The First White Wives Club Ch. 04

Chapter Four: Thursdays are Exclusively Nan’s Providence.

Holy shit! This is fucking awesome!

This means sadistic black woman is fucking the living shit out of my ass on her bathroom floor, and I am loving every second of it! God, I hope it never ends.

Oh, need me to set the scene a little better? Sure, why not? I’m naked as a jaybird, unless this dog Collar counts for something. The black lady, who just happens to be my neighbor and my mistress (more on that later), is crouched behind me, wielding the biggest stick-on I’ve ever seen in my life. Ok, it’s the only one I’ve actually ever seen in real life, but that still counts as the biggest. And let me tell you something…


Black Mistress (that’s what I have to call her) is also naked, unless the strap-on counts for something. She’s putting her all into it, and really working up a sweat. We’re both lucky that she’s in great shape, so that she can keep this up. She must put in a lotof time at the gym to have this kind of stamina. Either that or she just fucks a different woman every day for the cardio (yeah, right!). The smell of our sweaty bodies mixing together in this small bathroom is intoxicating. So is the feel of her hips slamming into my butt. Nothing makes me feel more like an owned piece of property than the way she presses her sweaty body into my back to reach around and squeeze my tits. Especially when I turn my face up a little to feel her breath on it. Her smell, her touch, her taste…I’m greedy for every little bit that I can get as she tries to fuck me into oblivion.

Remember when I mentioned mean and sadistic? I wasn’t lying. When Black Mistress isn’t yanking my hair or my collar, she’s slapping the shit out of my ass cheeses. She’s also calling me every dirty name in the book She can think of as she rams that thing in and out of my butt. So far this morning I’ve been reminded that I’m a slave, slut, whore, bitch, dyke, skank, and lily-white honky piece of slave ass. I’m property to be whipped, beaten and fucked. And she’s right, I am all of those things. I’m also a real nymphomaniac for black women with hard silicone dicks. Especially ones who really know how to talk dirty.

God, would I love to cum. But that is strictly verboten. Oh well.

I have seriously never been happier in my life! It’s like a dream come true!

Ok, I may seem like that married woman down the block from you, the one who loves her husband, dotes on her kids, carts the little buggers around to soccer…and sure, that is me. But it’s only a part of me.

There has always been this other part of me, but I’ve never let it come out before. It’s the dark, scary, kinky part…the part that I used to think could ruin my life forever If I let it out. And it still could actually, but I’m all in now, and I wouldn’t give up my Thursday’s with Black Mistress for the world.

There is not a soul alive that knows it, but I have been fantasizing about something like this since well before legal age. I have always wanted to be bound, to be beating, to be herded like an animal and fucked like a piece of meat. And…I’ve always wanted a woman to be the one doing it to me. But it never happened, because I was too chicken to go out and get it.

You see, I also wanted other things in life. The husband, the kids, the white picket fence, the soccer van…all of it. And I guess my desire for those things trumped my sexual needs. Fuck knows why. This butt-fucking is so awesome that I would sell my kids to a zoo for more of it.

I’ve had plenty of sex in my life, but it’s fit in precisely two categories: hetero and vanilla. Or, as I like to say it, bland and phalic. Now, I like my husband. Hell, I love him, and he’s not half bad in bed either, which is a miracle after all these years. But as attentionive as he is to my body, he doesn’t have a kinky bone in his body. A little chance joke about spanking years ago actually disturbed the poor man. And I’ve hacked all his devices to check out his porn. Sure, it’s there, but my God is it bland. Jesus Christ, it’s like the Christian Science guide to porn.

So, the reality of my sexual history with my husband? I’ve cum a lot. But that’s because every single time I’ve ever had sex, I’ve had these wild fans running in my mind while we’re doing it. And you know, it worked. We had sex, we both came, and I was a happy wife.

Until now, that is. The cold hard truth is that now…

I am an even happier wife!

I mean, get a grip! How could I be anything but? I’ve got the best of both worlds here. Six days a week, I’m the devoted housewife and soccer mom, with an active social life with my other mom friends. And then Every Thursday I get my mind blown, my ass beaten and everything under the sun fucked by Black Mistress here. And she really beats me, let me tell you. When this woman has a whip in her hand, she does not hold back. I can take the punishment, but I couldn’t take it if this ever stopped.

I hope it never ends. Hell, I hope we grow old together.

Oh shit! I forget to concentrate. I need to be real careful about going over the edge when I’m getting my ass fucked. I’m about to cum. Nope, can’t be doing that. Got to tamp that shit down. Concentrate…concentrate…

Here’s the thing that makes this dynamic complicated. She doesn’t know how much this turn me on. Black Mistress has absolutely no fucking idea. See, she didn’t take me out for drinks, seduce me, compliment me on my hair, pretend to get to know me, make a drunken pass…none of that stuff. Instead, she blackmailed me.

It all started that day with her husband, the doctor…the black doctor. Now he knows how to pick up a lady. He seduced me all right, conned me up to their bedroom for a nice quickie while my husband was manning the grill at the neighborhood bar-be-que next door. I probably wasn’t that hard to convince. I’d always been a little curious about black men, always wondered about those myths.

He was all right, but it wasn’t something I ever intended to do again. It was my first infidelity, and at the time, I figured my last as well.

But then came the invite from his wife to pop over for a minute. Then came the pictures. Really, really graphic pictures, of me on my knees with my mouth full reaching around with my finger in his ass. I heard the whole pitch about ruining my marriage, etc., etc., and then she got to the point. She didn’t want money. No, she wanted something much, much better…oh God was it better!

