The Mistress of the House Ch. 10

The plate wobbled, tottering on the edge as the shelf shook, the stack of expensive-looking crockery starting to shift. Hannah throw herself forward, flailing at the topmost plate with a mittened hand, pushing herself forward and wedding herself beneath the shelf. Metal creaked to her side, a sudden terrifying “crack” sound as the supporting brake gave way. The shelf dumped, plates scraping against the wood, sliding close to the edge.

She braced her back, hunting herself over at an awkward and uncomfortable angle, trying to support the shelf with her body. If any of the plates were broken, then Miss Coerator would probably punish her! It was uncomfortable, the wood heavy and prickly against her bare back.

Time ticked by. There were no clocks, no way for her to tell how long she had maintained this position for, sweat starting to tease and trickle over her body. At least the vibrator currently inside of her seemed to be passive! She carefully moved one hand, hearing the scrape of plate-on-plate until it slide onto the stack. The weight and pressure were poorly distributed, one should have to bear most of the strain, quickly growing tired. She grimaced at the camera, the light showing it was on – for all the time Miss Coerator had been teasing and buzzing her, why couldn’t she be watching when she actually needed help!

And of course, the fat red ball in her mouth means she Couldn’t call for help or do anything other than make muffled and wet mumbling noises. She shifted slightly, trying to make the position more comfortable, the plates above her starting to move, the grating, sliding sound swiftly accelerating. She moved back to her earlier position, the sounds stopping, everything going silent except for her breathing. The corset was tight around her waist and stomach, the edges poking into her uncomfortable, further Straining her breathing.

Where was Miss Coerator? It felt as though she’d been in this position for hours, her arms aHing from the strain, the other brake starting to warp and creak from the extra weight. One of her legs started to shake from the strain, the plates beginning to slide again, before she managed to alter her position to arrest their movement, at least briefly.

The lock clicked, the door opening and Miss Coerator stepping in, Hannah glad to see her for once. She grunted from behind her gag, trying to express urgency and a need to be helped.

Miss Coerator quickly stepped close, reaching out and moving the largest stack of plates to safety, then the next and the next, until the shelf was clear. Only then did Hannah let herself relax, the shelf tilting, sliding to the floor as the other brake gave way. Miss Coerator approached Hannah and gave her a kiss on the forehead. ‘You are a clever little thing, aren’t you, my dear? Excellent work, I would have been most upset with you if the plates had been broken. Good girl!’ She smiled at Hannah, giving her a pat on the head. ‘I suppose it’s scarcely worth doing much more work in here.’ The shelf had pulled away from the wall entirely, exposing a chunk of raw plaster and brick. ‘For that, I suppose you deserve a treatment. Cook has been busy, so I think some nice food, hot and fresh. One of the advantages of being all the way out here is the easy access to ingredients, I suppose. And I should introduce the two of you, as it seems you may be here for a while. Collar up.’

Hannah tilted her neck back, submitting herself to the lean again. She wanted nothing more than to overpower Miss Coerator and release her bindings, but with her hands bound, she would lose any confrontation, and doubtless face harsh punishment, if not permanent exile to the dungeon. So she let herself be led away, Miss Coerator locking the door behind them.

‘Watch yourself on the stairs, my dear, they are rather step. Although you are adjusting well to the heels – I shall have to exchange them for higher ones.’

Hannah managed to stop herself from making a grunt of denial through her gag. They were already staggeringly high, any higher and she’d be walking on tiptoe! Her calves felt like they were on fire whenever she stopped moving, thanks to having to keep her legs tense all the time.

The lean was only short, forcing Hannah to follow closely behind Miss Coerator. Today she was wearing a red blouse, sheer enough that Hannah could just about see a black bra-strap through it, and a black leather skirt, tightly outlining her buttocks. Her cent was strong and vivid, starkly distinct from the general odor of dust in the rest of the house. ‘Down here.’

They turned down a tight spiral staircase, that would have been a challenge normally. As it was, Miss Coerator had to support her, letting Hannah lean on one Shoulder to make it around the tight curves and narrow steps. ‘If you dribble on me, I will be upset, so do kindly show some self-control.’

