The First Meeting

We have not met but have chatted for a while on the internet until finally the long awaited day comes. You rush home from work and check your emails, I have left my final instructions which you know you must now obey.

You know that you would be mine tonight, you had agreed that much. You thought we could be going out you had no idea where or why.

My instructions are Very clear. Firstly you are to hide the door key outside in a pre arranged location. You are to bathe and set your hair, apply your make up and delicately scent your body paying particular attention to the cream between your buttocks, your breasts and your public shaft (I hope you are shaken, or you will be very soon). You are told to apply the nipple enhancers, two small elastic rings, with the application syringe which I sent you last week. You are to put on a pair of sheer black stockings and a suspender belt, your black heels, some jewellery. Finally you are told to take the blindfold which was sent withthe nipple enhancers and go to the hallway. At 7:00pm precisely you are instructed to knee facing the door sitting on your heels with your legs wide apart, place the blindfold over your eyes and wait with your hands behind your back.

You know is would be difficult being unprepared for any instructions you might read in my email that evening on returning from work but these instructions go far beyond anything you had imagined during your very long day at work. You were so consumed by the prospect of “giving” yourself to me this night that you made so many errors you had to retire to the lay

lady’s room to relive yourself of the tension on no less than four occasions. It is not clear to you if you actually made things worse by doing that. Now you are confronted with those Instructions you wonder if you are capable of going through with them.

But you promised to trust and obey me and you will do your best to comply. You do, and with only minutes to spare you comply. Kneeling blindfolded looking and feeling like a million dollars facing the door you tremble with anticipation.

You hear the door open then close again, you hear my footsteps as I walk slowly towards you but I have said not a word, you tremble hoping that the sight set out before me pleases me, you wonder if you have missed something in my instructions for your preparations. You feel something soft being wrapped around your wrists then fastened with the unmistakable sound of Velcro, first one then the other. Next you feel your wrists being pulled, or rather just gently moved behind your back for you offer no resistance, you hear a plastic “click” and you realize this is the point of no return, you have been cuffed!

You sense the sweet aroma of the freshly cut flowers I picked up from the florist on the way to you as I brush your nipples very lightly with their damp petals your nipple enhancers are doing their job. But still I say not a word.

It seems an age and you are listinging so intently now that you are sure you can hear me breathing, or is that your own breath? Unsure you turn your head slightly so as to hear better. “STAY STILL!” I snap, these are the first words you hear me say and they are not followed up, at least not yet, you obey.

As I move the petals down ever so slowly to your naked stomach, slowly downwards, slowly, “open please” I say very politely in direct contrast to the previous order and remembering the impact of that previous order you obey immediately and open your knees as far as you can. You start to move your hips as I very lightly brush the inner tops of your thighs above your stockings with the petals touching your now swollen labia as if “just in passing” as I move from one tight to the other. Finally and only after I am sure by your movements (which I permit this time) do I concentrate the contact of the petals to your vagina and cliporis, I sense your arousal building, your breathing becoming heavier and more erraticYou are gyrating your hips in a manner which must surely be painful in your current posture and you are moaning softly. You are becoming desperate for release…….

“I’ll just go and put these in water then” I say as I march briskly away to the kitchen. You hear the sound of wrapping paper being removed and water being poured into the sink. Knowing that you can be seen from the kitchen and remembering the first time You decided to strain to hear me whilst you remain perfectly still. I leave you there for longer than it would normally take to put a bunch of flowers in water whilst I quietly explore my surroundings for the first time. I discover the bathroom and your bedroom and I am pleased to see that you have a decorative yet well constructed wrong iron bed head. I decide that you have remained unattended for long enough and as I return I see that you are indeed a willing submissive and have not moved a muscle.

