I still had a firm grip on her nub, and slowly jerked it up and down, and used my other hand to press on the still buzzing plug. I looked into her eyes, then leaned down and placed her nub between my teeth..
I gently nibbled and sucked on her clip, and she exploded..several times as I kept sucking and nibbling on her sensitive nub. Her body suddenly went limp, from the exertion… As I tasted her delicious fluids in my mouth…
I released the ropes, she was out of it. I lifted her in my arms cradling her, and carried her to the living room. Sitting in front of the fire, with her in my arms.
Looking down at her, I moved a few hairs from her face as she snuggled into my chest. As she rested on my lap, feeling her soft smooth skin against me letting my hands run over her skin.
“I could get used to this…”
Looking down at her, I notice her looking up at me smiling…
“Sir, I could get use to this too… but there’s something I need to ask.”
I nod at her.
“I would just like to be with you tonight as friends and lovers, I haven’t had that in a long time.”
“I’d like that as well. But first we need to clear the air on something that’s been bugging me.”
Lifting her up a little, I help her adjust so she’s sitting on my lap in the chair. Straddling me with a leg on either side facing each other. Keeping her hands behind her back, once she’s comfortable. I keep my hands behind her back, keeping her close. Looking deep into her eyes.
“This is the position I want you to be in whenever you and I are to discuss something serious.”
“So first question is why did you put yourself into that prediction that I found you in and what was your escape method? And backup?”
Glaucia looked pale for a second, and tried to look away…
Grabbing her hair, turning her back to look at me. I kiss her for several minutes.
“It’s okay.”
She took a few minutes to get herself together..
“Sir, I.. I have several fans of being used, and restrained, treated like a piece of trash. Probably in what some would view as very badly. It both excites me in a way I can’t explain, and make me feel better about myself.”
I just nod…
“As to my escape, there was a key that was to be released from a magnet, that I could reach. But it must have fallen into the dirt mud, and I couldn’t see where it went. The power went out, I was supposed to only be in there for a few hours, at most..”
“And your backup?”
“I..I didn’t have one.”
“And one came to check on you? A friend or co-worker?”
“I…I…I’m so stupid… I don’t have many friends or really any close friends… and no one I could trust with this…”, I can see the tears in her eye.
“If anyone found out about this part of me, it’d be bad for the business. And the only people I know are from the business. I.. I just didn’t think..”
I look down at her strough in the eyes, “I understand more then you know, but you could have died.”
“Oh god your right…”, she starts to cry falling against my chest… I hold her in my arms, as she buried her head in my neck. I let her cry for a few minutes.
“Your OK now, that’s what matters. And that will not ever happen again right. Especially if I have anything to say about it.”
“So first off, I am a man of my word and I said before I will not harm you. But this puts me in a little bit of an issue. I feel that you should be punished for your ignorance of your basic safety. If you didn’t have someone to check up on you, you aren’t to do any kind of dangerous play.”
Glaucia’s eyes bulged wide, “Punishment?”
“You not Only could of, and to an extent did harm yourself, you could have died. I am fairly experienced in BDSM, and this does not sit well with me. I don’t have issues someone practicing BDSM but ignorance, of basic safety is a problem. Glaucia, do you think it is aproblem?”
Glaucia looking down, nodded and said “Yes sir”
“Do you think you should be punished?”
Glaucia, mumbled a quiet. “..yes..”
“Excuse me? Glaucia”
“Yes sir,” she said a little more confidently.
“So, This is how we shall do this. I want you to decide your punishment, I shall then decide if it’s sufficient. If not I’ll adjust it to something we can both agree to. I am going to give you some time to think about what your punishment should be. But I expect it to be a punishment that truly is a punishment for you, and appropriate considering what could have happened, you were very lucky. For now I think we should have something for dinner, and tomorrow. We’ll deal with the it.”
“Yes Sir” she smiled at me, grinding her crotch against mine.
I’d turned off the plug, but she still had both of her holes filled, and the pressure of everything was obviously doing things to her. As she slowly ground herself against my crotch leaving a wet spotagainst my shorts.
“Not now you little minx, save it for later..”
Swatting her ass, I help her off the chair as I get up.
I dig through the refrigerator and find some fish, and rice, grabbing a few seasonings I set things up. Glaucia is standing off to the side, staying out of the way some what hiding. I pull her over, kiss her on the lips. Then lift her onto a space on the counter away from the stove, so she can watch.
“If we are to be friends and lovers, I want you to be where I can see you. You can tell me about the real you. Lets start with your past relationships and youth.”
She smiled, playfully kicking her legs hanging over the counter. Slightly blushing…
As I fried up the fish, and made the rice.
“So my father past away when I was young, my mom did the best she could. I did some ballet, but never really got along with the other girls. I was a bit of a geeky recluse, had a few friends. Even a boyfriend for a bit in college, then I putall my efforts into my projects. Which then became my company. I had little time for relationships or myself, running the company. Getting it to grow, god I miss parts of it, it was my baby. Looking back I was incredibly sad and angry, which is probably why it did so well. I directed all of my anger and time into the business.
I ended up at some party and ran into a CIO from another company, fell hard for him. My mother became very ill at the same time, and I lost her. I was in love, he was there for me. I realized he was with me only for my business. Threw him out, and dealt with him. It made me realize I wasn’t happy, and that I needed a change.”
We sat down at the table, with the food, and ate. While I prodded her to continue.
“So that’s when you decided to lock yourself up in the basement?”
“No, well not really. That’s when I left the company, and decided to find myself and what I enjoyed. Which did lead me to the basement…
I found myself watching porn the tightness of the rope, expposing myself, the embarrassment and humiliation. The idea submitting to someone, and being punished and controlled. I subbed some online, and found self-bondage and played with that a bit. I found I’m very submissive masochistic streak. And that led to my incident.”
“So tell me about the metal bra and why you don’t have a key?”
She went a little pale, took a breath.
“umm, so two months ago I was on an online submissive danger site. Ended up chatting with this guy, did several dares, he said he’d send me some lingerie. He sent me this bra, and a chatity belt, among other things. I was an idiot put the bra on I didn’t notice the lock, before I received the rest of it. When I realized I couldn’t get out of it. That’s when he told me I had to put it all on send him photos, and he’d send the keys in a few weeks… Later that day a chatity belt showed up, I’ve sent him dozens of messages demanding the key to at least to the bra. I didn’t feel I could trust him, I felt like if I gave into him I’d never get free. I mean it’s something that I would love with someone I trusted, but I don’t know this guy. Only thing I got back was a demand to put the rest on and send a picture. I didn’t know what to do…I haven’t heard from the guy in weeks.
So I slowly got used to it, and I didn’t notice it as much. And when I Did, and I got frustrated or otherwise I’d imagine a dom punishment me. Or controlling me.”
We’d finished eating several minutes before. But this all came rambling out fairly quickly, I could tell it all freaked her out and she needed to tell someone. She was in over her head, and had no idea how to handle it.
Without thinking she stood, surprising herself. I stood at the same time, and pulled her against me hugging her. She went to pull away, and I held her, she was holding it in still. I kept holding her, till I felt her shoulders sag, and melt into my chest.
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