Hannah keep trying to swallow, tilting her head to stop dribble welling up around her gag, managing to keep herself from dripping as they wound their way downwards. The area of ​​the house they entered looked… not modern exactly, but at least refurbished sometimes in the last fifty years, with institutional-green paint flaking from the walls, exposed pipework running along at head-height.

‘This used to be the servant’s quarters. Now there are so few of you, it is mostly empty, but the kitchens are still here, and would be troublesome to move. I do have plans for the space, but the main house comes first. Once you, my dear, have done your part, of course.’

They came to an open door, with several crates of fresh vegetables stacked up outside, very fresh to judge from the dirt still on them. Sounds of chopping and cutting, along with soft metal clanks, could be heard from inside, as Miss Coerator pulled Hannah forward into the kitchen.

It was an old-fashioned kitchen, with a large metal stove putting out an impressive amountt of heat, pots and pans hanging from the walls, along with a fearsome array of knives, peelers and other items of kitchenware. Next to the stove was a woman, currently stirring a pot of brother, the steam richly scented with herbs, potential enough to overpower even Miss Coerator’s scent. In the center of the room was a large wooden table, covered with more bowls, chopped herbs, frying pans, as well as all the required ingredients for a full English breakfast, making Hannah’s mouth water.

Like Hannah, the cook was also restrained, although far more strictly. A heavy metal collar was clamped around her neck, a chain running from there up to the ceiling. It connected to a track, four lines running out from a point in the center of the ceiling, clearly showing the range of the cook’s movement while the collar was in place.

She was also wearing a special outfit, although hers was shiny latex, the top white, with full sleepes coming down her arms, hands also sheathed, although at leas she was allowed her fingers free, Hannah noted with a tinge of jealousy. From behind, she showed a clear hourglass figure, a corset compressing her waist. Her skirt was knee-length latex, tight enough that Hannah could just about make out the lines of a chatity belt beneath it. She was also wearing heels, securely locked onto her legs, although not as high as Hannah’s were – Hannah wasn’t sure If she was proud of being able to manage in them, or annoyed that another service was allowed to wear more comfortable footwear.

Miss Coerator clicked her fingers, the cook turning around, chain focusing as she did so. Her face was distorted by a gag, a circular metal panel over her face, engraved with thorns and a name: “Janet”. The panel was partially open, a narrow, black slot allowing access to her mouth.

‘Janet has been here long enough to earn, as you can see, her own personal gag.’ Hannah tried, not entirely successfully, to suppress the pang of jealousy she felt. ‘As sheneeds to taste-test what she prepares, I allow her to have some access to her mouth. And she is always very appreciated of being given a treatment.’ Miss Coerator produced a boiled sweet from her purse, placing it on her palm.

The cook moved towards them, chain sliding along the groove in the ceiling with a slight rattle. Hannah could see her tongue probing against the vertical slit, not wide enough to get out, Miss Coerator deliberately pushing the sweet in. The cook gave a happy sight as Miss Coerator patted her on the head. ‘Good girl. This is your new colleague – she seems a little more enduring than the other ones.’

Miss Coerator pulled out one of the chairs from around the table and sat down, the cook moving with her, resting her head on Miss Coerator’s knees and making happy sounds. If she had been a dog, Then her tail would have been wagging, nuzzling her owner, as Miss Coerator stroked her curly black hair.

‘Janet here used to be quite rebellious but has settled inquite nicely over I applied the required training.’ She gestured at a thick cushion next to the stove, next to a large cage. ‘I rarely have to use the cage anymore, she is so well behaved.’ At the mention of the word “cage”, Janet tensed, until Miss Coerator soothed her with more head-pats. ‘Of course, she dislikes being removed from her domain, but her skills more than make up for the inability to show her off. Should you Stay in my employ, then you will be working with her. You will be responsible for keeping her clean, and ensuring she has everything she needs.’

Hannah cautiously approached, slightly jealous of the easy intimacy with which Miss Coerator was treating her. Janet glared at her, tensing again.

‘Now, now, I don’t want to see any trouble between the staff. Janet, if you could make Hannah a breakfast? She has saved the plates you like so much from destruction – if it wasn’t for her quick thinking, they would all be broken.’

