The Meeting Ch. 02

Sami waited there, on all fours, her heart pounding with excitement and prevention. This was her second visit with her Master, and if the first was anything to go by, this was going to be another amazing experience. Somehow he seemed to know exactly what she needed, although that wasn’t always the same as what she wanted. He knew what was best for her, and Sami liked that. The level of control he was already exerting over her made her tremble just to think about it.

She had let him in, the same as the first time, only this time she wasn’t so shy. Still, she was very nervous and trembling slightly. He, of course, noticed this, and took her in his arms. She melted into him, overjoyed to feel his body again, and as an intense feeling of happiness spread through her, the trembling calmed.

After the pleasuresants were done with – Sami had made him a cup of tea, just how he liked it, two sugars, lots of milk — he had told Sami to stand in front of him.

“Now Sami,” he had started, “I’m going to give you some instructions, and I want you to follow them exactly. Do you understand?”

Sami shifted uncomfortable. It was strange; she had called him “Master” throughout his first visit, after the initial reluctance, and plenty of times on the telephone since then, but now it seemed to stick in her throat. She blushed a deep shade of red and gave a small nod.

“I see,” her master had said, “It’s going to be like this is it?”

He had stood up facing her and took her chin between his thumb and forefinger, raising her head so that their eyes met. His eyes had seemed to bore into hers with such intensity that she found she could not look away.

“Say it,” he had commanded.

Sami stuttered. She felt humiliated and strangely aroused. Why was it so hard for her to utter those words again? She didn’t understand, but what she did know was that she so wanted to please him, and she must make herself overcome this. However Sami had spent too longthinking, and not enough time doing, and her Master was displeased already.

Before she could gather her thoughts, he had released her chin and his hand came down across her face with a loud “smack!”

She had stared at him through her tears, but he was not moved by them.

“Say it,” he ordered again.

“Y…Yes Master,” she had managed to choke.

He took her by the shoulders and roughly wiped away a tear that had escaped her eye.

“Little Sami, you have much to learn. Now, I want you to go into your bedroom, take off all your clothes and get on all fours on your bed. You are to wait like that. You are not to turn around, move or make a sound. When I enter the room you are not to show any signs that you have heard. Just stay perfectly still. Right, go!”

And with that, he had spun her around and gave her a slap on her ass, as she yelped and ran to the bedroom. As she stopped inside the door and leant up against the wall to catch her breath, she could hear him chuckling softly to himself. Another tea escaped, but this time it was a tear of fury. She couldn’t understand these emotions she was experiencing, but she knew she must do as he has commanded.

She had pulled off her skirt and top. She had felt a little disappointed as she had put on special underwear for him, and he wasn’t even going to see it on her. She felt suddenly very helpless.

Now here she was, waiting for him to come through the door. She had no idea how long he was going to leave her here, or what he was going to bring into the room with him. She wouldn’t be able to see as she was facing the wall and he would come up behind her. The not-knowing both thrilled her and frightened her.

Finally after what seemed like hours, but could have only been minutes, she heard his footsteps. She tried not to stiffen her body or react in any way, but it was so hard, and she was more aroused than she had realized.

The she felt his hands on her buttocks, strokeg, touching, squeezed. They moved down her thighs and she expressed a moan, remembering just in time that she was not allowed to make any noise. The hands moved further down her legs, touching everywhere, and she felt his fingers linger over her feet.

He moved behind her so that his cock was pressed against her entrance, through his trousers. So, he was still clothed. This started Sami for a minute, and she felt immediately lower, somehow degraded that she was naked before this man who was clothed. She felt herself becoming wet at the mere thought. His hands were still running over her body, up her back now, and reaching round to squeeze her breasts. He was touching every part of her as casually as one might stroke a pet dog. She had never felt so truly owned and she burned with shame. She did not know what was to come…

He took her right nipple between his fingers. Sami had to bit her lip, and use every ounce of self control not to move her body. He pulled down gentlyon the nipple at first, then a bit harder, not to cause her pain but to remind her that he could. Then he ran his fingers down her sides, knowing how ticklish she was. She gritted her teeth but remained still.

“Good girl. You did everything I asked. I’m very proud of you,” he told her, as he stroked her hair.

“Now I want you to lie down on your back,” he whispered into her ear.

She lowered herself to the bed and turned her body over, aware of how exposed she was at that moment.

