Note: This story takes place in an imagined future. A genetic mutation has made it so that most female fetuses die before birth, so the population consists of about 4 men for every 1 woman. This means women are generally unsafe and frequent victims of rape and abuse. Except in The Fortress.
Chapter one is a little light on the good stuff, but it gets much hotter in chapter two.
Chapter one
The last thing I remembered was the vegetable stand. I had slipped over the wall as the sun was going down and hidden between the market tents until it seemed that everyone had left. I was filling my sack with potatoes when I felt the sting of a dart hitting the back of my shoulder. The next thing I knew I was waking up inside the fortune.
The room had cement walls, a dark grey tiled floor and a metal door. There were no windows, but there was a large flat screen TV behind a pane of protective glass. Above the TV was a camera. I was laying on a narrow bed. I sat up and lookedaround more. The solid metal bed frame and a metal table were bolted to the floor. There was no chair, but the table was placed so that sitting on the bed made reaching the table comfortable enough. The mattress on the bed had a built in bump for a pillow and no sheets or blankets. The only other furniture was a toilet and sink on the wall opposite the door. These were also solid metal, no pieces that could be removed to be used as weapons. And I was naked.
As if someone noticed I was awake, the TV turned on and a woman’s head and upper body filled the screen. She had a medium complexion and dark hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. I could see she wore a red halter top. Her face was full enough to show that, unlike myself, she had plenty to eat.
“Welcome to the Fortress, outsider. What is your name?” She asked inquisitively. Her tone was businesslike but not aggressive.
“Aspen.” I answered. Realizing again that I was naked, and that she could obviously see me, Isat back on the bed and crossed my arms over my chest.
“Aspen, ‘ma’am’ or ‘mistress,’ please. Any woman wearing red or black is to be addressed such. Understood?”
“Yes…ma’am.” The fog from whatever sedative they had shot me with was clearing and I realized, with a sinking feeling, exactly where I was. I had heard stories of The Fortress in my village, although I hadn’t believed them until this moment.
“No need for modesty, dear. I look at naked little sluts all day. Tell me, how old are you?”
“I am 19 ma’am. Maybe 20. I know I was born in the spring or summer, I don’t know exactly when.” I relaxed my arms a little, allowing my breasts to show.
“Understood. And do you know why you are here, Aspen?”
“Because I was caught stealing food, ma’am?”
“That is part of it, yes. But specifically you are in this room for quarantine. Anyone from outside the wall who wants to join our fortune must be quarantined for 10 days and pass a medical exam.”
“Wants to join? Isn’t this a prison?”
She raised her eyesbrows at me and waited to answer until I added “ma’am?”
“No, it is not. This city you broke into is very different from anywhere else in the world. Since the time of the mutations, since males now outnumber females 4 to 1, most of the world is dangerous for women. In this city, all the men live in the fortress. The women here Keep them happy and contained, which keeps the rest of the women in the city safe. But no one is forced to stay here. You may ask to leave any time, even now. You will be brought back outside the wall. If you are caught singing in again you’ll be sent to a mining camp with the worst criminals we have in the city. It’s not so safe for women there. But if you choose to stay you can move up the ranks, Just like any young woman from our city who volunteers for service here. And in five years time you could be free, or in ten years you could be the highest level mistress.”
“I’m sorry, ma’am, butI heard this place is full of rapists and the women are all their slaves.”
The woman’s patience was obviously wearing thin. “Lies and rumors. Watch the videos, you’ll see exactly what we’re offering you. I strongly suggest you wait the full ten days before you decide. No one will touch you before, i promise.” She then added, “Oh, I wanted to ease your mind a bit, we found Your brothers.”
A chill went up my spine. “Please, mistress, don’t hurt them!”
“They’re just children! No harm will come to them. If you stay here, they’ll be placed with a foster mother in the city, and be cared for like one of the city’s own children. If you leave? They go with you to starve.”
“Where are they now? I want to see them!”
“Manners, outsider!” Was her only reply, then the TV went black.
