The Journalists Ch. 02

The next morning I awoke with the alarm and awaited my Goddess’s orders. My hard on in its cage felt wonderful. Goddess Erica requested a through massage and demanded the proper prayer. I extolled her virtues as I massed her magnificent body head to toe. Though a new experience for me it seemed as natural and familiar as breathing.

A short time later Goddess allowed me to shower with her. She supervised my first self-shaving of my body. I understand the necessity of being hairless, only the dominant partner was permitted body hair. It felt odd but again, completely natural. At last it was time for me to dress my Goddess. Her taste in clothes was immaculate. I helped her don a green linen dress under which she wore lacy black underthings and black thigh high stockings. That task completed, Goddess Erica gave me a brief pair of trunks and sandals and we left the hotel room to dine in the restaurant off the main lobby. I tried to ignore the stars as I sat on the floor at thefeet of my Goddess. When she needed tending to I rose and saw to it. Once she had finished eating she ordered a meal for me and watched as I ate. She lovingly stroked my hair. Her touch was like electricity.

Back in the hotel room I watched as she boxed up my possessions and tagged them with a mailing label for my Participant Magazine mail drop. I carefully packed her suitcase checked every inch of the hotel room for lost articles and straightened out the room even though the maids would do the very same thing in a short while.

“It is good practice slave.” Was her instruction to me. It made perfect sense, just like Goddess Erica’s every utterance.

Toting her suitcase we left for the front desk where my Goddess checked out. The valet dropped off her car. He smiled at me as he handed my Goddess her keys. I feel sorry for the valet. He did not have a Goddess to worship.

“Once you have learned you place you will permitted to drive. For public events I will dress you in a very sexy chauffeur’s attire. It will however be easily removable. There will be occasions where you drive me to the door and later that same night your caged worthless nakedness will be up on stage responding to the orders of Goddesses like myself.”

As we pulled away she said,”Not EVERY woman is a Goddess but EVERY female is superior to you. Even a Brownie Scout is worth two dozen of you. You will defer to women and girls ALWAYS unless they are trying to usurp my authority over you. You will be chivalrous, gallant and solicitous at ALL times. Failure to obey proper protocol earns you either a thorough spanking, a week of sucking cocks of TRUE men and or a long time in chatity. Chastity is your friend. It keeps you focused on the job at hand, namely tending to and pleasure me. Orgasms are the little visits to heaven that your Goddess OCCASSIONALLY permits you.”

Goddess Erica’s words were not a surprise. I had encountered similar thoughts during my research for thisstory. The authority and authenticity with which my Goddess said them however was eye opening. I looked at my beautiful Goddess, her long brown curls and alabaster skin glistening in the early afternoon sun and the word “power” came to mind. Goddess Erica had a natural aura of true power about her. She was not like most other women. I loved my wife Ruthie but I realized that she paled in comparison to Goddess Erica. I thrilled in just being within the aura of my Goddess’s cone of authority. Compared to her I realized that I really WAS worthless.

Goddess Erica’s house was a snug little bungalow a few cities away from where the BDSM convention had been held. I could tell that the house was on the fashionable side of town. There was a trim small lawn and brick walkway. We pulled into a garage that was obviously a later addition to the house. I exited the car and held the driver’s side door open for my Goddess. Once in the house I was compelled to surrender my trunk and sandals. Cladin only my cage and collar I felt a bit humiliated. The house was quite tastefully adopted. The well lit living room contained a large fireplace and snow white carpeting. The kitchen was clean and modern. There were two bedrooms and a small dining room. The main bedroom made my jaw drop. The large circular bed was big enough for three people. On one side of the floor was a large dog bed. Goddess didn’t seem to have any pets larger then the small cat I spied. Then I realized who the bed was meant for.

“I don’t need a larger place, so I concentrated on making this one as comfortable as possible. As of now you are responsible for all the housework, the little box, and maintaining my clothes in good order as well as cooking for myself and my guests. Failure to meet my standards results in punishment. Fail to keep these rugs spotless and I WILL take it out of your hide. As you have discovered your chatity device makes it difficult to stand erect and urinate. You WILL sit when using my toilets. Believe me you DO NOT want to make the mistake of leaving a toilet seat up.”