You hear me approaching and you know that I can see your breasts heaving in anticipation. Your pussy is self lubricating profusely now and you are certain that, despite the use of the perfume as instructed, I must be able to detect the sweet scent of your arousal, I can. As I stand close beside you and bend to bring my face closer to yours I gently tilt your head backwards slowly I move still closer until our lips touch, at the same time brushing my fingers almost imperceptibly over your nipples, first one, then the other. As our lips touch I open my mouth, you respond instantly and return my advances with a long lasting sweet and very deep French kiss.

At last I release your mouth back to you, not that you will ever really own it again. Moving behind you I gently order you to “stand up now please” and assist by lifting you as best I can by your waist and your upper arms. I turn you away from the door so that you are facing me and repeat the kiss this time very lightly passing my hand between your legs back and forth, back and forth until I can feel you effectively and freely dripping your sweet juices onto my hand, you taste wonderful at both ends. I take hold of both of your nipples quite firmly but not enough to cause you any real pain (yet) and walking backwards I guide you by your nipples.

To the bedroom, you survey as you blindly follow, you are so aroused now that you have not a care in the world and as long as you find release you are ready to take anything I can mete out to you, you are close to total abandonment. But instead of the bedroom you are surprised to sense that the bathroom is your destination for this particular journey. I turn you still holding your nipples and quietly order “Sit, and remember to keep your knees apart” you hesitate, I understand this as it is out first real encounter and making allowances I quietly repeat the order, but still you hesitate. This being your chance to impress me with your willingness to please and obey I realize that something must be done and quickly if youare to gain the best from this experience. “Am I to take this for obedience young lady?” I firmly proclaim with a somewhat lower voice than before, slowly increasing the pressure of my grip on your nipples. “You will come to regret this type of behavior”, still harder until you succumb and lower your resistance you sit on the toilet seat “for him, a complete stranger, and at our first meeting” you think to yourself.

“This is a major step forward” I think to myself as, once more, I bend beside you. Releasing my grip on your nipples I once again tilt your head back with one hand and moving the other between your legs I find your cliporis, I find all of your delicate and by now very wet private organizations and gently massage them during another long and deep French kiss, your embarrassment Quickly dissolves into renewed sexual excitement. I sense your orgasm approaching and issue your final mission orders “When you cum I want you to pee”. I have only seconds to revert to exclusive cliporal stimulation before you obey me. You now belong to me, nobody has ever got this close to you and probably never will, unless I arrange it!

“What am I doing?” you silently ask yourself as you feel the waters flow relentlessly from your body as you melt in the final throws of your first orgasm of this evening. “How is this man, who I have never before met, managing to have such control over me?” for you have never before even thought of allowing a man into your bathroom and certainly not to actually watch, or rather feel you peeing! For it is difficult to see much whilst engrossed in that wonderfully deep and sensitive French kiss. You are lost in a total confusion of emotions and you mind is only now beginning it?s slow decent from that higher plane of existence which you ever Increasedly long to visit.

I gently wipe or rather dab you dry trying carefully not to waste those delicate pussy juices for they have not yet completed their task. As your breathing slowly stableises and you begin to regain your senses you feel a warm and welcome relief engulfing you “is this love, slavery, what?” but you are still confused and dismiss the thought. Suddenly you are awoken from your forced dream by a gentle pressure returning to your nipples as my thumbs and forefingers lift them steadily upwards. It takes a while and it is only as the pain gradually increases that you Become aware that this upward motion is not going to stop. You rise from your “loving seat” of a few moments earlier and defenceless as you are you follow me like a pet puppy dog. As long as you respond to my movements the pain becomes less than pain, more a gentle even exiting but certainly stimulating massage.

You guess where the next stop will be as I expertly manipulate your ‘reins’ so that you are standing with the back of your legs touching the foot of your bed. “DON’T STAND WITH YOUR FEET TOGETHER!” I shout, no not shout but firmly order. You obey immediately by moving your feet about18 inches apart. You have no difficulty in responding to my orders by now simply because you want to not because you are being made to or fear the consequences of failure. You no longer fear anything but long for the inevitable reward of compliance.

