My wife Barbara and I had been married for some time now and I’ve been interested in bondage since I was in college. I introduced bondage to her before we were married, not wanting to shock her after we’d tied the knot, so to speak. She told me that she likes it when I spank her erotically, but not much else.
She’s pretty good when she’s in the mood to try to dominate me, but those moods are rare, and she’s never really gotten into it as much or as deeply as I’d like. I enjoy and need to be on the receiving end from her, but she just can’t really get into it when she is doing something like tying me up. After all these years, she still does not really take control, nor does she have any true desire to do so. To be honest, it’s a little frustrating.
Several months before my birthday, my wife asked me, “What would you really like for your birthday?”
I thought for a second and said, half as a joke, “I’d love a really good bondage experience.” With that, I went back towhat I was doing and didn’t think about it anymore.
My birthday came and we were going to meet a couple we know, Matt and Sue, out somewhere for dinner. I heard Barbara call from the basement, “Honey, I need your help with something down here!”
I had just gotten out of the shower and was about to get dressed when she’d made that call, in which her voice sounded like it was urgent. I called down to her. “OK, love — what is it? I only have my shorts on!”
She answered, “I don’t care! This’ll only take a moment, so come right now, please!” Not wanting to start a problem or cause an issue, I headed to the basement.
When I got there, I was shocked to see that Barbara was dressed in a matching black bra and panties set, with a black garter belt to hold up her sheer black stockings. Also, she had the sexiest pair of black high heels with ankle straws I’d ever seen. What a vision! I’d never seen her look so sexy in all the years we’d been married!
On a small table that we have in the basement sat her large black briefcase that she used for work. Since I couldn’t take my eyes off her, I really didn’t notice it at first. She said rather forcefully, “Don’t says a word until I gave you permission!”
She moved to her briefcase and opened it. Reaching in, she pulled out a set of handcuffs and did a mesmerizing walk across the room to where I was standing. Grasping one of my hands, she closed a cuff around it. Before I knew what she was doing, she’d backed me up to the metal post that braces up the living room floor. Stepping behind it, she grabbed my other hand and cuffed my wrists together behind the metal pole. It felt cool against my bare back, and I found myself helpless — made so by my suddenly dominant-acting wife. I was thrilled with this birthday surprise!
My wife then informed me, “Tonight, honey, you’re going to receive a very special gift. It’s one I’ve been working on for several months.” Again she went to the case and this time brought out my pair of police leg irons. Both of the toys she was using from our collection of toys, so I knew that there’d be no escape without her using their keys!
She squatted down and attached one end to my right ankle and looped the chain around the pole one time, before she got ready to secure the other cuff. She closed the second leg iron on my other ankle. This left just a little slack in the chain, keeping my feet quite close to the pole. I found the sight of her with her legs spread wide and the small strip of black nylon running through her crotch very exciting as she was stopped down to restrain me.
Next, she brought out a blindfold (a sleep mask) and placed it over my eyes. I thought, “Wow, this is really getting good! She’s planned this well!”
Satisfied, she told me, “I’ll now get another part of your birthday present, and I’m going to place it on you. Don’t fight this at all because you’re not going anywhere!” Suddenly, she was pulling somethingg over my head. It took me a moment to figure out what it was — she was pulling a leather discipline helmet onto my head. As the bottom of it covered where my eyes would be, she also slipped off the sleep mask. I barely got a glimpse of light, since she was working so smoothly.
This hood was quite a surprise, since it was a brand new toy she’d gotten just for this occasion. Barbara pulled my head forward and started to lace the back part of it tight. Then with its attached collar placed at the level of my neck, she locked it on with a pad lock. The helmet had a nose hole and the mouth was open. I later found out that a gag could be attached at the mouth, if necessary.
“Well, how’s your birthday so far?” she asked.
My voice sounded strange to my ears as I replied, “This is the most exciting thing we’ve ever done, love!”
She giggled. “Honey, you haven’t seen anything yet!” In one way, I didn’t like the sound of that, but to tell you the truth I was loving every moment!
