Dancing prisms cover the kitchen walls where the sun’s rays strike the crystal studs on my leanh as it sits in the windowsill. My hand goes instinctively to my throat to seek out the reassuring presence of the matching collar around my neck. I’ve done my chores; perhaps Master won’t be too upset if I clip lean to collar and chain myself to a chair…or perhaps greet Him at the door with the handle between my teeth.
I love the control it symbolizes. When He puts it on me, I go where He goes, sit when He tells me, and speak when spoken to. I trust Him to give me the commands that will please Him and help me grow, and to correct or punishment me when I’m deficient or disobedient. He will grow me into what He needs and wants, and somehow, along the way, I become more authentically myself. How odd.
Finally I hear the car in the driveway, and check that my hair and lipstick are in order. Fortunately, they are, so I knee, knees spread in the entry to the kitchen; close enough that He’ll see me in a moment, but far enough that if He’s brought a guest, I can retreat and dress if so instructed. He does not yell to ask if I am “decent,” so I’m to remain still and nude.
He enters and puts down His lunch bag, then gears for me to follow Him to the living room as He grabs the leash from the windowsill; my heart leaps. I move to knee by His chair, but He pulls me into His lap and wraps the lean around my wrists behind my back as He inspects me. “Very nice, pet,” he pronounces, and I smile softly.
Master pinches my nipple suddenly, brutally hard, and I gasp. “You finished the list, pet, including paying the bills, changing the bedding, and prepping tomorrow night’s dinner?” He twists the nipple another turn with each item on His list.
“Yes, Master, of course,” I reply as my eyes began to water from the pain. He’ll stop when He’s ready.
“God, I love seeing You hurt for me,” He growls as He drops my nipple, which throbs as the blood returns to it. “We’re going out tonight, pet. Grab Your coat. Nothing else.” He unwinds the leash from around my wrists, and allows me to go to the closet and collect my coat. He holds it open for me, buttons it and secures the belt, then clips the leash to my collar before heading to the garage. Ever the gentleman, He opens the door and hands me the seat belt to fasten. When I’m done, He cuffs my wrists together and gags me, turning my coat collar up to make my capacity less obvious to other drivers. He cares my face, as I look up at Him, then slaps each chef just enough to pink it, then shuts and locks my door before entering His. “Oh, it’s going to be a good night, kitten. A very good night.”
I don’t know where we’re going. Nothing is familiar once we leave our neighborhood. He hums and Weaves deftly in and out of traffic. Except for the twinkle in His eye and bulge in His pants, I would think He’s forgetten about me.
We arrive at a large brick home. A blind justice status decorates the lawn, and I can see someone’s fastened a gag around its head, too. Master smokes a cigarette before opening my door, and walks me to the enclosed entryway. There, He produces a key, unlocks the cuffs long enough to remove my coat, and refastens them. When He returns the key to His pocket, He produces a black scarf, whose soft sheen is the last thing I will see for several hours. I hear a slight jingling, and feel my nipples clamped. His hands cares my flanks, and He turns me to the wall, pushing me forward. I catch my balance on it with my forears before the paddle’s first blow strikes my ass. “I can’t deliver You here without decorating You first, now can I, pet?” His breath is hot, His voice low in my ear, and I whimper in reply. Another dozen blows follow, each singing more than the last. His hand finally travels between my thighs, to see if the spanking has had its usual effect, which it of course has. I know He’s tasting my juices in the silence that follows. “Andit ate right, too…delicious, pet. Mmmmm…”
The doorbell sounds, and I hear the door creak as it opens, and feel the rush of warm air from inside. “Good evening, Mr. Brown, lovely to see You.” It’s a woman’s voice, smooth and honeyed; as we enter, I hear a rustle of fabric that tells me she is not nude, and I feel exposed and helpless. Master guides me down a flight of steps, cool beneath my bare feet. At the foot of the stairs, I find soft carpet. I am led forward, then pulled down by the leash, so I knee as I know He expects.
“You weren’t kidding, Russell,” continues the honeyed female voice, “she’s perfect.” Another set of hands cups my breasts. “May I?”
There’s no audible answer, but the chain between my nipples is suddenly yanked, and I jump and squeal around the gag. Master pulls the lean back at the same time, so I am forced to sit erect, exposing my breasts and belly to the new player. “Let’s move her to the table, Russ…I need to sample her before Dmitricomes back.”
I recognize Master’s touch as He pulls me to my feet, and follow the direction of the lean’s pull. Soon, my hips meet a hard surface, and Master pulls my head down, so I’m bent over the table. He pushes my feet apart with His boots, and places a strong hand on the back of my neck. Other hands, soft, cool, and dry, begin to rub my ass cheeks. “I’m glad You got her started before You got here, Russ…very nice touch. We may need more, though.” I hear the familiar whoosh of a cane being branded, and feel my nipples harden in mingled fear and desire. Master’s holding my head down, so I know the strokes won’t be His.
