She awoke with a start, not knowing exactly what brought her out of a restful sleep. Slowly she sat up, eyes blinking, trying to focus in the darkness. She tilted her head, straining to hear anything out of the ordinary.
In the quiet of the night she heard nothing, shaking her head slightly she laid back down, sinking into the warm cooperation of the comforter.
Laying in the darkness her mind drifted back to the Activities of the day before, mentally ticking off what she had completed and what still needed to be done at work.
Angain, drifting off to slumber, her breathing slow and even as she fell deeper into sleep. The man standing just out of sight in her bedroom, waiting.
He was a tall man, dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and ruggedly handsome. She…long, flowing burnished gold tempers reaching to the small of her back, Naturally wavy, large, dark eyes that changed colors with her moods, trim but still volunteer.
He had been watching her for sometimes, making note of her daily routine, where she worked, who she associated with, etc. Some days ago he had finally decided what he needed to do and had started planning for this night. The night in which he would make her his own, the night in which she would be his forever.
Stealthily moving to the edge of her bed, he reached a large hand, clamping it tightly over her mouth, his other hand pulling her hands together over head. As he did this, she came out of her sleep with a violent start, struggling against him, a scream catching in her throat.
Bending forward, leaning close to her, he whispered, his voice gruff, “be still and no harm will come to you, lil one”.
Her eyes were wide, tears already gathering, her body trembling, slowly she nodded her head in understanding. He lifted his hand from her mouth but not before whispering another warning to her not to scream or make any sound.
Still holding her hands, he fumbled in his pocket, withdrawing a length of nylon rope, carefully securing her hands together. Once this was done, he helped her to sit up slightly in her bed, turning the bedside lamp on, the dim light casting shadows against her silent nude body. She tried to slide back down under the comforter, trying to hide her nakedness from him, a deep blush covering her delicious features.
Seeing what she was attempting to do, he throw off the bed coverings, his voice firm as he spoke to her, reprimanding her, “don’t ever hide your nakedness from me lil one, ever.”
His hand firmly gripping her chin as he spoke, tilting her head up to him as he asked “do you hear me slut?”
Gasping with indignant shock hearing him calling her a slut, she opened up her mouth, preparing to tell him exactly what she thought of him, but one look into those piercing eyes stopped the words on her tongue. Thinking better of rising his ire, she lowered her eyes, clamping her lips together, nodding her head.
His grip tightened on her chin, forcing herto look up to him, “hmmm, one more rule, I like to be answered verbally, not with a shake or a nod of the head, I don’t like to see bouncing heads on good slaves like you, pet.”
Her eyes narrowed, this time she could not stop the words from spewing forth, “how dare you come into MY bedroom, bind my hands, call me a slut and then have the audacity to tell ME that YOU do not like to see slave’s heads bobbing”.
He smiled to her, she clamped her mouth shut again, just now realizing what she had said…what he had said…her mind whirling with the word “slave”…
Surely she thought, “this can’t be happening, this has to be a dream…slavery isn’t legal…why would he want a slave…and why me of all people…”
Her mind kept asking why, why, why?
She looked up to him, her voice steady but just a little unsure, “you said you did not like to see slaves heads bobbing…just exactly what did you mean by that…”
Angain he smiled to her, his teeth pearly white against his deep bronzed skin, “just what I said slave…I don’t like to see good slaves heads bobbing.”
She opened her mouth to speak; shutting it again as her mind turned in turmoil, “What does he mean,” her mind kept asking.
And she opened her mouth, the words coming in a halting formation, her mind whirling. “I don’t understand, what do you mean by slave and why do you call me that”, her voice getting softer, more timing with each word, a deep fear gripping her heart as she waited for him to explain.
Sighing softly, he sat on the edge of the bed, a large, softly called hand gliding over her velvety smooth skin, fingers playing over her chest, gently cupping one firm breast as he smiled to her. His thumb slowly circled the now rigid nipple, smiling as he hears her intake of breath, noting the way her body is responding to him, just as he knew she would.
Talking in a soothing voice, slowly caresing her as he feels her body start to relax, talking to her in the same fashionone would speak to child; low-muted tones, gentle touches.
