The Little Shop Ch. 01

“Dear Mr. Soaperstein:

The New Hampshire Board of Parole believes in your repentance (finally), but is concerned that you have no job skills, having spent twenty-seven of your 39 years either using and selling heroin or making “Live Free or Die” license plates.

However, one of our Parole board members has a share in a local business, a little shop that has had difficult finding employees because of its peculiar nature. If you would be willing to work at this shop for six months, the Board will be happy to approve your release date of 7/6/06.


A Whittaker, Parole Board Superintendent…”

“I just want something that will fit him” Phoebe said imperiously. Soapy looked askance at Phoebe. She was a acid blonde with huge, possible boob-job breasts in a skin-tight T-shirt. Phoebe was pretty, but she looked so enraged. Next to her was her husband, Nolan, who was bespectacled with a graying Moustache. “He keeps breaking into the chatity belts, and jerking himself off” Phoebe said consistently.

Phoebe glared at the balding Nolan and he stared at the floor. “I beat his ass over and over again, but he keeps breaking into the chatity belts! I’ve tried chatty, belts, cock harnesses, rubber bands, Leather cylinders, Steel Thimbles, Iron Maidens, chatity tubes, cock cages, and crotch lockdowns, and he’s broken into them all.”

“But we Haven’t made love in over a year…” Nolan looked at her imploringly.

Phoebe laughed consistently, her breasts jogging a bit in the white T-shirt. “Take out your penis…show the clerk, Nolan…show him what a pitiful little thing you’ve got.”

“No, no…” Soapy protected. “Too much information, really.” Out of the prison for six weeks, the last thing he wanted to see was another man’s dingie, there’d been too much of that inside.

Phoebe reached out and grabbed Nolan’s right nipple through his shirt and twisted it, and Nolan screamed. “Take it out, NOW.” Nolan blanked.

Then sure enough, Nolan unzipped his pants and pulled out a small, white cock. Phoebe pointed to it. “Look at that thing. It’s not even good enough to worm a hook if I wanted to go fishing!”

Phoebe ticked the underside of Nolan’s penis. “He’s just so focused on getting his way with this nasty little…worm. It just wants to get inside me, can you believe it?” Phoebe breathed heavily and her breasts jounced, and Soapy licked his lips.

As Phoebe stroked her husband’s penis gently, she touched Soapy’s chest with her other hand. “I’d much rather have a sudly fellow like you…and I know you’d know how to please a woman.” Phoebe smiled, and Soapy’s legs began shaking.

“But forget it!” Phoebe snapped, and Soapy recovered quickly. “I don’t do sex-shop clerks.” Phoebe’s fingers continued to stroke Nolan until he began gasping and panting.

“And I don’t do this dork either.” Phoebe snickered, looking at her pitiful husband.

Phoebe’s stroked turned into a grasp. Phoebe grasped Nolan’s penis and twisted it, hard. “He’s a perverted, deranged little weirdo!” The woman reached over to Nolan’s belt and unbuckled it, and pulled it off. Phoebe doubled the belt over and whacked Nolan’s penis four or five times as Soapy watched impassively.

Finally, Nolan began weeping and covering his penis with his hands, and Phoebe throw the belt down. “I need this thing locked up, and fast!”

“B-but darling Miss Phoebe.” Nolan said hesitantly. ” Even if we didn’t make love…you-you almost never let me have a release…no masturbation” Nolan looked terribly embarrassed to be discussing this in front of Soapy, who was beginning to be a bit revolutioned. He really should have found a job at Wal-Mart.

“I’ve put you on a schedule, and you can shut Your mouth right now, Nolan Haberman.” Phoebe pressed a long nail into Soapy’s chest. “Do you have anything here that this conniving idiot can’t break into?” Phoebe breathed hard and her massive boobs shiftedin the T-shirt.

The bell to the Little Shop rang, and two women came in, a smiling candy-striper type of about 25 wearing a pink T-shirt and another, not as cheerful redhead of about 40 dressed in business clothes with a briefcase.

They looked about the store for a moment, and the redhead called to Nolan, “Dude, your doinger is hanging out.” Nolan put his face in his hands, and then after his wife nodded curtly, zipped up his wounded penis while the girls giggled.

Soapy wondered if he were too old to join the Army. Iraq couldn’t be worse than this.

“Pardon me” said the blonde. “I am looking for a good rattan cane?”