He pulled her hands up about her head, and reached for the rope he had left at the end of the bed. He wound one piece of rope around her left wrist, and she gasped as he tied it tightly. He pulled her wrist up to the left side of the metal headboard and pulled the rope through the bars until her arm was straight. He then wound the rope around the back of the bars, to the right side, where he tied the end of it to her right wrist. Her arms we spread open, and she was secure.

He thenwent to the foot of the bed, and tied her feet in a similar fashion, but winding the rope intricately around her ankles and even feeding some between her toes, so that she would feel as much of the rope as possible and be reminded that she is slave.

While her Master worked at the ropes, Sami’s breathing became ragged and she pulled against the ropes to test them. There was no escape. She compromised around as much as she was able, so turned on and helpless.

“Oh my little girl,” said her Master, “you do look tempting all tied up like that, spread out for me. But we have all night, my darling, and I’ve got plans for you.”

Out of his back pocket he pulled a long black piece of material. Her eyes widened as she realized what he intended to do. Her head shook ever so slightly.

“Oh yes Sami, I am about to take away your sight. You must trust me. You don’t have a choice.”

The last thing Sami saw before her world went dark was a glint in her Master’s eyes, and the slightest hint of a sadistic smile playing on his lips. He tied the blindfold tightly behind her head. She did not resist. She realized how futile that would be, in her position, so she gave herself up to him.

“I can take anything he chooses to give me,” she thought, and she almost believed it as well.

Sami struggled to hear any sounds that might give her an idea as to what would come next, but her Master was one step ahead of her. He slipped a waxy-feeling ear plug into each of her ears. She sobbed with humiliation at this invasion. He was proving to her that he owned every little bit of her. It wasn’t a place that many people had ever touched her, and here he was, invading it without a second thought. His fingers ran lightly over her face; up her right cheese, across her lips and down her chin and neck.

She tried to turn her head away, but he held it in place, while he continued to touch her. She could hardly believe it when his little finger filled her left nostril. She gasped and tried wildly to move her head away. No. That was just too personal.

“Please, please Master no, please stop! Don’t do this to me!” she begged.

“Shut up little girl, I do as I please, you are mine to touch and I shall touch you where I like,” he replied, and though his voice was muffled by the ear plugs, she could still hear him.

He removed his finger, Only to put it inside her other nostril. Tears were building up under her blindfold and she moaned and begged, but he held her firm. He finally ceased this humiliating torture, and brought his mouth down over hers. He forced his tongue inside her mouth, and she had no choice but to kiss him back. She felt defeated, but never so turned on in her entire life.

He was not finished his shameful inspection of her face just yet.

“Open your mouth,” he ordered.

Slowly, Sami obeyed.

“Wider,” he commanded, and she did so. “Now poke out your tongue.”

As Sami pushed her tongue out of her mouth, she felt ridiculous, and immediately started to put it back in, but her Master had sensed she would do this, and gripped in painfully in his fingers.

“You had better think twice about disobeing me Sami. If you cannot do this yourself, I will get a clamp and hold it out for you,” he threatened and he let go and her tongue remained out.

For an instant she was glad she had the blindfold. She doubted she would be able to look into his face, she was so embarrassed.

He pushed a finger inside her mouth, feeling along her row of teeth, first on the bottom then the top, and then running his finger along her gums. By now she was openly crying, feeling utterly invaded and conquered. Her impulse to bite him was growing stronger, but lucky he ceased his examination.

“I don’t know why you’re so upset, what kind of Master I would be, if I did not know my own property inside out?” he asked. “It is a fool who buys a horse before examining it to see if it is healthy, don’tyou agree?”

Sami managed a nod, and her master chuckled. “You may put your tongue back in now, you wanton slut. Look at that, you’ve dribbled everywhere! You filtered slut, you loved every minute of it,” he mocked.

She shook her head as if to deny this.

“Oh, you don’t think so huh?” he asked, as he stroked her pussy with his fingers.

She could tell how wet she was and she turned her head away in shame. He slapped her pussy once and she could hear the splatter of her own juices. He brought his hand back up to her face and wiped her juices down her cheek, causing her to shrink in protest, which on made him get more of her juices on his fingers, but this time he brought his fingers to her lips.

“Suck,” he commanded. “Suck your own juices from my fingers and see what a hot little bitch you are!”

She sucked his finger, tasting the tangy flavour of her own body.

“Now says ‘I am a dirty little bitch, who gets off on being humiliated’”

“No, no master it’s not true! I won’t say it, please don’t make me!” she protested.

“Oh, do you need more proof of your sluttiness? Isn’t having your own juices rubbed down your face and sucking them off my fingers enough for you?” he taunted. “Say it Sami.”