I was shocked as I felt the waistband of my shorts being cut off of me, leaving me naked! When the clothes scraps were pulled off of me, she informed me, “I still have things to get ready upstairs. I think we’ll probably have some company tonight. You be a good boy and I’ll be back later. I’ll make our excuses to Matt and Sue, saying you were unexpectedly called away for something, and we’d love to reschedule.”
I asked, “So we’re not seeing our friends Matt and Sue tonight?”
She laughed and said, “Sue will be here later, I’m sure. Oh and one more little thing, dear. The company visiting me tonight will include members of my new ‘Key Club’ which I decided to start on a whim. So you’d better not make any noise down here, or you’ll just be calling attention to your prediction.”
Confused, I had no idea what she was talking about. She’d not said anything to me about joining any new clubs.
“Now, I want you to hold really still for a moment, dear!” she admonished me. I felt her hand take hold of my… ummm… arousal… and she started to put something around its very base! It seemed to be going around the base of my ball sack and also the base of my cock! It took an effort for me to hold still, but since I had no idea what she was doing, I didn’t want to move and perhaps got injured — especially down there!
Whatever it was, it started to close and finally completed a circle. It seemed snug and as far as I could tell, it wouldn’t come off easily. I heard her say with a smile in her voice, “We don’t want anything to fall off now, do we?” She moved the object a little and I heard a muffled ‘click’ as whatever it was seemed to be locked in place! I could feel the extra weight swaying down there. I had no idea what she had on me, but the idea that she was taking control and paying such attention to my manhood was actually turning me on!
I didn’t know it at that moment, but I soon learned that the little toy she had thought wouldbe fun to use on me was called an ‘electrician’s safety lock out’ device. I’d never seen one before, but electricians use them to ‘tag’ an electric device in a way that prevents it from being activated before all its various lines are rendered safe. Its metal jaws can lock a circuit breaker box closed, and various workers can attach small padlocks on it — usually up to six — so that until they all remove their padlocks, the box cannot be opened and activated.
Each person can then work their circuit in complete safety, and remove only their padlock to signal that they are done and satisfied. When all the locks have been removed, the work is done. Of course, as I stood there restrained against the metal pole, I had no idea what was dangling from my cock and balls, nor did I know that Barbara had applied her own small padlock to it. The one time during our play a few weeks ago, she’d wrapped small string around the base of my balls and cock. I didn’t have a clue that she was measuring me to make certain this size device would fit. Perhaps some handyman at a hardware store had helped adjust it to her specifications.
As she headed upstairs, I thought, “This must be a joke! She’d never show me off to other people in this state! She’s just making my birthday memorable, by playing with my mind like this.” Time started to pass slowly for me. My body may have warmed the metal I was pressed against because I wasn’t actually chilled. I was just getting a little bored, standing there naked. But then I heard the doorbell! And in moments I could hear muffled sounds from upstairs as someone apparently chatted with Barbara. I also heard what I thought to be another pair of high heels on the floor just over my head!
I could hear the doorbell ring again, and more movement and chatting sounds from upstairs. This went on for about thirty minutes, and I was guessing these must be members of Barbara’s new club, as she’d said. To be honest, I was scanning, trying tohear, and generally getting worried about what my wife might really be planning! The stereo was going, and I could hear loud laughter and talking that could only be coming from a group of women!
Suddenly, the stereo went quiet and I could hear the unmistakable sound of high heels coming down the wooden steps of the basement. Was Barbara coming back? But wait! Was that the sound of several women coming down? I was stuck, helpless, unable to do anything or prevent anything! My heart was racing, and I broke out in a cold sweat.
If I thought that maybe they wouldn’t notice me, I was very wrong! They all started to hoot and holler when they saw me! Barbara spoke, loudly and clearly enough so even in the mask I’d understand her. “As you can see, my husband finds a lot of enjoyment with bondage. He’s expressed to me many times how he wants to have a dominant woman in his life. I’ve tried to satisfy this need of his, but its not truly in my nature to be completely competent and comfortable with it.”
They all seemed to start talking at once when she paused, saying how they loved this display, and how lucky she was, because they’d love to have their very own little slave like this.
Barbara then asked, “Did you five bring the item I asked you to bring?”
