The Mysterious Mrs. Sang Formality


The events depicted at the end of Chapter Four are based upon personal real life experiences. They should only be attempted under the care and guidance of a professional.

This story takes place a few days after the events depicted in ‘The Mysterious Mrs. Sang – Endurance’.

The first three chapters are all about plot and character development.

(Oh…Uh, speaking of character development. There is really a ‘Mac’. Tread soft if you should pass him on the street…)

Chapter Four actually occurred (although the events leading up to it and details of the experience are slightly different).

It is really with Chapter Five that the Femdom naughty bits with Mrs. Sang begin.

The ‘Very’ naughty bits begin with Chapter Six.


Chapter One – Despair

“It just couldn’t get any better than this.” I thought to myself, “Here I am, I love this incredible woman and now I know she loves me. What could possibly go wrong?”

I felt on top of the world as I stepped smartly up to Evelyn Sang’s door.

She answered my knock. Her composition was as aloof as usual.

I smiled and stepped forward to embrace her without bothering with shutting the door all the way.

“What did it matter anyway?” I thought, “We were adults and it was our business how we conducted ourselves.”

Her face showed her milk surprise and she actually gasped in surprise at my touch.

“Please, someone will see!” She said sharply as she stepped away from me.

She ushered me in all the way and shut the door tightly before doing something feminine and rather fastidious with her hands. She looked down at the floor and I could tell that she was uncomfortable about something.

“What’s the matter, Evelyn? I asked rather impatiently.

She looked rather surprised at my use of her first name. I had thought we were past such old world formalities. Obviously, I was wrong.

“I am very uncomfortable with our newarrangement.” She began rather strongly, “I know what I said that night but I have been doing a lot of thinking over the last few days.”

She paused, as if weighing her next few words but I had a good idea of ​​what was coming. My heart sank.

“It is all too much, too suddenly and just too, too, too…” Her voice trailed off for a moment before she resumed, “I think it best if we discontinue seeing each other outside of our respective professions.”

Not once did she look up. I had the feeling that if I had stepped forward and picked her up in my arms; her resistance would have melted. Only the fact that she would have poorly hated me later stopped me from acting.

It was apparent that her mind was made up. Her Stance was forbidding and she crossed her arms before raising her head to look me squarely and disapprovingly in the eye.

Only her quivering lower lip seemed to tell me how difficult this all was for her.

I nodded awkwardly and left without speakingng. It was the hardest thing I had ever done.

The next few days went by in that kind of slow and painful way that only those who have ever felt true heartbreak can know.

I didn’t get drunk, although I felt like it. I didn’t go out and pick a fight, although I felt like that too. I just continued to live as best I could but it was as though I had a hole in my heart.

I just couldn’t stop thinking of her. However, she had made up her mind and I knew what ‘no’ mean. I’d be damned if I’d go crawling back!

A couple of days after she had formally ended our relationship, the end of the month arrived.

I decided to use our weekly business meeting in her office as a way to find out what was really going on. If she really means to give up on us, then I intended to end our business relationship, as well. It wasn’t that I was mad (although I was); it was that I couldn’t be near her without wanting more.

When I arrived at her office door, she had visitors. I couldHear them talking through the walls. It didn’t sound like a pleasant conversation either.

Her office was on the second floor of a two story building. It was late and only her office was occupied at the present time. But lucky and a sloppy tenant had left the door beside her office unlocked.

I wouldn’t have to burst in to her office and see what was going on. If it was nothing, I’d have made more of a hash of Things for naught.

Stealth was more in order. The wall that separate her office from the one that I had walked into was very thin. It was more of a partition that a two by four wall. The entire building was old and looked like it might collapse at any moment.

I had joked with Mrs. Sang about it more than once when we had conducted our meetings here.

I had to be very quiet and if I stood on a desk, I could see through a crack high in the wall. It didn’t give me much of a view but I could see enough.

There were at least four people that I could see. There were two Asian men in expensive and rather gaudy clothes, a strange young woman with her back to me and Mrs. Sang.

Chapter Two – Danger

Mrs. Sang was face down on the desk. She was tied up tightly and she was nude.

