Thanks to Mr. Brown, I was able to diversify my portfolio; moved my money into various accounts, like a checking and savings. Mr. Brown was generous to refer me to a, Phil Brewster, a financial analyst, to even diversify my accounts further into investing it high tech companies, commodities and so on to get more returns on your investment. I have to be frank, I don’t have all my money here; I have invested in restaurants, real estate, and yada yada. The list goes on and on; hence the reason why I don’t need money. But it is wise to do what you can with what you have achieved in your lifetime (with a chuckle).
Another day and another meeting with someone. Ah life is grand… I came early as usual to scan the personnel if anyone requires my special skills. Again, this place is like the bank, Everyone is running around with their heads cut off, screaming into their headsets or on their phones. You would think the stock market crashed or something; hmm, yeah, those were bad timesbut a lot of people needed my help back then if I remember correctly.
I scan the room and pretty much everyone is in high stress mode; no one is in any pain at the moment; I walk around the room and try my best not to bump into or touch anyone. I make my way to Phil’s office with some general help from the public, pointing the way. As I walk up to his door, I scan the room once more to see if there is anyone out there in the bullpen that needs my gifts, with no luck, I opened up the door and walk in.
I am met with the P.A.(Personal Administrator) to Mr. Brewster, she motions me to the chair across from her desk. I sit down and we begin to chat. She introduces herself at PA Victoria Carter, and in so I, introduce myself as well.
“Ah, I see your here to see Mr. Brewster, you are very early today Mr., ah sorry, Dr. Lewdenski”, she says.
“By all means, call me Dr. B, most people do”, Dr. B suggested.
Well “Dr. B, it’s nice to meet your acquaintance; ah, just want to give you a heads up, Mr. Brewster isn’t himself today (with a whisper).. he is in a lot of pain today”, she explains.
“Pain, what do you mean by pain”, Dr. B whispers back.
“I wish I could do something for him, he is a good boss and treats me well”, she explains…
“It sounds to me that you like him very much, Ms. Carter”, Dr. B whispers back…
Ms. Carter is taken aback by that statement… a moment passes and the defenses of her heart breaks down a smidge… “Yes, I do have feelings for him but he hasn’t pick up on any of the cues/signals I have been sending. It seems like he is oblivious or something. I don’t know what to do Dr. B”, she stammers…
Silence falls and we both hear, Mr. Brewster move around in his office. Time is short, Dr. B looks up and sees Mr. Brewster walking/limping a bit towards the PA’s desk. He stops short and waves me back, guess the back is really hurting him today. I look to Victoria, and I pat her desk and whisper,”perhaps things will change today” with a grin; he gets up and walks away from her desk…
Mr. Brewster escorts me to his office and closes the door. He motions me to the chair in front of his desk and to sit down. He hobbles to his chair and plops down into it hard. With a sight of relief, he begins by introducing himself and goes through the motions, looking through my file from Mr. Brown. “I see, your here to diversify even further by allocating more funds into high tech firms, commodities, and etc., are you interested in short term or long term gains, Dr. Lewdenski?”
“Call me Dr. B, everyone does; and yes, I am looking for long term gains (with a smile)”, Dr. B reflects.
“That’s great and all, but you can make a killing in short term if you play your cards well…but you are the boss”, Mr. Brewster suggests.
He goes on by asking Dr. B, “how risky are you?”
Dr. B grinins for a moment, and then says, “I am ok for risk, I know how the game is played to make money!”.
“Ok, I suggest you do both to balance your portfolio, short term: focusing on T-Bills and commodities, while the long term: stocks that pay dividends over time. I would invest in high tech firms, as well as clean energy companies. How does that sound?” Mr. Brewster suggested.
Dr. B pollers for a bit, smiles and say, “Sounds marvelous; sign me up”.
Mr. Brewster starts typing on his computer, flipping through screens, and sends something to the printer… “Ok, you have to sign here, here, and there”, placing X’s where I need to sign to get this moving. He hands me a very stylish pen to sign, and our fingers touches slightly as I grab for the pen.
