The Gambler
The style was called “Aguish.” It was the latest fashion rage—dress your woman in haute-couture, bind her in some minor way, and then hurt her …just a little …just enough to draw out her beauty. It looked sophisticated when it was done properly, with a light touch.
This definitely was not the case for the contract-girl across the aisle. Her look simply wasn’t working. She was Just a CELT of course, which allowed for a more daring presentation, but even so, one could only get away with so much skin, so much pain. In my opinion, the mark of a real sophisticate was subtlety.
Not that this girl wasn’t beautiful, quite the contrary, she was extraordinary—light brown skin, a face that could launch ships, shoulder-length chestnut hair, a long graceful neck; and tall, maybe five-ten, with an athlete’s perfectly sculpted body, one that came with hard, consistent exercise. Someone had really worked this girl to get such a figure.
It was difficult to nail down exactly what was wrong with her look though. Every part of her presentation was correct if slightly overdone; maybe that was it; maybe it was all just too much.
Pleased with my sudden insight, I studied her more closely over the top of my computer. She was sitting back on her heels, wearing a white sundress. This was his first mistake—a sexy sundress wasn’t appropriate for an airport waiting lounge. It just barely contained her full breasts and revealed more of her well-rounded ass than it hid. That dress would have worked fine in one of the island’s beach bars, but not here, not in the semi-formal stiffness of the first-class blinde.
And those shoes! She had forgotten expensive fuck-me heels that had been removed and were now at her side. I imagined her long legs mounted on those platforms, yum. This was definitely a rich man’s sex-toy…but why advertise it, I thought. Why, for instance, did he need to spread her knees? A demure knees-together position would have beenmuch more effective—a modest counterpoint to her natural sexuality.
I could see a black thong between her legs. It barely covered the shaft between her legs. I did have to admit thought that this was sexy, especially the way it slipped into her crack, creating a pair of, well …lips. I looked at her mouth then back to her cunt then back again to her mouth and smiled. Both set of lips were exceptionally round and full. Just right for warming somebody’s cock at both ends, I thought rudely.
Maybe someday I’ll buy my own CELT. I wonder what that would be like to own someone? This was a just a dream of course—people like me didn’t traffic in women; we didn’t have anything to do with the CELT business. Not only that, I didn’t have the personality for it. As much as I denied it, Even to myself, I wasn’t comfortable around girls. That’s just the way it was, I thought sadly.
But I could still dream… I could feel myself getting hard as I studied her long, almost prehensile toes. People said that this was the problem with CELTs, they brought out the worst in men.
Not that this aspect of contract-girls bothered many people anymore. Consensual bondage was practically an institution now and CELT contracts were common. Didn’t I just read that 5% of the women in the U.S. under thirty were CELTs? Legalization made sense, I thought, with today’s overpopulation. People needed a way out of their poverty. After a few years a CELT, which stood for Contracted Escort-Long Term, could earn enough money to make a new life for themselves and often for their entire family. This made sense to a lot of people, despite the moral issues.
Of course, only a tiny fraction of the world’s billions, just the most beautiful, the healthy, the smartest made it out this way. Natural selection, I thought. Maybe this was why there was so much prejudice against CELTSs?
But still…even with a CELT good taste was important. Just sitting there, his girl was giving half the room a hard-on. That wasn’t right. Most sensible people tried to avoid trouble by downplaying the sexual aspect of CELT ownership. This girl’s attire and her bond were much too risqué for the blinde—more appropriate for a private men’s club or a bond bar, I thought prissily.
Nowadays, it wasn’t that unusual to see CELTs bound, even hard-bound in public. (Although it was Still shocking to some, it was fairly common in Manhattan for example to see a girl being walked on a leash with her arms bound. It was chic, fashionable…)
This girl’s owner seemed to be trying for that look. He had tied her wrists and elbows together behind her back with narrow strips of soft white leather. Another strap had been wrapped twice around her neck, almost like a fashionable choker. The leather was so supple that the ends were simply tucked in, giving her that perfect no-knot look. I wondered if this leather tightened when it dried, like rawhide; that would be something to watch on ths one, I thought evilly.