“Thank you, that’s much better” I whisper softly close to your ear. “Now sit” in the same tone. You obey and dare not close your legs. I reach Behind being certain to contact your nipples and bush across them as I work. It takes a ridiculously long time but I eventually locate the plastic clip securing the two halves of your hands. Taking a wrist in each hand I move your arms to your front and re-secure the clip. Now working from the side I lift your hands above your head with one hand and placing the other between your shoulders I slowly lower you onto your bed.

“What is this?” your mind asks, “How am I to ever know the difference between order and praise? This man is a mine field of confusion and that just in the few wordsI’ve managed to hear so far. I must remember to listen very carefully and understand. Why do I feel so comfortable and yet so exposed, vulnerable and defenseless in front of this stranger?” Your mind is working overtime but you don?t want this kind of stimulation. You have become wanton, you crave for another kind of stimulation right now and all of your sexual organizations are relentlessly demanding it! “Am I becoming a slut?” You giggle under your breath.

Still holding your arms above your head I once again release the clip only to re-secure it on the other side of the bedpost. You are now both exposed and imprisoned and I can ‘work’ hands free. Returning to the foot of your bed I firmly take hold of both ankles and slide them upwards towards the rest of your body. Your knees have to go somewhere and partly because of your perceived order not to close them (I have said nothing) and partly because you don?t want to close them, you allow your knees to part of their own natural according.It is only when I run out of room to move your feet any closer to you that I change direction and move them apart as far as my arms will permit The shortest distance between points is a straight line and my face now lies exactly in the middle of that shortest distance between your far spread ankles. I am presented with a wonderful gift of stimuli. The heady aroma of your relentlessly flowing natural juices mixed with the subtly erotic scent of your deliciously applied perfume perfectly compliments the very close proximity of your open vagina and very swollen labia wet and glistening like a dreamscape. You are gorgeous!..

All of my senses are in overload, the close proximity of the heady arc emanating from your deliciously perfumed pubis mingled with the sweetness of your natural juices together with the stunning shimmering wetness and fine aesthetic detail of your genitals are driving me wild with sheer password. I want to take you here and now but I resist. Softly I blow onYour womanhood first cold then hot, then cold again, alternative hoping this will stimulate you. It does.

All of your senses are in overload, stretched and played open in this way for this near stranger. You feel so helpless, so vulnerable, so ‘displayed’. After only just recovering from your earlier experiences your breathing is becoming heavy once more. The tingling in your pussy returns, as you Feel a flood of your natural juices start their downward journey towards your bed, your mind is screaming for me to take you here and now.

Firstly I plant a soft tender and very we kiss firmly and squarely over the whole of the opening I now crave to enter. Then lightly, almost imperceptibly with the tip of my tongue I slowly, softly encircle this most inviting of entrances. After more slow slippy wet kisses and still more very slow circuits I firmly and deliberately collect your sweet nectar from bottom to top with my tongue. Your delicate flavour is exhaust to my tongue.

Lost in your own arousal you abandon yourself to your inevitable fate. Melting, calm and yet not relaxed you feel a tension building, growing relentlessly. You want to grab hold of me by the ears and just shove my face into your pussy. “Fuck me now!” your mind bellows, but you resist this urge to scream.

As I suck your cliporis though my teeth, deliberately gently at first then More deliberately, releasing the pressure only to renew it immediately, sometimes gently sometimes sometimes powerful, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly I feel your hips gyrating, trying to match this elastic non existing rhythm. I know only too well this is extremely frustrating and exciting for you, just a few more sensings to add to your rapidly growing collection of experiences. Only a little longer my sweet one and you can have your release I muse.

“This guy is driving me wild” struggled for breath now, sometimes holding it in an attempt to achieve release. Maybe if I move my hips more urgenttly (he might ease off and prevent me), maybe if I lie still (he may try harder, else he will guess, anyway I can’t be still), what if I ask nicely? Or demand it? No he won’t fall for that one”.

