The Landlord's Daughter Ch. 01

This story is in BDSM because it is about male domination and female submission. If you like women sexually serving men this might be for you, but please look at the tags. Enjoy!


When Clyde bought his drink he was the only person at the bar and the guy serving him looked miserable.

“What’s up Mark?”

“Oh, trade’s really bad Clyde. Since the economy went tits up I get hardly anybody in here. I am behind with the rent and the management company are threatening to terminate my lease.”

“Well yeah, things are tough, but not every business is in trouble. You have got to have something special to pull people in.”

“You’re right, but I just haven’t got any ideas left. I had to stop the live entertainment because I can’t afford it any more.”

“You’ve never eaten at my place have you Mark?”

“Jeez Clyde. You are so expensive and yet you always seem to be busy. I just wish I could afford to come to Glorious and find out how you do it.”

Look, I like to come in here for a drink and a bit of quiet company. The meal’s on me. Come on round next time you are not working. You’ll be well fed, but it could just do a little more for you than that.”

Mark was intrigued, but he couldn’t get anything more out of Clyde. After a couple more drinks Clyde left and there was a trickle of customers until closing time. A poor night, but Mark felt a bit happier and it wasn’t only that he was going to get a free meal. Clyde oozed money and success. There had to be something in this mysterious offer. The restaurant was only in the next street and Mark walked past it on his way home instead of taking his usual route.

It was midnight and the last few diners were leaving. They were all smiling happily, giving cheery goodbyes to the staff and chatting enhusiastically as they went to their cars. It was a scene you could see at any restaurant except that there were more men than women among the clients and they seemed so much more animated than most people after a good meal.

It was five days before Mark could get away from work at the right time for an evening meal. He rang Clyde and said that he would like to take up his offer. Clyde said that he was fully booked, but as Mark was a single dinner and he knew he didn’t get too many chances to get away from the bar he would bring out an extra small table.

Mark expressed his gratitude and dressed his smartest. When he arrived he was greeted at the door by a beautiful teen-aged waitress who showed him to a tiny table in the corner of the throbbing restaurant.

“You are an honoured guest Sir. I have instructions to tell the owner as soon as you arrive. Mr Watkins will be with you shortly.”

Handing Mark the menu she said ” my name is Carole and I will be Your waitress for this evening. I will be pleased to meet your every wish.”

This last comment was delivered with Carole looking straight into his eyes and her lovely cleavage prominent as she leaned towards him.

Mark settled into his seat and started looking at the menu. He tried to ignore the distracting movement in his groin. Before he had looked at many of the tempting dishes on offer Clyde was beside him.

“Delighted that you could join us Mark. I won’t disturb you now. Just make your selection from our menu and when you have finished your starter tell Carole to show you Through to my office. We will have a little chat before your main course. Until then I would like to suggest that you look around you carefully and watch what is happening. Bon appetit!”

With that Clyde was gone. Mark found it hard to concentrate on the menu. All this was so mysterious. He looked around him and couldn’t see anything special except the large number of male diners as he had observed previously. There were two tables of six men each and that was unusual. If it had been any normal restaurant Mark would have taken them to be business men, but there was something aboutthe atmosphere in here that told him their purpose was pleasure rather than work.

After Carole had returned twice Mark finally put in his order. As he took his first sip of wine and picked up an olive there was a sudden murmur about the room. The diners were looking restless and one man made his way rather quickly towards the rest room. Not long afterwards Mark’s garlic prawns were served and he tucked into his delicious starter.

The moment the man returned from the gentles there was a scraping of chairs. Two or three men moved as if to get up, but just one man left. The pattern continued. Each time one man came back into the restaurant another apparently needed to relieve himself immediately and there always seemed to be only one person going at a time.

Almost as soon as he had put down his cutlery from finishing the starter Carole was back at the table side. Smiling beautifully she said.

“Will you please be kind enough to accompany me to Mr Watkins’ office Sir?”

Mark took another sip of wine before standing up and following Carole’s pretty ass and very long legs to the back of the restaurant. As they passed the WC’s a smiling man emerged. He went to hold the door open for Mark before realising that he a Carole were going somewhere else. Mark thanked him and the guy very obviously winked and broadened his smile.