Dispite the appropriateness of it all, I grudgely acknowledged that she looked incredible in her bondage—every man’s fantasy slave-girl. As I said, it was just…too much. Her sexy bindings were supposed to create an illusion, I thought. The “chocker” for example was making her pant like a dog and the elbow tie was pulling her shoulders back much too far. This wasn’t pain for fashion’s sake, it was torture.
Was I being too critical? The girl did look valuable—something you would see in a French fashion magazine. She also looked a little dangerous with that sleep, muscled body. Maybe the unusually harsh bondage and all that bare skin were intended to create an altogether different look—punishment for her hazardousness? Whatever, she was certainly stimulating a lot of fansies.
Unconsciously, my mind started to drift. I imagined her with me in my shower. She was on her knees, wrists tied behind, looking up at me with frightened glances as I deep-fucked her soft mouth. Her luscious full lips gripped my cock hard and I could feel her throat muscles moving radically, swallowing to take me more fully inside. In my dream, I reached down and pushed her away. She moaned in protest.
I shifted in my seat and unexpectedly repositioned my cock.
Back in the shower, the girl looked up at me confused, her mouth and tongue still moving, memory-fucking my cock. Fighting the urge to reinsert myself, I reached behind her and lifted her bound wrists. She scrambled to her feet, bending forward at the waist. I hooked a chain hanging down from the shower’s ceiling to her wrists and then expertly tied her forearms together.
I ran my hands along her back and flanks as I moved to her rear.. She was up on her long toes, the ridges of her leg muscles sharply outlined. I watched her struggle. The oversized shaft between her legs darkened as it filled with aroused blood.
I moved in from behind, pushing my cock lengthwise between her pussy lips. I didn’t want to enter her just yet. By instinct she inched forward on her long toes until she was over my cock and then she pushed herself down. I heard her moan from the new pain in her arms. Cruelly, I laughed and started to pull out. Her cunt tightened. It was a delicious sensing, but I had another hole in mind this morning.
Squirting shampoo into her ass, I pointed my cock and pushed. She cried out, squirming. But the pressure was unrelenting and slowly I worked my way inside. In a few seconds she was fully impaled. Laughing again, I grabbed a leather paddle hanging nearby and paddled her wet flanks. Immediately, her squirming settled into a steady rocking motion—a gait. I enjoyed this for a time and then gave her a single sharp whack. She responded immediately, increasing her fucking speed to a slow trot. I waited a bit and then did it again and again. Each time she went a little faster. When she reached a full gallop, I exploded inside, triggering her orgasm. Quickly, I shifted my hands to her stomach to enjoy the contractions of her rock-hard abs.
Glancing around the blinde, I shook off the daydream. Even though no one had seen it, I was embarrassed. My cock was like a piece of wood and I thought about going to the men’s room to jerk-off. No, I thought, someone might walk in on me, but there was no going back to my computer Now.
Instead, I resumed my rich examination, focusing on the outline of her bullet-like nipples pushing through the dress. How did she get such large, hard points, I wondered? I didn’t think they were artistic, she just looked too young and fresh. But was anyone really born with such perfect nipples? What would it be like to grind them a little between my teeth? …stop it, not again!
This was all just too much, I thought. No wonder I’m sitting here getting off. This outrageous display was pushing me beyond my limits. I could tell from their shifting eyes that the others in the lounge,mostly vacationers and a few businessmen, had the same feelings.
In fact, the only person looking directly at the CELT was a plain-looking newlywed a few seats away, and her gaze was pure hate. Apparently, her new husband, a mousey man who was now studying his golfing magazine with way too much intensity, had been caught looking. I wondered what his married life was going to be like.
I shrunk down a little lower behind my laptop. Where did such a perverse dream come from? There should be limits, I thought, even for a fantasy. It wasn’t exactly my fault, though. The man who owned this girl was the culprit! In another airport in another country, someone in authority would have already spoken to him about their decency rules and about public punishment of CELTs. But this was the Caribbean. Things were done differently around here. Most of the time officials acted only when someone complained.
Maybe the plain girl will say something, I thought. Then again, why would she?She was probably enjoying the girl’s suffering, which now appeared to be quite intense. Her neck strap was way too tight.