There’s no build-up, just wickedly sharp lines of pain, one after the next across my ass and tights. I feel my tears soaking into the blindfold. Soft hands then spread my cheeks and labia. “Oh, so very wet, Russell!”
She works her dainty hand into a fist inside me, and rotates it at the wrist. The mingled pain and pleasure are almost too muchalready, but I am able to hold my orgasm. She slowly withdraws her hand; almost immediately, I feel her fingers enter my ass. Just as suddenly, I am empty, trembling on the table.
“Hello, Dmitri, good to see You.”
“You as well, Russell. You’ve been well?”
“Not too bad, thanks. You?”
“Oh, yes, quite well. Let’s see what we have Here. Let it up, will You, Russell?”
Master’s hand leaves my neck, and I am pulled to a standing position. My nipples are throbbing now, in counterpoint to the singing of my ass and legs. My leash is pulled in a circle, and so, therefore, am I. “Oh, you do have her well leash-trained, don’t you, Russell? Let’s put her through her paces. Blindfolded and cuffed, no less.”
Master chuckles. “Have at it, Dmitri. I think you’ll be pleased.”
“Let’s start you at a crawl, girl.” He pulls the leash so I’ve no choice but to get on all fours, and he walks me in a straight line. The cuffs make even that hard to follow. “There’s a path, girl, marked by red tape. You can’t see it, but each time you leave it, Miss Sara here has permission to whip you. Understand?”
I nod, my heart trying to pound its way out of my ribcage. I am suddenly jerked to the right, and feel the whip crack over my back.
“Like that.” The sadism drops from Dmitri’s voice like blood as he laughs. Why was Master allowing this? I followed the lean through two more turns before the whip landed again. Peals of laughter filled the room each time.
“Russell, I do believe she’s learned to feel the tape as she crawls. Let’s try this walking instead.” Four more blows later, my blindfold was sodden, my face wet with tears and saliva. Finally I was made to stand still a moment, and pulled down by the nipple chain and Leash at the same time. Large hands fumbled at my gag and removed it.
“Quite a mess, isn’t she, Russ? A beautiful mess, though. Let’s try her mouth.” Fingers close my nose so that I must open my mouth to breathe; a hand,I’m assuming Sara’s hand, pries my jaws open wider. Finally, I feel a hot, thick cock against my lips; my tongue darts out to meet it.
“Look at Little Miss Curious!” The cock is withdrawn, and my face slapped; then the nose pinched again. This time, there is no pretense, no play. He shives his hard cock into my open mouth, past the teeth and soft palate, driving to the back of my mouth. He Leaves it there, pressing my airways closed, and finally lets go of my nostrils, leaving me to gasp around him. He slowly works his shake in and out of my mouth, dragging against my sealed, wet lips. He picks up steam, beginning to grunt in pleasure, and I’m sure He’ll fill me…until He stops.
“Not yet, little slut.”
Nearby moans tell me that Master is using this Sara who whipped me earlier. I imagine His dick buried in her, and wonder what she looks like, feels like, tastes like…then my tights meet the table again, and I am turned roughly around, and pushed backwards onto it. Dmitri grabs one of my legs, then the other, and binds my feet so that my legs are spread wider than my shoulders. “Nice…” he hisses, grabs the chain, and pulls it from my nipples. My screams echo from the walls.
“Shut her up, will you, Russ?” A moment later, and my curiosity about Sara’s flavor is satisfied as Master fills my mouth with His still wet cock. She’s tangy and sweet, like an exotic Thai dish. As He thrusts, I suckle Him like a nursery kitten. Then Dmitri’s cock fills my pussy, and I know I’ll not be able to hold out long…nor will I be able to ask to cum with Master fucking my face. The sound of shutters clicking from one side and then the other tells me Sara’s new job tonight. I wonder what she sees. Filled at both ends, I begin to lose track of anything but sensing, sensings of pain and pleasure building as my consciousness is stripped away.
“Sara, mark her tits. She’s striped everywhere else. Mark her tits while we fuck her.”
With that, Master shoots down my throat; as He cums, I feel sting after sting as Sara strikes me with something small and sharp.
“Oh, yeah, that’s it…” The pounding in my pussy continues, and then stops suddenly.
“Not yet,” He pants, “not yet.”
My feet are unbound, and I am flipped over, face down, legs bound to the table legs, leaving me again wide open, juices dripping down my thighs; I can feel rivulets reaching my knees. Someone – Master? Dmitri? – pulls my hair back, lifting my head, and my face meets Sara’s wet cunt. “I hear You like pussy, girl…make my woman cum, and we’ll feed You tonight. If You don’t, it’s straight into the cage, leaned sitting up.”
“Cold, Dmitri,” comments Master. He knows she will cum, and soon.
With that, Dmtri pulls my striped cheeses apart, his touch burning against the welts, plugs once into my dripping snatch, and then all the way into my ass. I cry out against Sara’s pussy as He holds my head against her wetness. As He begins working His cock in and out of my tight little hole, I find and suck at Sara’s clip, drawing it into my mouth and nipping at it lightly with each thrust of Dmitri’s rod into my ass. My moans reverberate against her pussy, and soon, her cries meet mine.