Her wrists were tied together behind her back and so were her elbows. Her knees and ankles were also tied together. Her ankles were pulled back Until they nearly touched her wrists. A rope went around her head twice both gagging and effectively blindfolding her. It was fastened by another length of rope to her wrists and ankles.

Just as I was about to turn and charge off to her rescue, one of the men pulled out a black semi automatic handgun. He brandished it as he seemed to listen intently.

I believedly realized that he had heard my attempts to find out what was going on. He simply didn’t recognize them, yet.

The other woman, presumably the one in charge, snapped at him in a foreign tongue and he put away his weapon.

There was something familiar about the other woman but I couldn’t put my finger on it nor did it seems important at that moment.

I had to get to Evelyn and save her!

However, confronting these people directly was a good way to get killed. I was now quite certain I knew what was going on but it would require considerable nervous and skill on my part if I was to save the woman I loved.

The other woman was obviously in charge. She said something in a foreign tongue and one of her confederates stepped over and rolled the bound and nude Mrs. Sang onto her side like a sack of flour.

Mrs. Sang shrieked and the man holding her on her side whispered something in her ear. His hand found her bare breast and squeezed the nipple. She quit shrieking.

He smiled. It wasn’t a nice smile.

I seriously reconsidered killing them right then but I knew they’d likely shoot me down before I got them all.

“Damn, Damn, Damn!” I cursed silently to myself, “No way are they going toget away with this…No way at all!”

The second man placed a large black satchel on the desk beside the nude woman and between the two henchmen; they forced Mrs. Sang’s helplessly bound and nude body into the bag. They zipped it shut.

As they turned to leave, I saw the face of the other woman. It was the prostitute from the other night!

This time she was wearing a very fashionable suit and the way her face was made up made her look older than she had the other night.

She looked over at the bag containing Mrs. Sang. Her eyes widened slightly and glittered with malice as she lit a cigarette and elegantly blew a cloud of smoke at the ceiling.

They left quickly after that. They went down the stairs and out into a large sedan. The black bag containing the woman I loved went carefully into the trunk.

I waited briefly and followed them in my car. Surprisingly, I was all but numb. Instead of being all panicky or emotional, I seemed to feel nothing at all. I’d been taught that it could go that way though, so I wasn’t entirely surprised.

Mostly I considered how to get Mrs. Sang away from these people safely. It didn’t matter that she had spurned me. What mattered now was her safety.

As I drove I made a call on my cell phone. I was lucky and I got through. After I had made my arrangements, I closed the phone and considered my options as I pursued the woman who had taken my heart.

We drove for about an hour, ending up in a crowded inner city China town neighborhood. Oriental script covered the doorways of various establishments. The sedan containing Mrs. Sang and her captors finally turned into a modern five story parking lot that seemed quite at odds with the old buildings surrounding it.

They drove in and I Followed.

They weren’t hard to see and made no attempt to hide themselves. They strolled down the street like they owned it. One of the henchmen carried the black satchel containing Mrs. Sang’s bound nude body.

If anyone recognized them or thought their behavior odd, they said nothing.

I watched as they entered an old building. I could see them clearly as they walked to the end of the hallway and down the stairs into the basement.

I made another call on my cell and told the guy on the other end where I was before following.

After a moment I carefully made my way into the basement.

It was Really just a long hallway with a couple of doors for the furnace room and a small room originally designed for use by the janitor. It had now been renovated for other uses. The hallway bulb was out, whether deliberately or by accident, I couldn’t say.

On silent feet I carefully made my way through the nearly black hallway. The only light was from a single bulb in the ceiling of the room itself. What I saw was right out of an old men’s magazine from my father’s era.

An old metal framed bed was the only piece of furniture in the room. The two men had untied a nudeMrs. Sang only to have retied her to the bed. Her long bond had made resistance all but futile.

Mrs. Sang was now ball gagged. The muted shrinks she gave behind her gag went unheeded.

Chapter Three – Bargain Basement

The other woman looked on contemporaryly at her.