A jolt of warmth is sent through his finger and courses through his body and focus itself on the pain within; for a brief second or two, the pain is instantly taken away… Dr. B grabs the pen and begins signing his name where the X’s are. Mr. Brewster is in awe and taken aback of what just happened. He inquiresabout it with Dr. B; “what was that?” he asks Dr. B.
“What was what? (with a grin)” Dr. B gives back.
“I feel this intense warmth when you grabbed for the pen, and just for an instant, all my pain was gone. What was that?”, Mr. Brewster asks.
“Ah, that healing sensing that you just felt; it’s what I do… what I specialize in…”, Dr. B replies. Mr. Brewster leans back and ponders for a moment, and say, “You can make a lot of money by just touching people with your gift/skills Doctor”.
Dr. B replies, “yes, of course I can; but where do you think all my money comes from? I don’t need money Mr. Brewster, as you can see from my accounts…”
“If you don’t need money, then how can I get Some of your healing touch?”, Mr. Brewster refuges.
“That is a good question to ask, Phil. May I call you Phil?”, Dr. B replies and with a nod from Mr. Brewster; Dr. B continues with, “I require a different compensation: it’s an act, of will per se; what are you willingto do; to feel no pain ever again, Phil?”.
“I would do anything; I have been seeing a mass therapist and chiropractor for years and this DDD (Degenerated Disc Disc Disease) is killing me. I am so flustered sometimes and I want to be rid of the constant aggravation to my low back. What do I have to do?” Phil leans forward and looks Dr. B in the eyes. Dr. B leans back and smiles.
As Dr. B pollers on it; he is tapping his fingertips together… an idea begins to form in his mind. He sits up in his chair and begins to speak: “I will help you, Phil and you might help yourself down the line…” Dr. B trails off but with a whisper that only he can hear say, “perhaps it will aid you, only if you can figure it out yourself”.
Dr. B stands up and walks around the desk; Phil begins to stand up but Dr. B motions him to keep sitting. He knows that he is in a lot of pain at the moment. Dr. B begins to speak: “I have a lot explain, can I place my hand on your shoulder, Phil?”…
Phil nods and when Dr. B’s hand touches his shoulder… a golden sensing passes through him from the point of origin throughout his entire body. It’s like this sensing is looking for the pain and once it finds it, it eradicates it… leaving the person feeling like: white as rain… As the pain dissipates, Phil begins to sit up straighter and feeling great.
Dr. B begins to speak to Mr. Brewster, alliterating once more: “I don’t work for money, I work from a different perspective, more of a Lewd Hollistic. I can make this pain go away for a day and perhaps you can figure out how to keep it away on your own. For this to work, you must say 5 little words; once they have been spoken, time will cease and the healing/pact begins. But if you break the pact, the pain that your feeling will come back to you twice as strong. You said that you’re willing to do anything to rid of this pain…right?” as Dr. B lifts his hand from his shoulder.
Phil takes a moment as the “HealingRain” slowly dissipates from his body and he looks at Dr. B and says: ‘yes, I am willing to do anything’.
Dr. B smiles and turns to the door and opens it… he turns back to Phil and tells him what he has to do…
He tells Phil, that his P.A. Ms. Carter likes him very much and wants to help him if she could. He also explains that she has been sending signals to him in hopes of forming a relationship with him. Phil is astounded with the news but those thoughts have never crossed his mind. Victoria, I mean Ms. Carter, is a very striking, young woman but I never thought that she would be attracted to me.
“While sitting across from your desk, a Lewd Perspective thought occurred to me. I like to see Ms. Carter happy today (with a smile). I will take away your pain if you can give Ms. Carter an orgasm but you can’t use your dick; you have to use your mouth. Are you still interested, Phil?”, Dr. B suggested.
And with a smile, Phil says “YES” enthusiastically.