“Dmitri, please…I have to!” Her voice is no longer mellifluous, but raspy with need.
“Do it!”
A flood of warm juices Explodes against my face as I continue to work her clip and labia. Soon, Dmitri’s cum shots into me as well, and I have had all my body can take.
“Master, please…” I feel His thumb slide into my cunt as He thrums my clip with his fingers, and I am lost, spasming, screaming, squirting, until I can do nothing but tremble on the table.
More clicks of the shutter, then a soft towel wiping down my thighs and ass. Master rolls me over, and continues to wipe the fluids from my face, my breasts, my cunt. I shiver as He towels me clean, until He picks me up and sits back down, cradling me in His arms. “Good girl, pet. Good, good girl. Open.” Dmitri and Sara’s voices are a quiet murmur in the background for me.
I open my mouth, and he presses a glass to it, letting me sip a sweet wine before He wipes my chin again. “Again, pet.” This time, he places a strawberry on my tongue, and strokes my wet hair from my face as I eat it. “Bring me the coat, Sara.”
I feel fabric laid over me. Soon, Master grabs my wrists, and finally unlocks the cuffs. “You’ll have to wear a long-sleeved shirt tomorrow night, pet.”
I nod weakly in reply, finally, He removes the blindfold, and I blink, adjusting to the lights. He’s right about the long-sleeved shirt; my wrists are already briising. He kisses each of my eyes, and I see there’s a plate of hors-d’oeuvres in front of us. “May I, please, Master?”
“Yes, pet.”
I take two cubes of meat, lean turkey, because I know He prefers it, and feed one to Him, and eat the other myself. Across the room, Sara is similarly in Dmitri’s lap, butHer flesh is unmarked. A pile of gold taffeta lies on the ground near them in the chair. She’s short and blonde, with perky breasts tipped with pink nipples; her public shaft says it’s natural. Her long legs are played over the arm of the chair, and Dmitri strokes them idly as they sit together. He’s as dark and thick as she is slight and fair…I am surprised, looking at Him now, that I was able to house such a huge organ.
We continue sharing fruit, sips of wine, and meat for quite a while, Master’s voice bringing me slowly back into reality. When he sees that I’m back, His attention turns to our hosts.
“Dmitri, Sara, it’s been a pleasure. We’ll have to do this again sometimes.” He rises, and He and Dmitri shake hands.
“Sara, see our guests out.” Sara disappears, moving sinuously to the next room, and returns with Master’s coat and keys, which she hands Him.
“Thank you for letting us use Your pet, Russ. She really is a treasure.” Master leans over to kiss my forehead.
“Yes, she is. And so were you.” I feel a slight pang of jealousy as he strokes her cheek and kisses her, but fight it back down quickly. Fucking? No problem – I don’t mind seeing Master with another woman. Real affection? He’s mine! But He’s not. I’m His, and I’d best never forget it.
Master holds my coat open for me, and rebuttons and ties the belt. The coat’s fabric, which feel smooth at the start of the evening, now irritates my stripes. I like it; I like the reminder of tonight. Master says our farewells. I am not expected to speak; or rather, I am expected not to speak.
In the car, Master does not cuff or blindfold me this time. Instead, before He starts the car, He hands me a wand, which He’s plugged into the cigarette lighter. “I expect You to cum twice more before we get home, pet.”
I spread my legs, place the wand’s head, and turn it up to high. As the buzzing fills the car, He speaks. “Whose are you, pet?”
“I am Yours, Master, to have, toenjoy, to fuck, to hurt, to mark, to keep, to use, to share.”
He smiles. “What did you like most, pet?”
“Master…master, may I?” He nods, and I cum, leaving a small puddle on the inside of my coat.
“Tsk, tsk. You’ll have to send that out to be cleaned, won’t you, pet?” I nod.
“Master, I liked being bound and led…I liked feeling, not seeing. I liked the danger of having my breath cut off to make me part my lips.”
“Interesting, pet. You know I’ll remember that.”
I ask for permission to cum again, and receive it. Master looks pleased.
“What did You like most, Master? Was she delicious?”
“No, pet, not like you. But her cunt was as tight and slick as a second skin. What I liked best, pet, was seeing you submit completely. Every time you submitted to Him or to her, I know you were really submitting to me. Trusting me to keep you safe. Giving me the experience I wanted. And that, my dear, is why you are, and always will be, my pet.”
Master walked me in that night by my leash. He led me upstairs with it still on my collar.
“You’ll take this off when you shower tomorrow. Until then, I want you to wear tonight’s scents; I want you to wake to them and know that if I ask this again; if I ask more; if I never ask again; you’ll do as I say.
“Now lie across the head of the bed.”
I did, and He put His head on my belly, and slept there, my leash still in His hand. He’s right. My body, soul, and mind are His. My fate and future pleasures lie in His hands, and I simply could not be any more content than I am this moment.
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