked in your direction. I raise my glass in a salute of thanksand begin walking towards you, returning that wonderful smile of yours.
I come to stand before you and your eyes never leave mine on the long walk across the length of the room. I smile pretty and thank you for the drink, thinking that you could possibly be one of the sexiest men I have ever seen. My pulse rate beats double time, a little at my boldness on approaching you, but more so because just being near you sent prickles of desire up my spine. You motion with your hand for me to sit down and I obey unthinkingly. Sitting opposite you. Admiring you. My tongue unconsciously licks the corner of my lip. I do that when I’m nervous.
‘Do you want me?’ The words are out of your mouth, in a wonderfully deep resonating tone that sends shivers through me, just on hearing it. I can’t quite believe that you’ve said it, quite like that. I blink in surprise. But I understand your meaning.
‘Yes,’ I whisper. My nervousness wouldn’t allow me to play games with you at this point.My legs shift beneath me as my eyes meet yours again.
‘If you want to be mine tonight, my dear, I must tell you that I will expect complete obedience from you. That means, you do everything I say. Yes,’ you pause, ‘I do mean everything.’ You search my eyes for my response.
My face betrays me, flushing with heat. Oh God, what those words do to me.
‘Will you obey me, in all I ask?’ you question.
‘Yes,’ I whisper. Feeling my pulse rocket in response.
You just smile and settle yourself back comfortably into your chair.
‘Then let’s see. Go to the ladies and remove your bra and your panties. Be quick.’ You motion for me to move with your hand.
Surprisingly enough I do, your tone compelling me to go and quickly. I do wonder what on earth I’m doing, while in the toilets, whipping my bloom over my head and taking off my bra. Then letting my black lace panties fall down over my hips, my legs and feeling almost naked. The only thing covering my sex is now my skirt. I stuff my lace underwear into my handbag and walk back out of the toilets somewhat confidently, towards you. Aware that my nipples, peaked already from arousal are visible through my soft, silk shirt. I stand back in front of you and you motion for me to sit down once more, but this time next to you. Smiling, I do.
‘I must tell you this before we go on,’ you pause to look into my eyes, ‘I will do a great many things to you this evening, some of which you will like and some of which you will not. But you WILL obey in absolutely everything I ask, or the evening will end then and there. It will always be your choice of course.’ Those blue fatomless eyes of yours stare into mine. I can only nod in agreement. For I desperately want to see what this night will hold. My flesh tingling in anticipation all over, a heightened state of arousal having already overtaken my body.
‘Do I arouse you,’ you ask me? Your eyes searching mine for their response.
‘Yes I whisper.’ Licking my lips nervously once more. For you do. I am already wet.
‘Then I will need to make sure of that for myself,’ you say. Eyes holding mine. ‘Open your legs for me.
I close my eyes in immediate response, thinking I cannot do that. Not here. Not with all these people watching. But my eyes open again and I widen my legs, already knowing that I am desperate to have you.
‘Wider you say,’ looking at me and you see a moan escape my lips involuntarily as I do as you say. Not being able to refuse. Your hand feels along the length of my skirt, lightly running down the fabric, before it begins to slide up my stockings. Your fingertips running gently up my thighs and your fingertips coming to rest ever so lightly on my sex. You hear my breath catch. Another fingertip comes up under my chin as you tilt my face, to stare hard into my eyes.
‘Are you sure you are wet for me?’ you ask me again.
‘Yes,’ I stammer. Not being able to look away. Then I feel your finger on my sex begin to trace the delicate folders of my lips to begin teasing its way into my entrance. Finding me hot and so very wet for you. Another moan escaped my lips as I feel you push your finger deep within me. You hold it there. With the other finger still on my chin, forcing me to look, still, into those eyes of yours.
‘I want you to pick a man to dance with, anyone you choose and I want to watch as you grind up against him. Kiss him. Let his hands roam over your body.’ You smile and let the fingerprint drop from my chin and withdraw your fingerprint from inside me, slowly tracing the wetness back up my leg. Watching to see if I will obey.
I helplessly do. I stand and walk towards the dance floor, my eyes casting themselves over the men there and pick a rather tall, blond and good looking one. I take His hand gently and usher him onto the floor. He sees the glazed look of desire in my eyes and does not hesitate to follow me, not knowing that look is for you. The music starts and he places his hands on my waist and I put mine around his neck, playing with the softly curling hair at the nape of his neck. As the music starts, drumming its beat loudly, I push my body into his. He quickly responds by grinding his hips back into mine. Oh Yes, I feel my body respond instantly to the touch and heat floods through me. A sight escapes my lips which are resting by his ear and he grins at me in response. I see your eyes watching mine from across the room and hold your gaze once more, lust upon my lips. You watch me calculately.