“Remember, once you speak the 5 little words, the pact is formed and the healing begins; again if you break the pact, your pain will get a lot worse.”
“Are you ready?” Dr. B looks at Phil… and with a nod “yes” it’s about to begin.
“Repeat these words back to me, wait for it. My Word is My Bond!”, Dr. B says.
“My Word is My Bond!”, Phil refuges…
Dr. B places his hand on Phil’s shoulder once more, the healing sensing spreads out and swallows up the pain and making him feel awesome; once that happens, a bubble begins to grow around them…
A clock forms within Dr. B’s mind, he tells Phil that he has 15 mins to give Ms. Carter an orgasm using only his lips; once she reaches the big O, his pain will be gone for 24 hrs. He also informs Phil, that he will add an Addendum to this pact. If you can figure it out, then you won’t have this pain any longer.
He looks at the invisible clock and moves the big hand 15 mins ahead; then begins to speak in a languagethat Phil has never heard before; just above Phil’s head, in regards to the pact made and the addendum to it. Once it’s spoken, the pact is sealed and disappears.
Dr. B lifts his hand off Phil’s shoulder and talks to him:
“The pact is made & sealed; you have 15 mins to give Ms. Carter a Big O, using only your mouth… I will increase this bubble to include the whole office; the office will be frozen in time, giving you 15 mins to accomplish your task. I want you to walk towards her in a civil manner, ok. Your 15 mins will start when you say her name. Got it?”.
Phil nods and begins to walk towards Victoria’s desk straighter and more energetic. Dr. B sits down in Phil’s chair, wheels himself to the door to watch and whispers “Go get her, Tiger!”.
Dr. B watches Phil approach Victoria’s desk, speaks to her in a civil manner and says her name. Dr. B looks at his watch and so it begins…
Phil sits on her desk, and apologizes to her that he didn’t pick up on her signals/cues. He then tells her that he never thought that she would have feelings for him. She grabs his hands and feels the energy course through him. She picks up that he is different in some fashion but doesn’t share. She then tells him that for the longest time, she feel that he is truly an amazing guy, who helps the little people make balanced portfolio’s for their retirement. He is shocked by this and leans in to give her a kiss and then it begins.
The kiss is a bit chastise at first but grows into something unique; heat and arousal begin to form within both participants. She is in awe and can’t believe this is finally happening. He keeps the pace on her, plunging his tongue into her mouth; increasing the heat, sending heat within her core. He begins to fondle her breasts, playing with the buds underneath her bra. He moves further down and begins to hike up her skirt and reach underneath to rub her nexus point with his two fingers. He can feel that her pussy is getting warmed up cause his fingers are beginning to get moist from the rubbing. She reaches out to him, stroking his cock through his pants and starts to unzip him… He breaks contact and she is shocked by this. She tells him that she wants him in her mouth but he shakes his head, “not today”.
He lowers himself down onto his knees, pulls on her legs, so she sits on the edge of the chair to get closer to her nexus point, her pussy. He licks his lips and leans forward; he begins to lick her pussy through the nylons over her silk panties. He can taste her essence and his constant attention, builds heat between her legs. The taste of her is incredible and he wants more; he loses self control and tears her nylons covering her panty and then slides that to the side so he has direct access to her core. He starts by licking her outer lips, up one and down the other and then in-between.
She moves her legs wider so he can have more access. The pressure from his tongue is soft; buildingher up step by step. Flicking his tongue between her inner lips then to her clip. He moves around the clip in a circle fashion then more flicking until he feels her pushing against his tongue. He feels her need; he can feel her hands griping his hair and directing his mouth on where to focus. The grip alone tells him that she wants this ever so badly. He increases the pressure and keeps flicking when she eases off of him but adds Pressure when she leans into him. Moans escape from her lips, as she rocks her pussy up and down on his lips.