He began, “I’ve been watching you for sometimes, I know your routines, what you like, what you dislike. I’ve never come across one that is so much a natural without even herself knowing what lies in her heart, but you will soon come to find what you have been searching for…longing for.”
Looking up to him, her expression is that of confusion, her mind churning, trying to comprehend and find the hidden message in what he has told her. She opens her mouth several times to speak, closing it each time as she searches for words, trying to fathom what he is talking about.
Finally, gathering her thoughts to a small degree, she looks into those eyes again, finding herself mesmerized by the depth she sees within the piercing blue orbs, her voice soft, “I don’t understand…a natural? An natural what? How do you know what is in my heart, what I year for?”
He smiles that same smile, a smile that is starting to irritate her…that smile…a knowing smile. Her mind talking to her, “but what does he know that even I don’t know?”
Again, he speaks in muted tones, “lil one, there is so much inside you that longs to be free, you know inside what you year for, but don’t know what it is because you have not yet experienced it. I am here to take you, take you as my own, take you as my slave.”
As he is speaking, she is slowly backing away from him, her eyes taking on a fearful gaze as she tries to pull away from him, pull her eyes from his, trying to break the spell he is slowly weaving around her. Her mind fighting to free itself, yet one part struggle to forge ahead, fighting to be acknowledged.
Shaking her head, she tries to clear the fog that she is slowing entering, her voice barely above a whisper, “I don’t understand, please…why me? I don’t even know you, yet you are doing this to me? Why?”
Tiring of her questions, he gently lays a finger over her lips, hushing her. Again his voice is soft, “all you need to know is that I will take care of you, take care of you, take care of you as my prized possession and as long as you are obedient and do as you are told, I will not harm you. If you do not, you will learn very quickly not to cross me, not because of the fear of what I may do to you, but because you will find it in yourself that you want above nothing else to please me. Do you understand, lil one?”
Slowly she nods her head, her mind losing the battle against him, that tiny part of her coming to the surface to take over.
Smiling to her as he sees her relaxing little by little, he glides his hand down over supplier curves, his palm coming to rest on her mound.
Looking up to her, he states matter of factly, “this will definitely need to go”, his fingers gently pulling at the soft public hair covering her mound.
His fingertips lightly caresing the outside lips, testing her limits. He smiles as he feels her hip barely undulate under his care, knowing that she is fighting to keep still under his touch.
Angain he looks up to her, his voice almost mocking, “your body knows what you want, slut.”
Hearing this she clenches her tights tightly together, bringing her knees up so that her most private region is withheld from him, her eyes taking on an obstinate fire.
Chuckling, he continues to look at her, shaking his head slightly, “you are a diamond in the rough, slut, and I am just the one to give you that poison you need.”
She clenches tighter, moving her knees up more as she stars back at him, the bellygerence in her eye unmistakable.
He arches one eyebrow, his eyes narrowing as he stars her down. She continues to meet his gaze, though slowly her resolve to test him is crumbling. Her mind screaming to fight him.
Bringing forth more courage, she continues to star at him, arching her own eyebrow at him, trying to mirror his fierce expression. This game of cat and mouse continues for a few minutes as he letsher try to win the battle, his fingertips slowly wiggling down into the apex of her thighs, slowly caresing the folds, his eyes held to hers.
Growing tired of the game, he scoots down a bit, his other hand moving in one long, slow cares down the length of one sculpted leg. His two hands meeting where they slide up to her knees, forced pushing them wide. Chuckling softly as he hears her sharp intake of breath and Feeling her muscles tense and struggle to keep her thighs clinched tightly together.
His gaze is pulled away from her eyes as he looks at her, the petals of her sex opening, revealing a glistening pink center, the wetness betraying her to him. He looks up to her, chuckling.
She fights against his hold, a deep flush covering her face and neck. He holds her tights wide, slowly easy her knees up as he exams What he will be possessing in a short time. His eyes fairly glowing with her perfect features. Her clip slowly protruding from its protective hoodas her desires increase. Her breath shallow as she again lost in the depth of his eyes.
Sliding his finger down into her wetness, slowly circling her engaged clips, he smiles to her, feeling her hips slowly bucking against his hand. Her eyes taking on a dark midnight blue as her desires increase, eyeselids half closed as she loses herself to the sensings.
He chuckles softly, “I like your response slut, but this is only the beginning of what is to come.”
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