The woman spoke then; her voice was calm, cultured and rich as she said, “I want you to know that while There is not much call for an Asian prostitute of your age…I made it a point to find many clients who will be eager to use you! Oh, and the fact that you are reluctant, made an excellent selling point! They will all be lining up in a few minutes to use every orifice you have!”

Suddenly she reached into her pursuit and pulled out a piece of clothing while stating cheerily, “Here is a blindfold, so that you will Not have to bear the indignity of seeing who you are copulating with!”

She smiled with hatred as she continued, “I have even called upon my very unpleasant competitor and hated rival, the sadistic leather dominatrix, Madame Chow to supervise. Frankly, I can’t think of a worse fate than to be at her mercy!”

She took a drag off her cigarette and as an afterthought, she added, “But I don’t want to be distracted and miss any of your pain! I have told her that she can have what’s left on the bed afterwards!”

She paused to take another, deeper drag off of her cigarette Before continuing, “No one tells me to get out…No One!”

Mrs. Sang looked appalled at the other woman.

Right then, one of the henchmen must have seen a movement on my part. He shouted and reached for his weapon. The other man turned to see what was happening. The woman stepped back involuntarily, her face filled with shock and fear. She dropped the blindfold to the floor.

There was no time to think and almost no time to act. I charged into the room from the hallway. I never did remember it clearly. One moment I was charging against two thugs and the next, both were down and unconscious. I had the gun I’d seen earlier. It was in my hands and pointed at the woman.

She must have thought that I wouldn’t shoot and she was right.

As she reached into her pursuit for what was obviously a weapon, I stepped in quickly and punched her on the jaw. She was a slight woman and I am a powerful Martial artist with a lot of experience. She fell and the gun in her purse fell away with a clatter.

Quickly I untied Mrs. Sang. Her eyes were filled with wonder and tears. I shook my head to indicate we were still in danger and that we had to worry.

She paused long enough to trace the line of my jaw with her hand before standing on shaky legs.

We stripped the woman, who was close to Mrs. Sang’s size and Mrs. Sang put the clothes on.

As we turned to Leave, a large oriental woman and three other young men entered the room. They pulled guns as I pulled the one I’d appropriated and we all stood pointing weapons at each other for what seemed like an eternity.

For a moment it looked like it might turn into a Mexican standoff with everybody dying.

Then a soft sound came. It was a man deliberately cooughing from behind the big woman. It was Mac (my kung fu teacher) and two of his top students. They too, had handguns that were out and pointed in the right direction. It looked like my phone calls had paid off.

But it was really When the nude woman on the floor suddenly groaned softly that the danger seemed to pass.

Well, at least for some of us…

The big woman looked down at her and smiled.

Looking back up at me, there was absolutely no fear in her eyes as she said, “I am Madame Chow…I understand that I am to supervise the breaking in of a new submissive?”

She spoke lightly, like she was asking for directions and although she spoke politely, I knew that we were all in terrible danger. That this woman would not hesitate to order her men to attack and kill us all was very apparent.

So I merely nodded in acknowledgement and canted my head towards the woman on the floor. My gun wavered not one inch.

Madame Chow snapped something in her native dialect and two of her henchmen put their guns away. The third stood guard. Stepping forward, the two men walked past us and picked up the woman who had so much hatred for Mrs. Sang.

Madame Chow ignored my firearm and walked heavy over to stand in front of her nude and dazed vitality.

She smiled, a cruel smile before speaking, “Well, Madam Chung! Remember when you had my favorite villa repeatedly raped? Do you remember my vow to show you what it was like to be in her place?”

Madame Chung shook her head fearfully from side to side. Her nude body held cruelly by her hated vitality’s henchmen. Her own men were either dead or unconscious.

She paused dramatically before adding, “Today I make good on that vow!”

The nude woman struggled wildly and her cry of fear made me feel a little ill. That I despised her wasn’t relevant. I didn’t want to be an accessory to ‘any’ gang rapes (no matter who was to be on the receiving end).

If the odds had been better, I might have put a stop to what was happening right there. But the chances of us all dying were just too great.

“It was time for plan ‘B’”. I thought to myself.