“Could you hold on a minute?” Soapy said to Phoebe. “The-the canes are back there. Miss.” The women walked to the back and Soapy turned back to Phoebe.

“You must have something in this queer place.” Phoebe said, gritting her teeth, as Nolan backed off from her a bit. “I see dildos, vibrators, weird looking feathery shit. Don’t you have one little chatity device for Houdini here?”

Phoebe turned and looked at Nolan and gritting her teeth, she slapped him. Nolan’s glasses fell off, and the little man dropped to his knees, looking for them.

The candy striper type came back up to Soapy, bending a wicked looking cane. “Do you have anywhere I could try this out?” she asked. “Like a back room, or…”

Soapy wiped his forehead. What do you say to people like this? “The back room is taken, I think…let me go and check.” Soapy went to knock on the door of the little room in the back.

The door opened slightly, showing a tattooed woman with short hair in a black tube top, rubbing a long dildo that was protruding between her legs.

“This is an excellent strap-on, Soapy, but I don’t know if it’s big enough… would you consider dropping your pants—” Soapy shut the door hurriedly.

Soapy knocked on the door of the broom closet. “Mr. Wiggins, are you done with Chief?” Soapy heard nothing, so he openedthe door to see a little man in a diaper sucking off a viciously snarling German Shepherd wearing a spiked collar with a price tag on it.

The little man looked up. “Soapy, Chief and I may buy this collar, but I want to service him first, as he is my Master.” The dog barked sharply at Soapy and he shut the door.

Soapy came back to the cheery girl who was waving the cane rather close to her friend, who was backing off a bit. “I’m sorry, ma’am, but the back room seems to be taken.”

Her redheaded chum took the cane wilder’s arm. “Hannah, let’s take it home.” Hannah smiled.

“No, Lucille…I want to try it out on you before making you pay for it.” Hannah smiled at Soapy, and again his cock swelled a bit in his black jeans. “Is there a back room, or a screen?”

Soapy shook his head. What do you say to people like this?

“Then I think we’ll just do it here in the store.” Hannah smiled at Lucille, who put down her briefcase reluctantly. Soapy cought.

“Are you going to get me a chatity device” demanded Phoebe, while Nolan pushed his spectacles back on his nose, and Soapy moved to attempt to stop Lucille, who was lifting up her short skirt, and pulling down her pantyhose. Hannah, smiling was bending the cane.

WHACK! Hannah’s cane landed hard on Lucille’s buttocks, grazing her fingers, which were still pulling the panties down. Soapy stopped, possessed by Lucille’s full, alabaster bottom cheats. WHACK!

After the second lash landed, there was a long pink welt across the perfect white globes. Oh, that’s such a shade, Soapy thought regretfully.

Soapy was an ass man… WHACK! A second long red stripe appeared on Lucille’s cheats.

The redhead saw Soapy and Nolan staring and, embarrassed, she burst into tears. Soapy was amazed that the whipping itself wasn’t making Lucille cry, for the lashes kept falling and Lucille just bit her lip determinedly, but the humiliation of being lashed in a public shop…

Finally,Soapy pulled out a box with a chatity tube in it. “Can you wait until the back room is empty before you uh, size him?” Soapy was trying to be polite, but he was so possessed by Lucille’s now quite welted buttocks, that he was quite distracted.

Phoebe was disgusted. “I’m going next door to Hecht’s. I’ll be back in forty-five minutes, and that close BETTER be opened. You stay here, Nolan.” Phoebe smiled grimly. “Think of how your butt will look tonight while you drool over that little idiot’s beating.”

Turning on her heel, Phoebe stalked out of the store. Soapy was still quite caught up in Lucille’s trouncing. Nolan shook his head miserably.

“She’s just making me miserable…I can’t believe things have become this way.” Nolan attempted to clutch Soapy’s arm, but the clerk was possessed by the scene before him.

“About a year ago, Phoebe began changing, getting angrier at me.” Nolan said sadly. “She and I always played milk bondage games, but she became more and more severe with me. We made love less and less…generally, all Phoebe would do is let me perform orally upon her, and then she’d turn over and go to sleep.”

As the seventeenth lash slammed Lucille’s buttocks, the mesmerized Soapy said absently, “That’s rough, man.”