A while later there was a tap on the door, followed by a couple sliding sounds, a click and then another knock. I realized that my side of the door had a window I could slide open. I walked to it and saw a note etched into the metal explaining that the compartment on the other side of the window was an air lock. The windows on either side could only be opened one at a time to allow the air inside to be disinfected if needed. I slid mine open and found a styrofoam food tray. I carried it to the table and inspected the meal. There was a small, round loaf of bread, several slices of white cheese and an apple already sliced. A styrofoam cup held some type of warm broth. There was of course no silverware, and again nothing hard that could be used for a weapon.
I didn’t want to take food from them. Of course I had been planning to steal food, but this was different. Eating this felt like taking charity, and like I would owe them something in return. But my stomach was twisting with hunger at the smell of the savory broth. I took a small sip at first, and then a much bigger one. It was delicious. Soon I had devoured the entire meal. I replaced the tray in the airlock but keep the cup to drink water from the sink.
Something about that broth brought warmth to my cheeses and belly, and I soon felt that warmth spreading. Maybe it was the thrill of being here, naked, and the rumors I had heard about this place, but I felt myself growing especially warm between my legs. The TV turned on again just then, and what I saw this time made that heat intensify ten fold.
A woman lay naked on a cot like the one in my room, except this one was in the middle of a dark room with a spotlight above it. She was pale and slender like myself, with similar auburn hair as well. For a second I wondered if she was me, if something had been done to me earlier while I was still drugged, but when I looked closer I saw her face was different, and she had a tattoo of a butterfly on her outer thigh. “This could be you, Aspen,” I thought to myself, then realized that I hadn’t just thought it, it had been whispered by a soft, seductive voice in the video – possible thevoice of the mistress I had seen earlier, I couldn’t be sure.
I had seen sex before, in the village tavern, the women desperate for money letting men bend them over a table or back them against a wall. I had seen some women on their knees under the tables too, using their mouths instead of their cuns. I had been assaulted once in the same tavern, when my father’s back was turned. It hadn’t gone far though. The feel of my young, virgin hole on his middle finger was the last thing the man ever knew before my father heard me scream, turned, and expertly flung a knife into the man’s throat only inches from my ear. The man had been new in town and didn’t realize whose child I was.
A year later my father was dead and my brothers and I took to the forest to avoid men like him.
This woman, what was happening to her was nothing like anything I had seen before. She looked entirely at ease. A man entered the room, dark skinned and muscle, head shamed, wearing a black robe. Heran his fingers slowly from her ankle to her thigh, then up her waist, over her delicate breast and peaked nipple, then walked around her head and traced his fingers back down the other side. “Hello, lovely,” he said to her. “I’m so glad you agreed to another session.”
“I enjoyed the first one so much sir, I’ve been thinking about it daily.”
“Mmm that’s what I like to hear. I hope I’m close to convincing you to let me pop your little cherry and put a baby in you.”
“Very close, sir. If the mistresses agree, my cunt will be all yours soon.”
“Delightful. Until then, we’ve still got so many ways to pleasure each other.”
The man stood at her feet then and reached for her hips, pulling her so that her ass was right at the foot of the bed. I gasped then When I saw *him* knee between *her* legs. No man I’d ever met before would dream of going down on a woman. The camera angle switched and zoomed in, giving me a perfect view. He propped one of her feet on his upper back and held the other tigh out to the side so that the camera had a clear view. His tongue worked slowly at first, dragging upward from the base of her cunt to the very top. I felt that same place on my body ache and swell. He circled her clip with his tongue and she moaned.
Almost without realizing what I was doing I sat back on the bed and separated my own legs, finding my own clip with one finger. He licked her faster, and I rubbed faster. Then he slipped a finger inside her, thrusting it in and out while continuing to work her clip with his tongue. I added my other hand to the work I was doing between my legs, slipping a finger inside myself and copying his motions. I was surprised how easily it slip in, I had occasionally experimented with touching myself before this but I had never felt so much wetness there. I had also never had an orgasm. I had heard some women in the tavern talk about them, but had never witnessed one either.