Madame Chow reached down to the floor and picked up the blindfold before commanding her men to, “Assist her!”

In the hall; we could hear the line up starting to build.

In the room, we could hear Madame Chung crooning wildly and in despair through her new ball gag, as the men tied her nude and struggle body to the bed, in preparation for the activities to follow.

Beside her, we could hear Madame Chow laughing mercilessly.

We backed out of the room and left the building but…

Chapter Four – Double Ring Ceremony

On the way out of the building I triggered the fire alarm. And as we made our way to the car, I paused at a pay phone to call nine one one and tell them about a group of men who had started a fire in the basement. I was thoughtful enough to give the correct address before hanging up.

In the car, Mrs. Sang looked at me in wonder and asked why.

“I am not a rapist. Not even by proxy or provide.” I said while driving, “I don’t believe that rape is anything other than a brutal crime of violence where sex is the venue of choice.”

I took a deep breath before continuing, “I ran the alarm to give Madame Chow time to leave and I phoned to make sure that she did.”

“Also, your enemy is not my teacher!” I shrugged, uncomfortable with the topic.

I caught Mac exchanging looks with his two top students in the rear view mirror. They looked very pleased.

When the drive came to an end and both Mrs. Sang and I would have offered our thanks, Mac and his students waved us off.

“There is no need to thank us…We were just doing our part; just like you did when you rang thatalarm.” Mac smiled at me and continued, “We’ll see you both in class!”

Then they were gone.

Mrs. Sang turned to me and asked, “So, what now…?”

I looked carefully at the woman I loved.

“Well, that’s up to you…” I paused before continuing, “I married my first wife to protect her. I was young and stupid and I expected her to love me instead of simple being grateful.”

I paused while Mrs. Sang digested this before continuing, “After she left and I had some time to sort things out, I came to see how ridiculous that was.”

She smiled and asked, “You do realize that the concept of the woman loving her rescuer is a common enough fantasy in many cultures?”

I nodded and responded, “If you want, we can go our separate ways but…”

I choked a little and looked down before she smiled sweetly and reached up with one hand to touch my face.

She said softly, “What if I want to stay with you? What then?”

I looked down, extensively overcome with emotion before speaking, “I…I’d like that.”

Before she could speak I added, “I realize that you will always be aloof in public and in charge in private. I realize I very nearly bungled this thing we have. I am willing to observe the proprieties. If you’ll have me as your secret lover, I’d be proud to help you keep that secret.”

She paused until I met her eyes before responding, “I accept your proposal but I also have three provisions to add. One, I would like you to continue to address me as ‘Mrs. Sang’, as that is how I think of myself. Two, I will never again marry but I want only you. And three, I want a double ring ceremony.”

I paused and looked at her quizzically, “The last two don’t make a lot of sense together…Mrs. Sang.”

She laughed lightly and looked at me with that naughty light flashing from her eyes, “Oh, but they do!”

She took me to local donut shop nearby and had me eat a couple of sticky sweet things and a can of soda. After that we wentto a tattoo parlour that she seemed to know a lot about.

She greeted the owners and with hugs and smiles all around, it was apparent that she was well known.

Turning to me she said, “While I have no tattoos or piercings, my master and late husband had several of both. I want you to get both your nipples pierced while I watch.”

I looked surprised and involuntarily touched my manhood through my pants.

“No.” She said, as if answering my unspoken question, “I don’t want your penis pierced. Even though my good friends have explained the safety of what they do; I have concerns about infection and injury. It’s silly but that’s my worry.”

She continued with a serious look at her friends, “There is also the waiting time for these piercings to heal before we can engage in sex. And there is the complete lack of spontaneity. After all, one doesn’t fuck with a piece of metal in one’s erection.”

The piercers had obviously had this talk with Mrs. Sang before becho they neither defended themselves nor looked offended by her words.

I thought over her idea and frankly, the concept was arousing. After conferring with Mrs. Sang and the piercer about what procedures would be followed, I was ready.

The piercer asked, “Have you eaten? A couple of donuts will calm the adrenaline surge that hits you when I pierce you.”

I answered sufficiently and we began.


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