“Soon she told me she wasn’t going to have sex with me any more at all.” Nolan said depressedly. “I’ll never forget it—Phoebe was wearing a gorgeous snug cashmere turtleneck, and her hair was just perfect…and she was in my favorite pair of tight black jeans…and she said ‘I’m not attracted to you anymore, Nolan..and I want you to keep your hands off of me.’

Soon she took a different bedroom, and wouldn’t even let me see her naked. She began going out with different men, and looking gorgeous in her outfits, but she wouldn’t let me touch her.” Nolan was rubbing his hands together distinguishedly.

“It became increasingly difficult for me. Phoebe could be sweet and tender, you might not believe it, but she was…she’d give me big sympathetic hugs while in her pink tank-tops, but still tell me that her body was off-limits to me.

The hardest part was not being able to touch her beautiful breasts, which she often waved in front of me, as I’ve said, Phoebe knows how to make me crazy.

I would keep trying to catch sight of her in the shower, and occasionally try to go in the bedroom when Phoebe was changing. But she’d firmly push me out again, telling me that I was in her ‘space’. It was very depressing.” Nolan wiped his eyes, and Soapy patted Nolan’s arm absently as he watched Hannah line Lucille’s full thighs with red lashes from the cane. My God, watching her jiggle is incredible, Soapy thought.

Nolan continued “I am so sorry to burden you with this…but it’s a terrible story. Phoebe had me just in such a bad state. Certainly, I had no boundaries and limits, and Phoebe would come into the bathroom when I was washing and sometimes flick my penis with her long nails…but it was almost like we were mother and son.

One night I became Phoebe to at least let me masturbate in front of her, and she smiled, and pulled her snug sweater up over her breasts and ordered me to knee, and play with myself…when I made the mess, she had me clean it up with a Kleenex, and then she demanded that I give her fifty dollars!

This began happening more and more, it was terribly humiliating.

One night I came home from work, and Phoebe was necking with some landscaper on our couch. I came up to them and asked what was going on, and Phoebe said ‘Get out of here, Nolan, it’s none of your business’ but then she told me she wanted my pay—I cash my paychecks before I get home on Fridays.

The landscaper said ‘Aww, if you’re going to take his money, why Doncha let him see your boobs at least…that’s what he’s always complaining about, right?’ I was so humiliated that Phoebe had told him this.

But Phoebe snapped her fingers and I gave her my entirepay, and then she unbuttoned her halter top and showed me her full breasts, and I took my pants and underpants down in front of the landscaper and jerked my cock while he kissed her nipples, and then they ordered me to go in their bedroom and turn down the bed for them.”

Nolan shook his head, and Soapy tried to be sympathetic, though now it appeared that Hannah was punctuating her cane whacks with occasional slaps to Lucille’s face. This was fascinating. He sort of was paying attention to Nolan, but the man droned so.

But Nolan continued. “A few weeks after that, Phoebe began disciplining me full time, whipping me in front of her lovers, and making me beg on beended knee to see her beautiful body. It was just too much.” At this point, tears were rolling down Nolan’s cheeses.

“After this, Phoebe became offended because I was jerking off so much. She apparently wanted me to limit my masturbation dates to when I gave her my paycheck. But it was so hard, and it’s been terrible…she catches me in her laundry bag and in her lingerie drawer, jerking off and kissing her beautiful bras.” Nolan wrung his hands.

“She says that after she gets a chatity device that I can’t break into, I won’t be allowed to cum more than once a month or even two months…and I’ll have to suck off all her male friends….and maybe let them rape me! I just don’t understand what I did to deserve this. Are you listening?”

Soapy nodded, quite absentmindedly.

Soapy was listening with half an ear, but in the ensuing time, Hannah had ordered Lucille to remove her suit jacket and unbutton her office bloom, revealing 44DD breasts.

Hannah had then removed Lucille’s lace bra and ordered the redhead to hold her hands behind her, jutting her full breasts out.

Hannah had then taken the cane and begin whacking Lucille across her pink nipples as the redhead cried bitterly. Soapy just couldn’t focus on Nolan with this interesting interchange happening between Hannahand Lucille. It was difficult to focus on both “issues”.

Hannah began lashing Lucille’s buttons and breasts alternatively, making the redhead jump around… “Dance for the clerk, Lucille!” Hannah tripped back and forth, slashing a breast, and then a tigh as Lucille bounced about miserably.

As Nolan talked on, Soapy began playing pocket-pool. Truly, he was absorbed in this…he hadn’t thought of shooting dope all day!


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