I had her number that instant. I’m no dummy. If I’d gotten down on my knees and given myself to her, she wouldn’t have wanted me. No, she’s not like that. Frankly, she’s not right in the mind (which is so ironic, since she’s a super-successful psychological). No, Black Mistress is a fucked-up sadistic twisted monster with an insatiable need for power. She only gets off on dominating ifit’s against her victim’s will. No consent, no agreed upon limits, no safewords, none of that. I’m sure she’s clinically insane, but like I give a shit.

I’m pretty sure she’s got this thing for white women too. I mean, sure, she’s bi like me, unless the husband is just a front (I kind of doubt it). But I think her whole dominatrix thing is twisted up with her feelings about white women…specifically, reasonably well-off white suburban women. Yep, it’s totally fucked up racial shit. But it’s also really hot, ’cause it just makes her sooooooooooo means to me. And I love it.

So that’s the game. If I keep up my act, and play the convincing blackmail victim being coerced against her will, Black Mistress gets what she wants, and I get what I want. So I know the score. The second I let slip that I’m in to this in any way at all, it’s over with. And I cannot have that. Luckily for both of us, I’m turning out to be a pretty damn good act. Maybe not Academy Award material, but I’m sure I could snag an Emmy.

The only snag for me is that I get sooooooo worked up and turned on during our Thursday sessions. It seems like Black Mistress is always going out of her way to top what she did the week before. I’ve crawled for her, eaten out of a dog dish, been punished by every implementation she can find on Amazon or in her kitchen, bound and gagged so many different ways, stuck in a dog cage, and boy, do I know what the inside of her asshole tastes like. And by the time we’re into the fucking, I just want to cum so bad.

But I can’t.

And here’s where Black Mistress’ vicious sadism actually does me some harm. You see, she knows my schedule. She has me on her doorstep as soon as I’m back from dropping my kids off at school. Then I’m hers until 2:35pm exactly, giving me just enough time to slap my clothes on, speed through some traffic lights, and pick my kids up from school. Then we’re off on soccer runs, errands, play dates, homework, cooking, and before I kNow it, my husband’s home and we’re all having dinner together. Then I have to put the brats to bed!

Think there’s a straight moment in there for momma to hide between the sheets and rub one out? Ha! If there were, I would have found it, believe you me.

Most nights, I’m so randy after the kids are down, that I tear my husband away from his laptop or the television and jump his bones right There in the living room. Luckily, he’s gotten into it, although the change from our usual Thursday night routines took some getting used to for him. But I go down on him with such vigorous enthusiasm, that he just surrenders to the moment. He gets so hard so fast that all his brains drain down into his cock where they belong, and he doesn’t even notice that I smell so weird. I mean, it’s not like There’s ever any time to shower either. So he’s got the scent of me after being horny and worked up all day mixed with the Black Mistress, who’s been all over my body with my face pushed up her assor down serving her cunt, and…yeah, you smell the picture. What I smell like on Thursday is nothing like what I smell like on Tuesday or Wednesday.

So why don’t you just shower first, Nan? Is that what you want to ask me?s I’ll tell you why. When I’ve been working up that long, I don’t want to wait a second longer. And I sure don’t want to risk losing the moment because my stupid husband fell asleep while I was washing Black Mistress off. I want to cum, and I want to do it with my husband’s cock pounding into me. He may not be a dominant, and he may not be a woman, and he’s sure as hell no Black Mistress. But he does love me, and he knows how to make me cum in bed. Sure, I’m doing half the work with my fantasizing, but he knows enough about working the physical part by now to get me the rest of the way there.

One thing I do make sure to do before we fuck: I turn out all the lights. You never know what kind of marks or welts are going to be on my body on Thursdays. Luckily, my husband isn’t that quick about things like that. I just keep the lights off, and sometimes keep his hands from going certain places, and make sure he never gets a good look at me naked. So far, so good.

So that’s the situation right now. I can imagine how this would be most women’s ultimate nightmare. I damn well know that uptight bitch Siobhan down the street wouldn’t be able to handle something like this. And it would put Megan in the funny farm. But me…I have finally found my heaven here on Earth. And I’ve got the marks to prove it.

Black Mistress Journal Entry: Ok, I don’t say this very often, but Nan surprised me. Sure it was obvious to anyone with an ounce of sense that Nan was a latent bi-sexual just waiting to be activated. Dudes wouldn’t pick up on that of course. They’re not so bright when it comes to us ladies. But of course I knew. I could tell all of Nan’s friends knew too. After all, how many times can your neighbor undress you with her eyes beforeYou start putting two and two together? What I hadn’t bargained for, however, was how natural a slave Nan would be. She is just born slave-meat. She was made to be dominated, and dominated hard. She’s trying not to be too obvious, but she enjoys every second on her knees with me. I could spend years testing her limits, and maybe not even find any. To be honest, born submissives like Nan usually aren’t such a turn-on for me. I like to take white women and really dominate them. But what’s probably keeping me interested is the one challenge Nan presents: she just can’t cum. I don’t know what it is. I’ve tried everything, bar actually putting my tongue down there. Maybe she’s just one of those white women who can’t cum. Nahhh, she’s going to cum for me. That’s the only thing in her to break, so I’m going to break her if it’s the last thing I ever do. And I’m going to do it without getting my tongue dirty on her pale white snatch too.

Next Chapter: Fridays are Taylor.


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