After a thorough tour of the house, Goddess Erica exiled me to the kitchen to make her a salad, a cheese sandwich and some soup. Not to brag excessively but I am a great cook. We discovered on our honeymoon that Ruthie’s culinary skills were, lets be charitable, severely lacking, and I took over meal preparation as soon as we returned home. Here I had no fears of ever failing my Goddess. As angle as I might make her in other areas, she would never have grounds to complain about my cooking.

Although the meal was simple, I gave each item a stylistic flourish. I trimmed the cheese sandwich into a large heart and arranged the croutons in the salad in a similar manner. Goddess Erica noticed my flourishes right away and made agreeable noises about the taste.

“Well done slave. You seem to be getting the point already. Let’s hope that your domestic skills match your culinary abilities.”

Even though the house was spotless, Goddess led me through the routine of cleaning the house she had a schedule drawn up for each day of the week. There were daily tasks, like feeding the cat and cleaning the litter box and other things like dusting scheduled weekly. There was a small alcohol that was my station. There was a small laptop for writing my story, a dry board for memos and guidebooks on etiquette and proper behavior for a male sub. I realized that my Goddess had thought of everything.

In the bedroom was a large, yet empty armoire. Goddess Erica explained that eventually it would be filled with clothing for me. Goddess liked to dine out and attend charity events. For those she would usually be accompanied by what she called a “true” man but I would need a chauffeur’s uniform, and clothing for trips where my nudity would not be permitted. Goddess Erica also told me that it was not beyond the realm of possibility that if I was a diligent little slave, I might be gifted with the privileged of escorting her to the opera or a show. Goddess took my measurements and wrote them down.

Off a room to the garage was some quite fine exercise equipment. Goddess led me there and said.

“Slave, you have a fine physics but I like my men a bit bulkier and more finely muscled. You will be exercising every day. Exercise will not only build your muscles it it is Also a great way to sublimate the regular intercourse you are never going to get.”

I always enjoyed working out. All the sexual tension I now carried really drove me to a fine, intense workout. Goddess watched me work and was delighted as I finished my workout drenched in sweat.

Goddess came very close to me inhaled deeply and said.

“Ahh male essence at it pursued. Soon you will stink but right now the aroma is fine. Men make such wonderful pets.”

After a few moments She led me to a small but very nice bathroom where Goddess Erica supervised my showering. I was then istructed to make dinner. Goddess planned her life well. The dinner menus for the week were displayed on an i Pad in the kitchen. Nothing was out of my comfort zone. There was plenty of room within the parameters of the dishes for me to be quite creative. I poured my heart into the meal I made. Goddess was so delighted that she took a break from the meal to kiss me several times deeply and run her hands all over me. I feel marvelous.

After a long day, my Goddess got me ready for bed, and I did the same for her. Goddess wo very little to bed. What little she wo however was comfortable yet undeniably sexy. Goddess informed me that an orgasm always helped her sleep better. I set to work on her successful womanhood, Her melodic moan was music to my ears. She kissed me goodnight afterwards and sent me my dog’s bed and turned out the lights. My sleep was joyous.

Over the next few days Goddess Erica and I settled into a wonderful routine. In the mornings I woke up before my Goddess and prepared breakfast for Her. After breakfast I helped her prepare for her day and dressed her. Goddess was a corporate executive. She was very high up the ladder on a Fortune 500 company. For work, I dressed her in tailored dresses and spectacular suits. As always, underneath, was practical, yet poorly sexy undersights. While Goddess was at work I was not left to my own devices. The entire house was wired with unobtrusive cameras and intercoms. I worked at my daily appointed tasks under the constant supervision of my Goddess. From Her desk computer or Her i-phone she could see what I was up to at any given moment. If I slacked off or took an unauthorized break I heard her voice chiding me. After a few times bent over her knee and enduring very through spankings. I learned to not slack off for a single moment even if I suspected or knew that she was in a meeting.

Every day that Goddess returned home, I was waiting with a cocktail and a big smile. I changed her clothesand massaged her. If she had to bring work home I made sure her desk was organized and that she was not distracted. After my first week, Goddess Erica declared me a “Natural.” Even though I was a complete neophyte in the BDSM world, Goddess Erica declared that I was shaping up to be the best sub she had ever encountered. I felt terrific!