Yes, she was definitely in trouble. I glanced around. Maybe some bystander will intervene? Unlikely I thought the CELT’s owner was an aggressive lout. This was obvious from the heated argument he was having at the counter with a petite, but determined ticket agent, something About a seat. Getting involved would probably result in an ugly confrontation and for what? Technically, the man wasn’t doing anything wrong. She was just a CELT.
Not only that, this was a public place. If she was in real trouble, all she needed to do was to ask for help, just give us a sign. Someone would help her. But uninvited, no; people in crowds just didn’t act that way. No one wanted to interfere, to look foolish. Certainly not me; I’d spend my entire life hanging back to avoid public mistakes.
This was really unusual though, I thought again. Although her distress, she wasn’t making a sound. Normally, a contract-girl would be whimpering like a puppy by now. One of the people nearby would then warn the man in the same way someone would tell him that something was leaking from his luck. Not a criticalism, just one traveler helping out another.
As I watched, I could see that she was actively resisting this. She just wasn’t going to as for help. Strange…typically The last thing a CELT wanted was to attract negative attention especially from strangers. They purchased their lucrative contracts and went to great lengths to avoid even the hint of a serious problem. Problems might lead to a formal complain, maybe even a legal action, maybe even contract nullification. This was extremely rare of course, but the threat was real. I was glad I had decided to stay out of it.
I’m a respectable banker for heaven’s sake, I told myself, here on business. How would it look if I actually got mixed up in something like this? I hadn’t even gone to the beach on thats trip although I had secretly watched the woman and the hard-bound, half-naked CELTs from my balcony.
Maybe one day I could afford a discretely hidden-away contract-girl of my…
Our eyes met! She was staring at me. She was becoming for my help, my personal help! I panicked and for a second I couldn’t think. It was as if someone had touched me with a live wire. Maybe I Should notify the desk? Then again, she wasn’t really asking for help, not in the right way. She’s supposed to whimper, whine; maybe cry a little. This would allow someone to report her distress in the right way. What could I possibly say, “Ah, excuse me, Sir; I’d like to talk to you about the way you’re treating your CELT.” I’d look ridiculous. CELTs don’t just flash their eyes at someone and make him their champion. Not only that, it would embarrass and insult her owner, and no matter how big a jerk he was…
Anyway, the rules were different for her. It wasn’t as if a normal person was in trouble. Legally, she wasn’t much more than a pet. So what if she suffers a little. I broke eye contact and starred down at the keyboard. Maybe she will get someone else’s attention if I ignore her. I really don’t want to get involved in this. I started to work feverishly on my spreadsheet. I had no idea of what I was typing. I just didn’t want to get involved.
I typed gibberish for almost a minute then I looked up. She was still watching me as she worked to suck air into her lungs, but no longer pleading with her eyes. Clearly, she had given up on me as her champion. I felt relieve then, without warning, she started to swoon; I could see her struggle desperately to take in more air. After a few seconds, her color returned. There was perspiration on her upper lip. She looked at me defiantly with her nostrils flared. Then she turned away.
This was totally ridiculous. What could I do? Let the bitch suffer! This fucking CELT had too much pride for her own good. She was bringing this trouble on herself. I could feel myself getting angle. How dare she drag me, a total stranger, into her problem?
No, it was definitely better to just stay out of this. I resumed my nonsense typing. In the back of my mind, however, I could hear a small voice repeating one word softly over and over—coward—and deep inside I knew it was true.
The man returned from the counter and sat down on the blind chair next to the girl. He was angry, shoving his ticket roughly into a paper folder. I could see from the color of the folder that he was in first class, same as me.
“Fucking airline,” he muttered to no one in particular. I could tell that he was fuming. Then he looked at the girl and a smile seemed to cross his face. Without a word, he sat forward on the edge of his chair and moved his leg to hide the girl’s body. Reaching into his jacket pocked, he extracted two round metal objects that looked like thick metal washers. Careful not to let him see me looking, I studied them; they had sharp triangle points on the inside rim and push-tabs on the outer edges. Discretely, he pulled down the girl’s dress, squeezed the tabs, and pushed one over her bare nipple.