Numbly, she repeated what he had asked her to say. He put his hand in her hair, gripping it tightly as he kissed her forehead, her nose, each eye and finally her mouth.

“See, you’re my special girl aren’t you? You do exactly what I tell you. See what nice things you get in return?” he asked as he put a finger inside her.

She moaned with pleasure and he inserted another, pushing them in and out of her, slowly at first and then building up rhythm. She started to move against his hand, and he pulled away. Her body wilted in disappointment.

“Now now slave, we can’t go giving you too much pleasure, can we?” he said, as he reached to the bottom of the bed where he had left his bag.

“Ok little one, this is going tobe a little bit painful, but I know you can take it. You’re going to take it for me, like a good little girl. Only I don’t want you disturbing your neighbors.”

Sami didn’t like the tone in her master’s voice, and wasn’t exactly sure what he means, until she heard a sound like tape being pulled from a roll. She tried to turn away but he was on her too quickly, and put the duct tape firmly over her mouth, smoothing it down and kissing her over it. Sami moaned and shook her head and sobbed, but the sound was muffled. She had been gagged. Now she would not be able to beg or plead, to tell him it is too much, or even to scream in pain. She was more helpless than she’d ever been in her life. Her ears were filled, her eyes were covered and her ability to speak removed, at his will. She strained to hear through the plugs as the only other sense she had to rely on was touch, and by then it would be too late.

She didn’t hear the striking of the match, but there was one sense she had overlooked. She smelt the sulphur and she panicked. What the hell was he going to do with fire? She struggled wildly against her bonds, her protests no more than small noises. Then she felt it.

A tiny pin price of heat on her belly, making her gasp. Then the pain registered. She realized it was hot wax that was being dripped on her. A second drip fell onto her thigh, and her frightened yelp were stifled. She did not know where the next drop would fall, and that only made it worse. It was on her breasts now, one, two, three drops, singing as she tried to get away, but there was nowhere to go. No matter what way she leaned her body in the ropes, she couldn’t avoid the wax that was falling onto her body steadily. A drop fell onto her pussy mound, then her shoulder, then her foot. Just when she thought she couldn’t take Anymore, it stopped.

Her Master removed her blindfold and she blinked a few times to clear her vision. She looked down at her body that was covered in little blue spots of wax, and the candle that was on the bedside table. He took something else out of his bag, and when Sami saw it, her heart nearly stopped. It was a knife. He gave her should a reassuring squeeze, and lowered the knife to her belly.

Sami stayed deadly still, too frightened even to attempt to protest. He used the knife to remove the wax that had hardened on her body. She relaxed slightly as she Realised he was not intending on cutting her, but she was still tense and alert — someone in such close proximity wielding a knife would make anyone a little nervous.

After he had removed every piece of wax, he ran the point of the knife down her belly. Not enough to cut her, just to scratch, but it made her draw in her breath, pulling her tummy back as if to get away, which of course was silly. She knew she could not get away and that he would do as he wished with her. It was only then Sami realized she was actually shaking from the fear of the knife. She had never been in a situation like this, and although she trusted her Master implicitly, she couldn’t help but be afraid.

The trembling becomes worse as he brought the knife up to her neck, and she fight to control herself as he pressed the tip of the blade into the hollow of her throat. A squeak escaped from behind the gag, and he pulled the blade away.

The next thing she felt was his hand around her throat, roughly, holding her in place while he moved the blade closer to her face. He ran the sharp edge down one cheek, and then down the other. Sami had to try really hard to control her breathing, as by this point she was so frightened she had even stopped trembling — her body reacting in fear, trying to still herself to minimize any danger.

Finally he put the knife to one side, and slowly he peeled the gag off Sami’s mouth. It stung as he removed it, but was immediately replaced with his lips. His tongue entered her mouth, and she understood around desperately, entwining her owntongue with his, and she was shocked by the password inside her that the fear had seemed to ignite. Her master sensed that she was ready, and he could barely hold himself back.

He quickly untied the bonds holding her feet to the bed, and not even bothering to until her hands, he plunged himself into her with such force, and her body rose up to meet him, time and time again, until orgasm rippled through his body and every last drop of his cum was inside of her.

The weight of his body against her was warm, comfortable, reassuring, and after he recovered, he carefully untied the rope at her wrists. He rubbed each wrist gently to get the circulation flowing, and once the pins and needs had subsided, he kissed each hand tenderly. Sami curled up in her Master’s arms and fell asleep, feeling very used, and very happy.


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