If you hold your breath and remain perfectly still as if not to be heard you can hear the inner workings of your metabolic system. Macronutrients being torn apart into basal elements and cellular machines reassembling and manufacturing without consideration of who might be listening. In this case, Melissa prayed that the happy group of friends sumbling down the wide sidewalks of the downtown street would be oblivious of her prediction. She had forgotten momentarily about the cramps in her arms being bound behind her back, and the feeling of drool running down her chin and dripping on her bare breasts. For now the shadow cast by the oversized impressionist free standing art that dominated the small court yard between office buildings provided her some protection.
Melissa reflected on how she found herself in this situation… again. She reassured herself this was not who she really was. She thought, “I am a strong, independent capable young businesswoman. Iam respected by my peers and have more than my share of attention for men.” However in this moment she appeared every bit the “desperate slut” that was written in bright red sharpie across her chest. It was a humid southern evening and her brunette hair normally done perfectly was matted slightly and bound by the ball gag stick she wore. The only semblance of clothing she was allowed on these nights were her expensive designer heals. He insisted she wear those shoes as to add to her humiliation if anyone caught her. She was no common southern trailer trash slut; she was an educated classy woman and the heels proved it. To further the humiliation, these were the same shoes she wore confidently in the boardrooms of the very buildings she was surrounded by. Most evenings the tasks were not this simple.
For the past 4 months she has been His on Wednesday nights. Tonight’s assignment was emailed to her earlier that day, just as the others had arrived weekly. She knew from the moment he leaned in close during the after hours social mixer months ago and whispered, “I bet you look great tied up and spanked” that this relationship would be trouble. She was not sure if it was his confidence or voice that attracted her. Perhaps it was the fact that it was accompanied with rather normal charming conversation with those around her that set her guard at ease. Whatever the reason it was not a difficult decision she made as she passed him her number on a napkin. She thought her friends would kill her for doing this. She was known as the “responsible” one in her group of friends who always remembered everyone’s birthday, rarely took risks. This was all at His command she reminded herself. She was only obeying what He made her do. She retired in the freedom to let go and just “be” His. To act like she always wanted to but never had the courage. He often teased her about her enthusiasm regarding these tasks, calling her horrible names and threatening to tell her friends or worse yet, family if she failed to comply. A small laugh escaped her as she reflected how much her life had changed in the past 4 months.
The click of her heels brought her back to the present as she made her way across a wide sidewalk and even wider street, croouching between parked cars. The heels clicking sound draws men’s attention and did little to help her balance or agility in tight spaces. The last 30 yards were clear if she could just run. She went for it forgetting that her breasts that He liked so much were bouncing out of control. Her heart was pounding, her face was red, but she was there. From experience she learned that waiting until the perfect time to finish a task means it would not get done so she jumped right in. First she put one foot into the cool moving water, then the other. What a sight she must have been she thought. She hoped He enjoyed forcing her to do this as much as she did being forced. The fountain had several large arcs of water to choose from. She squatted near one and was rewarded with a tingling feeling of pressure on her throbbing cunt. The force of the water made water splash all over drenching her body and sending some water splashing onto the benchmark next to the fountain. This was not nice, neat and pretty. She never felt more alive than when He forced her to be out of control, to be animalistic and daring. Any onlooker would think she was a desperate slut spraying water everywhere trying to position her hungry cunt close enough to get off. She closed her eyes and tried to help usher her necessary orgasm along. It did not take long and her thighs were spamming just like each Wednesday night before.
She squatted down on the cold marble surrounding wall surrounding the fountain and remembered thinking this spot would be romantic with the right person. He often teased her that she was Not like the other sweet southern belles, she was a slut to the core; at this moment she could only agree. The sound of the water splashing was broken by His familiar voice and the sound of a video camera being. She made her best effort around the gag and slobber to smile for the camera per his request to finalize the ordeal. This show would be added to the 23 others He has collected and continues to use as collateral until all 50 assignments have been finished. He drops a bag with her clothes and the keys to the cuffs in it. She wonders if she will ever look forward to Wednesday nights quite this much.
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