I was horrified. Her entire body stiffened and her bare feet curled into claws. The first shock of pain lasted only a few seconds, but to me it seemed to go on forever. Amazingly, she still didn’t make a sound. Then he did the same to the other nipple with much the same effect.
Numb, I thought about what I had seen. Those “washers” were actually circular nipple clamps, bondage toys. The pain must be excruciating.
The man settled back in his chair, pleased with himself. It was as if the girl’s pain had absorbed his anger. He seemed unconcerned that his vicious act of pique would be noticed by anyone.
I watched her out of the corner of my eye, still pretending to be focused on my spreadsheet. Sheens of sweat now covered her body and two trails of wet ran down the side of each tightly closed eye. Appalalled and still feeling ashamed, I hid my face behind my screen.
“Hey Pal,” he called to me casually across the aisle. “Would you mind watching my stuff while I go to the John?” He pointed with his thumb to his bags and the girl.
I looked up, trying to look innocent. “Sure, sure no problem,” I said much too quickly.
“Thanks,” he said smiling. “Want me to grab you a cup of coffee on my way back?”
“No thank you,” I said with the barest hint of a judicial tone. He looked me over as he stood up. Then, with a bit of irritation, “don’t let anyone touch the girl, OK?” His meaning was clear. …and keep your fucking hands off her as well. Then he seemed to think for a moment and turned back to her to remove her neck strap.
Glancing down to my lap as he passed, he smiled and gave a friendly knowing nod. Embarrassed, I realized that the computer had slipped down and the bulge in my pants was showing. I readjusted the computer and once again starred at the keyboard as if searching for a missing letter.
I should have said something to him, I thought, as he walked away, but who was I to criticalize this stranger? She was his legal property. It might not be very polite or appropriate to hurt her in an airport lounge, but he certainly had the right… nothing to get very upset about. Was I trying to provoke a confrontation? Again I had the sickening Thought of trying to explain my involvement to the people at work.
When I finally looked up, the girl was staring at me again. The two wet streams drying on her face. “Don’t let him rattle you,” she said softly. “That’s what he does for a living—shakes people up enough so that they make mistakes. I’m sorry I bothered you before. Please don’t tell him.” She seemed frightened; apparently he was capable of a lot worse.
“No problem,” I said, trying to sound casual. “Do they hurt?” Idiot! I thought immediately. “Do they hurt?” What a stupid question.
She nodded. “He uses them a lot…” she paused as another wave of pain passed over her face. This explains the shape of the girl’s nipples, I thought insensitively. Frequent use of the clamps had trained them into hard-points.
I was totally unnerved and before I could stop myself, another stupid question had passed through my lips. “Why are you with him?” I was appalled; it was a totally absurd and inappropriate thing to ask. Her face frozen and she was silent. Why was I being so incredibly dumb? In the back of my mind I realized that I was trying to defend myself in her eyes. This was stupid, I thought. She’s just a CELT; who cares what she thinks?
She remained silent and despite my rationalization, I felt terrible. One didn’t apologize to a CELT, but maybe in this case… Fortunately, she raised her eyes and started to speak very softly before I could put my foot back into my mouth.
“I didn’t contract directly with him, Sir. My obligation was transferred.” Then she looked up defensively, “My family needed the extra money; my brother was sick.”
I was surprised; not at her sob story, everyone had one of those, but that she had a “transferable” contract. Almost all CELT contracts were non-transferable. A transferable contract means that you might end up with a very nasty stranger, like this one. Three years of legal bondage, the typical contract period, could feel like thirty in the wrong hands. Not only that, but transferable contracts were much more difficult to reverse. The courts had ruled a number of times that the consenting adults signing such contracts generally accepted greater risks, and that bad treatment by itself did not constitute grounds for reversal. (I had been interested in this subject and studied the Consensual Bondage Laws of the 2120’s quite extensively while in business school.)
Still acting the idiot and probably still trying to salvage my pride, I pursued my lips and shook my head. Then, with a critical air, my eyes shiftedto the outline of the nipple clamps visible through her dress. The meaning was clear—this is what happens to silly girls who engage in such foolish behavior.
She looked at me for a moment and then bent her head in silence. We had both said too much. In a few moments, the man returned.
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