It occurred to me one day as I happily went about my daily tasks that I almost never thought of my wife Ruthie. I knew that she had probably been fucked by her Master (and probably others) a thousand times by now but that did not both me in the least. I realized that I was the most content I had ever been serving Goddess Erica. I loved my Goddess in ways that I never had my wife. Goddess Erica brought out the spiritual side I’d long suppressed. I realized innately her superiority. Goddess Erica was my intellectual and evolutionary superior. Emotionally, She was more carefully tuned than I ever could be. She knew and anticipated my needs. My chatnature was a gift to her, a physical and spiritual sacrifice to a being that was, for all intents and purposes divine. My hulking form could over power her but I would never dream of doing that. A total power exchange, yielding every fiber of my soul and being to my Goddess, was a narcotic better than any drug that I had ever tried.

The releases she allowed me were wonderful but I noticed that each time I was allowed to jerk off, I was not as adept at my assignments for a time. Goddess Erica explained that was why, ordinarily, she kept her slaves in chatity for a month on average. I began to understand the wisdom of that approach. On the other hand I took to pegging like a duck to water.

When I was an especially good boy or had cooked exceptionally well. Goddess strapped a dual headed phallus on and lubricated my asshole. Face to face, she rode me as though she were the man and I the woman in standard missionary sex. It stimulated my prostate and got me off in a way plain ejAculation never had. My Goddess also had spectacular orgasms. Afterwards Goddess was tender to me and very loving. She enjoyed dominating me and I loved being dominated. I wondered if I could even go back to Ruthie after just two weeks with my Goddess; I was completely in her thrall.

One Saturday Goddess had some of her girlfriends over for afternoon tea. In addition to brewing the tea and providing refreshments I was given a bow tie to wear above my collar. Clad only in the tie, collar, and my chatity cage I served as butler to seven fully clothed women. The experience was both humiliating and intoxicating. The women present varied from college age to late middle age. All were well dressed. Several of them were quite attractive but none held a candle to my Goddess. I was stroked and squeezed, something that my Goddess seemed to encourage. As I worked I revealed in the praises I heard.

“He is certainly the most handsome and talented slave you have ever owned Erica.” Said anolder woman.

“Yes he is,” said my Goddess. “I shall be loathe to surrender him he has been just what I have been searching for.”

The very attractive blonde college girl eyed me head to toe and said, “Erica, its a shade that his tool is useless for pleasure a female but how well does he dine on clam? I so want to follow in your footsteps and own a slave of my own very soon.”

My Goddess Replied, “Well Tanya, he was very good at cunnilingus from the first but I have made him better, now he is excellent. If I were allowed to keep him longer, I would be very tempted to let you have a test drive. A weekend ordering a slave around is just the thing to make a woman really embrace her Goddess nature. You can probably find a decent slave at that college of yours. Look for a bright and general lad who has an obvious respect for women. You can introduce the concept to him slowly, eventually he, being a man, will think it his idea and embrace it. Once they are conditioned to controlled release under your strict supervision, they are quite trainable.”

“But this one…” Said the college girl.

“You forget Tanya, that I am an old hand at this. I have had power over men since I was younger than yourself. I knew I was a Goddess as soon as I learned they existed. I don’t want children, I have only the occasional use for a man as a sex partner but what I WOULD like is a strong sensitive and eager to please slave to grow old with, too bad I have to return this one to his vanilla life and vanilla wife.”

The entire table assembled verbally agreed with that sentiment. I realized that I did as well. It was an earthshaking revelation. When the tea was over Tanya, the ever so cute college student, asked my Goddess if she could kiss me.

“Tanya, this day has been very exciting for him. I probably will have a hard time keeping him focused the rest of the evening, and your attentions will just amplify that. However, I really like you. You remind me ofmyself at your age. He is yours for ten minutes, you may kiss and embrace but I’d better not see any licking is that clear?”

Tanya nodded vigorously and rushed to embrace me. It feel odd kissing someone who was not Goddess Erica. I’m ashamed to admit it but I had already forgotten what Ruthie’s kisses tasted like. The Ten minutes with Tanya however, soon became spectacular. It was a heady experience for both of us.