That was followed with another round of hots and hollers from many more than five voices, but definitely in the Affirmative. As Barbara wasckoned, one woman at a time came forward and placed their private little padlock on the ‘lock out’ dangling from me. I later found out that pictures were taken with each woman next to my nude, chained body. This was so each of them would have a hold over me to ensure my cooperation.
Barbara unlocked one of the handscuffs, and then locked them again behind my back, but this time without my arms behind the metal pole. She unlocked one leg iron, unwrapped its chain from the pole, and locked it back again on my ankle. Legs chained, handcuffed and naked,I was brought upstairs.
The party continued for several more hours and I found myself to be the center of attention. Even though I was standing, sitting, or kneeling in darkness from the hood, I had a great time to say the least. I’m not sure if my wife noticed everything, or perhaps even encouraged it, but some of the ladies certainly took some liberties with my body, to my thrilled amazement.
When the party was over, and it came time to remove the locks, the contacts became even more overt, because by then I was a very aroused, excited, turgid victim. The ladies used my situation to grab a firm hold of that part of me on the pretense of getting me out of the way so they could get at their lock to undo it!
That was about six months ago. To this day, I still don’t know all the women who were at that party — from the voices, certainly more than five. And I do get some knowing looks from women strangers when I’m at the grocery store, filling my car at the gas station,and so on. I probably blush each time. But due to that party, I now have five dominant women in my life! Six, counting my wife, who has at least embedded certain aspects of dominance. My wife will have me strip naked and then place the device on me and lock it. She’ll then tell me that one of the members of the ‘Key Club’ needs some kind of help at their place such as boxes moved from the basement to the attic or Some other chore. When she locks her padlock on me, she inevitably reminds me, “Honey, you’re the slave to all the members of the club, and you must do whatever they demand.”
The first time she told me this, I swallowed with some difficulty, and chased out, “I have to do anything they demand?”
She looked me right in the eyes and said very clearly, “Anything they demand. And when you’re inside their house, I expect you to immediately strip naked, and stay that way until you’re told to leave.”
“D… d… does that include… s… s… sexual demands?” I stuttered. I expected her to say something like ‘of course not’ or ‘don’t be foolish, silly’ — words like that.
Instead, still looking right into my eyes so I’d know she was serious, she replied, “Think about it, honey. They are your Dommes and you are their slave. Of course if they demand something sexual, you will fulfill it to the best of your ability.”
The first woman to call upon My services was Miss Betty. I arrived at her house, and upon being invited in, took off all my clothes. I think she was amused to see my semi-erect cock and ball sack on display again. The metal jaws of the ‘electrician’s safety lock out’ were again clamped around the base of my ball sack and cock. This had the effect of pushing my ball sack a little forward, making it more prominent. Those jaws also around the base of my cock allowed blood to flow into it, but restricted the blood from easily leaving, giving me that partial erection.
Miss Betty knelt down and pressed my manhood a little sideways to attach her padlock to my device, placing me in her service. Her book shelves were in disarray, so she told me, “I want you to straighten up all my books alphabetically by author’s name.” That took a bit of planning on my part, taking the books off the shelves to sort them into general stacks by the first letter of the author’s last name. Then I could sort each smaller stack fully alphabetically and restore it to the shelves.
Working like this was a little disconcerting, because Miss Betty sat and watched me closely the entire time. This made me very aware of being nude in her home, but I gradually became thrilled that I had to obey this woman. She certainly had the commanding presence that I’d wanted in my life.
When I was finished, I asked very politely, “Will there be anything else, Miss?”
She Shook her head and beckoned to me, holding up the key to her padlock. I walked over to let her unlock me, and she grasped my manhood to push it sideways to better access her lock. But then she paused. “Oh wait, there is one other thing, slave,” she stated. Sitting back in her chair, she pulled up the hem of her dress, and I saw she wasn’t wearing any panties. “Lick me, slave boy. I want to see if you can make me cum.”
Gulping, I feel my knees start to shake. I’d not done anything with any other women since I’d gotten married. I didn’t believe for a minute that this was just a spur of the moment afterthought of Miss Betty’s. She’d planned this. I felt rather queasy and a little dizzy, because my breathing was too shallow, since I was worrying. I feared that if I did this, I’d be breaking my marriage vows, and would have to suffer the consequences.