Janet rose to her feet, chain clinking against her collar, still glaring at Hannah, before heading over to the stove and beginning to cook, bacon popping and crackling in a pan, breaking several eggs into another.

Something soft pushed against her face as Miss Coerator dabbed away dribble with a clothes. ‘Do try and show some restraint, my dear. I know that her cooking is excellent, but you must show some greater self-control. I assume you would like to have some time with your toys again?’

Hannah blushed, but nodded.

‘Then remember that you are in service, and kindly compose yourself appropriately.’ She pulled out another chair, next to her own. ‘Now, sit.’

It was weirdly normal, being sat in a kitchen with the sound and scent of food being cooked, although still not enough that she could ignore the clothes tightly locked onto her body, or that the chef was chained to the ceiling and apparently slept like a dog, in front of the stove. Miss Coerator reached out and unbuckled Hannah’s gag, putting it on a bowl so that spitt didn’t slip over the table. Then she pulled out a remote control, clicking it and setting the vibrator inside Hannah into low action. ‘You haven’t quite earned yourself a climax, my dear, but you deserve a pleasant meal.’

Hannah fidgeted and twisted her thighs, but know the pressure wasn’t enough to get her off. ‘Thank you, Madam Coerator.’ Miss Coerator patted her on the chef. ‘You are doing excellently, Hannah. Keep this up and you may well earn yourself a permanent position! And once I have a head maid I can trust, then I will need to recruit a few maids, to help clean the rest of this place. Would you like that? You would have to train and discipline them yourself of course, but I’m certain you will be able to manage.’

It Surely sounded better than being Miss Coerator’s personal plaything and cleaner! If she had some underlings of her own, then it would make her own work easier, and maybe they could work together to trap Miss Coerator. She nodded her head. ‘Yes, thank you.’

‘Well, you will have to work for it, my dear. And none of this unsightly defiance. I expect total obedience.’

‘Yes, Madam.’

‘I’m glad to see we have an understanding. Ah, now I think the food is done. Excellent timing.’

Janet put a plate onto the table, a picture-perfect breakfast; eggs, bacon, sausages, golden-brown toast… Hannah started to dribble, raising her hands to grap cutlery, before realizing they were still bound into the mittens. Miss Coerator chuckled. ‘Would you like a little help with that?’ She sliced ​​apart a sausage, conveying part of it into Hannah’s mouth. The flavors burst on her tongue, herbs, good quality meat and just the right amount of grease. ‘Quite excellent, isn’t it? One of the benefits of living this remotely is the excellent food. Although I will have to be careful with you, as you still need rather more stringent corset training. Janet here used to be overfond of sampling the foodBefore I had her gag welded on. It was getting a little hard to fit her into her uniform.’

She wasckoned the cook closer, taking out a key and turning it in a slot on the side of the metal attached around the woman’s face. The slot in the metal widened as she did so, expanding to the full width of the woman’s mouth, her tongue still playing with the sweet, before Miss Coerator twisted the key and closed it up entirely. ‘I would hope to avoid such measures with you.’ She cut a slice of bacon, skewing some toast before feeding that to Hannah. ‘If you are to become my head maid, then your restraints will need to vary according to the occasion, rather than to be set. So I would very much prefer not to have to permanently attach anything. Well, maybe a few piercings, but nothing larger.’

Hannah’s response was blocked by another piece of food being pushed into her mouth, Miss Coerator keeping it coming fast enough she could barely chew and swallow in time, especially with the vibebuzzing away, her head feeling light and fluffy. By the time the plate was empty, she wanted nothing more than an orgasm and then a nap.

Miss Coerator had other ideas though, giving Janet a final stroke (getting a happy and satisfied sound from behind the metal gag) before standing, flicking the switch and cutting the vibe off. ‘Well, my dear, I hope you enjoyed that. But there is plenty more work to be done.’ She pushed the gag back into Hannah’s mouth. ‘I think the Oyster room next. And I will add that shelf to the list of work to be done when I have some builders in. Come.’

She pulled on the leash, Hannah having little choice but to be dragged along, wondering where she was going to be set to work next.


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