Carole tapped on the door and showed Mark into her boss’s office before turning away to return to waiting on table.

“Well Mark. What do you think so far?”

” Your food is excellent. My compliments to the chef and your staff are really top quality. I couldn’t have been made to feel more welcome. And it certainly works. You’re pick full.”

“Yes we do well. Most of my staff are working their way through college. Learning some valuable life lessons at the same time as they study their books. Clyde grinned. So you haven’t noticed anything special about my place? Apart from the food and waitresses of course.”

Well I don’t know what it is, but there is something going on. There is a strange feeling of anticipation in the room and guys are following each other into the john all the time. It’s as if you only have one urinal or something and they have to grab their turn.”

Clyde laughed. “You’re close man. They are certainly trying to get their turn.” He swivelled on his chair and pointed a remote control at the screen on the wall. When it flashed into life there was a naked girl on her knees sucking a dick at a glory hole.

“Hmm. Very nice.” Said Mark, “but you didn’t call me in to show me some porn did you?”

“It’s live footage mate. Straight from the cubicle across the corridor and the lady there is one of my waitresses.”

Mark looked more closely.

“No kidding.” At that moment There were some drawn out grunts from the screen. The girl was swallowing as a cum load filled her mouth. She carefully sucked and licked the prick clean and thanked its owner effectively. He left and within a few seconds the door clanged again and she was asking the new occupation if she could suck him off. Sure enough another cock came through the hole and she had it in her mouth right away.

“That’s seven loads she swallowed in half an hour and it will be eight in a minute. There could be fifteen men’s cum in her belly by the time her hour is up. She’s got good technique. Brings them off quick leaving plenty of happy clients. That’s the way I like it.”

Mark was gleamed to the screen. Speechless.

After a few moments of silence Clyde went on.

“Now you know why this is such a successful business. Play it right and your bar could do just as well as us. Now I will let you get back to your meal, but before you go. Take a look at the WC’s sign When you get back to your table. When the apostrophe is lit up there is a girl at the glory hole in cubicle three. Carole is due to do an hour in there later this evening.”

“Fucking hell.” Was all that Mark could say. Clyde showed him out of the office.

Once Mark was comfortablely seated again he looked up at the sign and registered the small apostrophe illuminated with a red light. Carole was at his side very soon.

“Are you ready for your main course Sir! And may I get you anything else?

“I’d like to wait for a few minutes and may I have a jug of water please?”

“Of course Sir. Right away”

Not only was he surprisedly thirsty, Mark did not want to worry this evening. He slowly sipped at his water and wine, all the time observing the succession of men visiting the lavatory. Carole visited three times to see if he was ready for his meal. Each time he decided. Although she was entirely compliant and polite it was obvious that she was getting concerned about the delay. The last thing on Mark’s mind was whether his food might spoil. Carole finally came and said.

“I must leave in a few minutes Sir. I am required for other duties.”

“Oh. OK. Yes I will have mymain course now if you have time.”

“Of course Sir.”

Carole hurried away and as she did so the apostrophe light went out. She returned in seconds and after serving him she gave a curtsey.

“Please excuse me Sir. Your replacement waitress will introduce herself shortly.”

Mark started to eat. The food was excellent, but he was really paying it very little attention. The restaurant was quieter now and there was no movement to and from the lavatories. A few minutes later he looked up to the figure approaching his table. The lovely young woman in neighbor waitress uniform was the same naked girl he had seen on her knees swallowing cum only a short while ago.

“Good evening Sir. I am Susan and I am replacing Carole. Is everything satisfaction with your meal?”

Mark snapped out of his collections.

“Oh yes. Yes, the food is excellent.”

She smiled sweetly. “I am here to provide anything you need Sir. Would you like anything else to drink?”

Mark could not get what she had been drinking out of his mind and then the apostrophe lit up again. Not a second passed before he was on his feet and heading for the door. No time to say a word.

