The Man with Magic Hands Ch. 06

You’re probably thinking the whole massage thing is an easy ride (if you’ll excuse the pun) but it hasn’t all been plain sailing. Massage can be quite strong, even before the sexual antisciences. After a few weeks I was doing 3-4 sessions a day and feeling it! My back ached and I was pretty knackered at the end of the week. And I suffered elsewhere too. Some clients were very demanding… in their own special ways!

Marissa seemed very forthright over the phone.

“I like a firm massage,” she stated, almost barking at me down the line. “Especially my legs.”

“Of course,” I replied, although I was feeling a little war already and we’d only been speaking for a couple of minutes.

“And what about my feet? You do massage the feet, don’t you!” It wasn’t a question.

“Absolutely, top to toe!” I chirped attempting to lighten the tone. I wasn’t getting any happy vibes though.

“Good,” she said sternly. “Seven o’clock Friday then. Don’t be late. I don’t tolerate latenness.”

Well that felt a little omino, I thought, but shrugged it off. I’m a pretty punctual guy so didn’t give it a second thought.

Of course, Friday proved to be the tail end of a long and exhausting week. I finished at Maya’s around 4 so plenty of time to freshen up ready for Marissa’s evening appointment. I showed and towelled down, laying back on the bed, just for a moment…

…waking with a start, I realized I must have nodded off. I peered at the alarm groggily. 18.48. It took a second to register. Bollocks! I thought, as Marissa’s stern instructions crashed into my head. I dragged myself up and throw on some clothes, pulling together my massage case and dashing for the car. It was a good 20-minute drive across town to her apartment but I floored it and rang the bell at 7:10.

It wasn’t much of a welcome.

“You’re late,” she barked as she opened the door.

“Sorry, I, er…” I stuttered, but she cut me off.

“Upstairs. Apartment on theleft,” she ordered as I meekly shuffled past her and ascended. She was a plain woman, a little plump, and very fierce looking. Somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered why she was wearing a long leather coat around her apartment. Seemed an odd choice of leisure wear.

She closed the door firmly. It was a large, open-plan living room / dining with what looked like a couple of bedrooms and a bathroom off to one side. The curtains were closed, and the room was dimly lit with a couple of lamps. In other circumstances it would have been a very warm, inviting place. But with Marissa planted firmly in front of the door I was feeling extremely intimidated.

She stared at me for a moment, eyeing me up and down. “Strip,” she said simply.

I looked at her, but it was clear that objects wouldn’t be tolerated, so I undressed down to my boxes. I looked up enquiringly, but her stare made it very clear that when she said ‘strip’ she means the whole shebang. I dropped my underpantsto the floor. Surprisingly, I realized my pecker had stabilized under her stern gaze.

I caught the fearest hint of a smile at the corner of her mouth as she took in the view. “Now knee,” she said, a little softer this time. It occurred to me that this wasn’t going to be any kind of ordinary massage!

Marissa finally relaxed a little once I was down. “That’s much better,” she said. “I do prefer my men naked on their knees.”

She untied the belt around her coat and it fell open. Beneath it she wore a tight black and red lace basque, sheer stockings and bright red silettos. Even a little overweight, she looked incredible, and my cock shot up. She dropped the coat and stepped forward.

“Start with my feet,” she instructed and I looked down her legs to her toes. There was a small footrest to one side of the sofa. She raised one leg and placed her foot on it. It was clearly my cue to get started so I shuffled over and removed the shoe, cupping the heel in one hand gently and kneeing the upper foot with the other.

“You can kiss them,” she purred. I caressed her toes and she took a deep, satisfying breath. We then repeated the process with her other leg. “Good boy,” she murmured and I could see that she was finally beginning to relax.

Pulling her leg away she stood in front of me looking down. I felt a little pathetic and helpless but my cock was rock hard so I guessed Some parts of me were enjoying the domination.

“I’m ready for my massage now,” she pursued. “But there is the matter of your punishment.”

I did a sort of mental double-take. Sorry? Did she just says…

“I warned you not to be late. I won’t be fully relaxed until you pay for your tardiness.”

I was lost for words. She bent forward, and whispered in my ear. “Bend over the footrest and don’t move.” A little shiver of fear ran through my body.

“I promise you it won’t happen again,” I squeaked meekly.

“No. It won’t. Bend!” She barked, walking across to one of the side rooms.

I had no idea what was about to happen but I suspected she intended to spank me. I briefly thought about grabbing my clothes and making a dash for the door, but my johnson was still rock hard and a small part of me was slightly thrilled by the idea. Marissa wasn’t what I would call “classically attractive” but she made up for it with sheer sass. She knew exactly what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to insist on it. My horny loins got the better of me and I bent forward over the stool and waited.

My bare backside was facing the side room so I couldn’t see her as she emerged and strolled across the room. But I certainly felt her.


Fuck, that hurt! It must have been a cane or stick or something like that. I grunted an “ow!”

“Don’t you mean ‘sorry’?” She said quietly. She waved me again.

“Sorry!” I cried out quickly.

“Try ‘sorry, mistress’, she demanded and hit me a third time.

“Fuck! I mean… Sorry! Mistress!” I cried.

“And what will you not do, ever again?”

“Be late! I won’t be late again! Mistress!” I thought she was going to thrash me again, but it didn’t come.

“Good,” she said, stepping back. “I’m glad we’ve cleared that up.”

My arse stung but I didn’t dare complain, or even make a sound. I just knelt over the stool awaiting further Instructions.

Marissa seemed to have relaxed again and dragged me on to my feet.

“Let’s go into the bedroom. You can undress me and then I want a full body massage with those magic hands I’ve heard all about. If you please me I might let you kiss my feet again.”

She strutted towards the side room as I rubbed my sore bum. Oh well, I thought. It’s all money in the bank.

“Yes Mistress,” I mumbled, following her into the room.


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