To tease you I pull the blond man’s hands over my breasts and turn our position sideways so you can see. I see his eyes widen as he realises I am not wearing a bra. I feel his hands all over my breasts, can see him smiling feeling my nipples harden Underneath his fingers. I press my lips to his neck and bite gently there, feeling his body respond. Grinding his hips more urgently into mine. His hands running up and down my body, cupping mybreasts, kneeing them in his hands. I then gently place my lips over his, kissing ever so lightly, waiting for his response. He urgently hardens his lips on mine and kisses me passwordately. His tongue reaches out to cares mine and I make sure you can see. Wondering what this is doing to you. He puts his hands on my ass, squeezing my ass cheeks and pulling me closer to him. So much so I am pressed tightly Against him now, his lips not pausing for a second. But then…. Then the music ends and I gently entangle myself… leaving him wanting and wondering just what the hell I was up to… I know his eyes are boring into my back as I make my way back towards you, with my face flushed with desire, heat and a new animal lust sparkling in my eyes.
I catch your glance on my way back towards you, which has never left me and see that desire has now flushed your features. For your eyes penetrate me with a deep, dark, birding hunger.
‘Are you ready to leave my dear?’ You ask me pleasantly. Taking my arm and leading me towards the exit. ‘You are of course free to change your mind?’ It is a question and you leave the end hanging, waiting for my response.
‘I am ready to leave and obey you in everything you ask of me.’ My response is definite.
You grin wickedly at that. It makes my blood roar around my body. ‘We shall see,’ you reply enigmatically. We talk politely on the way back to the car, exchanging names and general niceties.
It takes little time to find your car, parked only a short way away in a deserted alley way. My heels tap across the deserted sidewalk as we step up towards it.
‘You will get in my car naked, or not at all,’ you say to me. Once again you watch me, gauging my reaction.
My body goes weak at your words and my mind rebels. This is a public place. Yes it is deserted, but someone could pass through at any time. I start to tremble and now I have to think hard. You are a stranger after all. What on earth am I doing?
All the time those deep eyes never leave me and you enjoy seeing the anguish in them as I struggle and war with myself.
In the end, my body on fire with need, I make my decision. Recklessness is one of my vices. I strip quickly, in order to get into your car more quickly. Yanking my bloom over my head, displaying my naked breasts for your attention, my nipples hard and peaked. Then I undo the skirt and slide it down my hips, letting it fall to my feet. I then step my heels out of it one by one and stand there before you. I feel the cool night air upon my body which teas my skin. I shake. Helplessly.
‘Get in, you say,’ opening the door of your car for me and you help me inside. I have never been so grateful to have a car door shut before. The covering of the car door something at least. I am still frighteningly aware that anyone who chooses to look into your car will find me quite some surprise to their eyes. You look at me and smile. ‘Well done Rie,’ you say alreadyshortening my name, Anari, to a pet name. It makes me smile and relax a little. Though not too much. It is all I can do to stop my hands from trying to cover my nakedness. But I breathe deeply and keep my hands still while the car drives off, with you at the wheel.
‘Undo my trousers Rie and suck my cock. Make me nice and hard for you my dear,’ you say with a wicked glint in your eyes. Watching me Through your peripheral vision. Watching and waiting. To see if I will indeed obey.
I do instantly, my tongue already licking around my lips making them wet to take your cock inside my mouth. I am glad of any distraction to stop me thinking about my nakedness. My wetness. My lust for you.
My fingers deliciously untangle your seatbelt and begin unfastening your trousers with efficient movements and I let your cock spring free, released from its constraints. Sighing with delight as I do so. Running my fingers up and down its length before me, letting my nails graze it lightly, before I began tracing a pattern around the head with my tongue. Flicking, swirling and licking. Tormenting you up and down the length with my tongue and fingertips before I return my attention back to the head. Letting my mouth gently take you in, so lightly, sucking in small delicate movements up and down. Hearing a little sight escape your lips now and knowing you want more. I make that cock of yours very wet with my saliva, coating it thoroughly before beginning to move more of your length inside me. Greedily sucking your cock to the back of my throat. You hear the sounds of my hungry slurps, taking you inside me. Wanting to feel it hit there, impale me, ram against me. It finally hits its mark and your hear a guttural moan escape my lips. I make my strokes longer now, my tongue flicking the underside of your cock on the upstroke and then my mouth taking you back into me and ramming you back to the end of my throat. Breathing deeply. Again and again. My fingers teasing the base of your cock before closing around it and gripping tightly. Moving up and down now in time with my movements…
‘Enough,’ you say and push me away from you, but gently. The car has now stopped and I realize we are at your house. I try to regulate my breathing and notice the flush of desire changing your features with a smile. This has been the most exciting night of my life so far and I can only Wonder at what you have in store for me next…
My flesh tingling in anticipation, my sex hungry, my pupils dilated and glazed with a lust fueled fever…
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