Once all the guests had left I asked for permission to speak to Goddess Erica. The conversation we had over the next several hours was the most meaningful of my life. I asked Goddess for the honor of serving as her slave for the rest of my life. Goddess Erica tried very hard to talk me out of it. She was playing devil’s advocate, pointing out the “shortcomings” of slavery. I challenged her every point but Goddess Erica would not concede or agree until she knew that I was aware of every aspect I was agreeing to.

“You will never have children, it is doubtfulthat you will ever have intercourse with a woman EVER again.” Said my Goddess

“I realized that but I have never been more content than when I am serving you. Every fiber of my being convinces me that I am a natural sub. I not only want but I NEED a Goddess to be a complete human being.”

“What about your wife?”

“I never loved her like I love you, Ruthie will have no problem attracting another man if she so desires. I will feel sad for breaking the promises I made to her but no life with her could ever compare to a lifetime with you even if I were to live just another week or eighty years.”

Once I had convinced my Goddess that my convictions were heartfelt and since She was overjoyed.

She wanted me to take the rest of the scheduled time to think About it. If I still feel the same my last week of the two months, Goddess would put into motion the legal and other procedures that needed to occur.

Things became even more wonderful after that point in time.Goddess ordered some clothes for me and we sometimes went to town. I did not care that my collar drew stars. When She shopped I carried her bags and her purse, I always remained three paces behind her as a sign of respect. I could never recall a time when I was happier. Not even her bringing home another man perturbed me.

One night My Goddess ordered me to dress her in some of her sexiest clothing, a diaphanous miniskirt that just concealed the tiny lacy panties she wore under it and a midriff bearing top that exposed her fabulous tummy and hugged her fantastic tits. I was exposed to the guest bedroom and Goddess Erica took the car to town.

Late in the evening I heard her come home, obviously she was not alone. I heard their loud and energetic lovemaking in every part of the house. I envied the man, whoever he was, and my erection in Its cage that night was painful, still I realized that it was never my destiny to be Goddess Erica’s lover. I felt that I was preordained tobe her slave, her eunuch, her confident and friend. Those were more than enough compensation for hours of lovemaking.

The man was gone by the morning when Goddess summoned me to her bedroom. She was naked but she wore a winful look.

“Slave, it is such a shade that men are so low on the evolutionary ladder. They are either fit to be sexual partners or they are fit to be slaves and never shall the twin meet. Why does the mother Goddess have to be so cruel? To make women so much better than men hardly seem fair.”

I comfortable my Goddess and she thanked me profusely.

“You are so understanding,” She said, “You deserve a name. I am partial to James but I can’t let you keep it. You are comfortable as and as much fun as a teddy bear so I shall call you ‘Ted’. Ted make me some breakfast. I will go easy on you today because I am in a very generous mood.”

My final week arrived and I asked Goddess Erica to take me on permanently. She graciously consented! Later she told me that she had been informed that Ruthie felt much the same way I did about her Master. I was surprised, yet also pleased. I would not be breaking her heart by asking for a divorce.

Dressed in a new suit I drove my Goddess to an attorney’s office. This lawyer was an expert in the legal issues of BDSM relationships. Among the many forms I would be signing in the office were giving my Goddess power of Attorney over me and a name change. In addition to legally becoming Ted I would be assuming her last name. There was not much from my old life that I wanted or would be permitted to keep. I could not care less about losing them.

For the first time in months I saw Ruthie in the lawyer’s office. I had to admit that she looked very good indeed at the end of her Master’s lean. Her new hairdo and fine blue dress brought out all of her beauty. But then I looked at my Goddess clad in the form fitting red linen dress I had dressed her in that morning and it was no content. My Goddess was more beautiful in every way.

Neither of us were permitted to show emotion in the office. I could not read Ruthie’s thoughts but my own were a mix of sadness for what was lost combined with anticipation for what was to come. Ruthie wore a contented expression, obviously her current life suited her. Master Paul, who would soon own her, seemed utterly squeeze with my wife. Part of me knew how he felt, but more of me was anticipating an endless stream of days devoted to my Goddess.


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