You are now clean out of options, nothing left save to abandon yourself totally to my control. I have already decided how and now it is for me to decide when. I am enjoying watching, feeling you struggle for release, desperate now, pussy lips swollen out of all proportion, a damp area on the bed under your buttocks (I am pleased I remembered to place a towel on my passenger seat this evening) this girl is prolific. Getting nearer now to that point of no return, that point where the spirit, abandoning the confines of the material word, floats timelessly in that all too short moment of sheer ecstasy. I finally relent and combine My movements with yours permitting you to control the speed and direction for these last few thrusts as you slip out of control into a second shuddering climax whichh seems to last for eternity. You feel ecstatic, contented and relaxed. You want to sleep but I have other plans for you this evening.

Resisting the urge to lap up the remainder of this delightfully sweet nectar you have been so kind enough to secrete for my enjoyment I move to the headboard and release you from your cuffs but not the blindfold. Sitting on the bed sideways and beside you I cares you tenderly while allowing you a few moments of peace, I lovingly stroke your hair, your face, your breasts, allowing myself the luxury of spending more time on those than would seem necessary.

You smile, uncontrollable.

“Sit up” I say happily, as I help you swing your legs to the side of the bed and offer my arm for you to pull on “Don’t close your legs” I marvel at your still very wet genitals slowly returning to their un-swollen state. Leaving you there for a moment I move to your wardrobe. I have already chosen your clothes, you modelled some items for my on your webcam recently. A mid length full skirt. A white lacy blouse, not see through but thin enough to disclose the outline of your breasts and your enlarged nipples in the right circumstances. And a soft feel woollen coat, more like a wrap than a coat for it has a tie belt but this is the only means of closure. It resembles a dressing gown in many ways. It is not cold but it could be on the way home, I will carry it for you.

You hum softly to yourself as you hear me rummaging through your clothes but you care not for you trust me now. And then you hear my voice once more. “Open please” I softly command as I run my finger tip lightly across your ruby ​​lips. You obey. Hearing the unmistakeable sound of my zipper fly directly in front of your nose you understand Your next task without me even uttering single word. You are happy to provide this service after the treatment you have received so far this evening. You softly cares my shake in your now free hands and guide me eagerly into your hungry mouth. Lovingly you go to work on me and languish in satisfaction as you hear my soft moaning, satisfaction of an expertly executed task, “for him!” You wonder if you can swallow, if you must swallow, what will be my reaction if you spit, dribble. What if you pull off before the end? But you need not have worried those questions will have to be answered later I have every intention of prolonging this first meeting and our shared arousal well into the night. I save myself for later.

“Get up please, time to get you dressed”. You obey.

You feel the soft, light fabric of the blouse first, you have no idea which one I have selected but you are very aware that I have not selected a bra to accompany it. Lifting one leg then the other, you are aware of your skirt being pulled upwards to your waist. “Men!. You giggle quietly to yourself, they never know how to dress a woman, easier over the head, all those years of trousers” you feel the skirt zip tightening the waist band. You feel completely vulnerable now and you are aware that you could never go out like this alone!

I make the final adjustments to your neckline, or rather your plumge line, as I struggle to create the desired effect. I don?t want you naked, not looking like a tart but I need you feeling that way on this our special night.

“Oh hell, I might as well be naked!” you think as I move you in front of the mirror and finally restore your sight. It is difficult for you and you know you can always refuse but you trust me and a small part of you has always been eager to appear totally naked in public anyway. It is your inhibitions which need to be overcome and I have already explained that you need this type of experience in order to reach your final goal and chosen destiny.

I take your arm and escort you to my car, opening the door I remind you not to sit on your skirt or close your legs. Noticing the tower on the seat you obey. I go to the other side of the car and place your wrapon the back seat and ease myself into the driving seat, before fasting my seat belt I cannot resist one more kiss. As I lean over my hand moves instinctively to your pussy as I give and receive a long loving French kiss. Your flowing juices once again betray your excitement. “Keep it wet for me” I softly, lovingly order as I ease the car away gently “pleenty of time, DON’T CUM YET!”.


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