The First Time Ch. 1

For Many months she had conversed with a man in a far away country, and had opened herself to Him. T/they had conversed on the Internet, sharing T/their common fetish. Prior to meeting Him online, she was a skeptic. “How could one find arousal and satisfaction with someone who lived so far away, and could possibly be anyone or anything. But there was something about Him that drew her to Him. Something she could Not explain, try as she might. As the weeks turned to months, their talk turned from online to offline. T/they were going to meet! She felt many emotions about meeting Him.

Would He desire her as He had online? Would T/they flow as naturally face-to-face as T/they did online. As the time passed she could barely contain her excitement, it became all she talked of. As she made her travel arrangements to go to Him, her voice quivered. As she contacted other friends in His area to arrange for her safety, she thought she would fail. It was a mixture of anticipation and fear. She was going so far, for a Man she had only talked to online. What if she was making a fool of herself? What if the chemistry T/they shared online was just that only online. Her mind played horrible games with her as the time drew closer. The day she went for her passport photos she nearly fell ill from the knots in her stomach. Her trip was only a few days away now …a matter of 72 hours and she would board a flight and 26 hours later her feet would touch the Australian land for the first time.

Over the ensuing days she packed and repacked. She must have changed her mind a thousand times. Every now and then her eyes would flutter to the selection of toys that she had been instructed to bring, the toys that she had used in T/their conversations. On her final day in Canada, she went to the local fetish shop to pick up the paddle that she had had had made especially for Him. As she stood there looking at the paddle her knees nearly buckled, “my god I’m really going to do this, I’m going to fly have way around the world to meet a man I loved before I even saw His face, and I will submit to Him totally” She ran her fingers over the smoothly varnished paddle and felt a familiar pulse between her legs. In a matter of hours that paddle would be reddening her arse and the hand holding it would be His.

She woke early that morning and showered taking great care to smooth her body as she would not have time in the next 26 hours to do so. She knew how He liked His submissive smooth from all T/their conversations. She dressed comfortably and took a final look around her apartment, grabbed her bags and keys, and she was off to the airport. As she walked up to the baggage check she had a split moment where she nearly turned around and walked back to her car, but then His words slipped into her head: “I love you my lil subbie, come to Me” With the memory of those words, she straightened her back and walked towards the boarding gate, a serene smile upon her face. As she wAlked through the gates the flight attendant smiled at her and she returned the smile. She quickly found her seat by the window and stored her carryon in the overhead compartment and took her seat fasting her seat belt.

She slept fitfully during the long flight waking only to change planes and take her meals. Her mind eager to return to the beauty of her dreams, to the safety of her dreams. As the flight attendant passed by I quietly asked her on the final leg of our journey to wake me when we were about an hour from landing, she nodded and agreed to do so seeing my obvious anticipation. She lightly slumbered the last leg of the journey, her mind returning to all the wonderful and special moments T/they had shared on the Internet, knowing that in a short time they would be reality, her reality.

Softly she was broken from her dreams by the attendant who whispered “you were sleeping so peacefully I hadn’t the heart to wake you, but there is a land to air call for you on the white phone at the back of the cabin” Quickly I raced to the phone, my heart pounding in my chest, what if He was calling to say He changed His mind. Frightened I picked up the phone and heard the soft twang of the Australian Man I had come to know so well over the last months.

“My lil subbie, you are only a matter of minutes from Me now, I am waiting at the airport for you…Come to Me” With that the phone went dead and my heart raced. He wanted me …He still wanted me. I settled the phone in its cradle and raced back to my seat to grab my purse, the flight attendant still standing there with a questioning look on her face.

“Everything alright Ma’am?”

I nodded and smiled and the smile was returned, “its just that we don’t get many land to air calls that are not bearers of bad news” I smiled brightly, My eyes dancing “It was my Master, calling to tell me that I am almost to Him and that He still wants me” With that I fled to the bathroom to complete my dressing, realizing I had forgotten my carry on in the compartment above my seat. I practically ran back and snatched my carry on and headed back to the tiny bathroom. Once there I promptly stripped out of my traveling clothes and pulled the outfit I would greet Him in out of the bag. Along with the outfit were a few things He had requested.

Slowly I unrolled the jewelry pouch on the counter and looked at the clamps. My body Instantly jumped to an aroused state, or more correctly a more aroused state then it had been for the last 25 hours of traveling. With trembling hands I reached for the clamps and began to work them onto my body. The nipple clamps slide on easily, I was grateful for the distraction they provided. I felt the chain dangling against my naked belly as I reached for the clamp attached to the end and carefully slide it into place. I stopped briefly to study myself in the mirror of the bathroom.

Next came the thigh stockings…carefully pulling them up my thighs and settingThey in their place. I pulled the heels from the bag and slipped them on my now almost icy feet. I wiggled myself into the snug fitting mini skirt and then pulled the crisp white button up bloom over my shoulders. My fingers trembled as I tried to fasten the buttons, and then tuck the shirt loosely in my skirt. Once again I looked at myself in the mirror. Quickly I ran a brush through my hair, dabbed a bit of lipstick on my lips and gave myself a spray of my favourite scent Obsession. I fumbled about in my costume bag, I pulled the blusher from it and then looked in the mirror thinking to myself, “I don’t need any there is already a flush in my cheeses” I gathered up my belongings and made my way back to my seat, passing by the flight attendant once again. She smiled and I smiled nervously.

Over the loud speaker I heard the Captain announcement that we were in final approach and to prepare for landing. I shoved the bag in the compartment and anxiously sat down. SNAP went the seatbelt!! As the plane finally touched ground after what seemed like an eternity, I think I finally started to breath again. The other passengers hurried to exit the plane …while I took a moment to compose myself. Seeing that all other passengers had left the plane I rose grabbed my purse and carryon and started for the exit. There stood the flight attendant again.

She bid me “have a good vacation Ma’am and thank you for flying Air Australia ” With her greeting and my mumbled greeting sent back I began to descend the stairs. I thought my legs were going to buckle. My first sight of Australia was a brilliant shining sun. Quickly I made my way to the luggage claim and then onto Customs where I was promptly processed. Finally the Officer said “Welcome to Australia Ma’am, enjoy your stay with us. I clutched my pursuit and carryon and Finally made my way out. I passed through the doors and instantly I saw Him.

He was here; it was not all a dream. I walked along the corridor and as I drew close to Him, I dropped my bags and ran to Him. In a blink of an eye, I was kneeling at His feet, my eyes lifted to His staring into His face for the very first time. I saw His hand reach down to me and touch my cheek, the thundering of my heart in my ears blocking the gasps of those around. He reached for my hand, which I slipped into His and rose to slip into His embrace, O/our lips meeting for the first time.

The smiling flight attendant was walking past and once again said “Enjoy your vacation” to which I replied “this is no vacation, I am finally home ” With that He led me to the car, and off W/e drive into the brilliant Australian sunshine. I was going HOME!!


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