The pressure begins to build and he can feel it. She is close to breaking… He concentrates on giving more flicks and pressure when she needs it and here it comes…. Nails dig into his scalp, her moan is much louder, and then she cries out his name; as an incredible orgasm, crashes against his lips and just when she thought it was over, another tidal wave hits with another Big O, where she moans ‘FUCK’.
As the waves come crashing, Phil laps up all the wetness and cum from her orgasms. He pulls away, with a smile on his lips… leans forward and kisses Victoria on the lips. She taste herself on his lips and is totally shocked by what has translated; she has had orgasms in the past but nothing like what she received today. These were much more powerful and the effect has left her floating on Cloud 9 and she doesn’t want to go back to work.
Phil then stands up and looks in the direction of Dr. B, who then looks at his clock, noticing that Phil still has 4 minutes remaining, then give Phil a thumbs up. Phil then turns around and walks back to his office. Phil is standing tall, knowing that his pain is gone for 24 hrs. Once he reaches his office, he shakes Dr. B’s hand and thanks him.
Dr. B grabs a tissue from the tissue box and tells Phil, “you have a… cum on your cheese there”, as he points with a tissue. Phil uses his finger to wipe up the cum on his right cheese then inserts it into his mouth. He then grabs the tissue from Dr. B, wipes up the excess moisture around his lips and says thanks.
Phil begins to speak: “Before you go, I want to say thanks. Thanks for this feeling for one, and two, letting me know about Victoria’s thoughts, I really appreciate it”.
Dr. B is taken aback by this news but then says: “So it’s Victoria now, and not Ms. Carter; wow, Things have changed in what, (looking at his clock) 11 mins and change”, he grins.
They both chuckle and Phil returns to his desk and the bubble surrounding them begins to shrink around them. He then grabs the signed copies and information Dr. B, that he will give him a copy of them and process them in a timely manner. Dr. B thanks Phil for his time and this business transaction and hope that in time they will meet again.
Before leaving Phil’s office, Dr. B hands him his business card. Of course, Phil asks, “Why is it blank?”
Dr. B contacts with: ‘It’s because you have no pain; keep it with you, if the pain returns (then points to the card). Call Me! “
Dr. B hopes that Phil will figure out the added addendum of the pact. “If the pain doesn’t come back then perhaps give it to someone you know, who is in severe pain and is willing to do anything to get rid of it”. And with that he says his goodbyes.
Dr. B leaves Phil’s office and approaches Ms. Carter’s desk to see how she is doing. As he is walking, the phone rings in Phil’s office and he picks it up. Apparently, a client has been calling for the past 15 minutes to get his thoughts on a potential investment but couldn’t get through or leave a message. Phil apologizes and then give him his opinion. Dr. B is impressed with his decision and continues on his way.
It seems that Ms. Carter, got her composure back from cumming twice. She Looks tired a bit but very cheerful indeed. She asks Dr. B a question: “What did you say to him? And he seemed like a totally different man; I feel this energy course through him; I never feel anyhing like it.”
Dr. B looks at her and says, “I didn’t say much to him. What transpired was his own doing. And as for this energy you speak of, I have no idea what your referring to”. with a wink and a grin.
Dr. B is happy for her but shocked to meet someone that can feel his energy through his pact patients. She must be very in-tuned and/or empathetic as I am. Interesting…
Dr. B then says, “Perhaps your in the wrong field Ms. Carter.”
But she replies, “I like my job and what I do for Mr. Brewster”.
Dr. B seeks: “Well if you ever change your mind, let me know…”
With that said, Dr. B says his goodbye and is about to leave but is stopped, when Ms. Carter says, “I don’t know what happened in that office, but… thanks for your help Dr. B; I won’t forget this day and hope this feeling never ends.”
Dr. B turns around and smiles at her then shares one last thing, “I will call back in a month or two to check on my investment & to see how are things with you; take care Ms. Carter.” And with that he turns around and walks out of the office and back into the busy bullpen. A smile crosses his lips, and a thought crosses his mind. Today was another eventful day. I wonder how it will play out in a month or two. I wish Mr. Brewster lucky…
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