The moment those soft warm lips closed around his dick Mark visualised Carole’s lovely eyes looking up at him and that delicious cleavage. She worked her tongue expertly and sucked so that he knew he could not last long in This paradise. He longed to be able to grab her head and thrust deep into her throat. As if she had read his mind Carole pressed her face firmly against the thin partition where Mark was tight against the other side. Just as his cockhead fully entered her throat he groaned and let go a huge jet of jism straight down inside her. Carole eased back a little and sucked the softening prick while the rest of his load discharged into her mouth.

Mark knew that Carole was naked on the other side of that wall. He really wanted to hug her and relish the gorgeous body he saw in hismind. He was going to do things a little differently in his bar, but Clyde was a genius. This was going to be his salvation. He arrived back at his table to find that Susan had removed his plate to keep the food warm. By the time he had got into his seat and raised his glass to his lips she returned it.

“Thank You Susan. That was thoughtful.”

“My pleasure Sir. Please be sure to let me Know if there is anything at all that I can do for you.”

In this establishment that offer means so much more than it would anywhere else. The pretty girl standing beside him had a belly full of cum and she knew that he had just fucked her colleague’s mouth. This was a place like no other. Unable to resist, and without really thinking about it at all, Mark put his hand under her short skirt and feel Her cunt. That there were no knickers was unsurprising. Instead of a bush of curly hair he found perfectly smooth, damping flesh and soft, pump lips. Rather than leaping back, screaming or showing any sign of shock Susan spread her legs to allow easier access.

Mark eased three fingers into the sweet, young cunt. Susan moved towards him a little and spread her legs wider allowing further entry. Juices trickled into his palm and Mark took his hand away. He sucked his fingers.

“Thank you Susan.”

“No, it is for me to thank YOU Sir. Thank you for allowing me to assist you in enjoying the Glorious experience.”

“You have certainly done that Susan and I hope you will help me a lot more in the future.”

“I look forward to it Sir.”

Mark finished his meal with his head full of thoughts. From Susan’s juicy cunt to Carole’s expert mouth and then back to the future of his bar. Clyde really knew how to do business. He had barely been aware of his food. When Susan came to clear his plate and ask for his dessert order Mark could only think of leaving to get on with his plans.

“No Susan. Thank you, but I need to leave now.”

“If you must Sir. I look forward to seeing you again very soon. Mr Watkins has instructed me to ensure that you have everything you want this evening. Please don’t leave if there is anything more I can do for you. Mr Watkins would not like you t ogo without being fully satisfied.”

“I don’t think I have felt so satisfied in years Susan, but you could come back to my place if you like.”

“Of course Sir. I will just get permission to leave.”

“No, no. It was a joke. I’m sorry.”

“Really Sir. Mr Watkins would want me to please you. You are welcome to have me.”

“Oh boy Susan. You really are amazing. I am going to have to take up that offer sometimes, ,but it just can’t be today.”

Mark reached for his wallet. Susan put her hand on his.

“No Sir, please. I have orders. I must not take any money from you.”

Mark looked at her. There was no arguing. He kissed her gently on the chef, bad her goodnight and left.


When Mark got home brimming with ideas and eager to start work on re-launching the bar he found his wife in tears.

“Oh no Rose. Stop that. I am going to get us out of the financial mess. It is a certainty. You don’t have to worry.”

“No Mark. It’s not money.” She sobbed. “Hetty has been arrested.”

“What! What the hell for? The stupid little bitch. And where is she?”

“The police just rang me. They said it was indecency in a public place. They’ve already charged her. She will be bailed and we can collect her now.”

“Indecency? What the fuck has the stupid cow done?”

“I don’t know Mark. They wouldn’t tell me. They said she would have to tell us herself.”

Thankful that he had only drunk a little more than one glass of wine Mark got the car out and drove to the police station. The desk sergeant grinned as he went through the bail papers. Hetty was led out by a custody officer who was giggling.

“Here you are Daddy. I think your little girl has already had her supper.”

There was laughinger throughout the police station as they walked out of the door.

“Jesus fucking christ. What have you done to humiliate me like that? Those guys all know me.”

“Well…I…Errh…I. It’s your fault. I’ve got no money. How am I supposed to…oh shit.”

