‘Has it got a ghost?’ Josie’s voice was shrink with excitement at the thought as she looked at the castle. As a castle it wasn’t much, more of an old house with battlements and turrets. Still, it was a castle.
She had met Ian at college and they had clicked immediately. He had been studying for a degree in Business Management and only much later told her that he was hoping to expand his family’s whiskey distilling business in Scotland. She was studying Creative Writing whilst working on her second book. On leaving college they moved in together, but a few weeks later Ian had been called back to Scotland as his father was ill. Ian’s father only lasted another week. This was when Ian phoned Josie and told her that he was now the laird, and had a castle. It wasn’t a big castle, but it was old. He proposed to her during the telephone call, and at the end of a whirlwind fortnight Ian was driving Josie to her new home as his bride.
‘I haven’t seen any ghosts, although there isa rumour that one appears whenever the laird is away. Sarah, the housekeeper probably knows more about it than I do.’
Like Catherine in ‘Northanger Abbey’ most of Josie’s knowledge of Scottish castles came from fiction. She had expected the housekeeper to be a stern-looking thin woman wearing a black dress and a frilly apron. Instead Sarah was a short plump woman in her late forties dressed in jeans and a tee shirt emblazoned with the name of a designer brand. She soon found that Sarah was more of a member of the family than a service. Seeing how tired Josie was after the long journey from the South of England, Sarah soon had her settled in bed with a hot cocoa.
Rearranged the house took time and energy, and Josie had little time to spend worrying about ghosts as she rearranged a small bedroom as an office for her writing, and spend some time finding her way around the castle.
‘Sure you can manage without me, Darling?’ Ian asked a few weeks later as he zipped up hissuitcase.
‘Of course I can. You know Sarah does most of the work anyway. I’ll miss you at night though.’
‘It’s important that I secure this deal to get us into the Japanese markets. You know I have to be there. It’s only for ten days.’
‘I know. We’ll keep your castle safe while you’re gallivanting about with geisha girls.’ Sarah laughed, accepting his kiss.
She sipped at the coffee had brought her as she watched him make the final preparations. She had thought he looked good in jeans and te shirts at college but was now finding his broad shoulders and height made a suit look good too. As soon as he left the room she ran to the window, which overlooked the castle entrance and watched as he folded himself into the car and drove away. Josie knew the small car was practical but somehow it didn’t look right in front of their grand front door.
Josie wasn’t looking forward to sleeping without Ian at her side so she delayed going to bed until after midnight. Shewas deep in sleep when something roused her. She knew she had heard a noise, but she didn’t know what she had heard. She listened and heard a rattling noise. She switched on the light and heard it again, coming from the direction of the kitchen. Looking for something, anything, to use as a weapon Josie opened the large cupboard in the hallway and pulled out Ian’s old hockey stick. It would have to do. Holding the stick firmly she headed downstairs. With all the lights on, Josie checked that the front door was locked, then the back door. Both were secure, and all the windows were closed and barred. Ian’s father had been conscious that the lack of immediate neighbors made them vulnerable, and made the house as secure as he could. Josie heard the rattling in the kitchen again, and cautiously tiptoed into in. There was no sign of anything which could have made the metallic noise she had heard. She laughed at herself creeping around a castle in the middle of the night. It feel like something from a horror movie. She grabbed a pickle sandwich and a hunk of cheese. Nothing scary could happen if she had a cheer and pickle sandwich. It was not until she was settled back into bed that she remembered her first day at the castle and Ian telling her that Sarah knew something about a ghost.
‘Did you hear anything in the night, Sarah?’
‘Yeah. That was Dorothy our ghost. She worries when the laird isn’t in the house.’
‘Tell me more.’ Josie’s voice showed eager excitement.
‘As soon as I finish making breakfast.’
Josie waited impatiently until Sarah dished up cereal and coffee for both of them, and joined her at the table. Sarah sat with a smile on her face, teasing Josie.
At last Josie gave into the temptation.
‘Come on, spill!’
‘Dorothy was the lady of the castle back in … oh, the eighteenth century I believe. She and the laird were loved by all the staff, and seemed to be a really happy couple. Every so often Dorothy would disappear from the castle for a week or two. Nobody know where she went, and the laird never mentioned her absences.
The laird was killed in a hunting accident during one of the periods when Dorothy was missing. They tried to find her, but nobody could.’ Sarah shivered. ‘They found her months later, still in the castle. There was a hidden passage in the basement, which led to a dungeon with a tiny cage in it. Poor Dorothy must have starved to death when the laird didn’t come back to free her. All the time he must have been imprisoning her regularly and she never told anybody but suffered in silence.’
Sarah watched Josie take in the story, her eyes wide.
‘What did they do with the cage?’ Josie asked.
