The Mermaid's New Slave Ch. 02

November 22

The mermaid tied me to the bed with rope. It wasn’t very binding. Like calling me slave, she did it as a practice or custom more than any real measure. She knew I couldn’t go anywhere. Although my exertion yesterday I was apparently in rough shape. I felt like one giant bruise, but I was getting better. She didn’t lie in the bed with me, preferring whatever mermaid bedchamber she frequently. I felt a little neglected at this, I didn’t know why. I blamed it on her egg. Everything felt warm and fuzzy when I want to bed and I woke up with what I could only describe as having sex and a hangover simulateneously.

I woke unbound and with my head resting on creamy-colored thighs. She wasn’t pale, but she wasn’t tanned. She wasn’t actually naked. She was wearing a toga like deal. The amount of fabric was not what one would call traditional and it barely contained her volunteer body. In fact it didn’t contain her breasts. “Good morning, love.” She said stroking myhair softly. My hangover-esque pain was gone, and the sex part was climbing up. It was something in the way she smelled that was infinitely calming to me. I wasn’t getting horny, and with two large breasts above my head I should have been pitching the tent. I chalked it up to being too hurt.

She ran a hand through her platinum, almost white, blonde hair. “At least you’re handsome, lover.” She smiled. It was a warm loving smile that she had no right to give as she held me against my will, or at least, I liked to think it was against my will. Right now I was busy trying to turn mermaid tight into the best pillow I ever had.

“Strong features, blue eyes, dark-brown hair. Not too muscle… a swimmer, no?” She said, I nodded. “I like swimmers.” I gave a wry chuckle at her joke. She wrote it off with disabled appreciation.

“If you’re such a swimming, how come you look like that?” I asked.

“Genetics.” She beamed, “Also, when you swim underwater for hours on end. It tends to build up the ass muscles. Given my natural mermaid proclivity to build up fat, and you get this.” She put my head back on the pillows of the bed and stood. Turning she bent over. Her shaped rear wiggled. She talked about her body with supreme confidence. She could throw around words like fat because she knew it made her look incredibly sexy. She had the aloof surety. “Do you like it?” She said slapping her forty-eight inches of rump.

“Very much.” I said rather more amorously than I intended.

“Good,” She smiled a little smile.

Other needs were catching up to me. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’m very thirsty.”

She smiled sauntered back over to me helped me prop myself against the backboard. “My poor, baby.” She mused. “You’re in rough shape. Don’t worry, mistress has the cure for all that pains you.” She rose, and for the second time her womanhood was inches from my mouth. She was already a little wet, her ninelynar flowing down her thighs in little solitary streams.

“Drink all you want.” She said wiggling her hips.

“I can’t drink that!” I said shocked.

She crossed her arms over ample breasts. “Why not? I am no mere mortal woman. My essence will not only sustain you, but heal you… and provide certain other benefits. I suppose I could give you water, but I’m your mistress and I demand you drink.”

So for the second time I put my lips to her sex and sucked. I tokoud her until she began to scream with delight. Her juices flowed into my mouth and I drank. I knew I could have defied her, but she was much stronger than me. Plus it tasted good. If you want to find out I suggest you get your own mermaid. She never seemed to stop, and I drank well after I was done. My fingers grasped into her ass. She came once, and that put an end to my imbibing. Her orgasms were very powerful.

She rest atop me panting her pleasure. “Greedy boy.” She teased. “You’ll thank later.”

“I’ll thank you now.” I remarked in amazement.

“You’re welcome, but you’ll thank me later. What’s your name, stud.” She said kissing my chest.

“Harrison Tyler.” I said, “Should I just call you mistress?” I remarked coulddidly.

“You will, but you could add Rosetta at the end of it and I would not beat you.”

November 26

She didn’t visit me at all after that day after the first time we met. I found I missed her disgustingly too soon. I started to become irate and impassioned… not to mention horny. I could also swear that I was bigger too. I used to be a modest six inches, but now it looked more like seven. I was masturbating a lot with her gone.

She didn’t tie me up. She let me wander her cover (which was what it was) with complete confidence in her ability. I figured out quickly that she didn’t have to subjugate me to feel like the mistress. She knew she was and relied on me to subjugate myself. The cove was a large part of a small island. I could probably make a signal fire and get off theover—glorified sandbar, but I didn’t want to. I never had to worry about food. She always left me some kind of seafood with rice or bread, and a vegetable. The water she gave me to drink tasted like diluted nectar.

Then she came back, and I was so happy. She sashayed through the arch, naked save for a few ornamental chains with coins hanging around her slim waist and off her curvaceous hips. “Did you miss me, love.” She said winding one deep-green, pupil-less eye.

She walked to me and put a foot to my chest. I had been sitting on the bed masturbating. I was a little embarrassed that shed’ caught me, but she didn’t seem mad. “I hope you were thinking of me.” She said.

“I can’t think of anyone else.” Damn her it was proof that she was a good mistress. Her time away had fostered these feelings. Plus whatever she kept putting into my body. I couldn’t help that. I realized that going without her pearly need made me have a hangover like the first morning after.

I looked down her long, shapedly calm and tried not to cum. She pushed me down and stepped up onto the bed with practiced grace. She simply sat down on my hard cock and began riding me hard. Her breasts shook, her ass jiggled ever so slightly against the muscle she’d built up in it.. “Oh, you had a good reaction.” She squealed.

I grunted and groaned at the tightness of her pussy. Her perpetually wet—looking body gleaming in the dim light of the cave-like bedroom. She rubbed her own breasts and road me using nothing but her powerful leg muscles. I grabbed her ass sinking my fingers into the large swell. I came. It was almost as good as one of her orgasms. I heard her scream and moan for more as I felt ounce after ounce leave my penis and fill Rosetta up until the point where my need flowed down onto the bed. Rosetta came soon after.

It was obvious she expected more. She didn’t stop. She simply leaned in and began kissing me. It was hot and wet. Our tongues wrestled, and she won. Her hands grabbed the side of my face as she rutted against my still-hard shake. “Yes, baby!” She said. She pulled up my desire and her own mingling. She turned over and wedge my cock in the canyon of her impressive ass.

Up and down she went rubbing me off. It was already well lubed from the other activities of the afternoon. I hated myself for not putting up more of a fight, but mostly I just enjoyed cumming all over her ass. She shouted with delight at the hot thick ropes that covered her ass.

She bent over doggy style after I came on her ass. I watched my spunk, copious it was becoming under her narcotic guidance, run down her ass and legs. I crawled after her and began kissing and rubbing her ass. I wet my fingers with my used seed and finger her. She liked it.

“Why did you go away?” I asked.

“Because I am the sea.” She said.


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