Soon the woman on the screen wasbreathing heavily. “Please sir, please make me cum,” she was moaning. He responded by slipping a second finger into her dripping wet cunt and lowering his entire mouth to her clipit. Soon the leg he held in his hand was shaking and her moans grew to a scream. He kept pumping his fingers and working her clip with his mouth and tongue as juices began squirting out of her, covering his mouth and chin. When she finished he continued working her for a moment, more slowly, drawing out the orgasm for what felt like ages. When he finally withdraw his fingers and stood her body was glistening with sweat and her breathing was ragged.
I felt the warmth growing where I was rubbing and wondered if I could orgasm too, when the video of the man and woman switched off and the mistress I had seen earlier appeared again. At the same moment from somewhere on the ceiling a blast of ice cold water came shooting at me. It lasted less than a second, but I shrieked and jumped off the bed. The mistress laughed. “My dear girl, the first rule you must learn here is self control. You get to cum when you have earned it. Novice Mellie, who you saw in that video, she’s worked hard to get to where she is. I’m fact she will soon graduate from novel to mistress. You’ve done nothing but try to steal from us and eat free food. If you want pleasure like she was having, you will serve us first.”
At that the TV clicked off again.
Chapter Two
While in quarantine I got two meals daily. After each meal, a video of some sexual act taking place somewhere else in the fortress played on the screen. I wanted desperately to touch myself more, but the ice cold water was something I did not care to experience again.
In between videos the mistress I saw the first day came on screen again periodically for “lecture.” I learned her name was Mistress Morna, and she would be my trainer if I agreed to serve. I learned all the women wore the same style clothing – form fitting halter tops and skin-tight legends. If cold they could add a soft robe. The colors signed their rank in the fortress. Green was beginner novel, yellow was advanced novel, red was junior mistress and black was senior mistress. Women in brown were those who declared sexual service. The men wore casual pants and t shirts or robes. Their colors also had meaning, black being those with the most authority, red being younger or less powerful men. Gray were men who were married to women not in the fortress and choosing monogamy. Blue was for men who only liked other men.
All the men and women had jobs. There was a hospital in the fortress that served anyone in the city, a large farm, legal offices and manufacturing buildings among others. The mistresses oversaw everything. They carried tasers for security. They determined which women were ready for childbearing and who could impregnate them. Most sex was just for pleasure, but putting a cock in a cunt was for making babies, and was considered much more intimate than other kinds of sex.
She explained to me during lesson the second day, “We can’t have babies being born not knowing who their fathers are. Until you’ve been given permission for pregnancy, you’ll mostly be pleasure men with your hands, mouth or ass. Some want to watch you pleasure yourself. Some want you alone. Some want to see you with other women. Often, Since there are so many more men than women, you’ll be expected to pleasure 3 or 4 at a time. You will never be forced, but you will be expected to submit. If you refuse too many things too often you will be demoted or transferred out of sexual service entirely.”
“Is that a bad thing, Mistress? What happens if I choose to stay but not do sexual service?”
“It is an option, but not pleasant. You’ll be assigned work, ten hours per day, six days per week. Instead of earning your freedom in five years, you will work at least ten, more if you have any misbehavior. When not working you will be confinedto a small residence with a few other women. This is for your own protection, since women are so outnumbered here the mistresses can’t protect everyone running around unsupervised. You can rise to a position of leadership in your own worksite but nothing more. I will be working hard to discourage you from this path. It is only because of the sexual service of most of the women here that the men of this fortune remains peaceful and content to stay under guard. If most of the women choose the brown uniform the men would revolt, and no one would be safe. You will get a choice at the end of the ten days of quarantine, and I do hope you will choose wisely. I can’t wait to start training you.”
The videos I watched were varied. One showed just one woman pleasure herself. Others showed multiple men and women together. There was plenty of cock sucking and anal, which was a new idea to me and watching it had me very aroused.