‘It’s still down there. Several lairds have tried to remove it, but like magic it always resists any efforts to change it. In the end they just locked the door and left it there.’
‘Can I see it?’
‘Sorry, only Ian knows where the key is. It is passed from father to son with the lairdship.’
Sarah was surprised at the disappointment on Josie’s face. She would not have been surprised if Josie had disappeared into her office to write a story about Dorothy, but instead she seemed more interested in the cage.
Eventually the two women parted, each to her own work, and no more was said.
Josie waited until Ian had been back for a week before bringing up the subject that had been filling her thoughts ever since that chat with Sarah.
‘Can I see your cage?’
Ian blinked at her, confused.
‘Sarah told me about the ghost. She says the cage is still there, and only you have the key.’
‘That’s all in Sarah’s imagination. There’s no such thing as ghosts.’
‘I heard her. She’s real.’ Something in Josie objected to calling Dorothy ‘it.’
Ian rummaged through the drawers in his study, eventually finding a tiny key which he used it to open a larger box which contained an antique looking key, large andornate.
‘I suppose it won’t hurt to look.’
Josie had expected the basement to be dark and dank; instead Ian clicked a switch which flooded the area with fluorescent lights. The room was very large, and most of it was filled with shelving units containing boxes, tools and gardening equipment. Ian led Josie through the room, and picked up a lantern before leading her down a darker passage. This was what she had expected; the passage had stone walls and floors, and an arched brick ceiling. As they progressed, she noticed that the walls were getting closer together and the ceiling lower. Ian had to bow his head as they reached the heavy iron door. It was old looking, but Josie knew enough history to suspect that it was imitation Gothic rather than the real thing.
‘You sure you want to see this?’ he asked in a dolorous voice. Sarah wasn’t sure if he was teasing her or not. She nodded.
The space behind the door was more like a cupboard than a room. The cage was made of thick bars of metal. It was plainly made to fit the space, as there was barely room to walk around it. A padlock held the door closed, and a key hung from the padlock on a detachable chain. There was a patch on the floor as if something had dripped there a long time ago and stained the cage floor. Josie could barely contain her excitement as she unlocked the padlock and crawled into the cage. Ian watched her with amused bewilderment.
The cage was not tall enough to allow her to stand, or even to sit without bowing her head, but if she stayed on all fours like an animal she was fine. Josie guessed that was the point. She twisted herself around to face Ian and handed him the key.
‘Lock me in.’ She ordered.
‘What?’ Ian couldn’t believe his wife had said that.
‘You won’t believe how much this is turning me on. Please lock me in.’ She grinned and batted her eyes at him sexually. ‘I’ll make it worth your while.’
Shaking his head, and still looking bemused Ianput the padlock back in place and locked it.
‘The big door too?’
At her nod he closed and locked the big door, leaving Josie in the darkness of her enclosed space.
As the light from his lantern disappear, Josie pushed against the bars, savouring her imprisonment. This was the fulfillment of many of her fansies of being locked in a cage. The lock on the big door clunked heavily making it plain she would not get out until she was released. How had it felt for Dorothy, locked in here with no hope of escape? As she heard the lock release Josie had a blinding revelation.
‘You’re thoughtful tonight. Are you worrying about poor Dorothy stuck in that cage.’
This was some time after Josie had dragged him up to the bedroom and showed him how excited being in the cage had made her feel.
‘Mm. I think I know what happened. The laird wasn’t being cruel, he was as kind as everybody thought. Dorothy liked being locked in that cage for a week or two at a time, and he was indulging her. She died because nobody else knew that she was there. The poor girl must have starved to death when nobody freed her.’
‘You think that’s likely?’
‘I’m sure. That’s why her ghost rattles the chains only when the laird is away from the castle and can’t release her.’
‘In that case I insist that we tell somebody else when I chain you up next time.’
Josie looked at him in surprise then kissed him soundly.
‘You’ll do that for me?’
‘Only if and when you want. I haven’t the nervous to tell Sarah, you’ll have to explain it.’
The rest of the conversation consisted of grunts and squeals as Josie showed her appreciation of his understanding.
‘Of course I’ll be your safety back-up’ Sarah confirmed after Josie had made her nervous enquiry. ‘I never fancied it myself, but a friend of mine was very into bondage at one time. It was usually my job to release her if she indulged in self bondage. Leave the keys in the big door, so I canfree you if Ian can’t for any reason.’
‘How long for?’ Ian asked.
‘Until morning. If I like it perhaps we can try for longer spells.’
‘Whatever you want. I still think I should install a “panic button.”‘
‘Dungeons don’t have panic buttons. Now anxious up and lock me in.’
‘Clothes first.’