“Look, never mind any bullshit now. What did you do?”

They climbed into the car and Hetty tearfully explained that she had been taking a lot of crap from her mates because she couldn’t join in with them on any nights out. She never had any money. They had expected her to have a party for her eighteenth and there was nothing. She had been to plenty of their parties and she was owing. Tonight Pete and Joe were having a joint twentytieth birthday party.

The plan was to go the supermarket and all chip into a kitty for booze and snacks. Hetty tried to excuse herself because she couldn’t contribute, but they said she already owed them and anyway her boyfriend needed her there. The guys talked among themselves and thenHer boyfriend came to her. They had a quick discussion and agreed she would do a line-up for six guys. That would clear her debt and be taken as her share of tonight’s kitty. They all went to the corner of the car park, put down a flattened cardboard box for her to knee on and she got started on the BJ’s. With the fourth guy’s dick in her mouth three security men came running over. They told everybody else to go away and kept her until the police came. At first she denied doing anything, but they took her to the office and showed her everything on CCTV. They had let her keep going for a while. They said it was to be sure with the evidence.

Mark was devastated. He was angry with her, but ashamed as well. When they got home the discussion was subdued. The police told Hetty that if she pleased guilty she would probably get away with a £300 fine or some community service. She might even hope to keep it out of the newspapers. It was a small town. If she was out picking up rubbish inan orange jacket she would be known as the community cock sucker for ever more.

Hetty went tearfully to bed.

“I can’t believe our daughter would do such a thing. I realized… you know… that boyfriends and everything, but six men…in a car park…in her mouth.” She shuddered.

Mark started to remember his earlier evening and all the promise it held.

“I can’t remember the last time I had my prick in your mouth. It mus be years.”

“It was your birthday fifteen months ago. You didn’t tell me you were about to finish and it went all over my face.”

“It should have gone down your throat. You pulled away. Things are going to change in this house. Go to the bedroom and get your clothes off. I’m going to have your ass tonight.”

In twenty years together Rose had never agreed to anal sex. Mark had suggested it a few times and tried her with a finger once or twice. Each time she had distracted him with a BJ or guided him into her pussy.

Rose was confused. She didn’t know what to think. Mark never forced her. She didn’t know if he meant he was going to spank her. He had a few times and she quite liked it if she was in the mood, which she certainly wasn’t at the moment. But why would he do that. It was Hetty in trouble not her. But what if he did mean anal sex. No, after twenty years she was not ready to do that. Even so she took off her clothes and sat naked on the bed.

Mark poured himself a large whisky, took a couple of long swigs and collected a tub of lubricant from a kitchen cupboard. When he entered the bedroom, any doubts that Rose may have had disappeared. She knew his intent. He put down what he was carrying, stripped off his clothes and kissed her roughly.

He told Rose to turn on her stomach and she did so without comment. A slippery finger thrust hard into her ass. Rose gasped and wriggled. It was worked in and out a few times before a second finger stretched her. It hurt. Rose compromised and Mark’s large hand was pressed onto the back of her neck as he removed his fingers to replace them with the head of his cock.

Rose was almost swooning with discomfort, distaste, anticipation and excitement. For a moment she thought she was in a dream and then she realized that this was real and she was actually wanting her husbands prick in her asshole. He had slicked his shake to ease the way and moments later the cock head popped past her sphincter. She groaned and compromised, pushing back onto the new sensing which hurt, but she seemed to need more of. When he was half way in and not going to slip out Rose felt familiar fingers on her clip. She pursued with pleasure while Mark worked her cliporis and built up a rhythm taking his dick fully into her ass. He was fucking her now just as hard as he would her cunt. Pushing four fingers into her sopping pussy and then stroking her nub was driving Rose crazy while her bowels were being churned as never before. She was swamped by surges and surges of overwhelming climax. Having drained his cock earlier Mark didn’t cum. His cock stayed ramrod stiff in his exhausted wife’s ass.

“From now on you do as I say. Understand?”

Face in the bedding and the strong hand still on the back of her neck, Rose was skewered.

“Yes” Was her muffled reply.

“Everything I say?”


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