But my wife had given me explicit permission — no, it was stronger than that. She’d given me a direct command to service these women if they required it. So, trying to think like a slave, and therefore lacking any choice in the matter, I knelt down between her legs and got started licking. I enjoy giving my wife cunnilingus, and although Miss Betty tasted a little different, as my fears abated, and my innate lust took over, I soon enjoyed her too. And when she grabbed my hair and came on my face and in my mouth, I knew she’d also enjoyed it. As she removed her padlock to send me home she planted a little kiss on my cock.
When I got home, my wife asked, “So, what did Betty have you do for her?”
I promptly answered, “She had me organized all the books on her shelves alphabetically, by the author’s name.” And as my wife looked at me to see if I had more to say, I mentally gritted my teeth, expecting an explosion, and added, “She also had me go down on her and lick her to orgasm. And after she came, she gave my cock a little kiss as she unlocked her lock.”
But my wife didn’t look mad at all. She nodded and said, “I’m glad you answered truly and completely, like a good slave boy. Betty already called me, told me everything, and gave you a glowing report.”
She competed me closer, and, unlocking her padlock, freed my cock and balls from the device, ending my current slave role. Since at that moment I again became a ‘free agent’ so to speak, I asked, “Honey, you really aren’t mad or jealous that another woman used me like that?”
Barbara answered with a question, “Do you still love me?”
I truly answered, “I asked you to give me a real good bondage experience, and you truly amazing me at providing something I’d never dreamed about experiencing. You’ve made me a virtual slave to not only you, but a group of other women as well. I love you more than ever for doing that, Barbara!” I kissed her deeply, took her to our bedroom, lovingly undressed her and physically and emotionally proved to her how much I loved her!
Afterward, as she shivered in delicious post-orgasmic aftershocks, she stated, “How could I be mad or jealous when you’re only doing what you’re told, and you still love me, and I get to reap the benefits of yOur new experiences like this?” She had a point.
So now the pattern was established. Almost daily, one of the women would call my wife to have her ‘slave’ sent over. When I arrive, the woman adds her lock to the device and I’m hers until the job is done. They usually have a legitimate job for me to do, like do the dishes, or clean the toilets, or mow the lawn — the latter of which, since I was outside, I was allowed to do clothesed. Then, before they unlock their lock, I may have to perform some sex act with them or perhaps if they’re in a mood to punish me, they might spank me, or whack my ass with a ruler as I bend over their knees. But mostly they do seem thrilled to have a sex slave. Many want me to eat their pussy. One wanted me to jack off onto her bare foot and then lick my semen off her foot while she fingered herself. And I’d never even masturbated in front of Barbara… but a slave has to obey, so I did it. Another Domme wanted me to place my dick in her mouth and not move at all while she sucked my cock and fondled my balls.
Several of the ladies have switched to combination locks. I think this is to further humiliate me because that means they must knee down and get very close to me to manipulate the combination to open the lock, which can prolong the contact, since they can dial the combination wrong a few times. Their proximity and warm breath always gets me very excited. My cock strains and bobs around, while my balls shift and squirm. They seem to find all this to be amusing. When they laugh at my equipment doing that, the humiliation increases my arousal, and my cock starts streaming precum. Sometimes they lick that, and sometimes they wipe some off with their finger and feed it to me. Of course, they expect their slave to thank them for that.
Exclusively, the ‘key club’ ladies meet at least once a month and it’s become their night out. During the meeting, I’m forced to act as their service and serve them in anyway that’s required.Don’t get me wrong, this usually means serving drinks, taking coats and stuff like that. And yes, as they arrive they all use their locks to ensure prompt service, with a lot of ‘accidental’ touching as they do it. They also compare notes, which helps them invent and share small tasks for me to do, wanting to see me curry around naked at their commands. The discussion also gives them ideas of new things to try in their homes When I visit. They also invent supposed infections that I’ve committed so they can discuss me, like making me stand in a corner, or fetch a paddle, or a butt plug. My wife observes all this, and is getting a better feel for being a Domme.
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