‘What?’ Sarah wasn’t sure if he means what she hoped he mean.
‘I am not letting my prisoners keep their clothes on.’
He did. He had been reading up on bondage. Josie stripped willingly and handed her clothes to him.
As they had agreed, Ian put one of the lanterns he had brought with him beside the cage, so that she could see as well as feel her imprisonment. A quick kiss and he held the door of the cage open so that she could back into it and avoid the need to turn around. He closed and locked the cage without looking at her. Ian turned the lock on the big door and hung up the key. Back in his bedroom he thought about his wife locked up in the dungeon below and touched his hard cock. She wasn’t the only one excited by this.
Josie looked around the cage. Apart from bars and that small stain there was nothing to see except bars and her naked body. The lantern flickered and went out plunging her into darkness. Now she really felt imprisoned. Her heart was in her mouth as she felt around the bars. The cage felt much smaller now that she could not see it. Ian had put a new wick into the lantern, and fastened the cover securely. Josie couldn’t imagine how it had failed her so quickly. Then the lock rattled. The cage door had creaked when it was shut and there was no noise to show that it had opened again, but Josie felt something brush very softly against her nipples. There was silence. She could feel no sense of anyone in the cage with her, but then she felt a finger at her pussy, pushing gently inside. Unable to help herself she humped against it, pulling it deeper.
Another joined it and Josie forget her appreciation aboutt what was happening as she exploded into an orgasm.
‘Enjoy my cage.’
The words were quiet, Josie wasn’t absolutely sure she heard them, perhaps it was her imagination, but as she slumped onto the floor of the cage exhausted something brushed against her lips and there was a faith rattle of the chains.
Josie was now convinced that she was right about Dorothy and her laird, and sank into a happy sleep. In the morning the stain was no longer on the floor, just a wet puzzle where Josie’s lust had got the better of her.
Josie’s life continued for many years as she believed Dorothy’s had done. Sarah continued as their safety watch, and when she retired her daughter, Jade continued to perform the same function – with a twist. Her husband, Hank, had the same kink as Josie did, so Josie and Ian served as their safety watchers. It sometimes proved difficult to keep what they were doing secret from their two children, but they managed it.
By his late seventies, Ianwas getting far too doddery to manage the steps to the basement and their son, Evan took custody of the keys. For obvious reasons he preferred not to take part, but he was quite happy to leave the keys where the three could continue to use them.
At eighty five, Josie, now a grandmother five times over, and a great-grandmother twice, was surrounded by her family as she died, including Jade and Hank. She had led a good life and there was a contented smile on her face as Hank closed her eyes.
Shortly after Josie’s death, Jade locked Hank into the cage. They had been too embarrassed to tell Evan what they were doing, and had since Dorothy’s ghost had been silent all this time, the reason for the ‘watch’ had been forgotten. Only Jade knew where Hank was for that weekend.
Lying in bed, far from the basement, Jade hear the cage rattle. Worried for her husband’s safety, since she had never heard anything like that before, she hurried to unlock the cage. She found Hank fast asleep on the floor of the cage, clearly in no distress. As she opened the cage to check on him, a tiny voice in her ear said: ‘Don’t forget the watcher.’ There was nobody in sight, and the voice sounded like Josie’s. Jade helped Hank from the cage, and explained what she had heard.
‘Josie wrote a story once about a ghost. It was never published, but she gave me a copy.’
After digging in one of his drawers he found the story about Dorothy’s ghost. The two vowed to overcome their embarrassment and tell Evan before looking Hank up the next night.
Hank loved the enveloping blackness once the iron door was locked, and stood on all fours. As always he let his animal side out and grew, fantasising about being a dog locked up for bad behaviour.
‘What the fuck!’ he shouted as something touched his cock. In spite of, or maybe because of, his terror his cock went from hard to super-hard as he clearly felt the phantom touch of fingers. Then he moaned. There was a giggleand more hands were touching him, exciting him until he spurted. As soon as he got his breath back the fingers started again, and he was encouraged back to hardness. They moved slower this time, and he knew they were not trying to hurt him.
‘That’s better. Now we know you’re safe you should have a reward.’ The voice was a woman’s and soft, but it wasn’t anyone he had heard before. Later he was sure that it must have been Dorothy.
The fingers moved to his nipples and his cock was encased in a mouth. There was no warmth, but the tongue working on his cock had the desired effect, and another tongue began working on his balls. In spite of the earlier orgasm Hank was getting close again.
After the second exploration from his balls Hank sank to the floor of the cage, panting.
‘Thank you’ he whispered.
‘You’re welcome. Keep safe.’ Two voices chorused as he sank into a deep sleep.
In the morning there were three patches of damp in the cage, and Hank was exhaustedted and happy when Jade released him.
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