The fifth day I watched two women pleasure a third on astage while a whole audience of men sat back in their chairs stroking their cocks. Two novels in yellow were working hard on one in green. They first undressed her slowly and laid her down on a table, massaging her entire body with oil. She was average build, pale with red hair in a pixie cut and freckles. One of the two advanced novel, a curvy black woman with head full of thick natural hair stood to the side, fondling Her nipples while the other, a petite olive skinned woman with a long brunette ponytail began rubbing her clip with a thumb. They then turned her over onto her hands and knees. The one with the ponytail croouched below her slick, hairless cunt and started working it with her tongue and mouth. The other went to a cabinet on the side of the stage and returned with a slender six inch dildo with a wide knob at the base for a handle, and a ball gag. She stroked the folding lazily with some massage oil while she spoke.
Ok, cunt, we told you today would be special for you, but we’re not just going to sit up here and make you cum. Tell these masters have you had your ass penetrated yet?” She obviously knew the answer.
“No, miss, not with anything except my smallest finger.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t really think I will like it, miss.”
“I see. Unfortunately, I am under orders from your trainer to fix that. So here is what’s going to happen. I’m going to get it warmed up with this little guy.” She stroked the dildo in her hand more. “Then you’re going pick a bigger one and ride it hard, all by yourself. Then when you’re nice and ready one of these lucky men is going to be the first to stick his whole cock in your ass. How does that sound?”
The whole time they spoke the first woman continued eating her out, to the point where she was close to cumming. The second woman gave a signal and the first stopped and stepped away. She turned back to the girl on the table and said “One other thing, mistress told me that for extra motivation,she is forbidding you from cumming again until you let a man fuck your ass. If just getting your ass penetrated makes you cum, well, that’s just proof that you’re a slut who needs to be fucked in the ass much more often. But we will not touch your cunt again and you will not touch it yourself until one of these men cums in your ass. Do you understand?”
“Yes, miss,” she responded, looking disappointed.
“Good, now one last thing, we intend to make you do this, and we don’t want you changing your mind too easily.” She put the ball gag into the woman’s mouth and fastened it behind her head. “No safe word. If you want it to stop, you will need to stand up and walk away. And there will be serious consequences. But if you complete your task today I intend to give you the best orgasm of your life.”
The woman only nodded nervously. The one who had been licking her cunt put a hand on either butt chef and spread them apart. The black woman drizzled a little more oil over her exposed asshole and rubbed it with her middle finger. She let the tip of the finger slip inside slowly, and then advanced it gently until the entire length was buried in her tight ass. The. She pulled it out just as gently, nearly all the way, and then slammed it back in. She proceeded to finger fuck the woman’s ass quickly and firmly, causing little moans to escape from around the ball gag. After a minute she withdraw her finger and replaced it with the dildo she had set aside before. It was maybe twice as wide as the finger had been. She started it slowly again for a couple thrusts before once again getting aggressive. The red head was squirming and moaning, I couldn’t tell if from pain or pleasure, probably both. I thought she might actually cum from nothing but the ass fucking when the woman who was clearly in charge of this session stopped and slid the dildo all the way out.
The woman with the pony tail walked to the cabinet and withdraw a tray with three more dildos. Each was equipped with a suction cup on the end. One was smooth and just a bit bigger around than the first one had been, but probably a full 10 inches long. One was shorter, 8 inches but so wide the poor novel wouldn’t have been able to reach her fingers all around it, and the third was between those two in both length and girl but textured with rings of rubber down the entire length. “Choose one.” She demanded.
The gagged woman reached tenatively before choosing the longest, most slender dildo. The other two helped her off the cot for a moment to remove the mattress revealing a solid metal frame. They suctioned the dildo to center and then guided her back up to it. She squatted over it with her ass towards the crowd. The woman with the ponytail stood to the side and held it steady while the other stand facing the novel, holding her hips firmly and guiding her down onto it. It was less pointy at the end than the previous one had been, so even well lubricated at first the woman’s ass resisted the penetration. But she allowed more of her weight to settle into it and soon it popped into place. She lowered herself slowly down, one inch at a time until her ass was nearly touching the table, engulfing the long dildo.
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